Why do the God-haters persist?

Those without spiritual connection (are often the misfits in society) ... attempt to live immorally.

Take away (God) and society would crumble into immoral chaos.

truly remarkable statements considering whoever requires written scriptures to formulate their (God), being the majority are "Those without spiritual connection" who do live immorally - and but for the "few" with Spiritual connection, society "would crumble into immoral chaos" ... the Land of Sinners.


Don't know about the Land of Sinners. I just know that self-appointed morality is useless because humans will rationalize whatever behavior they please because they can. If there is no accountability whatsoever, then moral boundaries mean nothing. Yep... without some spiritual foundation (a condition we'll never realize as humans) then society would collapse into immoral chaos in a matter of a few generations.

Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.
Just think about how uneducated people were 2000 years ago. They didn't even know what science was back then.

Yes, and isn't it fucking astonishing that humans, by-and-large, still believe in something greater than self?

Science has not disproved God, it can't disprove God. There are more humans believing in God on the planet today than anytime before in history. Per capita, the numbers are overwhelming, and they always have been... always will be. No civilization has ever managed to survive more than 50 years without spirituality.

Argument from ignorance. A common attempt to shift the burden of proof. The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

It is possible to gather evidence of absence and disprove specific claims about and definitions of a god.

Why there is no god

Okay.... So please show me where I've ever stated that God is proven fact? I am arguing against those who want to claim NO GOD is a proven fact, when that's inaccurate. Your blog post doesn't change that. Belief is always a valid position if there is evidence for your faith in the belief. Those who are spiritually connected have all the evidence they need to support their faith. You can holler "unsupportable/unfalsifiable" all day long, it doesn't change this fact. God isn't physical nature, therefore, it can't be evaluated with physical science. How many times do I have to repeat this? Seems I've typed it about a thousand times in this thread, and it keeps flying comfortably over your pinhead.

If I didn't believe in anything other than physical nature, then I would be skeptical of God too. I can see no possibility of God in a physical sense. There is no physical evidence to suggest a God in a physical sense. However, I am aware of something beyond the physical, a spiritual energy that courses through this universe and humans are able to connect with. Science is of no use because it can't evaluate that which is not physical.
I think we would probably be better off without it. Remember species whose members are predisposed to cooperate are more likely to survive and pass on their genes.

Yes, this is why we find every creature that hasn't gone extinct has intrinsic spiritual awareness and connection. Except... that's not true, is it? So what we see in nature is no need for animals to create fake idols to worship so they can cooperate and survive. Another meme bites the dust...bump bump!
Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true. I also don't think it is necessary. Smarter people won't put up with, for example, what the GOP did to the poor and middle class. But because the GOP has the anti gay and abortion voters locked down, they continue to give all the tax breaks to the rich, cut spending on the poor, defund ss and medicare which we are all going to need, all because people are religious/stupid.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists (OR GAYS) are generally more peaceful proves Boss incorrect.

Now you're really showing what a fucking moron you are. The poor and middle class are much worse off under Obama than they ever have been under ANY GOP president. Your Democrats have had ample opportunities to raise taxes and eliminate tax breaks, why haven't they done so? And hate to break the news to ya, but Obama took $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. The Democrats have done absolutely NOTHING on social security reform, they are perfectly content with allowing the program to continue on the path of insolvency, apparently so morons like you can blame the failure on Republicans when it goes tits up in another 20 years.

Oh... and I've yet to see an example of a free society which is predominately atheist. Got any examples you wish to share or is this just more of you shooting off your big mouth?
Yes, and isn't it fucking astonishing that humans, by-and-large, still believe in something greater than self?

Science has not disproved God, it can't disprove God. There are more humans believing in God on the planet today than anytime before in history. Per capita, the numbers are overwhelming, and they always have been... always will be. No civilization has ever managed to survive more than 50 years without spirituality.

Argument from ignorance. A common attempt to shift the burden of proof. The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

It is possible to gather evidence of absence and disprove specific claims about and definitions of a god.

