Why do the God-haters persist?

... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time. So once again, we find that you are basing your faith-based beliefs on something that science simply doesn't and can't support. There is no evidence to support your faith, it's just plain old fashioned faith.

Boss: ( There is no evidence to support your faith ) ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

what purpose could there be by excluding all other life to fulfill a certain individuals belief in spiritualism exclusive to only themselves ? ....

if nothing else where is your scientific link to: "In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time".

you are not so much for something greater than self as you are just for yourself ... there is religion, you need to find it.


only in your dreams...your answer just highlights that bossys bullshit has not evolved in nearly 300 pages..

That's just because you are too thick headed to accept spiritual evidence that does not qualify as any kind of evidence so of course you are incapable of accepting spiritual realities that are not real..

You don't know either. And that's why us agnostic atheists say the best answer is we just don't know and to keep on looking.

But that's not what you said. You claimed we know that floods aren't caused by God(s) and you've offered no proof of that claim. I called you out on it, now you want to argue that I don't know either, but I didn't say I knew... you did. See, I would be fine with this "agnostic atheism" stuff if you actually practiced what you preach. You seem to want to have it both ways... we don't know, but yet, we do know.

You theists claim you know. You don't know shit. Now if you want to get rid of the lie and start talking about right and wrong ok but leave god out because to us it is just a distraction and if you can't prove it, who really cares?

Well, I am not a theist. I don't believe in religion. Remember? What lie? God? You've not proven God is a lie. That's another of your "agnostic atheist" claims that you don't know but say you do.

Who really cares? I care! Lots of other people who believe in God also care. We outnumber you about 9 to 1, so you'll have to put up with us.... but since you claim you don't know, that shouldn't be a problem.

Are you really assuming that you have to believe in the spiritual or god to be good? I disagree. That should be insulting to humans that we need a scary lie to be good. Repeat, belief in god does not make for good citizens. Not good in heart and not wise in mind. Ignorant greedy society. Exactly what we have here in America.

You're telling lies again. I didn't say you have to believe in God to be good. I don't give a damn what you find insulting, I find you insulting. You keep calling God a lie without supporting your accusation.

And did you blow off the fact that somehow the people in England and Canada knew it was wrong to own slaves but you want to give white American christians a pass in the 1700's for owning slaves?

As far as I know, you can't grow cotton in Canada or England. That's the only reason anyone had slaves. Now, we can take a look at any number of British colonies in Africa over to India, and I bet you'll find ample slaves under British rule. South Africa was segregated until the 1980s, primarily because of British law. Are we forgetting all of that conveniently?

Remember, it was that generation that told the next generation about god. You believe that generation? Why do you believe the generation before or after that generation? But you do? You take the word of our monkey ancestors.

Actually you have bastardized god just like every other religion did after the very first one was invented. Spin offs.

I've already told you about what I believe. You're helping to establish my point here. Humans have always been spiritual. There is no evidence they invented that. If it were "made up" and served no fundamental purpose, humans would have stopped doing it long ago, but they haven't. They continue to pass down stories through generations and continue to believe in something greater than self. Even you admitted this was inescapable and people couldn't live without belief in a God.

While it's easy for me to see how YOU may have come from a monkey, I didn't. This is yet another of your "agnostic atheist" claims that we don't know but really we do. You've offered no evidence that any sort of cross-genus evolution has ever taken place. Like all the rest, this is a faith-based belief you have under protection of "agnostic atheism" where you don't have to explain things, you can claim they are unknown, but continue to present your opinions as fact.
Boss: ( There is no evidence to support your faith ) ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

what purpose could there be by excluding all other life to fulfill a certain individuals belief in spiritualism exclusive to only themselves ? ....

if nothing else where is your scientific link to: "In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time".

you are not so much for something greater than self as you are just for yourself ... there is religion, you need to find it.

You want me to give you a scientific link to something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening? I don't understand this, I also can't give you a scientific link to no findings of flying spaghetti monsters. Does that mean science says they're real? I can think of millions of other things there are no scientific links to show they've not found evidence of... I don't see the point in that. If you have some evidence of a living thing doing something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose, then present your evidence or shut up.

