Why do some people dislike the Tea Party?

Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Tea Party Doesn?t Even Know What Tea Party Is About

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If memory serves, the GOP has had its fights with the Tea Party.

What I'd like to know is whay quite a few left-leaning folks and some right-leaning folks castigate them. Perhaps these same people like having a large government?

because of astro turf groups like FreedomWorks (set up by the Koch Bros), that guy Williams who talked in black face, and the shout-fests that they turned those town hall meetings into a couple years ago for starters :thup:

As opposed to the king of Astroturf himself... Axlerod... who utilized and paid whole "astroturf" corporations to push liberal agendas and get democrats ( see Obama ) elected for years...correct? :eusa_whistle:

The thread is about the TPM, not democrats.

But your inability to address the topic and failed attempt to deflect are understandable.
because of astro turf groups like FreedomWorks (set up by the Koch Bros), that guy Williams who talked in black face, and the shout-fests that they turned those town hall meetings into a couple years ago for starters :thup:

As opposed to the king of Astroturf himself... Axlerod... who utilized and paid whole "astroturf" corporations to push liberal agendas and get democrats ( see Obama ) elected for years...correct? :eusa_whistle:

The thread is about the TPM, not democrats.

But your inability to address the topic and failed attempt to deflect are understandable.

I addressed the poster that brought up astroturf campaigns. So...take it up with him ;)
There is no ‘malevolence’ exhibited toward the TPM, justified contempt and ridicule, perhaps, but not ‘malevolence.’

If it is justified you should be able to provide numerous examples of Tea Party violence, and even provide evidence that they used a racial term and spat on that lying sack of shit congresscritter.

One of the many problems with the TPM is its failure to define what exactly constitutes ‘smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes.’ If by their definition this means the elimination of needed social programs, appropriate regulatory measures, and funding for education in conjunction with tax cuts for the wealthy while attempting to balance the budget on the backs of working Americans, those with low income, children, retired Americans, and the disabled, then that’s not ‘smaller government,’ that’s irresponsible governance.

What makes you think they oppose needed programs? Have they demanded an end to AFDC, SNAP, Medicare, and everything else?

Didn't think so, so your attempt to defend your position by claiming they did is malevolence, which you just said doesn't exist.

With regard to ‘believing in the United States Constitution,’ they’ve also got to ‘believe in’ and acknowledge Constitutional case law. TPM members can’t just make up on their own what they think the Constitution means; the Constitution is not a ‘cafeteria plan,’ they can’t simply pick what they like about the Founding Document and discard the rest.

Only if we accept the premise that case law is never wrong.

I don't.

What’s wrong with the TPM is it’s a partisan contrivance of the right, made up mostly of the Old Bush Base, fiscal extremists, and social conservatives. By its members’ own admission the TPM was made up of some 70 percent republicans and republican leaning independents. Consequently, there is no ‘slander’ with regard to the TPM, they clearly misrepresented themselves as a ‘diverse cross-section of America’s grass roots,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

You, on the other hand, are not partisan.

Damn, I actually said that with a straight face.
Enemies seldom like one another that's what makes war - war. The nation has divided. So far the opposing parties are content to seethe and roil without outward violence. There is the barb, accusations fly from both sides. All of it trying to stave off the inevitable.
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Liberals are Fascists who hate freedom
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Tea Party Doesn?t Even Know What Tea Party Is About

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]
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I don't know much about this, but if you would please illuminate more of this issue, I'd be willing to consider changing my mind.

For one, I don't like Palin. She's an embarrassment and sounds like an airhead. Rove, I think, is the hypocritical politician who talks on Bill O'Relliy's show. Or is it Dick Cheney? Bachmann is yet another politician who has her fair share of masks. I don't know much about Rush Limbaugh because time's short, but from the bits of him I've heard he sounds like he full of hot air.
That right there disqualifies you for tea party membership. You have the ability to reason and the intelligence to know the difference between right and wrong.

The "bagger nation", on the otherhand, try's to take part in the politics of this government without educating themselves on the real issues of the day. Protesting the raising of taxes, when they were actually lowered. Disrupting town hall meetings on healthcare like little 10 year olds having a temper tantrum. Marching on Washington just 6 months into a Presidents first term for no apparent reason.

I have absolute disdain for anyone trying to take a job they're not qualifed to have. You don't have an auto mechanic do your heart surgery. You don't have your gardener play in the NBA. You don't have a fry cook at Wendy's do your accounting.

And you don't have a guy like this run your country.

