Why do the God-haters persist?

And here it is again, airhead... There has been NO culture or civilization devoid of spirituality. It's difficult to give you an example of something collapsing that never has existed to begin with.
hold on! your definition of spirituality is razor thin.
you are ignoring the elephant in the room.. more cultures have collapsed OR been destroyed BECAUSE OF SPIRTUALITY than all the other causes combined.
since no culture has ever been spirituality free.. there is no way to know if it would collapse or not.

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief.

The only reason religious people are happier is the social bonding they get at church. That and ignorance is bliss.
I've never been happier !
YOU HAVE THE PROOF GOD IS REAL!!!==For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. ROMANS 1:18

Jesus did not scream this way at Thomas when he asked to see proof.
He allowed and encouraged Thomas to touch and examine the wound himself.

In the end, this made Thomas a better witness to others who needed more detailed description and explanation than just taking and teaching things on faith.

The secular gentiles and scientists use scientific study in this way, to record the process and effects, so people can learn from sharing experiences and seeing the common patterns.

This is not against God to use science to understand, but is part of God's plan and why there are secular gentiles under natural laws as the second fold of the one flock.

there is just as much evidence for demons as there is for god..
that is to say none.....

Have you ever witnessed people who have demon voices or entities speaking or operating through them?

Scott Peck did not believe in these either, until he studied schizophrenic patients firsthand, where the demon voices verbally attacked him using knowledge that did not come from his patients. he could not prove these were spiritual entities because that is beyond physical.
But he could show that the steps of sickness, treatment and cure "correlated" or followed a set process that COULD Be quantified and measured, similar to diagnosing and treating stages of cancer by observing the symptoms and changes.

Whether or not the demons were real or delusional constructs in the patients,
the patients still responded to treatment, so the therapy to remove the "demonic infestations" still worked. You can read Peck's observations in his books on "People of the Lie" and "Glimpses of the Devil" where these patients "changed his mind" and convinced him that there were demonic and satanic forces operating as independent entities.

He couldn't prove it but he believed it after two interviews with patients with demonic voices.
YOU HAVE THE PROOF GOD IS REAL!!!==For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. ROMANS 1:18

Jesus did not scream this way at Thomas when he asked to see proof.
He allowed and encouraged Thomas to touch and examine the wound himself.

In the end, this made Thomas a better witness to others who needed more detailed description and explanation than just taking and teaching things on faith.

The secular gentiles and scientists use scientific study in this way, to record the process and effects, so people can learn from sharing experiences and seeing the common patterns.

This is not against God to use science to understand, but is part of God's plan and why there are secular gentiles under natural laws as the second fold of the one flock.

Atheism is correlated WITH BEING A FOOL!!==YOU HAVE THE PROOF GOD IS REAL!!!==For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. ROMANS 1:18

Not just atheists but anyone who thinks they know it all already is acting foolish.
And will be humbled and corrected.

GISMYS this applies to theists and believers also!

The wisest most judicious people I know never call anyone foolish.
They are usually too busy focusing on what wisdom can be brought out and shared,
not lashing out but correcting the faults that everyone has here and there.

Nobody is more righteous than others, only the Lord/Law is perfectly righteous
And the rest of us are equal followers submitting one to another under the Law.

None of us is "omniscient" and do not have full knowledge of law or justice.
So we are all prone to biases in our judgments that will appear as foolish to others!

GISMYS remember that we are equal as humans where the Law is above us all.
Not one of us can point out a flaw in others without others pointing out equal flaws in us.
Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief.

The only reason religious people are happier is the social bonding they get at church. That and ignorance is bliss.

Nonsense. You have yet to cite a single solitary example of a predominantly Atheist country or society. These visions of Utopian Atheist society are delusions running around in your empty little head that do not exist and never have.
Atheism is correlated WITH BEING A FOOL!!==YOU HAVE THE PROOF GOD IS REAL!!!==For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. ROMANS 1:18

Not just atheists but anyone who thinks they know it all already is acting foolish.
And will be humbled and corrected.

GISMYS this applies to theists and believers also!

The wisest most judicious people I know never call anyone foolish.
They are usually too busy focusing on what wisdom can be brought out and shared,
not lashing out but correcting the faults that everyone has here and there.

Nobody is more righteous than others, only the Lord/Law is perfectly righteous
And the rest of us are equal followers submitting one to another under the Law.

None of us is "omniscient" and do not have full knowledge of law or justice.
So we are all prone to biases in our judgments that will appear as foolish to others!

GISMYS remember that we are equal as humans where the Law is above us all.
Not one of us can point out a flaw in others without others pointing out equal in us.

you will live your life as a son of GOD or as a son of satan. JESUS SAID THR "religious"PHARISEE TYPES WERE CHILDREN OF SATAN!!! AND YOU???
false! there is nothing outside nature god is either part of nature or imaginary.