I haven't "excluded" any damn thing. I don't know why you keep claiming this. You made the argument many moons ago about the possibility that all living things are spiritually connected, and I agreed that was a possibility and thanked you for your insight. But ever since then, you have consistently repeated this lie about what I've said. Why is that? Why do you and silly boob continue to post lie after lie about things I haven't said? If that's the only way you can find to disagree with me, making up a lie and pretending I said it, then so be it. I'd just like to understand why it keeps on happening.

Do you not believe human beings are spiritual? That's pretty amazing since you think the Flora and Fauna are, and you do all this talking about the Almighty and Everlasting... so are humans not part of all that? See... me and silly boob are having an argument about human spirituality... he claims it's all made up nonsense and there is no such thing. I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented. Which side are you on there? Do you think humans make it up and it's all in their heads? If not, you need to stop attacking ME and address the idiot who is claiming your "Everlasting" is a bunch of nonsense.
You want me to give you a scientific link to something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening? I don't understand this, I also can't give you a scientific link to no findings of flying spaghetti monsters. Does that mean science says they're real? I can think of millions of other things there are no scientific links to show they've not found evidence of... I don't see the point in that. If you have some evidence of a living thing doing something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose, then present your evidence or shut up.

I haven't "excluded" any damn thing. I don't know why you keep claiming this. You made the argument many moons ago about the possibility that all living things are spiritually connected, and I agreed that was a possibility and thanked you for your insight. But ever since then, you have consistently repeated this lie about what I've said. Why is that? Why do you and silly boob continue to post lie after lie about things I haven't said? If that's the only way you can find to disagree with me, making up a lie and pretending I said it, then so be it. I'd just like to understand why it keeps on happening.

Do you not believe human beings are spiritual? That's pretty amazing since you think the Flora and Fauna are, and you do all this talking about the Almighty and Everlasting... so are humans not part of all that? See... me and silly boob are having an argument about human spirituality... he claims it's all made up nonsense and there is no such thing. I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented. Which side are you on there? Do you think humans make it up and it's all in their heads? If not, you need to stop attacking ME and address the idiot who is claiming your "Everlasting" is a bunch of nonsense.

Boss: ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

Boss: You want me to give you a scientific link to something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening?

yes, you have made an absurd assertion ( something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening ) about nature that is far more prevalent as a digression of humanity than the other life forms whose subtleties conveniently escape you - no, they do not consume alcohol and swear in public.

Boss: ( I haven't "excluded" any damn thing ) - ( and I agreed that was a possibility ) ( ... so are humans not part of all that... ) - - I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented.

Boss: I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

just what does not happen in nature ? -

you know perfectly well I include all life, Flora and Fauna as Spiritual creatures equally aspiring Admission to the Everlasting. it is you who deceivingly insist the issue is not debatable (without your evidence) and blindly insist on a hierarchy for humanity. - similar to the desert religions but not from the initial spirituality from Antiquity.

* have not learned how to "wrap in quot" without that tool in new forum ????

Humans have always been spiritual. There is no evidence they invented that. If it were "made up" and served no fundamental purpose, humans would have stopped doing it long ago, but they haven't. They continue to pass down stories through generations and continue to believe in something greater than self. Even you admitted this was inescapable and people couldn't live without belief in a God.

While it's easy for me to see how YOU may have come from a monkey, I didn't. This is yet another of your "agnostic atheist" claims that we don't know but really we do. You've offered no evidence that any sort of cross-genus evolution has ever taken place. Like all the rest, this is a faith-based belief you have under protection of "agnostic atheism" where you don't have to explain things, you can claim they are unknown, but continue to present your opinions as fact.

1. So now you want me to prove that god isn't creating the lightning. Idiot.

2. The god the theists say is real is a lie and you know it. If it weren't you'd realize all your christian buddies think you're going to hell. Since people have always believed ignorant things like that, they must be true. So there must be a hell and you're going to it because you deny jesus or mohammad or FILL IN THE BLANK.

3. People who believe in generic god are close to waking up. I remember being just like you. I'll give you an example. I was watching Good Times the other night. The episode where Michael had the balls to tell his christian mom he didn't believe in god. I remember that episode when I was a child. I remember being CLEARLY on his mother's side back then. I remember being so glad when Michael changed his mind. So it may take you 30 more years till it finally dawns on you like it did finally to me.

