Why do the God-haters persist?

So they lied or made it up? Because today we know floods aren't caused by god(s). You do know that right?

Excuse me, but we do NOT know this. We know how floods happen, we're uncertain on why. Yes, they can be physically explained, we still don't know why they happen, or why climate functions as it does, for that matter. We can explain how it works, but that is not to be confused with WHY it works.

You don't know that they lied or made anything up. Someone supposedly told Noah to build a big ass boat. Now... maybe it was an alien who knew that Earth was to be impacted by an asteroid soon? Don't know... it's possible.

We do know the Earth has encountered several mass extinction events, the archeology shows us this much. If you learn of a way to avoid those, there's probably a Nobel Prize waiting for ya. The fact remains, as Neil Degrassey-head sez... the Universe has many ways to kill us.

You don't know WHY.
Now I am not saying there is no God but claiming that God killed everyone according to the story of Noah because they were evil ... is as silly ....

that is the religion, not to out of step for a carnivorous planet which may be meant as the daily reminder.

Remember Boss gets the luxury of picking and choosing what parts of religion he agrees with and doesn't agree with because he openly admits every single organized religion is made up. No god ever talked to any of them. Not Mohammad, Jesus, Noah, Mosus, Joseph Smith, etc.

BUT, Boss talks to god.

I wonder why he doesn't believe in christianity? I'll ask him.

I never said I don't agree with Christianity or any other religion. I find a lot in Christian religion as well as Judaism, Islam, Hindu, and Buddhism that comports with my beliefs in a higher spiritual power. In essence, the "good" that religions do in the name of humanity and love, is of great consequence to spiritual energy, which I am an ardent supporter of.

The reason I am not Christian is because I don't accept that Jesus was the physical incarnation of God, or that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus was a great philosopher and may have been inspired by God, but I interpret the message of Jesus differently than Christians. I think what Jesus was telling us was that we didn't need organized religious formalities or church dogma to connect with God. Acceptance of God and God's Will is independent of religion and available to all men through their heart.

I respect Christians, just as I respect all religious believers as long as they are promoting love in humanity and positive spiritual energy.

So even though he knows every organized religion is made up, he can't believe that primitive man made up god to begin with.

I've never said that I thought anything was "made up" including human spirituality, which has always existed in man. Because someone might misinterpret spiritual energy, doesn't mean they've made something up.

OR, his argument is that because we have always believed, that must mean god is real. First of all, he can't prove we always believed. I have even given him great arguments for how/why someone must have made it up at one point in history. If you were born a baby to parents on a deserted island and they never told you about god, would you just instinctively come up with it? No you would not. Chances are it was sitting around a camp fire mourning the loss of a love one when someone came up with it.

Archeology says we've always believed. If you have a beef with archeology, take it up with them. You've shown us no point in human history where humans were not spiritual. You can speculate and form faith-based beliefs on anything you please, but we are simply going to call them that until you can present some kind of valid evidence to support your faith.

And the fact that Indians invented their own version, Europeans invented their stories, Eqyptians, Greeks, etc. All that tells us is we are all alike.

No, it tells us that humans are all spiritual. It is an intrinsic characteristic found in man that simply cannot be denied. The fact that you can point to any culture at any place on the planet at any time and find human spiritual connection, is very telling. This means something profound. It can't be dismissed or written off as a fluke. It can't be explained away by superficial excuses or false justifications. There is no basis in nature for which to make those claims, so they are irrelevant. Humans are spiritually connected because they do spiritually connect with something greater than self.

I will admit that if any society were to start over from scratch and no one is told about god, maybe not in the first generation, but eventually someone would come up with the story of god. It is human nature to contemplate these things. We have brains big enough to have wishful thinking.

You are absolutely correct. Humans cannot exist without contemplating something greater than self. It's impossible. Again..... this means something profound.

A bird can imagine a human and a human can imagine a bird but only a human can imagine a human with wings.

But human spirituality goes beyond something imaginary. If it were imaginary, there would be no significant consequence from it and humans would lack any reason or justification to continue doing it. In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time. So once again, we find that you are basing your faith-based beliefs on something that science simply doesn't and can't support. There is no evidence to support your faith, it's just plain old fashioned faith.
Excuse me, but we do NOT know this. We know how floods happen, we're uncertain on why. Yes, they can be physically explained, we still don't know why they happen, or why climate functions as it does, for that matter. We can explain how it works, but that is not to be confused with WHY it works.

