why do some believe religion over science

why do some people believe religion instead of science

You haven't given any specifics on this, but broadly speaking "science" is often wrong and in the current era based more upon politics than actual fact.

Having doubt about the veracity of scientific "fact" is very often the wisest move.
why do some people believe religion instead of science
Because belief in religion is just another word for faith..which requires no proof of anything. Science demands proof, hypotheses must be backed up by tangible evidence. The mere definition of faith explains it..'
  • noun..The assent of the mind to the truth of a proposition or statement for which there is not complete evidence; belief in general.

  • noun...In a more restricted sense: In theology, spiritual perception of the invisible objects of religious veneration; a belief founded on such spiritual perception.

why do some believe religion over science​

Why do some prefer brunettes over blondes? Or women over men?
Some are persuaded by emotion, by human need.
Others are persuaded by logic.

In our culture science is the criterion of truth. It was not ever thus. In the remote past authority attended rank. The elder, the shaman, the clan chief that determined truth.

For the skeptic, no proof is possible.
For the believer, no proof is necessary.

why do some believe religion over science?​

I'll let them speak for themselves. I find logic difficult to refute.
why do some people believe religion instead of science
A good example would be how atheists refuse to accept the science that the universe was created from nothing even though this is the leading theory which has been confirmed in a myriad of ways.
A good example would be how atheists refuse to accept the science that the universe was created from nothing ...
I've never known anyone that self-identifies as an atheist to explicitly reject big bang theory.
Even if there are a few, I doubt they number enough of a % to be considered anything more than a rounding error.
I've never known anyone that self-identifies as an atheist to explicitly reject big bang theory.
Even if there are a few, I doubt they number enough of a % to be considered anything more than a rounding error.
They reject that the universe was created from nothing which is part of the big bang theory. In my discussions on this board it is 100%.
d #34

This solar system is infested with humans, many among them are ignorant norami. *

I'm a reformed atheist, perhaps ironically, spiritual.
I realized the detriment of self-definition in the negative, in terms of what I did not believe.

- Atheism is about what one does not believe.
- Agnosticism is simply a confession of ignorance. I have beliefs. But how many of us know for sure? "Agnostic". The way to go.

* The correct term is "ignoramus". To the self-miseducated it becomes "ignorant noramus". The plural of course: ignorant norami.
I know. Spell-check doesn't like it either.
why do some people believe religion instead of science
There's plenty on here will give hi dress of pathetic reasons.
Religion is usually hereditary and infected at an early age. They grow up with. They are frightened of hell etc.
Some even believe there is another life after this one because they are frightened of death.

Science and physics have discovered everything that rules out any supernatural power. But that lingering doubt and commuNity pressure still haunts them.
It's like an insurance policy just in case.
Pascalls wager it is called.
Pascalls wager it is called.
It has a name.
But since there are thousands of gods in the religion pantheon, guessing correctly is at best a 0.1% chance proposition. I prefer Jefferson's approach.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

After four years of the Trump administration, eternal torment doesn't seem so bad.
the problem i have with religion is it's often based on faith rather than proof
So, you are saying Jesus the Christ didn't exist? And show me exactly the proof that life evolved from non-living things. If you wish to believe there is no GOD ----- show me your poof of HIS nonexistence.
There's plenty on here will give hi dress of pathetic reasons.
Religion is usually hereditary and infected at an early age. They grow up with. They are frightened of hell etc.
Some even believe there is another life after this one because they are frightened of death.

Science and physics have discovered everything that rules out any supernatural power. But that lingering doubt and commuNity pressure still haunts them.
It's like an insurance policy just in case.
Pascalls wager it is called.
What country were you born in? Were you parents Christian or what?
It has a name.
But since there are thousands of gods in the religion pantheon, guessing correctly is at best a 0.1% chance proposition. I prefer Jefferson's approach.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

After four years of the Trump administration, eternal torment doesn't seem so bad.
And which of all these "gods" created everything? And which of all these "gods" claimed to be invisible? This should greatly narrow you field.

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