4. You are a theist. Look up the fucking word jackass.

5. Good points on the cotton, England, Africa, Canada point you made.

6. People have always believed because it suited a purpose back then, was force fed to us for thousands of years, and still suits a purpose to this day. It keeps the churches rich. It helps control the masses. Makes some people be good. Helps you raise your kids with a super parent. People have always been afraid of what happens when they die.

I'll tell you who invented god. Either a mom trying to make her children feel better after dad got eaten by a wholly mammouth or saber tooth tiger or a tribal elder who told the tribe stories, saw a lot of death and did a lot of pondering. That's all it took. A creative mind and a gullible clan.

Ok, what proof did THEY have boss? If he didn't really talk to them, they just made it up. But you think god ingrained it into our dna? That's your answer? You don't have even one good argument for god.

Lets just leave it at you believe because you want to believe and you can't believe otherwise. Because you have no proof. I don't need to prove to you Leprechauns don't exist now too, do I?
only in your dreams...your answer just highlights that bossys bullshit has not evolved in nearly 300 pages..

Boss says god is real because the majority of humans believe in some kind of god/spirituality.

Then it is true boss is going to hell, because anyone who really claims to be a christian has to admit that the bible says Jesus said ONLY THROUGH ME can you enter heaven. If christian light christians want to have a different spin on that I'm sorry but your church disagrees with you. You don't get to cherry pick. So christians clearly think Boss is going to hell.

Muslims for sure think Boss is going to hell.

Mormon's and Jehova say he's going to hell.

I don't know what the jews say about people like boss.

But so the majority of religious people believe boss is going to hell. So it must be true.

This is the same bad logic boss uses for god.
Boss: ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

Boss: You want me to give you a scientific link to something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening?

yes, you have made an absurd assertion ( something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening ) about nature that is far more prevalent as a digression of humanity than the other life forms whose subtleties conveniently escape you - no, they do not consume alcohol and swear in public.

Boss: ( I haven't "excluded" any damn thing ) - ( and I agreed that was a possibility ) ( ... so are humans not part of all that... ) - - I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented.

Boss: I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

just what does not happen in nature ? -

you know perfectly well I include all life, Flora and Fauna as Spiritual creatures equally aspiring Admission to the Everlasting. it is you who deceivingly insist the issue is not debatable (without your evidence) and blindly insist on a hierarchy for humanity. - similar to the desert religions but not from the initial spirituality from Antiquity.

* have not learned how to "wrap in quot" without that tool in new forum ????


I saw a show on how the meteor belt is possibly where life comes from. Frozen ice with amino acids. For some reason they got bounced around and flew all over the solar system hitting every planet. We were just the right distance from the sun so life was able to flourish and evolve. They think these meteors crashed on Mars and all the other planets and so those amino acids are on all the planets. Mars billions of years ago may have had life on it or their may actually be life on it now. They see in the summer methane comes out of the planet. That could mean life. We know there is ice and under might be water.

Anyways, my point is, what put the amino acids on those asteroids? Where does that life come from? That's what we want to know.

If god did it, why even bother continuing to look for the answers? Saying god did it is what our uneducated ancient ancestors did. Stop doing that. We're better to say we don't know yet and to keep looking for the answers.
Boss: ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

Boss: You want me to give you a scientific link to something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening?

yes, you have made an absurd assertion ( something science has never observed and has no account of ever happening ) about nature that is far more prevalent as a digression of humanity than the other life forms whose subtleties conveniently escape you - no, they do not consume alcohol and swear in public.

Consuming alcohol and swearing in public both have benefit and purpose. You may not consider it beneficial or purposeful, but the creature doing it does. So you'll have to think harder to come up with an example of behavior with no rational purpose or benefit. You've failed.

