Why do the conservatives on this board think Bush was a better president than Obama?

Considering Bush is responsible for 10 trillion of the debt...
Obama has already borrowed more than Bush.
Obama has also continued or expanded just about every Bush policy that He ran against.

Tax breaks do not pay for themselves.

That is perhaps the dumbest statement that you have made. You loons buy into this false nonsense as if it were sent down by God himself. Our economy is still bouncing along the bottom, but tax revenues are up. Where do you think that money comes from?

Tax cuts are absolutely no different than business investing in the business to grow future revenue.
Obama is the worst President in my lifetime... That is all.
The national debt was around five trillion when Bush took office ten trillion when he left office that is a increase of five trillion not ten trillion nothing to brag about that said Obama has passed Bush in increasing the debt in half the time.
That's because the purpose of th thread is to troll.

yeah the OP is a bitch, I've already kicked his ass in the education thread....come on Billy post more stuff....you're a fucking retard

Lol keep telling yourself that dude. Whatever makes you feel better after making an Asda of yourself.

Sorry Billy you're a little bitch......and you keep getting your ass kicked.....dave crushed you......you lose dumbfuck.
Obama has already borrowed more than Bush.
Obama has also continued or expanded just about every Bush policy that He ran against.

Tax breaks do not pay for themselves.

That is perhaps the dumbest statement that you have made. You loons buy into this false nonsense as if it were sent down by God himself. Our economy is still bouncing along the bottom, but tax revenues are up. Where do you think that money comes from?

Tax cuts are absolutely no different than business investing in the business to grow future revenue.

A basic economy class will teach that when a business has money they will hire more and grow in size. Those workers will have money to spend on the local economy=growing the local economy and they will buy from other "shops" and businesses growing them.

Giving to the government can only grow the government. Not always bad as the government has its purpose(police, fire, roads, schools, etc) but there's a lot more then just government. It is a balance(the laugher curve) that we must keep.

What Obama doesn't understand is we can't go all cuba and becoming a command economy as those fail. The private sector allows a person to have skin on the line and they will make sure that they make good choices...Government sometimes makes very bad choices. To say the least.
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Obama has already borrowed more than Bush.
Obama has also continued or expanded just about every Bush policy that He ran against.

Tax breaks do not pay for themselves.

That is perhaps the dumbest statement that you have made. You loons buy into this false nonsense as if it were sent down by God himself. Our economy is still bouncing along the bottom, but tax revenues are up. Where do you think that money comes from?

Tax cuts are absolutely no different than business investing in the business to grow future revenue.

Another Billy moment....this guy doesnt know anything....tax breaks first shouldnt have to pay for themselves, but they do.....Billy lives in a vaccum....so he can raise taxes to 100% and since everything else stays the same (ie the vaccum) he'll get that much more money....he's a dumbass..
yeah the OP is a bitch, I've already kicked his ass in the education thread....come on Billy post more stuff....you're a fucking retard

Lol keep telling yourself that dude. Whatever makes you feel better after making an Asda of yourself.

Sorry Billy you're a little bitch......and you keep getting your ass kicked.....dave crushed you......you lose dumbfuck.

How old are you? I have hard time believing you are anywhere near an adult.
Why do the conservatives on this board think Bush was a better president than Obama?

They don't, really.

They're just having a really-hard-time admitting they were suckered by some....

....half-assed frat-boy....


....especially after we Libs/Progressives made every effort to warn them.

Lil' Dumbya's Presiduncy turned-out to be one more o' those "absolute"-instances to which "conservatives" (desperately) cling....after which they'll blame everyone else for their fuck-up.
Tax breaks do not pay for themselves.

That is perhaps the dumbest statement that you have made. You loons buy into this false nonsense as if it were sent down by God himself. Our economy is still bouncing along the bottom, but tax revenues are up. Where do you think that money comes from?

Tax cuts are absolutely no different than business investing in the business to grow future revenue.

Another Billy moment....this guy doesnt know anything....tax breaks first shouldnt have to pay for themselves, but they do.....Billy lives in a vaccum....so he can raise taxes to 100% and since everything else stays the same (ie the vaccum) he'll get that much more money....he's a dumbass..

Yeah that's it. I want to raise taxes 100%. Do you listen to what comes out of your mouth?
Why do the conservatives on this board think Bush was a better president than Obama?

They don't, really.

They're just having a really-hard-time admitting they were suckered by some....

....especially after we Libs/Progressives made every effort to warn them.

Lil' Dumbya's Presiduncy turned-out to be one more o' those "absolute"-instances to which "conservatives" (desperately) cling....after which they'll blame everyone else for their fuck-up.

What a empty post, posted by a empty fool. lol:cuckoo:
Despite heroic efforts, democrats have been unable to shift the blame for obama's screw ups to Bush. They are still mired in Madeline Albright's belief that Bush could be blamed forever more, for every thing.
Most of the 8 years below 6% unemployment
A much firmer foreign policy.
He didn't try to divide people into class, race, etc.
His deficits were 100-600 billion compared to over a trillion for Obama.
Cheaper Oil/gas prices overall(95% of the time)

A few things that makes Bush better.

January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer. We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."

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Good lord....why does the Left assume that ALL money is the Governments thus letting any man keep more of it is an "expenditure"?

Completely backasswards.

You can't really be that dense?

Obama has already borrowed more than Bush.
Obama has also continued or expanded just about every Bush policy that He ran against.

Tax breaks do not pay for themselves.

That is perhaps the dumbest statement that you have made. You loons buy into this false nonsense as if it were sent down by God himself. Our economy is still bouncing along the bottom, but tax revenues are up. Where do you think that money comes from?

Tax cuts are absolutely no different than business investing in the business to grow future revenue.
10 trillion of the debt

sheesh, the loony liberal can't even start off with an honest OP

where bush is better than obama is that he believed in a smaller federal government, not by much, but smaller nonetheless.

This president is spending on god knows what. That's the problem.:eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejph4LBdmmc]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]


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