Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

The sun gets hot, WE get hot. The sun gets cold, WE get cold. Simple isn't it. If GHG increase, what're we going to do when we produce so little of them??? One volcanic eruption equals all the pollution we've ever emitted as a SPECIES in HISTORY!

Fitz, my man.... The sun doesn't get cold. I'm going to just hang my hat on that little gem of yours and excuse myself. In fact, I think that'll make a good sig line. It's enough to demonstrate where you're coming from.

Just remember Fitz, the sun is still hot, even when you can't see it. I know it's a difficult concept. But it's true.
The sun gets hot, WE get hot. The sun gets cold, WE get cold. Simple isn't it. If GHG increase, what're we going to do when we produce so little of them??? One volcanic eruption equals all the pollution we've ever emitted as a SPECIES in HISTORY!

Fitz, my man.... The sun doesn't get cold. I'm going to just hang my hat on that little gem of yours and excuse myself. In fact, I think that'll make a good sig line. It's enough to demonstrate where you're coming from.

Just remember Fitz, the sun is still hot, even when you can't see it. I know it's a difficult concept. But it's true.
Wow... never heard of solar cycles, have you? It's called observable relativism, something you liberals claim to believe in.

You go ahead and hang your little beanie on that one. I'll be willing to laugh at you as long as you want.
The reason that so many conservatives take an opposing stance towards the theory of global warming is because they are authoritarian thinkers and have been TOLD to do so by people who are paid to say that by the fossil-fuel industry whose interests will be harmed by any attempt to turn away from fossil fuel use. There is really no other reason at all. Every argument against AGW advanced here or anywhere else has its origin from that source, and is merely being repeated.

In fact, from a conservative perspective it doesn't even make sense to oppose the actions we would need to take to fight global warming. We are going to have to turn away from oil anyway over the next few decades as it becomes more and more expensive. We can replace oil with greater efficiency and renewable energy, or we can replace it (temporarily) with coal. Global warming (as well as other environmental considerations) argues against the latter. So the "sacrifice" needed to deal with global warming consists of having the energy of the future come from solar, wind, etc. instead of from coal. That's it. But because rank and file conservatives have been TOLD to oppose AGW by people they consider authorities, the knees obediently jerk.

Why should we fight global warming?

We can replace oil with greater efficiency and renewable energy

Which renewable energy source is more efficient?

rank and file conservatives have been TOLD to oppose AGW

Noboby needs to tell me to oppose big government boondoggles. Renewables are more expensive and less dependable than fossil fuels.
The sun gets hot, WE get hot. The sun gets cold, WE get cold. Simple isn't it. If GHG increase, what're we going to do when we produce so little of them??? One volcanic eruption equals all the pollution we've ever emitted as a SPECIES in HISTORY!

Fitz, my man.... The sun doesn't get cold. I'm going to just hang my hat on that little gem of yours and excuse myself. In fact, I think that'll make a good sig line. It's enough to demonstrate where you're coming from.

Just remember Fitz, the sun is still hot, even when you can't see it. I know it's a difficult concept. But it's true.
Wow... never heard of solar cycles, have you? It's called observable relativism, something you liberals claim to believe in.

You go ahead and hang your little beanie on that one. I'll be willing to laugh at you as long as you want.

Dude... you said the sun gets cold.

'nuff said.
Sorry Fitz, I don't follow you.

When beavers and ants start designing machines and chemicals that make their own habitat uninhabitable, you then might have a point. But most of us recognize man's special status as a species apart from the other animals. When we make a mess, we have learned how to clean it up or deal with it in order to mitigate our own impacts. Self awareness type thinking. Beavers and ants don't have the capacity to understand why they get sick or how one action may have a particular consequence.... it's pretty much the reason you find them dead in the road. They can't quite grasp the whole car / highway thing.

But please, continue to compare human industrialization to beavers. That'll teach those pesky plumbers to direct the shit out of your house!
Termites and Ants manufacture formic acid. Coral physically changes the shape of the ocean floor making it unsuitable for other forms of life. Beavers flood out large areas of land, and change the entire ecology as completely as man does.

Of course, recognizing man as a "special status"... that begs the question then of divine creation now doesn't it? Something most ecofascisti and their Malthusian Gaia worship deny. How is it that nature could produce something unnatural or 'apart' as man?

Oh Mergatroid! A creature must understand how it affects it's environment? Oh puhLEASE!!!!! Talk about getting in touch with your Inner Disney about polar bears and cute fuzzy critters and pretty flowers much lately but denying it when it fucks your theory all to hell!

Aren't you late to go anthropomorphize a chunk of granite now?
Fitz, my man.... The sun doesn't get cold. I'm going to just hang my hat on that little gem of yours and excuse myself. In fact, I think that'll make a good sig line. It's enough to demonstrate where you're coming from.

Just remember Fitz, the sun is still hot, even when you can't see it. I know it's a difficult concept. But it's true.
Wow... never heard of solar cycles, have you? It's called observable relativism, something you liberals claim to believe in.

You go ahead and hang your little beanie on that one. I'll be willing to laugh at you as long as you want.

Dude... you said the sun gets cold.

'nuff said.
Dude... you're an utter dolt.

True story.
Wow... never heard of solar cycles, have you? It's called observable relativism, something you liberals claim to believe in.