You don't know that they lied or made anything up. Someone supposedly told Noah to build a big ass boat. Now... maybe it was an alien who knew that Earth was to be impacted by an asteroid soon? Don't know... it's possible.

We do know the Earth has encountered several mass extinction events, the archeology shows us this much. If you learn of a way to avoid those, there's probably a Nobel Prize waiting for ya. The fact remains, as Neil Degrassey-head sez... the Universe has many ways to kill us.

You don't know WHY.

Sure we know why. It's completely random. The only thing we can do to prolong our life on this planet is to

a. Stop polluting it, drilling it, fracking it, nuking it, etc. Unfortunately stupid religious people don't believe in Global warming because it wasn't written in the bible.

b. Embrace science. Science saves you when you are sick, not god. Science got those aliens here to earth from their planet, not a god.
The reason I am not Christian is because I don't accept that Jesus was the physical incarnation of God, or that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

Archeology says we've always believed. If you have a beef with archeology, take it up with them.

You are absolutely correct. Humans cannot exist without contemplating something greater than self. It's impossible. Again..... this means something profound.

But human spirituality goes beyond something imaginary. If it were imaginary, there would be no significant consequence from it and humans would lack any reason or justification to continue doing it. In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time. So once again, we find that you are basing your faith-based beliefs on something that science simply doesn't and can't support. There is no evidence to support your faith, it's just plain old fashioned faith.

1. So you agree Jesus didn't perform miracles, rise from the dead and Mary wasn't a virgin. So you agree with me. Thanks.

2. I promote love and treating others right too. So just like christians and jews can be bad, atheists can be good. Remember that.

3. Your "archeologist says" argument is just like you trying to claim racists in the 1700's were Darwin fans even though he was born in 1800's. You are a slick lying bullshitting spinster.

4. I know it is hard to believe that from the indians to the asians they all came up with the concept of god or spirituality. Just because ALL humans from indians to whites have always been spiritual/superstitious doesn't mean shit. Science has explained this and I have explained it to you but you keep denying it. Just because primitive men invented god doesn't mean god exists. If someone smart who knew science were there maybe they would have been able to put the cabosh on god but unfortunately no one that smart was around when they invented god. No one there to tell them it wasn't Zeus bowling. The fact that ancient uncivilized and unevolved humans were capable of thinking up god, devils, angels, ghosts and demons does not mean they exist. Are you really that thick headed you don't get that? Your argument is fatally flawed. Just because man was superstitious always doesn't mean they've always been right. You are a fucking idiot if you believe that is good evidence. Fucking dope.
But human spirituality goes beyond something imaginary. If it were imaginary, there would be no significant consequence from it and humans would lack any reason or justification to continue doing it. In nature, no living thing just does something for no reason whatsoever, without any benefit or purpose... doesn't happen in nature, anywhere, any time. So once again, we find that you are basing your faith-based beliefs on something that science simply doesn't and can't support. There is no evidence to support your faith, it's just plain old fashioned faith.

Yes you benefit. It's called ignorant bliss. You want answers to the unknown. You have a fear of the unknown. Humans have always had a healthy fear of the unknown.

But the need for god is getting smaller. I don't need it. In fact my faith there is no god makes me appreciate the time I have here and now. Plus it is liberating not having a super parent policing me 24/7.

At first I was a little uncomfortable denying god but then I realized the only reason to feel guilty is if there is a god. And even if there is a god, I would only feel guilty if this god cared about me, and I look around at this planet and the people on it and I realize if there is a god he doesn't care about you or me so no need to feel bad denying he exists. Does is bother you if the maggot in your shit denies you created him?
Paleolithic religion is the set of spiritual beliefs thought to have appeared during the Paleolithic time.

Religious behavior is thought to have emerged by the Upper Paleolithic, before 30,000 years ago at the latest, but behavioral patterns such as burial rites that one might characterize as religious — or as ancestral to religious behaviour — reach back into the Middle Paleolithic, as early as 300,000 years ago, coinciding with the first appearance of Homo neanderthal and Homo sapiens.