Why there is no god

Okay.... So please show me where I've ever stated that God is proven fact? I am arguing against those who want to claim NO GOD is a proven fact, when that's inaccurate. Your blog post doesn't change that. Belief is always a valid position if there is evidence for your faith in the belief. Those who are spiritually connected have all the evidence they need to support their faith. You can holler "unsupportable/unfalsifiable" all day long, it doesn't change this fact. God isn't physical nature, therefore, it can't be evaluated with physical science. How many times do I have to repeat this? Seems I've typed it about a thousand times in this thread, and it keeps flying comfortably over your pinhead.

If I didn't believe in anything other than physical nature, then I would be skeptical of God too. I can see no possibility of God in a physical sense. There is no physical evidence to suggest a God in a physical sense. However, I am aware of something beyond the physical, a spiritual energy that courses through this universe and humans are able to connect with. Science is of no use because it can't evaluate that which is not physical.

As long as you realize your arguments are unsupportable/unfalsifiable, that's all I need. You are correct I can't prove there is no god and I/We don't know everything so as long as you aren't acting like Gismys like you know for a fact.

But, you should know that this/your argument is # 19 at Why there is no god

You can't say that god has a non physical component because how can you prove it?

There have been numerous claims of the supernatural, none of which have ever been demonstrated to be true. Furthermore, these claims are often mutually contradictory, and people who believe in one form of supernatural or paranormal activity will usually not believe in others due to cognitive bias and wishful thinking.

Proposing a non-physical explanation for an observed or imagined/fabricated phenomena is not a testable hypothesis and is therefore unworthy of serious consideration. It precludes any deeper insight or understanding and offers no means of distinction from any other possible supernatural claim.

There are many as yet unexplained phenomena and anomalies in nature. The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

This claim often represents a discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

“What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.” – Christopher Hitchens

“I don’t feel frightened by not knowing things, I think it’s much more interesting that way … I have approximate answers, and possible beliefs, and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything. I might think about it a little, but if I can’t figure it out, then I go to something else. It doesn’t frighten me.” – Richard Feynman
Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true. I also don't think it is necessary. Smarter people won't put up with, for example, what the GOP did to the poor and middle class. But because the GOP has the anti gay and abortion voters locked down, they continue to give all the tax breaks to the rich, cut spending on the poor, defund ss and medicare which we are all going to need, all because people are religious/stupid.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists (OR GAYS) are generally more peaceful proves Boss incorrect.

Now you're really showing what a fucking moron you are. The poor and middle class are much worse off under Obama than they ever have been under ANY GOP president. Your Democrats have had ample opportunities to raise taxes and eliminate tax breaks, why haven't they done so? And hate to break the news to ya, but Obama took $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. The Democrats have done absolutely NOTHING on social security reform, they are perfectly content with allowing the program to continue on the path of insolvency, apparently so morons like you can blame the failure on Republicans when it goes tits up in another 20 years.

Oh... and I've yet to see an example of a free society which is predominately atheist. Got any examples you wish to share or is this just more of you shooting off your big mouth?


I can’t believe/understand a world without God OR No god is too unlikely.

Argument from incredulity / Lack of imagination and Argumentum ad Ignorantiam. Ignores and does not eliminate the fact that something can seem incredible or unlikely and still be true, or appear to be obvious or likely and yet still be false.

The world is the way it is. Reality does not bend to our personal whim and facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Our personal belief in something does not automatically make it real or true and, conversely, our lack of understanding of a topic does not make it false.

Until we understand something we “do not know”. Positing a ‘god’ in place of admitting personal ignorance is an unfounded leap which demonstrates a fundamental lack of humility.

The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Why there is no god
Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true. I also don't think it is necessary. Smarter people won't put up with, for example, what the GOP did to the poor and middle class. But because the GOP has the anti gay and abortion voters locked down, they continue to give all the tax breaks to the rich, cut spending on the poor, defund ss and medicare which we are all going to need, all because people are religious/stupid.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists (OR GAYS) are generally more peaceful proves Boss incorrect.

Now you're really showing what a fucking moron you are. The poor and middle class are much worse off under Obama than they ever have been under ANY GOP president. Your Democrats have had ample opportunities to raise taxes and eliminate tax breaks, why haven't they done so? And hate to break the news to ya, but Obama took $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. The Democrats have done absolutely NOTHING on social security reform, they are perfectly content with allowing the program to continue on the path of insolvency, apparently so morons like you can blame the failure on Republicans when it goes tits up in another 20 years.

