Why do some people dislike the Tea Party?

The attitude of the teabaggers is: cut my taxes; don't cut programs that benefit me; balance the budget. That is not a serious political program. It is like a child telling Santa Claus that she wants all of the toys in the toy store.

That does not sound like the Tea Party I heard at first. It does sound like a lot of conservatives I have heard and I will agree that after conservatives got their claws in the Tea Party, it has become difficult to tell the TP from the GOP.


According to a survey, administered by YouGov (formerly Polimetrix) from April 26 - May 2, 2012:
27.1% of Republicans favor higher taxes on the rich;
15.6% favor major cuts in military spending;
13.5% favor major cuts in Social Security;
15.5% favor major cuts in Medicare;
76.0% support the Tea Party.
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The teabaggers claim to be deficit hawks, but they have no serious plan for reducing the deficit. All they have are cliches and slogans.

Since 1980 most Republican voters have believed two lies Ronald Reagan told them: tax cuts generate more economic growth than tax increases; the federal budget can be balanced by making painless, unspecified spending cuts. No amount of contrary evidence can dispel those illusions.
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Not to mention shady characters like George Soros.

yeah. Repubs don't have people like that..... ADELSON!!! :eek:

Besides, Gingrich is the one who championed $$$ as speech and the resultant Citizens United decision so its a creature of your people's (rw'ers) making :thup:

The whole campaign against Sarah Palin was a scorched earth astroturf campaign by the democratic party. Pardon me if I don't buy into your fake outrage about this stuff all of a sudden.:eusa_liar:

What campaign against Sarah Palin?

She kicked off the McCain campaign by calling Obama a terrorist.

She's been the one picking fights.
the left hates the Tea party because their elected masters goes around calling them extremist... our wonderful VP Biden did it again today, Harry Reid, Pelosi all friggen do it and this is your elected Representatives people.... the Democrat party is made up of nothing but sheep who has to go along with the herd
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Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

The Tea Party had my strict attention when they first appeared. Responsible spending, controlled government, less centralized government, plus they're keeping their noses out of the social issues! Holy crap, you bet, you've got me, looking forward to this.

That lasted about two weeks.

It was at that point that I started seeing Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann at rallies and showing strong support. Uh oh, I thought. They see the energy and want to grab a piece of it. And when those three got their teeth in the movement, two things happened:

First, I started seeing them pushing social conservatism. And second, the goofy, naive, simplistic, bumper sticker hyperbole that those three specialize in began popping up, too. Who could possibly forget the classic "Keep Government Out Of My Medicare" rally sign? This behavior made them, and continues to make them, a terribly easy target for the Democrats.

I was interested until the crazies took it over. Now, no thanks. I don't dislike them, but I do think it was a wasted opportunity.

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Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Fear. Those that don't like the tea party fear losing their goodies, so they attack. And the attack they most often use is "racist". I've challenged left wingers here to go to any tea party website, read their mission statements and posts and point out the racism they claim is the basis of the party. Not a single one has done it yet. You can't. Why? Because the tea party wants free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution. That's it. That's all. The left wing fears an America like that, so they attack.
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Bottom line - The Tea Party (note the caps) was a good idea but they sold out to the Kochs and became the tea baggers. Worthless dupes.

And if there is anyone on this board who is an expert on being tea bagged, it's puddly pillowbite.
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Mostly because they're so dumb and misinformed.

There might be a few benevolent souls in the 'movement,' but overall it's just a group of malcontents who are... Well... Dumb and misinformed.

The teepotters are anti-American, anti-Constitution.

But then, many rw's are as well.
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Mostly because they're so dumb and misinformed.

There might be a few benevolent souls in the 'movement,' but overall it's just a group of malcontents who are... Well... Dumb and misinformed.

And, when they're stupidity is exposed, all they can do it troll internet message boards with silly and juvenile insults. They're too stupid to even carry on a civil conversation.

And, they're hypocrites.

The funny thing is, they're so dumb, they don't even know they're hypocrites.

