Why Do So Many Whites, Especially RW Whites Equate

Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Racism was alive and well 500 years ago and will be alive and well for the foreseeable future, it's how you deal with it that counts...

I can only speak for myself, but it is probably a safe bet that most of white Conservative America is tired of the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Shelia Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters screaming racism every single time they see fit...

What's amazing is these individuals and the agenda they promote continues to get air time and in regards to Trayvon Martin it's purely political in a year our first Black POTUS is up for re-election...

If it is proven George Zimmerman is guilty, what does that mean when it comes to racism? Zimmerman clearly uttered "f***ing coons", so tell me, do you believe Jackson, Sharpton, Lee or Waters has never used the "f***ing cracker" remark, how about you?

We are all guilty of using racial slurs, if you deny it, you're a liar...

It's time that Black Leaders quit using the racial card...

Trayvon Martin's death is senseless, tragic and sad...

And if George Zimmerman is guilty of murder, our justice system needs to make certain he receives the proper punishment...

And if he is found to be acting in self defense, everyone that screamed racism needs to realize there is a different problem to deal with...
So in other words, it always existed and will always exist, so shut up and don't speak about it, because you don't wanna here it.

OK, got it. :clap2:
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Racism was alive and well 500 years ago and will be alive and well for the foreseeable future, it's how you deal with it that counts...

I can only speak for myself, but it is probably a safe bet that most of white Conservative America is tired of the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Shelia Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters screaming racism every single time they see fit...

What's amazing is these individuals and the agenda they promote continues to get air time and in regards to Trayvon Martin it's purely political in a year our first Black POTUS is up for re-election...

If it is proven George Zimmerman is guilty, what does that mean when it comes to racism? Zimmerman clearly uttered "f***ing coons", so tell me, do you believe Jackson, Sharpton, Lee or Waters has never used the "f***ing cracker" remark, how about you?

We are all guilty of using racial slurs, if you deny it, you're a liar...

It's time that Black Leaders quit using the racial card...

Trayvon Martin's death is senseless, tragic and sad...

And if George Zimmerman is guilty of murder, our justice system needs to make certain he receives the proper punishment...

And if he is found to be acting in self defense, everyone that screamed racism needs to realize there is a different problem to deal with...
So in other words, it always existed and will always exist, so shut up and don't speak about it, because you don't wanna here it.

OK, got it. :clap2:

No you don't have it, and you probably never will...

Reverse the rolls, is the word racism used? Not at all, you're looking for hate and will probably find it...
Well, now that I'm good 'n drunk, I've lost interest in this thread.
Go figger.
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.
the facts are you hate the right because you are an anti white racist !!!
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Why do left wing idiots see racism under every rock?
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

1. Any situation where an avoidable bad outcome happens because of some instance where race is the deciding factor.

2. It's always ok to talk about racism.

3. It's always ok to speak out and be outraged about racism when racism is a significant factor.

Black guy shooting white girl isn't always racism and neither is white guy shooting black guy (or girl).
Do you guys have any idea how obsessed this board is about race?

It's like this board lives in the mid 1950s.
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

good question... but it could easily be turned back and thrown in the faces of your lefty friends...

How many white slaves did your ancestors have?

How many whites were lynched?

Besides the gays, how many whites have been denied the right to marry who they want? Besides those who wanted to marry a black person?

In fact, looking at the Republican's current drive towards "voter suppression", how many right wingers have been denied the right to vote?

It's crazy to compare what the two races have done to each other. Especially in the south, blacks still have it hard.
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I knew a cop in Floridastan that got 2 weeks without pay for bungee cording a watermelon to the front bumper of his squad car. The chief asked "WTF" is that all about ? He said " I'm trolling" :D No. I'm not kidding.
Why Do So Many Whites, Especially RW Whites Equate < that's bigotry.
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself? You are a habitual liar and a racist yourself, so it's very hard to take you seriously.

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts. more bigotry

What is racist in your eyes? that would take a long time to answer. But it's basically hate/fear of anyone different than you.

When is it OK to talk about racism? any day that ends in y

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism? ditto

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong? No, and NBPP sign works just as well

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Are you this upset that the NBPP has put out a contract on an innocent man?
Isn't it racism that they are getting away with this?
Black AG, + 1/2 black Pres = they can hire hitmen and commit other crimes with no worry of being arrested.
What is racist in your eyes?