Oh... and I've yet to see an example of a free society which is predominately atheist. Got any examples you wish to share or is this just more of you shooting off your big mouth?

Everyone who is hurting right now is still being fucked by Bushanomics. Ask the tea baggers and Mitch McConnell why Obama hasn't done a better job. But he's done a "heck of a job" considering the GOP obstruction.

If you have to ask why he hasn't done better, either you've ignored all the GOP shinanigans over the past 6 years because you a right wing schmuck or you are truly stupid and don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Oh and Boss, now all you republicans know why I don't argue politics with you anymore. Just like religion, it doesn't matter if you have no evidence or it doesn't matter if your evidence is bad, you are going to believe whatever the fuck you want to believe. Just like Bush, he believed on Wednesday the same thing he believed on Monday DESPITE what he learned on Tuesday.

Mitch met with the GOP when Obama was being sworn in and they vowed to make him a one term president. They obstructed the job recovery, insisted on cuts when we should have been spending to stimulate the economy, just like Bush and Reagan were allowed, but you wouldn't let the black president do what every other president was able to do. So you tied one hand behind his back and he still got us out of the mess the GOP got us in.

Yes asshole it was the GOP from 2000-2008 that fucked us. Nancy Pelosi and Reed didn't do shit from 2006-2008, eat a fucking dick you right wing little bitch. If you believe that, well of course you do because you voted McCain/Romney and now you want Jeb/Christy/Jindal/Paul Ryan/Ron Paul or Herman Cain.

I can tell you it is your right wing brain that makes you believe in god. I'm surprised you are able to even admit that jesus is bullshit. You do know the people you vote for think you're going to hell, right? :evil::cuckoo:
Don't know about the Land of Sinners. I just know that self-appointed morality is useless because humans will rationalize whatever behavior they please because they can. If there is no accountability whatsoever, then moral boundaries mean nothing. Yep... without some spiritual foundation (a condition we'll never realize as humans) then society would collapse into immoral chaos in a matter of a few generations.

Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

Has any civilization ever really existed without spirituality? Even those recent regimes which have tried to outlaw religious beliefs have not, I think, succeeded in that task.

I would say, instead, that religious/spiritual belief has been so prevalent in human history that we have yet to really see a society (and may never see one) in which the large majority have no such beliefs.

One could say that having a society with spiritual beliefs is a guarantee that society will collapse, as other than the current societies, every society with such beliefs has ended.

In other words, your own argument that humanity has an inherent spiritual connection makes the idea of a non-spiritual society pretty unlikely, so there's not much evidence to go on to say what would happen with such a society one way or another.
Don't know about the Land of Sinners. I just know that self-appointed morality is useless because humans will rationalize whatever behavior they please because they can. If there is no accountability whatsoever, then moral boundaries mean nothing. Yep... without some spiritual foundation (a condition we'll never realize as humans) then society would collapse into immoral chaos in a matter of a few generations.

Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

I know you desperately want to believe that but littering your posts with repeated falsehoods won't make those falsehoods true.

As I already pointed out to you, civilizations have risen and fallen with and without gawds. Most of humanity has come and gone without the invention of your gods. So quite clearly, your gawds or other conceptions of gawds are not a requirement for success or failure of civilizations or cultures. This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

Many cultures and civilizations have created images and icons that represent occurrences in nature as a way of explaining things they didn't understand but that is not implying they "spiritually connect", that they worshipped gods of "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, were "intrinsically spiritually connected" or any other goofy cliche' you dump in most threads.

If we examine your nonsensical claim that cultures and civilizations without "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" is a guarantee they will collapse without it, you need to identify why all the cultures/civilizations you insist had "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" eventually failed anyway.

So tell us then, oh sage of "spiritual nature", "intrinsically connected, and "intrinsically spiritually connected", why did the Roman, Greek, Mayan civilizations fail when they had more gawds, "spiritual nature", were, "intrinsically connected, and were "intrinsically spiritually connected"?

