Why do the conservatives on this board think Bush was a better president than Obama?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Considering Bush is responsible for 10 trillion of the debt and 2008 was the worst year for our economy, I have a hard time believing it.
No.. Bush was not responsible for 10T in debt.. and our economy was still indeed very bad during Obama's reign... and Obama implemented many things that are more horrid that what Bush II did... (Obamacare, etc)

Bush was no great Pres... I even rank him lower in my lifetime than Clinton (and I am a conservative and registered REP).... but Obamalama is indeed worse
No.. Bush was not responsible for 10T in debt.. and our economy was still indeed very bad during Obama's reign... and Obama implemented many things that are more horrid that what Bush II did... (Obamacare, etc)

Bush was no great Pres... I even rank him lower in my lifetime than Clinton (and I am a conservative and registered REP).... but Obamalama is indeed worse

Okay show me the facts. Show me the stats that break down that 16 T that show Obama is responsible for the large majority of it
Most of the 8 years below 6% unemployment
A much firmer foreign policy.
He didn't try to divide people into class, race, etc.
His deficits were 100-600 billion compared to over a trillion for Obama.
Cheaper Oil/gas prices overall(95% of the time)

A few things that makes Bush better.
10 trillion of the debt

sheesh, the loony liberal can't even start off with an honest OP

where bush is better than obama is that he believed in a smaller federal government, not by much, but smaller nonetheless.

What you don't understand is that even though the bulk of the debt accumulated during Obama's admin, it does not mean that it came from Obama's policies. What I want is a break down of the debt.

yet you attribute all debt during Bush to Bush.... uh huh :rolleyes:

Obama has T+ deficits... this is fact... it is under his watch.. this is fact... Bush timeframe about 6T was added to the debt... in 8 years... the same for Obama.. in 4

You are so wrong and so hyper-partisanly full of shit, it is not even funny
Considering Bush is responsible for 10 trillion of the debt...
Obama has already borrowed more than Bush.
Obama has also continued or expanded just about every Bush policy that He ran against.

Tax breaks do not pay for themselves.

Tax break is not an expense.. this has been explained before... Bush's problem was that fiscally he spent like a lefty.. Obama's problem is that he spends like 3 lefties combined into 1
10 trillion of the debt

sheesh, the loony liberal can't even start off with an honest OP

where bush is better than obama is that he believed in a smaller federal government, not by much, but smaller nonetheless.

I have no problem with the president spending on infrastructure, science and technology. This president is spending on god knows what. That's the problem.:eek:
George Bush contributed greatly to this nation's future by preventing Gore and Kerry from becoming our Commander in Chief. That alone should earn him our enduring gratitude.

Besides that, Bush could make decisions, without first seeing which way the political winds were blowing.

Bush wouldn't have gone to bed while four Americans were dying in Libya.

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