Acapulco Black Film Festival
American Association of Blacks in Energy
Black Women's Network
Congress of National Black Churches
Harvard Black Law Students Association
International Black Women's Congress
Nat'l. African American Speakers Association
Nat'l. Assn. of African American Studies
Nat'l. Assn. of Black Journalists
Nat'l. Assn. of Black Women Entrepreneurs
Nat'l. Black Child Development Institute
Nat'l. Org. of Black Law Enforcement Execs.
Professional Women of Color
The Organization of Black Airline Pilots Inc
Nat'l. Coalition-Blacks for Reparations in Am
Nat'l. Black Police Association Inc.
Nat'l. Black Caucus - Local Elected Officials
Nat'l. Assn. of Black-Owned Broadcasters Inc.
Nat'l. Assn. of Black Social Workers
Nat'l. Assn. of Black College Broadcasters
International Black Women's Congress

African American Message Boards at Blackrefer.com
Every. single. last. one of those organizations were created as a result of America's racist past. They began during the era of segregation.

Although segregation is no longer the case in this country, the ramifications of it still are alive and well.

Do you disagree with that?

See, that poster.... Gunside or whatever his handle is.... he's a racist. Salt Jones... he's a racist... 52ndStreet... racist... We have a few on this board.... most of us, no we are not. But, sadly, that does not stop rabid hacks like yourself from labeling us as such - but that's more because we disagree with how to help our minority Americans.
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

The fact that you paint all "whites" with your extremely broad brush kind of answers your own question doesn't it?
This thread is not about me.

Try answering the bolded questions.

I'd really like to know.
It's okay to be outraged about racism when it's really racism.

When it's a spurious charge leveled because you don't like what somebody says and you're attempting to shame him into silence so you can declare victory -- it's not okay.

And do me a favor: Don't insist that never happens. It's the idiots who have done so continually for years that have made the word meaningless.
I never insist that that never happens.

However, it seems that you and others of your ideology are of the belief that racism never happens.

What I'm looking from really, from you guys are instances of when it's a valid claim.

Not anything that actually happened per say, but more like what type of things need to happen for you to find it a valid racist claim.

Considering America's history, isn't it better to err on the side of caution, that is considering your belief that there's just too much false claims of racism.

You guys claimed that you were SEVERELY offended by Obama's "guns and religion" remark, although it clearly has truth to it, but that's what you claimed and you want people to respect your offence and act accordingly.

Somehow that doesn't get reciprocated.

I think there's a lot of white guilt that drives many whites to this instinctive vitriolic defensive and reflexive response to the mere mention of race.

Do you think there's any truth to that?
There's no truth to any of that, except to our offence at Obama's stupid, out-of-touch remark.
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Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Why do left wing idiots see racism under every rock?

Because there is real racism under some rocks. The problem is that they can't see it because they're too busy trying to find it where it doesn't exist.
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

You may have something to feel guilty about, but I don't.
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

The problem is MarcAtl, that people don't call you out on your racist shit, so you don't think it's racist, but it is. The left gets away with OVERT racisim in this country, and many good people would like to see that change.

You can't assume that just because someone is of color they have been wronged, because of the color of thier skin by whites or anyone eles. You do it all the time, the liberals on this board do it all the time, it's racist, and it's fucking bullshit.

And now you're playing the victim...
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.

Why do left wing idiots see racism under every rock?

The better question is, why do you think that we do?
Pointing out racism or perceived racism, as something that's racist and offensive in and of itself?

Especially being that, often times, these same folks also tend to have very tepid responses to actual racist acts.

What is racist in your eyes?

When is it OK to talk about racism?

When is OK to speak out and/or be outraged about racism?

Does someone have to have a sign on their back and a KKK uniform on for you to begin to say or see that is wrong?

I'd really like to know here, because this stuff is getting ridiculous now.


The left wingers are the ones that feel guilty about their racism, the right wingers are proud of it.
How many white slaves did your ancestors have?

Your ignorance is showing again. If you go through history and count up all the slaves you will find that more whites were slaves than blacks.

How many whites were lynched?

More than you think.

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded. Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched. That is only 27.3%. Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968

Besides the gays, how many whites have been denied the right to marry who they want? Besides those who wanted to marry a black person?

Not sure anyone has an accurate count on that, but I will bet it is more than you think.

In fact, looking at the Republican's current drive towards "voter suppression", how many right wingers have been denied the right to vote?

Your racism is showing again.

It's crazy to compare what the two races have done to each other. Especially in the south, blacks still have it hard.

Yet you are comparing it, does that make you crazy?

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