Why didn't their gawds, "spiritual nature", "intrinsic connection", and "intrinsically spiritual connection" saved them?
Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

Has any civilization ever really existed without spirituality? Even those recent regimes which have tried to outlaw religious beliefs have not, I think, succeeded in that task.

I would say, instead, that religious/spiritual belief has been so prevalent in human history that we have yet to really see a society (and may never see one) in which the large majority have no such beliefs.

One could say that having a society with spiritual beliefs is a guarantee that society will collapse, as other than the current societies, every society with such beliefs has ended.

In other words, your own argument that humanity has an inherent spiritual connection makes the idea of a non-spiritual society pretty unlikely, so there's not much evidence to go on to say what would happen with such a society one way or another.

I talk to a lot of people in their 20's-50's who don't believe in god or if they do they don't go to church at all. Their parents or their grandparents went to church and taught them growing up about god but parents today aren't taking their kids to church. The number of Kids raised by catholic parents who take them to church every week is dwindling. Same for almost every other denomination too. Maybe only the people in the bible belt will remain overwhelmingly religious for the next couple hundred years or so but a lot of people in liberal/progressive America are starting to listen to scientists over preachers. The more right wing the church gets the more people are going to leave. And no matter how nice the new pope is, once someone realizes organized religion is a joke, its too late. They may call themselves catholic but the church needs people showing up on Sunday to put money in the pot and that's over.
Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

I know you desperately want to believe that but littering your posts with repeated falsehoods won't make those falsehoods true.

As I already pointed out to you, civilizations have risen and fallen with and without gawds. Most of humanity has come and gone without the invention of your gods. So quite clearly, your gawds or other conceptions of gawds are not a requirement for success or failure of civilizations or cultures. This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

Many cultures and civilizations have created images and icons that represent occurrences in nature as a way of explaining things they didn't understand but that is not implying they "spiritually connect", that they worshipped gods of "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, were "intrinsically spiritually connected" or any other goofy cliche' you dump in most threads.

If we examine your nonsensical claim that cultures and civilizations without "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" is a guarantee they will collapse without it, you need to identify why all the cultures/civilizations you insist had "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" eventually failed anyway.

So tell us then, oh sage of "spiritual nature", "intrinsically connected, and "intrinsically spiritually connected", why did the Roman, Greek, Mayan civilizations fail when they had more gawds, "spiritual nature", were, "intrinsically connected, and were "intrinsically spiritually connected"?

Why didn't their gawds, "spiritual nature", "intrinsic connection", and "intrinsically spiritual connection" saved them?

Because the lord moves in mysterious ways.

And I showed him earlier how/when/why the Egyptian Pharoh's of Eqypt used god to keep their people in line. They were slaves and the average life span was 22 years old. The king had to come up with something or else the citizens might revolt and kill him. So he gave them god so they would cope with being his slaves. Don't worry about this life. You can't do anything about this life. But if you work hard and pay your taxes then you will make god happy and you'll go to heaven. Very clever.
Argument from ignorance. A common attempt to shift the burden of proof. The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

It is possible to gather evidence of absence and disprove specific claims about and definitions of a god.

Why there is no god

Okay.... So please show me where I've ever stated that God is proven fact? I am arguing against those who want to claim NO GOD is a proven fact, when that's inaccurate. Your blog post doesn't change that. Belief is always a valid position if there is evidence for your faith in the belief. Those who are spiritually connected have all the evidence they need to support their faith. You can holler "unsupportable/unfalsifiable" all day long, it doesn't change this fact. God isn't physical nature, therefore, it can't be evaluated with physical science. How many times do I have to repeat this? Seems I've typed it about a thousand times in this thread, and it keeps flying comfortably over your pinhead.

If I didn't believe in anything other than physical nature, then I would be skeptical of God too. I can see no possibility of God in a physical sense. There is no physical evidence to suggest a God in a physical sense. However, I am aware of something beyond the physical, a spiritual energy that courses through this universe and humans are able to connect with. Science is of no use because it can't evaluate that which is not physical.

As long as you realize your arguments are unsupportable/unfalsifiable, that's all I need. You are correct I can't prove there is no god and I/We don't know everything so as long as you aren't acting like Gismys like you know for a fact.