The attitude of the teabaggers is: cut my taxes; don't cut programs that benefit me; balance the budget. That is not a serious political program. It is like a child telling Santa Claus that she wants all of the toys in the toy store.

That does not sound like the Tea Party I heard at first. It does sound like a lot of conservatives I have heard and I will agree that after conservatives got their claws in the Tea Party, it has become difficult to tell the TP from the GOP.


According to a survey, administered by YouGov (formerly Polimetrix) from April 26 - May 2, 2012:
27.1% of Republicans favor higher taxes on the rich;
15.6% favor major cuts in military spending;
13.5% favor major cuts in Social Security;
15.5% favor major cuts in Medicare;
76.0% support the Tea Party.
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The teabaggers claim to be deficit hawks, but they have no serious plan for reducing the deficit. All they have are cliches and slogans.

Since 1980 most Republican voters have believed two lies Ronald Reagan told them: tax cuts generate more economic growth than tax increases; the federal budget can be balanced by making painless, unspecified spending cuts. No amount of contrary evidence can dispel those illusions.

The survey mentions Republicans not the Tea Party which is who this thread is about so please tell me how your survey applies. I am not saying you are wrong but I am missing the connection.

For the record, this conservative believes we should raise taxes AND cut expenses.

That does not sound like the Tea Party I heard at first. It does sound like a lot of conservatives I have heard and I will agree that after conservatives got their claws in the Tea Party, it has become difficult to tell the TP from the GOP.


According to a survey, administered by YouGov (formerly Polimetrix) from April 26 - May 2, 2012:
27.1% of Republicans favor higher taxes on the rich;
15.6% favor major cuts in military spending;
13.5% favor major cuts in Social Security;
15.5% favor major cuts in Medicare;
76.0% support the Tea Party.
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The teabaggers claim to be deficit hawks, but they have no serious plan for reducing the deficit. All they have are cliches and slogans.

Since 1980 most Republican voters have believed two lies Ronald Reagan told them: tax cuts generate more economic growth than tax increases; the federal budget can be balanced by making painless, unspecified spending cuts. No amount of contrary evidence can dispel those illusions.

The survey mentions Republicans not the Tea Party which is who this thread is about so please tell me how your survey applies. I am not saying you are wrong but I am missing the connection.

For the record, this conservative believes we should raise taxes AND cut expenses.


My comment includes this statement "76.0% support the Tea Party."

If you think we should raise taxes you are an outlier among Republicans.
According to a survey, administered by YouGov (formerly Polimetrix) from April 26 - May 2, 2012:
27.1% of Republicans favor higher taxes on the rich;
15.6% favor major cuts in military spending;
13.5% favor major cuts in Social Security;
15.5% favor major cuts in Medicare;
76.0% support the Tea Party.
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The teabaggers claim to be deficit hawks, but they have no serious plan for reducing the deficit. All they have are cliches and slogans.

Since 1980 most Republican voters have believed two lies Ronald Reagan told them: tax cuts generate more economic growth than tax increases; the federal budget can be balanced by making painless, unspecified spending cuts. No amount of contrary evidence can dispel those illusions.

The survey mentions Republicans not the Tea Party which is who this thread is about so please tell me how your survey applies. I am not saying you are wrong but I am missing the connection.

For the record, this conservative believes we should raise taxes AND cut expenses.


My comment includes this statement "76.0% support the Tea Party."

If you think we should raise taxes you are an outlier among Republicans.

Ah missed the 76% in the skim of your post. Thank you for pointing that out.

For the record, I am conservative. I am not a Republican as the Republican Party might be a tick to the right of tha Democratic Party, but not by much. Both parties are corrupt and authoritarian in nature. They are both seeking power at our expense and besides that both are loaded with naturally arrogant elitists.

This country would be better off if we booted them all out of office and drafted their replacements.

There's a strange dynamic about the Tea Party. Officially, its platform is just about balanced budgets and government limited by the Constitution. Nothing about social issues or foreign policy.