Boss: ( I haven't "excluded" any damn thing ) - ( and I agreed that was a possibility ) ( ... so are humans not part of all that... ) - - I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented.
Boss: I maintain that humans make a real spiritual connection with something and it's not made up or invented ... In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time.

just what does not happen in nature ? -

Behaviors that have no rational purpose or reason, yet exist as a fundamental behavioral aspect of the species in question. Do you have any examples of this or not? (Repeating my statement over and over, making it bold or adding color, isn't a response.)

you know perfectly well I include all life, Flora and Fauna as Spiritual creatures equally aspiring Admission to the Everlasting. it is you who deceivingly insist the issue is not debatable (without your evidence) and blindly insist on a hierarchy for humanity. - similar to the desert religions but not from the initial spirituality from Antiquity.

It's not blindly... it's apparent that humans are far more advanced and sophisticated than any other living thing. It's also apparent humans spiritually worship. Any 'hierarchy' is a perception you've drawn based on those presented facts. I don't know much about 'original spirituality' and I doubt you do either, but I know humans have always been spiritual creatures.

Again I ask, why are you busting MY chops when we both agree there is a spiritual nature? Why do you join forces with the "atheist agnostic" in this thread, who believes you're full of shit? This just doesn't make much sense to me, as it seems you are a spiritual person.

* have not learned how to "wrap in quot" without that tool in new forum ????

 Use [QUOTE] and [/QUOTE]
Behaviors that have no rational purpose or reason, yet exist as a fundamental behavioral aspect of the species in question. Do you have any examples of this or not?

 Use [QUOTE] and [/QUOTE]

For one, I have shown you that religion does serve a benefit. It provides friends, helps raise your kids and answers your fears of the unknown just to name a few. Here is another example. How about, finding a wife? Where do you find a good girl? In church. Or so you would think. My buddy just married a nut job and divorced her after 4 months. But I see a lot of my buddies or family who have good wives met them in church I will give you that.

Here is a good example though. Science is trying to figure out why/how come us left handers haven't gone extinct and why the masses are right handed. They theorize that being left handed was good in combat and sports so maybe we were studs and the woman liked us, but even we gave birth to mostly right handers. And we live in a right handed world. But the one thing us lefties are good/better at than righties is sports and war so maybe that is why.

Also the ability to write comes from the left side of the brain so that means everyone should be right handed, but we are not. Why? They don't know for sure. Maybe it was god. Maybe all us left handers are gods?
1. So now you want me to prove that god isn't creating the lightning. Idiot.

No, I just want you to prove the definitive claims you make. Or at least present some sort of evidence we can evaluate objectively. Your OPINION on things are not evidence or facts, they are not science and we can't take them as truths. If you can't support your suppositions, they are simply "faith-based" beliefs. Now you have demonstrated you have very strong faith, which is not a bad thing, most humans do have faith.

2. The god the theists say is real is a lie and you know it. If it weren't you'd realize all your christian buddies think you're going to hell. Since people have always believed ignorant things like that, they must be true. So there must be a hell and you're going to it because you deny jesus or mohammad or FILL IN THE BLANK.

We see something revealing here about your personality. Notice how it seems you place a very high value on what others think. This causes you to appeal to me by informing me of how others think negatively of me. You assume that I am like you and I want others to like me. I don't care if others think I am going to hell. It doesn't make me think less of them or dismiss their arguments.

Now, I don't know what God is real, I just know the God I communicate with is real. That's all that really matters to me. I haven't "denied" anything, I am a student of possibilities. From my perspective, ALL religious incarnations of God could be true, they could also be false or a combination of both. It doesn't matter to me because the God I know is real.

3. People who believe in generic god are close to waking up. I remember being just like you. I'll give you an example. I was watching Good Times the other night. The episode where Michael had the balls to tell his christian mom he didn't believe in god. I remember that episode when I was a child. I remember being CLEARLY on his mother's side back then. I remember being so glad when Michael changed his mind. So it may take you 30 more years till it finally dawns on you like it did finally to me.

You're NOT like me. I make a real connection with a real God daily, and you don't. You never have. If you did, you'd not be able to forget about that. You've been an empty spiritual vessel your whole life, you went through the motions of pretending to be spiritual for the sake of society or to please your family members... again, because you like to be liked. Now you wish to appeal to your "atheist buddies" so you've decided to reject the God that you never did connect with.