I never said my arguments are unsupportable or unfalsifiable, I wouldn't make them if that were the case. Human are, and have always been, spiritually connected. This is supportable through archeological finding. Humans continue to be spiritually connected in spite of science explaining away the great unknowns, this is falsifiable.

I DO know for a fact that God exists, I can't prove it to you because you refuse to accept spiritual evidence and spiritual evidence is all that can verify God. So I've not claimed that I have proved God exists, but I do know that God does exist.

But, you should know that this/your argument is # 19 at Why there is no god

You can't say that god has a non physical component because how can you prove it?

I can't. But I've never said that God doesn't have a physical component. Certainly, God does have a physical component and it's physical nature itself. God created it. The reality which exists in the spacetime continuum we experience physical nature, was a creation of God. This includes science, physics, and everything in physical reality of existence. God itself is not physical, it can't be... else it couldn't have created physical nature. Nothing can create itself, it's a logical dichotomy. God is spiritual energy which existed before physical nature.

There have been numerous claims of the supernatural, none of which have ever been demonstrated to be true. Furthermore, these claims are often mutually contradictory, and people who believe in one form of supernatural or paranormal activity will usually not believe in others due to cognitive bias and wishful thinking.

There is nothing "supernatural" about spiritual nature. It's perfectly natural, just not part of physical nature. It's not paranormal, it's spiritual nature. Humans have been connecting with it for all their existence in some form or another.

Proposing a non-physical explanation for an observed or imagined/fabricated phenomena is not a testable hypothesis and is therefore unworthy of serious consideration. It precludes any deeper insight or understanding and offers no means of distinction from any other possible supernatural claim.

This is what you call an argument from ignorance. You are ignoring there is something beyond physical nature. You are pretending that ONLY physical nature exists and if we can't explain something with physical science it must not exist. Therefore, black holes must not exist... they defy physical science. Physics says nothing travels faster than the speed of light, but that's precisely what is the makeup of a black hole, something travelling faster than the speed of light. Dark energy and dark matter, completely contradict all known physics. This is why we had to invent quantum physics, to explain what physical science couldn't explain. By the way, dark energy and dark matter comprise 96% of our universe.

What "precludes deeper insight" is to ignorantly assume there is no possibility outside of physical nature as currently defined. Science and an open mind has to consider the possibility there may be something more, something we don't yet understand with physical science.

There are many as yet unexplained phenomena and anomalies in nature. The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Exactly, so when I hear idiots like you proclaiming God is "supernatural" or doesn't exist, instead of admitting you don't know, then I have to call you out for that. You see, you've stopped looking, you've concluded that God can't exist because physical nature can't explain God.
They compare, sorry. As I already noted, Ogres, beasts, boogeymen have all shared time in the inventions of mankind.

And bear in mind (to borrow one of your pointless arguments), science has not disproven Ogres, beasts, boogeymen, Leprechauns etc., so as extant entities, they are equally as viable as your gods.

Again, another "because I say so" argument.

And bear in mind (to borrow one of your pointless arguments), science has not disproven Ogres, beasts, boogeymen, Leprechauns etc., so as extant entities, they are equally as viable as your gods.

The only way they could be equally viable is if humans had predominately worshiped these over the course of human history. They haven't, so... nope. Still, you are correct, science can't disprove their existence so science can't say they don't exist. Curiously, we don't see a lot of you people on these boards fighting tooth and nail to disprove ogres and leprechauns.

But hey... thank you for pointing out some of the rich human history with regard to spirituality. It's just more evidence of a clear human spiritual connection which can't be denied. A connection that follows man back to his origins and has always been present.

Dear Hollie and Boss:
Some things Science could prove:

A. Deliverance prayer invoking the authority of Christ Jesus
has a different effect and perhaps a different "energy level" than other forms of prayer
that are not able to heal people of demonic sickness or addictions as Exorcism can.