Sheer ignorance of the universe. There was a Big Bang... when it happened, it created time and therefore, physical reality. Nothing physical caused it because nothing physical existed. There was no time space for anything physical to exist in. Without time, there is no physical reality or existence, it means nothing. Time is created by the expanding physical universe.

God is part of nature, God is spiritual nature. Not physical. God can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. Your ignorance is in presuming there is nothing other than physical nature, when we know this can't be true because something had to cause the creation of physical nature for it to exist.

Sorry, bossy. Wrong again/as usual. The Big Bang was preceded by the singularity as far as science has determined. The singularity was a physical object.

It's actually comical to read your comments as they immediately self- refute.

You opine/whine: "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. "

If things can't create themselves, what created your gawds?

It's an old argument that leads the supernaturalist to screech, "the gawds are eternal and un-created". So just revise your whining to revise "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. ".... Excepting that the gawds get special dispensations because they're supernatural, magical and....because I say so"
Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief.

The only reason religious people are happier is the social bonding they get at church. That and ignorance is bliss.

Hi Sealybobo:

Your assessment leaves out the key issue of FORGIVENESS.
* Forgiveness has been shown to correlate with more stable health of mind, body and relationships.
* Unforgiveness has been studied as causing or correlating with over 80% of illness.

If you focus on this factor, that is more specific than just labeling people by religion or nonreligion.

Also: I have never heard of any Atheists being able to heal people of demonic addictions, or problems from witchcraft, voodoo, or occult spells. The testimonies of people healed by spiritual healing prayer and deliverance are all over the place; I can cite two nonprofit ministries with 30-40 years of experience healing people for FREE without problems. They both use Christian prayer, as the one authority that can counteract and overcome the demonic level of sickness that affects these people and their generational lineages connected by conscience.

Sealybobo: How many people have you helped to heal with Atheism?
Have you saved anyone's lives from cancer, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, diabetes, alcoholism or other drug addiction, or sexual abuse? I have friends who have saved people from suicide, multiple personalities, organ failure, even pedophile addiction using Christian deliverance and forgiveness prayer to heal generational sickness.

I have never seen that done with Atheism.

Even people who use nontheistic Buddhist meditation and past-life regression
rely on faith-based prayer and intervention to complete the process and do not
accomplish liberation by just the mind alone.

Each person is mind, body and spirit, so all levels require support, not just the mind.
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false! there is nothing outside nature god is either part of nature or imaginary.

Sheer ignorance of the universe. There was a Big Bang... when it happened, it created time and therefore, physical reality. Nothing physical caused it because nothing physical existed. There was no time space for anything physical to exist in. Without time, there is no physical reality or existence, it means nothing. Time is created by the expanding physical universe.

God is part of nature, God is spiritual nature. Not physical. God can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. Your ignorance is in presuming there is nothing other than physical nature, when we know this can't be true because something had to cause the creation of physical nature for it to exist.

Sorry, bossy. Wrong again/as usual. The Big Bang was preceded by the singularity as far as science has determined. The singularity was a physical object.

It's actually comical to read your comments as they immediately self- refute.

You opine/whine: "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. "

If things can't create themselves, what created your gawds?

It's an old argument that leads the supernaturalist to screech, "the gawds are eternal and un-created". So just revise your whining to revise "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. ".... Excepting that the gawds get special dispensations because they're supernatural, magical and....because I say so"

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile. 1 CORINTHIANS 3:19
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, 30 and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’

31 “Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ guilt. 33 Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?
MATTHEW 23:27-32
Any god that was infinite, ultimate, and absolute would not have to hide.

The hiding is on the side of people's perceptions.
Where we divide and don't forgive conflicts,
we muddle our perception and judgment with emotionally charged biases.

So we "cloud" our judgment this way. We stay caught up in the past, and cannot see past that to see farther into the future when these conflicts are resolved.
We must resolve our conflicts first, then we can see clearly what steps to take in the present to achieve those goals in the future.
We cannot see these steps if we are too busy fighting with other neighbors and groups and blocking the process.

Thus it is said that when the Law or Lord is revealed,
it is like coming through the clouds.

We will uncloud our judgment so we can see clearly.
But in fact, the laws were in operation constantly around us.
We will just be able to see them without negative biases blocking our view.
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Sorry, bossy. Wrong again/as usual. The Big Bang was preceded by the singularity as far as science has determined. The singularity was a physical object.

It's actually comical to read your comments as they immediately self- refute.

You opine/whine: "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. "

If things can't create themselves, what created your gawds?

