Why do the anti-gun folks believe our children are not important enough to protect?

It is always My way, you don't factor into it. You're just a nut who provides Me a avenue to prove the left wrong.
You have issues so cry to someone else because you take something out of context which wasn't directed at you. Total fail bucko.
Hate is what America has become.

America teaches, supports, and condones hate. The children see it, they grow up on it.

They see the adults around them doing it, and they see that the adults think it is perfectly acceptable to hate.

So why feel bad about going out and shooting up a school. After all, we hate and we justify our hate.
True. This is a good encapsulation of the problem.

I suppose we have to change as individuals somewhat. Become more tolerant.

I do, anyway.
True. This is a good encapsulation of the problem.

I suppose we have to change as individuals somewhat. Become more tolerant.

I do, anyway.
Tolerance and compromise is a real good start.
But we've progressed 'socially', which is to say, we have managed to get everyone to hate the right and they teach our children to hate on TV, on Social Media, in the news organizations, in our houses of government, in our advocacy groups.

Hate is what America has become.

America teaches, supports, and condones hate. The children see it, they grow up on it.

They see the adults around them doing it, and they see that the adults think it is perfectly acceptable to hate.

So why feel bad about going out and shooting up a school. After all, we hate and we justify our hate.
Both the left and the right hate each other. I’m not sure what that has to do with the mass shooting at the elementary school.
Both the left and the right hate each other. I’m not sure what that has to do with the mass shooting at the elementary school.
For a very long time, the right tried to talk policy and stick to policy.

Then began the namecalling. Disagree with someone on the left, they will vilify you, name you the worst sort of person imaginable. All for just disagreeing with how to solve a problem.

In the past two years, the left has made it clear that if you don't agree with maskss, they hope you die. If you don't agree with lockdowns, they hope you die.

The left in power destroyed credible research and reputations for daring to question the powers that be.

They have chapters of gangs called Antifa, who will attack you physically for not following their ideology. They get on television and tell you to get into the faces of the right, push them out of restaurants, and ostracize them from society.

The storm peaceful discussions on campus, burn buildings, injure people, and scream to drown them out. Not allowing them to even talk. All the while they are doing this, images and videos of their rage contorted faces, spittle flying, can be seen all around the country.

The nightly news broadcasts don't even hide their hatred for those who do not conform to the current 'narrative' thinking. An entire cable news company is dedicated to hate-filled rhetoric against one particular group of people.

You don't think that the children and young adults don't see it? Don't take the lesson to heart?

It is OKAY to hate, as long as you hate the right group of people. It is okay to be uncivil, it is violent, to kill, as long as it is the right tribe you are killing.

And you can't see the connection to that and young people, already mentally primed to hate, justifying going into schools and shooting people they don't agree with?

After all, everyone else is hating, why not them?
For a very long time, the right tried to talk policy and stick to policy.

Then began the namecalling. Disagree with someone on the left, they will vilify you, name you the worst sort of person imaginable. All for just disagreeing with how to solve a problem.

In the past two years, the left has made it clear that if you don't agree with maskss, they hope you die. If you don't agree with lockdowns, they hope you die.

The left in power destroyed credible research and reputations for daring to question the powers that be.

They have chapters of gangs called Antifa, who will attack you physically for not following their ideology. They get on television and tell you to get into the faces of the right, push them out of restaurants, and ostracize them from society.

The storm peaceful discussions on campus, burn buildings, injure people, and scream to drown them out. Not allowing them to even talk. All the while they are doing this, images and videos of their rage contorted faces, spittle flying, can be seen all around the country.

The nightly news broadcasts don't even hide their hatred for those who do not conform to the current 'narrative' thinking. An entire cable news company is dedicated to hate-filled rhetoric against one particular group of people.

You don't think that the children and young adults don't see it? Don't take the lesson to heart?

It is OKAY to hate, as long as you hate the right group of people. It is okay to be uncivil, it is violent, to kill, as long as it is the right tribe you are killing.

And you can't see the connection to that and young people, already mentally primed to hate, justifying going into schools and shooting people they don't agree with?

After all, everyone else is hating, why not them?
Oh please. You guys vilify Biden all the time.

Both sides hate each other. You just want to pretend that’s a one-sided issue. And that still has nothing to do with this mass shooting.
Oh please. You guys vilify Biden all the time.

Both sides hate each other. You just want to pretend that’s a one-sided issue. And that still has nothing to do with this mass shooting.
The villification of Biden is a "RESPONSE" to the hatred that is constantly thrown at those who disagree with the left.

CONSTANTLY, hatred is the goto response to ANYONE or ANYTHING who disagrees. Name any issue, and if someone even suggests a different or better way, the hatred is immediate, intense, and violent.

Hate is what America has become. We throw it at each other, we teach it to our children.
The villification of Biden is a "RESPONSE" to the hatred that is constantly thrown at those who disagree with the left.

CONSTANTLY, hatred is the goto response to ANYONE or ANYTHING who disagrees. Name any issue, and if someone even suggests a different or better way, the hatred is immediate, intense, and violent.

Hate is what America has become. We throw it at each other, we teach it to our children.
So it’s ok when you guys vilify the left but it’s not ok when the left vilifies the right.

Right. :rolleyes:
Oh please. You guys vilify Biden all the time.

Both sides hate each other. You just want to pretend that’s a one-sided issue. And that still has nothing to do with this mass shooting.
Xiden gets vilified because he was part of the Obamagate gang that worked to undermine a free and fair election, not to mention as POTUS, he has wreaked our economy
Xiden gets vilified because he was part of the Obamagate gang that worked to undermine a free and fair election, not to mention as POTUS, he has wreaked our economy
Oooh I see. So when you guys vilify Biden, it’s justified hate.

But when the left vilifies the right, that’s not cool.

What a stupid argument. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the crazies in Texas doing that open carry of long guns just came into restaurants in a group armed with guns right out in the open! What were people supposed to think? They thought their last day had come, I'd imagine.
If the people on my bus thought their last day had come they didn't show it. ;)
Oooh I see. So when you guys vilify Biden, it’s justified hate.

But when the left vilifies the right, that’s not cool.

What a stupid argument. :rolleyes:
Actually the right vilifies the left for doing the wrong thing.
The left vilifies the right for doing the right thing.

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