With more sensitive technological equipment, the "difference" between spiritual healing energy and prayer (versus the negative energy in witchcraft, voodoo, sorcery, occult, spiritism, curses and spells) could potentially be measured, as well as documenting the effects of healing on cancer, mental illness, etc. to show a "CORRELATION"

Cause/Effect may be difficult if not impossible to prove, but at least statistical results could show consistent correlation between the levels of forgiveness with healing of ills, and unforgiveness with unresolved conflicts and diseased conditions.

B. a Correlation between
1. belief in God with believing in Truth, Wisdom, Love, Good Will, Universal laws of life and creation
2. belief in Jesus with believing in Justice (where religious rejection correlates with Retributive Justice while religious conciliation and inclusion correlates with Restorative Justice)

Hollie: you mention ogres, beasts and bogey men
but fail to specify what MEANINGS these symbols REPRESENT.

So these are NOT the same as God and Jesus as personified beings.

You could align believing in beasts with demons, antichrist and NEGATIVE energy/entities.

Using statistics, we could document the ability of people to ALIGN the meanings with the various symbols, and prove that the INTERPRETATIONS tend to reconcile.

If people ARE able to align their TERMINOLOGY for these abstract CONCEPTS,
the statistics can show that successful alignment/reconciliation correlates with forgiveness,
while failure to reconcile correlates with level of unforgiveness between people and groups. So even THAT can be measured statistically and proven scientifically.

It is not so much the issue of WHICH terms are used to represent the concepts,
but what the symbols and concepts REFER to and how to align these with what
"values or principles" people already believe in as a reference in real life.

We have to compare apples with apples, and oranges with oranges
to make any sense of these concepts and the symbols assigned to them.
Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

I know you desperately want to believe that but littering your posts with repeated falsehoods won't make those falsehoods true.

As I already pointed out to you, civilizations have risen and fallen with and without gawds. Most of humanity has come and gone without the invention of your gods. So quite clearly, your gawds or other conceptions of gawds are not a requirement for success or failure of civilizations or cultures. This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

Many cultures and civilizations have created images and icons that represent occurrences in nature as a way of explaining things they didn't understand but that is not implying they "spiritually connect", that they worshipped gods of "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, were "intrinsically spiritually connected" or any other goofy cliche' you dump in most threads.

If we examine your nonsensical claim that cultures and civilizations without "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" is a guarantee they will collapse without it, you need to identify why all the cultures/civilizations you insist had "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" eventually failed anyway.

So tell us then, oh sage of "spiritual nature", "intrinsically connected, and "intrinsically spiritually connected", why did the Roman, Greek, Mayan civilizations fail when they had more gawds, "spiritual nature", were, "intrinsically connected, and were "intrinsically spiritually connected"?

Why didn't their gawds, "spiritual nature", "intrinsic connection", and "intrinsically spiritual connection" saved them?

Dear Hollie: As long as humanity is DIVIDED by tribes/nations
and we do not agree on universal principles that INCLUDE all people/tribes equally,
that is why we fall apart, over and over, and each time try to rebuild by INCLUDING
the lessons of the past and growing bigger and better by learning from that.

It is a process of reaching full maturity, which INCLUDES all knowledge.
So this is what is meant by a collective spiritual or UNIVERSAL process.

Hollie, even our ability to assess and include "knowledge of the past" relies on
our conscience and is faith based/spiritual in INTERPRETATION on some level!

You and I and others were not physically present when all this history happened,
so what we interpret is based on our CONSCIENCE.

This isn't entirely fact based or empirical but depends on our INTERPRETATION.
Whatever subjective/intuitive level that is on,
that is what is meant by spiritual/conscience, it is beyond what we can prove physically.

I think you must call it something else besides spiritual.

Whatever is "collective knowledge, understanding or perception" beyond our physical empirical senses
requires something other than our physical perception and immediate environment.

If you can tell me what you call this level, that is probably the equivalent in your system
of what Boss is calling spiritual nature. Everyone calls this different things, for that mechanism in the human
conscience that goes beyond just physical perception and factors in our immediate present.
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Okay.... So please show me where I've ever stated that God is proven fact? I am arguing against those who want to claim NO GOD is a proven fact, when that's inaccurate. Your blog post doesn't change that. Belief is always a valid position if there is evidence for your faith in the belief. Those who are spiritually connected have all the evidence they need to support their faith. You can holler "unsupportable/unfalsifiable" all day long, it doesn't change this fact. God isn't physical nature, therefore, it can't be evaluated with physical science. How many times do I have to repeat this? Seems I've typed it about a thousand times in this thread, and it keeps flying comfortably over your pinhead.