You go ahead and hang your little beanie on that one. I'll be willing to laugh at you as long as you want.

Dude... you said the sun gets cold.

'nuff said.
Dude... you're an utter dolt.

True story.

Yeah... you say that the sun gets cold... and then decide to start calling names?

That's not necessary.

Fitz, do you believe that the sun gets cold? For real?
Dude... you said the sun gets cold.

'nuff said.
Dude... you're an utter dolt.

True story.

Yeah... you say that the sun gets cold... and then decide to start calling names?

That's not necessary.

Fitz, do you believe that the sun gets cold? For real?

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When observing the Sun with appropriate filtration, the most immediately visible features are usually its sunspots, which are well-defined surface areas that appear darker than their surroundings because of lower temperatures.

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.
Dude... you're an utter dolt.

True story.

Yeah... you say that the sun gets cold... and then decide to start calling names?

That's not necessary.

Fitz, do you believe that the sun gets cold? For real?

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When observing the Sun with appropriate filtration, the most immediately visible features are usually its sunspots, which are well-defined surface areas that appear darker than their surroundings because of lower temperatures.

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.

Fitz, my man... I didn't ask for a bunch of hokus pokus from Wiki. I asked you if you really believe that the sun gets cold?

You said that the sun gets cold. Did you really mean that? Do you think that the sun gets cold?
Dude... you're an utter dolt.

True story.

Yeah... you say that the sun gets cold... and then decide to start calling names?

That's not necessary.

Fitz, do you believe that the sun gets cold? For real?

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When observing the Sun with appropriate filtration, the most immediately visible features are usually its sunspots, which are well-defined surface areas that appear darker than their surroundings because of lower temperatures.

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.

And not to mention the Sun's effect on the Earth's magnetic fields, and how the effects on the RF spectrum, and even our power grid.

'Ol Sol is larger than the environmentalist whackos, therefore they discount it.
The sun gets hot, WE get hot. The sun gets cold, WE get cold. Simple isn't it.

Fitz, lets not get all girlie - squirelly.

Focus Fitz. Focus.

In the above quote, you said that the sun gets cold. Can you explain to me how the sun gets cold?
Yeah... you say that the sun gets cold... and then decide to start calling names?

That's not necessary.

Fitz, do you believe that the sun gets cold? For real?

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When observing the Sun with appropriate filtration, the most immediately visible features are usually its sunspots, which are well-defined surface areas that appear darker than their surroundings because of lower temperatures.

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.

Fitz, my man... I didn't ask for a bunch of hokus pokus from Wiki. I asked you if you really believe that the sun gets cold?

You said that the sun gets cold. Did you really mean that? Do you think that the sun gets cold?
Due to repeated stupid statements, you've now entered Lolcat country.

Yeah... you say that the sun gets cold... and then decide to start calling names?

That's not necessary.

Fitz, do you believe that the sun gets cold? For real?

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When observing the Sun with appropriate filtration, the most immediately visible features are usually its sunspots, which are well-defined surface areas that appear darker than their surroundings because of lower temperatures.

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.

Fitz, my man... I didn't ask for a bunch of hokus pokus from Wiki. I asked you if you really believe that the sun gets cold?

You said that the sun gets cold. Did you really mean that? Do you think that the sun gets cold?

The sun definitely swings between hotter and colder.
Even an idiot pushing AGW should know that.....

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.

Fitz, my man... I didn't ask for a bunch of hokus pokus from Wiki. I asked you if you really believe that the sun gets cold?

You said that the sun gets cold. Did you really mean that? Do you think that the sun gets cold?

The sun definitely swings between hotter and colder.
Even an idiot pushing AGW should know that.....

And of 'SunSpots'?

Sunspot record reveals Sun's past

Solar cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solar variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sun ejects energy at varying cyclical rates. This is expressed as a temperature change on everything around it bombarded by it's energy. More energy, the HOTTER the sun is. Less energy making it to us, the COOLER the sun is. Aka a "Hot" sun versus "Cold" sun.

Now you can play Stupid Willfully all you want, but it only goes to show, you are nothing but a silly little know nothing even by Wiki standards.

Fitz, my man... I didn't ask for a bunch of hokus pokus from Wiki. I asked you if you really believe that the sun gets cold?

You said that the sun gets cold. Did you really mean that? Do you think that the sun gets cold?

The sun definitely swings between hotter and colder.
Even an idiot pushing AGW should know that.....
Of course he COULD read my 3 wiki links and see what exactly is meant by that. He probably won't or at least won't admit it.
You guys are a lot of fun.

I'll check back in when the sun gets cold.
And having failed once again at successful mocking, political hackery or scientific knowledge...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCq7oQ-dZE]Brave Sir Robin Fled - YouTube[/ame]
Fitz, my man... I didn't ask for a bunch of hokus pokus from Wiki. I asked you if you really believe that the sun gets cold?

You said that the sun gets cold. Did you really mean that? Do you think that the sun gets cold?

The sun definitely swings between hotter and colder.
Even an idiot pushing AGW should know that.....
Of course he COULD read my 3 wiki links and see what exactly is meant by that. He probably won't or at least won't admit it.

Mann hasn't found a way, yet, to fake the solar data.
Besides, it's harder to get government money to change the output of the Sun.

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