It's an old argument that leads the supernaturalist to screech, "the gawds are eternal and un-created". So just revise your whining to revise "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. ".... Excepting that the gawds get special dispensations because they're supernatural, magical and....because I say so"

Hi Hollie:
Can you please clarify by making a distinction between
A. the Universal Laws that "God" represents (which exceeds human capacity) versus
B. the local laws or rules that lesser "gods or authorities" represent on a human level

The part that man makes up, and tends to "worship idols or authorities"
is level B the local level of laws and languages for laws

The part that man DID NOT MAKE UP are the naturally self-existent
laws of nature and the universe. (so B "attempts to represent" A but B is limited and finite
so of course this is flawed and falls short of what A really is which is beyond man's ability)

For these, we could debate day and night if the knowledge/laws in A were
* created by something
* always existent without beginning point

(of course the level of B WAS created by man so this has a beginning point and history we can examine)

Please do not keep arguing about A versus B, which are clearly distinct.
These are two different levels, and this will go in circles in conflicts.
Thank you!
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Sorry, bossy. Wrong again/as usual. The Big Bang was preceded by the singularity as far as science has determined. The singularity was a physical object.

It's actually comical to read your comments as they immediately self- refute.

You opine/whine: "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. "

If things can't create themselves, what created your gawds?

It's an old argument that leads the supernaturalist to screech, "the gawds are eternal and un-created". So just revise your whining to revise "god can't be physical nature because God created physical nature and things can't create themselves... logical impossibility. ".... Excepting that the gawds get special dispensations because they're supernatural, magical and....because I say so"

Hi Hollie:
Can you please clarify by making a distinction between
A. the Universal Laws that "God" represents (which exceeds human capacity) versus
B. the local laws or rules that lesser "gods or authorities" represent on a human level

The part that man makes up, and tends to "worship idols or authorities"
is level B the local level of laws and languages for laws

The part that man DID NOT MAKE UP are the naturally self-existent
laws of nature and the universe. (so B "attempts to represent" A but B is limited and finite
so of course this is flawed and falls short of what A really is which is beyond man's ability)

For these, we could debate day and night if the knowledge/laws in A were
* created by something
* always existent without beginning point

(of course the level of B WAS created by man so this has a beginning point and history we can examine)

Please do not keep arguing about A versus B, which are clearly distinct.
These are two different levels, and this will go in circles in conflicts.
Thank you!


I make no distinction at all between your items A and B noted above.

I know of no universal laws created by any gods. For that matter, I recognize no gods. Why do you believe there are universal laws made by one of more gods?
Here it is again: can you identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods?

And here it is again, airhead... There has been NO culture or civilization devoid of spirituality. It's difficult to give you an example of something collapsing that never has existed to begin with.

But if no civilization has existed devoid of spirituality (which seems very likely to me) then how can you have any idea that a civilization without spirituality is guaranteed to collapse? You have no experience, no data, to base that claim on.
Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief.

The only reason religious people are happier is the social bonding they get at church. That and ignorance is bliss.

Nonsense. You have yet to cite a single solitary example of a predominantly Atheist country or society. These visions of Utopian Atheist society are delusions running around in your empty little head that do not exist and never have.

I didn't say predominately atheist societies, since there aren't any. I said societies with a large number of atheists.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief.

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy [2][3], lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Nature, "Leading scientists still reject God"* July 23, 1998



Atheism and Secularity [2 volumes] - Google Books

Epiphenom: Atheist nations are more peaceful

New Zealand came top this year. Hmm, New Zealand is a pretty non-religious country. In fact, if you eyeball the rankings, the top few countries are all pretty non-religious.

What I've done in the figures here is to take data from the World Values Survey on the percentage of people in each country who say they are a committed atheist, and also on the percentage of people who say that they go to a religious service at least once a month.

Then I split the sample into two equal groups, based on their score on the Global Peace Index. The ones in the 'Peaceful' group are countries with a GPI score less than 1.8.

Sure enough, peaceful countries have more atheists and fewer regular worshippers. The difference is highly statistically significant (P=0.001 or less) - in other words it's real, not just a chance finding.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop right here. bitch. :lol:
Here it is again: can you identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods?

And here it is again, airhead... There has been NO culture or civilization devoid of spirituality. It's difficult to give you an example of something collapsing that never has existed to begin with.

But if no civilization has existed devoid of spirituality (which seems very likely to me) then how can you have any idea that a civilization without spirituality is guaranteed to collapse? You have no experience, no data, to base that claim on.

I have data that shows he is wrong. Societies that are less religious are better in every way. The more people your country has praying the worse your country is, in every category. Sorry boss.
Don't know about the Land of Sinners. I just know that self-appointed morality is useless because humans will rationalize whatever behavior they please because they can. If there is no accountability whatsoever, then moral boundaries mean nothing. Yep... without some spiritual foundation (a condition we'll never realize as humans) then society would collapse into immoral chaos in a matter of a few generations.

Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".


How do we know that Jesus's dad isn't a FALSE GOD===???

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