If I didn't believe in anything other than physical nature, then I would be skeptical of God too. I can see no possibility of God in a physical sense. There is no physical evidence to suggest a God in a physical sense. However, I am aware of something beyond the physical, a spiritual energy that courses through this universe and humans are able to connect with. Science is of no use because it can't evaluate that which is not physical.

As long as you realize your arguments are unsupportable/unfalsifiable, that's all I need. You are correct I can't prove there is no god and I/We don't know everything so as long as you aren't acting like Gismys like you know for a fact.

I never said my arguments are unsupportable or unfalsifiable, I wouldn't make them if that were the case. Human are, and have always been, spiritually connected. This is supportable through archeological finding. Humans continue to be spiritually connected in spite of science explaining away the great unknowns, this is falsifiable.

I DO know for a fact that God exists, I can't prove it to you because you refuse to accept spiritual evidence and spiritual evidence is all that can verify God. So I've not claimed that I have proved God exists, but I do know that God does exist.

I can't. But I've never said that God doesn't have a physical component. Certainly, God does have a physical component and it's physical nature itself. God created it. The reality which exists in the spacetime continuum we experience physical nature, was a creation of God. This includes science, physics, and everything in physical reality of existence. God itself is not physical, it can't be... else it couldn't have created physical nature. Nothing can create itself, it's a logical dichotomy. God is spiritual energy which existed before physical nature.

There is nothing "supernatural" about spiritual nature. It's perfectly natural, just not part of physical nature. It's not paranormal, it's spiritual nature. Humans have been connecting with it for all their existence in some form or another.

Proposing a non-physical explanation for an observed or imagined/fabricated phenomena is not a testable hypothesis and is therefore unworthy of serious consideration. It precludes any deeper insight or understanding and offers no means of distinction from any other possible supernatural claim.

This is what you call an argument from ignorance. You are ignoring there is something beyond physical nature. You are pretending that ONLY physical nature exists and if we can't explain something with physical science it must not exist. Therefore, black holes must not exist... they defy physical science. Physics says nothing travels faster than the speed of light, but that's precisely what is the makeup of a black hole, something travelling faster than the speed of light. Dark energy and dark matter, completely contradict all known physics. This is why we had to invent quantum physics, to explain what physical science couldn't explain. By the way, dark energy and dark matter comprise 96% of our universe.

What "precludes deeper insight" is to ignorantly assume there is no possibility outside of physical nature as currently defined. Science and an open mind has to consider the possibility there may be something more, something we don't yet understand with physical science.

There are many as yet unexplained phenomena and anomalies in nature. The scientific approach to these is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Exactly, so when I hear idiots like you proclaiming God is "supernatural" or doesn't exist, instead of admitting you don't know, then I have to call you out for that. You see, you've stopped looking, you've concluded that God can't exist because physical nature can't explain God.
false! there is nothing outside nature god is either part of nature or imaginary.
then again, imagination is a part of nature..
the scientific approach is not I don't know .
it is however : "until there is evidence one way or the other one should not presume either.
Human history clearly refutes your nonsensical comments. The fact is, civilizations have risen and fallen without the use nor any requirement for your particular gawds or the gawds of others.

We also know that civilizations have risen and fallen in spite of them having gawds. It seems that even the benefit of having one or many gawds is not an indication that alleged gawd-given "morality" is going to further success of any civilization.

BTW, I was disappointed you didn't entertain us with a litany of slogans including, but not limited to: spiritually connect, spiritual nature, intrinsically connected, intrinsically spiritually connected, and my favorite, ".... because I say so".

Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

I know you desperately want to believe that but littering your posts with repeated falsehoods won't make those falsehoods true.