4. You are a theist. Look up the fucking word jackass.

A theist believes in one or more "deities" and I don't know that God is a deity. I believe in Spiritual Energy. I do not subscribe to religious theologies, and only in the broadest sense of the word am I a "theist." If we're going by that broad encompassing definition, you are also a theist... you believe in Karma.

5. Good points on the cotton, England, Africa, Canada point you made.

Another point is this... Even in 1700s England where they outlawed slavery, that was mostly a Christian society.

6. People have always believed because it suited a purpose back then, was force fed to us for thousands of years, and still suits a purpose to this day. It keeps the churches rich. It helps control the masses. Makes some people be good. Helps you raise your kids with a super parent. People have always been afraid of what happens when they die.

I'll tell you who invented god. Either a mom trying to make her children feel better after dad got eaten by a wholly mammouth or saber tooth tiger or a tribal elder who told the tribe stories, saw a lot of death and did a lot of pondering. That's all it took. A creative mind and a gullible clan.

But what you keep on doing is interjecting your opinion without basis in evidence. I don't have a problem with you having faith-based beliefs, but we cannot call those facts or science. No evidence exists that humans invented spirituality. You have not presented such evidence and you can't because none exists. You have a faith-based opinion, and that is all you have.

Ok, what proof did THEY have boss? If he didn't really talk to them, they just made it up. But you think god ingrained it into our dna? That's your answer? You don't have even one good argument for god.

Lets just leave it at you believe because you want to believe and you can't believe otherwise. Because you have no proof. I don't need to prove to you Leprechauns don't exist now too, do I?

I've already explained that I believe because I am aware of a spiritual connection which I gain benefit from. I don't have any need to prove that to you, and this thread isn't to prove God exists. If you actually think that someone is going to be able to convince you of a God that you refuse to believe in, I don't know what to tell you... get some professional help.
For one, I have shown you that religion does serve a benefit. It provides friends, helps raise your kids and answers your fears of the unknown just to name a few. Here is another example. How about, finding a wife? Where do you find a good girl? In church. Or so you would think. My buddy just married a nut job and divorced her after 4 months. But I see a lot of my buddies or family who have good wives met them in church I will give you that.

So basically what you are saying is, God is beneficial to societal structure in general. It enables robust human civilization and culture. I agree, which is why I believe it is too fundamentally important to our species to have been invented or imaginary. It's also a good argument as to why God is essential to human civilization and we couldn't survive without it. Well said!

Here is a good example though. Science is trying to figure out why/how come us left handers haven't gone extinct and why the masses are right handed. They theorize that being left handed was good in combat and sports so maybe we were studs and the woman liked us, but even we gave birth to mostly right handers. And we live in a right handed world. But the one thing us lefties are good/better at than righties is sports and war so maybe that is why.

Also the ability to write comes from the left side of the brain so that means everyone should be right handed, but we are not. Why? They don't know for sure. Maybe it was god. Maybe all us left handers are gods?

I certainly think many atheists have replaced God with worship of self, becoming their own God.

The left hand/right hand thing is superficial and not really related to this discussion. When I was 6 years old, I broke my right collarbone, was confined to a cast for 6 months. It just so happened this was about the time my schoolmates were learning to write, so I had to learn how to write left handed. I can write just as well with my left or right hand. I imagine had that accident not happened, I wouldn't have ever learned to write left handed.
Wait. You believe in god but aren't a theist? You don't know if god is a deity? You get very confusing with your terminology, Boss.

I didn't raise the terminology issue, I am merely addressing it as presented. Sorry if you are confused, but I imagine that is a familiar state for you.... I bet you'll survive!

To clarify: I believe in Spiritual Nature, a force that I routinely connect with and gain benefit from. Whether this constitutes a "deity" or not, I have no way of knowing for certain. It's quite superfluous to me one way or the other. Theological beliefs are related to religious understandings of a Deity God, and in that respect, I am not a theist. So if you go by a broad sense of context, then I guess you could call me a "theist" because I do believe in a "God" which I define as Spiritual Nature. However, I have consistently said I am non-theistic in my beliefs. Take it for what it's worth.
Wait. You believe in god but aren't a theist? You don't know if god is a deity? You get very confusing with your terminology, Boss.