The problem is, many people who consider themselves Tea Party members tend to be "social conservatives" and eager warmongers, which is where so many people get turned off.
Fear. Those that don't like the tea party fear losing their goodies, so they attack. And the attack they most often use is "racist". I've challenged left wingers here to go to any tea party website, read their mission statements and posts and point out the racism they claim is the basis of the party. Not a single one has done it yet. You can't. Why? Because the tea party wants free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution. That's it. That's all. The left wing fears an America like that, so they attack.
Who cares what the tea party website says. Go to a tea party rally and listen to what the actual tea partiers say. There are many documentaries out there and if you are not shocked from their virol then you need help. People frothing at the mouth comparing Obama to Hitler. Tea Partyers wanting a reduced government and spending is also a big lie or they are too stupid to realize they are lying to themselves. Complaining that the government may spend extra millions to help with healthcare or education yet remain deafly quiet when the previous goverments was spending trillions on wars. The tea partyers are the most misguided, least educated, highly ignorant bunch I've seen ever.
Observing from the sidelines, I never understood the malevolence directed towards them.

They want free speech, smaller government, reduced government spending and taxes, and they believe in the United States Constitution.

Yet they're slandered on a day-to-day basis by some people.

What's wrong with the Tea Party, and what's wrong with the people who dislike them?

Those that gravitate towards the Tea Party tend to be complete cynics, or be completely uninformed.

The idea of an alienated government as the enemy of the people, and an independent citizen freed of any and all social responsibility are concepts that dovetail precisely with the asperations of the ultra-rich in the US (and elsewhere). Small goverment, minimal regulation, and low taxes allows the financially elite to derive the most benefit from society, and to contribute the least possible. Those that have a lot of money do not need the services that come from group insurance or social programs. Those in the middle class, or the less fortunate, do. Not surprising then that the Tea Party is funded and mentored by some of the above more fortunate, in the form of the famous Koch brothers, and others.

Humans living in society have never been independent of each other to any large degree, and this is even more so in our complex and intertwined 21st century. The idea that regulation can be rolled back, and we can return to some sort of idealized cowboy society is absurd. We only have to look at the example of the 2008 financial meltdown to visualize this. Complexity in society increases, so to its controls. To abandon this means simply to pass on the control to someone else. Does freedom mean passing control from an elected representive to some element of the business or investment community? I don't think so.

Tea Partiers live in a dreamworld, where they think they can live a Hollywood style existence. For the most part, they are people who have neglected to read history, or economics, and so have become vulnerable to the self-serving. Knowledge is power- ignorance is vulnerability.

oh dear gawd...tea party think they can live a Hollywood style existence...and they have neglected to read history or economics? from the ages of people at Tea Party rallies, I'd say they LIVED history and through all kinds of economics..
it is you who doesn't have a clue on people or humans in a society...so spare us
According to a survey, administered by YouGov (formerly Polimetrix) from April 26 - May 2, 2012:
27.1% of Republicans favor higher taxes on the rich;
15.6% favor major cuts in military spending;
13.5% favor major cuts in Social Security;
15.5% favor major cuts in Medicare;
76.0% support the Tea Party.
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~benv/files/poll responses by party ID.pdf

The teabaggers claim to be deficit hawks, but they have no serious plan for reducing the deficit. All they have are cliches and slogans.

Since 1980 most Republican voters have believed two lies Ronald Reagan told them: tax cuts generate more economic growth than tax increases; the federal budget can be balanced by making painless, unspecified spending cuts. No amount of contrary evidence can dispel those illusions.

The survey mentions Republicans not the Tea Party which is who this thread is about so please tell me how your survey applies. I am not saying you are wrong but I am missing the connection.

For the record, this conservative believes we should raise taxes AND cut expenses.


My comment includes this statement "76.0% support the Tea Party."

If you think we should raise taxes you are an outlier among Republicans.

If Immie believes in raising taxes and cutting spending, he should go underground. If he is spotted, he will be hounded out of the GOP.

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