As I already pointed out to you, civilizations have risen and fallen with and without gawds. Most of humanity has come and gone without the invention of your gods. So quite clearly, your gawds or other conceptions of gawds are not a requirement for success or failure of civilizations or cultures. This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

Many cultures and civilizations have created images and icons that represent occurrences in nature as a way of explaining things they didn't understand but that is not implying they "spiritually connect", that they worshipped gods of "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, were "intrinsically spiritually connected" or any other goofy cliche' you dump in most threads.

If we examine your nonsensical claim that cultures and civilizations without "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" is a guarantee they will collapse without it, you need to identify why all the cultures/civilizations you insist had "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" eventually failed anyway.

So tell us then, oh sage of "spiritual nature", "intrinsically connected, and "intrinsically spiritually connected", why did the Roman, Greek, Mayan civilizations fail when they had more gawds, "spiritual nature", were, "intrinsically connected, and were "intrinsically spiritually connected"?

Why didn't their gawds, "spiritual nature", "intrinsic connection", and "intrinsically spiritual connection" saved them?

You should try reading the entire post instead of knee-jerk reacting like some kind of autobot. I clearly stated: Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive.

This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

There are none that have ever risen to any great prominence without spirituality. It's kind of a 'prerequisite' for human civilization. There are numerous examples of civilizations which started with spirituality and tried to abandon it then failed miserably. The great Roman Empire collapsed when they perverted their spirituality into nationalism. The Soviet Union nearly collapsed because of state mandated Atheism and banning of religion, until they realized the people needed it and reformed. China is another example, and there are countless others. Societies and civilizations don't thrive very well without human spirituality, they never have and never will.
Human history is that man has always been spiritual. From the very first civilization to today. No civilization has ever risen without spirituality, nor has one ever existed for very long in absence of spirituality. Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive. It is a guarantee they will collapse without it. This is why you can't name a civilization that has existed without spirituality, there isn't one.

I know you desperately want to believe that but littering your posts with repeated falsehoods won't make those falsehoods true.

As I already pointed out to you, civilizations have risen and fallen with and without gawds. Most of humanity has come and gone without the invention of your gods. So quite clearly, your gawds or other conceptions of gawds are not a requirement for success or failure of civilizations or cultures. This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

Many cultures and civilizations have created images and icons that represent occurrences in nature as a way of explaining things they didn't understand but that is not implying they "spiritually connect", that they worshipped gods of "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, were "intrinsically spiritually connected" or any other goofy cliche' you dump in most threads.

If we examine your nonsensical claim that cultures and civilizations without "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" is a guarantee they will collapse without it, you need to identify why all the cultures/civilizations you insist had "spiritual nature", or "intrinsically connected, or "intrinsically spiritually connected" eventually failed anyway.

So tell us then, oh sage of "spiritual nature", "intrinsically connected, and "intrinsically spiritually connected", why did the Roman, Greek, Mayan civilizations fail when they had more gawds, "spiritual nature", were, "intrinsically connected, and were "intrinsically spiritually connected"?

Why didn't their gawds, "spiritual nature", "intrinsic connection", and "intrinsically spiritual connection" saved them?

You should try reading the entire post instead of knee-jerk reacting like some kind of autobot. I clearly stated: Nobody has claimed spirituality is a guarantee a civilization will survive.

This is why you cannot identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods.

There are none that have ever risen to any great prominence without spirituality. It's kind of a 'prerequisite' for human civilization. There are numerous examples of civilizations which started with spirituality and tried to abandon it then failed miserably. The great Roman Empire collapsed when they perverted their spirituality into nationalism. The Soviet Union nearly collapsed because of state mandated Atheism and banning of religion, until they realized the people needed it and reformed. China is another example, and there are countless others. Societies and civilizations don't thrive very well without human spirituality, they never have and never will.

That was quite a waffle.

Here it is again: can you identify a single culture or civilization that "collapsed" specifically because they didn't have gods?
You can't say that god has a non physical component because how can you prove it?

by definition of what God is used to represent.

if God means the highest level of All things, all knowledge, all energy, all events, all laws,
and/or the creation/cause of all these things,
then this goes beyond man's finite physical perception into a higher level beyond what
we can PROVE is in our IMMEDIATE physical world.

The minute something is beyond our IMMEDIATE empirical perception,
it is outside the physical level and on a level of abstract perception.

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