Ah so this behavior emerged? It wasn't automatically and naturally something we always did?

See the buzz words boss? Behavioral patterns?
Perhaps the truth is more simple than that and the story of Noah was based in part on fact, a natural disaster, with added explanations for its cause ( they best they could do is guess) and teaching for the survivors.

The meteor impact crater on the bottom of the Indian ocean that dates to the approximate time of the story of Gilgamesh could have easily caused the descriptions of the mind blowing destruction of a worldwide deluge. To any survivor it would have seemed that there was an angry God up there somewhere who must have decided to rid the world of bad people, because they were actually swept clean away and dead, and any survivors would have thought that they were somehow favored by this God because they survived.

Now I am not saying there is no God but claiming that God killed everyone according to the story of Noah because they were evil is as silly as claiming that God killed 225,000 people or more after the Indian ocean earthquake and ensuing tsunami because they were bad as if everyone doesn't eventually die from one thing or another.
according to the film god had already wiped out much of humanity before the flood ,noah constructed the ark with the help of stone creatures called the watchers...:rolleyes:
according to the film god had already wiped out much of humanity before the flood ,noah constructed the ark with the help of stone creatures called the watchers...:rolleyes:

When can one acquire a stone creature? And would there be a cash discount?

btw, welcome back!
Sure we know why. It's completely random.

LMFAO... Well saying something is "random" doesn't in any way explain why it happens. In fact, it is the admission that you don't know why it happens, it's random, it just happens.

So you agree Jesus didn't perform miracles, rise from the dead and Mary wasn't a virgin. So you agree with me. Thanks.

I said none of that. I don't know what Jesus did or about Mary, I wasn't here.

I promote love and treating others right too. So just like christians and jews can be bad, atheists can be good. Remember that.

Never have said atheists can't be good people or religious people can't be bad people. I promote more than "treating others right" like you, I promote positive spiritual energy flow. I think that is important in helping people be good.

Your "archeologist says" argument is just like you trying to claim racists in the 1700's were Darwin fans even though he was born in 1800's. You are a slick lying bullshitting spinster.

By "just like" do you mean that you've totally misconstrued it and are attempting to lie through your shit-stained teeth about what I have said? I never said anything about 1700s people being Darwin fans. Why do you feel compelled to lie about this stuff? It's not like people can't scroll back and read what I posted. Do you think you can lie about what I said and I'm going to let that slide and not say anything? I mean, seriously, why do you keep doing this? Over and over, I have to correct you on something you've claimed I said that I never said.

I know it is hard to believe that from the indians to the asians they all came up with the concept of god or spirituality. Just because ALL humans from indians to whites have always been spiritual/superstitious doesn't mean shit. Science has explained this and I have explained it to you but you keep denying it.

Well, no... see that's the problem here. You aren't really "explaining" anything. You are presenting your opinion that is faith-based, and not giving any scientific backing for it. I am the one presenting science and you can't refute it. I've owned your ass this entire thread, you just keep posting your opinions over and over again, and lying about things I've said. We're getting nowhere with this, other than to fill pages and pages with your nonsense and my replying to it. When you can show me some science we can say there is some science being presented by you. Until then, we have the science I've presented and you've not refuted.

Paleolithic religion
is the set of spiritual beliefs thought to have appeared during thePaleolithic time.

Religious behavior is thought to have emerged by the Upper Paleolithic, before 30,000 years ago at the latest, but behavioral patterns such as burial rites that one might characterize as religious — or as ancestral to religious behaviour — reach back into the Middle Paleolithic, as early as 300,000 years ago, coinciding with the first appearance of Homo neanderthal andHomo sapiens.

You'll notice that all my arguments are regarding human spirituality, not religion. I agree that man invented religions and religious beliefs, they did this because they are spiritual creatures. My argument has always been regarding human spirituality, and as your source confirms, it is something that has been present in man since the first appearance of the species.