We call them cherry pickers. And notice he wants me to prove the invisible man he talks to isn't real? If he really believes some invisible god is talking to him what I would recommend is a psychiatrist but I don't even really believe he believes the shit he says.

I think he likes it that he can't define god. That's because he knows deep down he can't. It is truly all in his head. Ignorant bliss.
So basically what you are saying is, God is beneficial to societal structure in general. It enables robust human civilization and culture. I agree, which is why I believe it is too fundamentally important to our species to have been invented or imaginary. It's also a good argument as to why God is essential to human civilization and we couldn't survive without it. Well said!

There were for sure benefits to believing in god. Don't get burned at the stake or crucified would be a couple. But there are many more. Just the comfort it must have given to people when their parents never returned from the hunt.

Even if god was important and helped when we were not as smart, for a million reasons I don't think it is necessary or beneficial anymore. Lets just say the pro's don't outweigh the cons. We can do better and don't need a god. What do you think would happen if we got rid of god?

But that's just me. For you it is clearly necessary. Just keep that shit to yourself.
Consuming alcohol and swearing in public both have benefit and purpose. You may not consider it beneficial or purposeful, but the creature doing it does. So you'll have to think harder to come up with an example of behavior with no rational purpose or benefit. You've failed.

Behaviors that have no rational purpose or reason, yet exist as a fundamental behavioral aspect of the species in question. Do you have any examples of this or not? (Repeating my statement over and over, making it bold or adding color, isn't a response.)

It's not blindly... it's apparent that humans are far more advanced and sophisticated than any other living thing. It's also apparent humans spiritually worship. Any 'hierarchy' is a perception you've drawn based on those presented facts. I don't know much about 'original spirituality' and I doubt you do either, but I know humans have always been spiritual creatures.

Again I ask, why are you busting MY chops when we both agree there is a spiritual nature? Why do you join forces with the "atheist agnostic" in this thread, who believes you're full of shit? This just doesn't make much sense to me, as it seems you are a spiritual person.

 Use [QUOTE] and [/QUOTE]

Consuming alcohol and swearing in public both have benefit and purpose.

that makes no sense ... sort of lost with your argument there, Blade - can we try a Peach, no process there ...

it's apparent that humans are far more advanced and sophisticated than any other living thing.
we get what you are implying - of course you never replied to what will be your superior attribute when locked in a room with a hungry Lion.

I don't know much about 'original spirituality'


but I know humans have always been spiritual creatures.

that's the problem, why do you exclude all other life from spirituality - what you communicate with is not "in your head" why would ( whatever) only communicate with humans ?

Again I ask, why are you busting MY chops when we both agree there is a spiritual nature?

you have a point there - except a true Spiritualist does have a religion and Spiritualism exists in all living creatures and to portray otherwise is heretical.

I didn't raise the terminology issue, I am merely addressing it as presented. Sorry if you are confused, but I imagine that is a familiar state for you.... I bet you'll survive!

To clarify: I believe in Spiritual Nature, a force that I routinely connect with and gain benefit from. Whether this constitutes a "deity" or not, I have no way of knowing for certain. It's quite superfluous to me one way or the other. Theological beliefs are related to religious understandings of a Deity God, and in that respect, I am not a theist. So if you go by a broad sense of context, then I guess you could call me a "theist" because I do believe in a "God" which I define as Spiritual Nature. However, I have consistently said I am non-theistic in my beliefs. Take it for what it's worth.

You can't have it both ways. Seems you want it both ways with all your arguments. This one and a couple more.

1. If something must have created all this, what created the thing that created all this? Why does one have to have a cause but the other doesn't? And how do you know? You don't.

2. Also your argument since most people believe then it must be true. Same goes for most people think you are gong to hell. Muslims and Christians combined plus every other believer. From the beginning when we first made this shit up, we always believed that other people who are not one of us or believe like we do will not go to heaven. Why? Because god told them. In other words we've been lying about god from the time we invented him. Hense all the bullshit fake ass fairy tales of creation and times when god talked to us. LIES!

So remember, If your theory holds true that because we always believed ignorant things then every ignorant thing we ever believed must be true. And if majority rules, you're going to hell with me. lol

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