It isn't the teaparty anymore. The initial grassroots organization has been swallowed up by Rovian extremists. They are taking political heat for voicing unpalatable positions that benefit of the very richest among us.

They have unfortunately allowed opportunistic, paid hacks to jump out in front of the parade. These people have no morals, ethics, nothing substantial except for the dollar signs in their eyes. I'm specifically talking about Rove, Rush, Palin, Armey, Bachmann, etc..

You are too kind. There was never a grassroots movement.

Sure there was. You just didn't like it so you deny it ever existed.
There is no ‘malevolence’ exhibited toward the TPM, justified contempt and ridicule, perhaps, but not ‘malevolence.’

Of course there is. You're just a dishonest and dishonorable partisan hack so you deny it exists.
Let's say that you start a club. Then you place ads all over town, reading: "Are you an angry, middle aged republican? Do you believe that your government wants to enslave you? Do you resent having an African American in the White House? Do you believe that your taxes should be cut in half, as long as it does not impact the services you recieve in the areas of national defense, community infastructure, border patrol, anything having to do with the military industrial complex, law and order, and your own personal social security and Medicare benefits? Do you believe that everything is an evil conspiracy? Are you opposed to anyone with more education than you have? Do you miss Herbert Hoover? Do you despise single mothers, people of color, homosexuals, athiests, and abortion doctors? Do you attend church regularly, leave your dial on AM radio stations, and drive out of your way to eat at Chick-Fil-A? Then come join our club! Meetings are at the community center, first door on the right. Please note: We will be taking names of those that turn to the door on the left."
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Tea Party Doesn?t Even Know What Tea Party Is About

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

Or went on state visits 57 times.
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As many people or more dislike, if not outright despise, liberals so there's really little difference except what side you are on.

Sure, Deany, sure.

That's not what Obama said, but if that what your Obama Context Filter tells you, there's no way to convince you otherwise
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?
I guess I wouldn't mind looking into them, but Glenn beck and Palin is for them. Enough said. :)

With all due respect, I never liked it when people do this. Not when you do it, not when my favorite show host Bill O'Reilly does it (through "Watter's World" segment), not when anyone does it. Using the examples of a few to demonize/ridicule the whole has never been an honest tactic in debate.

Liberals are Fascists who hate freedom

Making absolute claims to demonize whole groups don't help anything, either. What you're saying is as bad as saying conservativies are misogynists who hate women. Please, people, stop doing this. All this does is make an already stressful situation worse.

Anyways, I don't know if I'm a Tea-Partier:

1) Neither religious, agnostic, or atheist: just curious and requiring objective evidence.

2) Desires true equality. Neither the Left nor the Right has really provided this.

3) A flat and fair tax sounds good, where every citizen pays the same percentage.

4) Our government doesn't need to spend its money on fringe experiments and programs.

5) People like Eric Snowden and Bradley Manning are good for society, because they make society aware of the lies, the criminal actions, and the massive designs our government would rather hide from us.

6) Nuclear families help society, but there shouldn't be financial benefits for getting married.

7) People should never get 48 hours in prison for killing others. It is an abomination.

8) When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. - Thomas Jefferson (Truer words have never been spoken.)
There is no Tea Party.

There's only the teepotters, bought and now owned by Koch's and ultra-rw fringe nutters like Limbaugh, Beck, Palin.

With all due respect, I never liked it when people do this. Not when you do it, not when my favorite show host Bill O'Reilly does it (through "Watter's World" segment), not when anyone does it. Using the examples of a few to demonize/ridicule the whole has never been an honest tactic in debate.

Making absolute claims to demonize whole groups don't help anything, either. What you're saying is as bad as saying conservativies are misogynists who hate women. Please, people, stop doing this. All this does is make an already stressful situation worse.

You might want to spend some time in front of a mirror.

Or not.

Your choice.
It isn't the teaparty anymore. The initial grassroots organization has been swallowed up by Rovian extremists. They are taking political heat for voicing unpalatable positions that benefit of the very richest among us.

They have unfortunately allowed opportunistic, paid hacks to jump out in front of the parade. These people have no morals, ethics, nothing substantial except for the dollar signs in their eyes. I'm specifically talking about Rove, Rush, Palin, Armey, Bachmann, etc..

So, by this are you insinuating Democrats are different?


Of course, Democrats don't need anyone explaining why we should be rebuilding from the bottom up rather than the top down.

lol, hows that working out?
8% unemployment it's hard to build anything..

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