So... no more arguing about this, your source and mine both confirm that humans have always been spiritual and there is no indication they "invented" human spirituality. This is what science says, this is all science says on the matter. Any further arguing from you to the contrary is simply you rejecting what science says because of your faith-based beliefs.
according to the film god had already wiped out much of humanity before the flood ,noah constructed the ark with the help of stone creatures called the watchers...:rolleyes:

You mean the film done by the atheist to mock the religion? I'm glad you watched it, I felt kind of bad for the production company... all that money wasted on a movie that no one watched. At least a few people were entertained by it. As for the actual biblical account, it wasn't even close from what I've heard.
I'm gone all this time and bossy is still blathering the same bullshit as the 1st post!

And you will be gone again if you can't post things relevant to the subject of the thread. How many times do you have to be banned to learn that lesson?
Excuse me, but we do NOT know this. We know how floods happen, we're uncertain on why. Yes, they can be physically explained, we still don't know why they happen, or why climate functions as it does, for that matter. We can explain how it works, but that is not to be confused with WHY it works.

You don't know that they lied or made anything up. Someone supposedly told Noah to build a big ass boat. Now... maybe it was an alien who knew that Earth was to be impacted by an asteroid soon? Don't know... it's possible.

We do know the Earth has encountered several mass extinction events, the archeology shows us this much. If you learn of a way to avoid those, there's probably a Nobel Prize waiting for ya. The fact remains, as Neil Degrassey-head sez... the Universe has many ways to kill us.

You don't know WHY.

You don't know either. And that's why us agnostic atheists say the best answer is we just don't know and to keep on looking. You theists claim you know. You don't know shit. Now if you want to get rid of the lie and start talking about right and wrong ok but leave god out because to us it is just a distraction and if you can't prove it, who really cares? Are you really assuming that you have to believe in the spiritual or god to be good? I disagree. That should be insulting to humans that we need a scary lie to be good. Repeat, belief in god does not make for good citizens. Not good in heart and not wise in mind. Ignorant greedy society. Exactly what we have here in America.

And did you blow off the fact that somehow the people in England and Canada knew it was wrong to own slaves but you want to give white American christians a pass in the 1700's for owning slaves?

Remember, it was that generation that told the next generation about god. You believe that generation? Why do you believe the generation before or after that generation? But you do? You take the word of our monkey ancestors.

Actually you have bastardized god just like every other religion did after the very first one was invented. Spin offs.
You mean the film done by the atheist to mock the religion? I'm glad you watched it, I felt kind of bad for the production company... all that money wasted on a movie that no one watched. At least a few people were entertained by it. As for the actual biblical account, it wasn't even close from what I've heard.
false ! asshat

The writer-director talks to "Good Morning America" about the challenges of literally portraying miraculous events described in the Bible and what he believes the movie is really about.
Noah writer-director Darren Aronofsky concedes that he couldn't help but interpret the biblical story of Noah's Ark, explaining that it was tough to literally portray miraculous events.

"You know, what is literalism? Does literalism exist? And when you're dealing with something like Noah, where everything is a miracle, from the deluge to all the animals two-by-two -- everything that happens is a miracle," the filmmaker told Good Morning America Friday when asked about Paramount releasing a disclaimer saying the film was inspired by the Bible. "As soon as you start to interpret it, when you cast Russell Crowe it's an interpretation … but it's about the spirit. And the spirit of it is going back to all those four chapters and trying to be very, very truthful to every word, every sentence."

if you haven't read the biblical account or seen the film then stfu..

Darren Aronofsky, director of Requiem for a Dream and Pi, as quoted here [1] :

[interviewer]: You know, a lot of filmmakers seem to be either very literary-based or else very movie-based who just watch movies. You seem to really be developing this new visual style that suits each story. You know, how did you find this third road?

DA: It's probably because I'm Godless. And so I've had to make my God, and my God is narrative filmmaking, which is -- ultimately what my God becomes, which is what my mantra becomes, is the theme.


Some elaboration on Aronofsky's views, from an interview on The Fountain [2]:

What’s your take on God? Are you religious? Do you believe in God?

DA: I think the themes of The Fountain, about this endless cycle of energy and matter, tracing back to the Big Bang... The Big Bang happened, and all this star matter turned into stars, and stars turned into planets, and planets turned into life. We’re all just borrowing this matter and energy for a little bit, while we’re here, until it goes back into everything else, and that connects us all. The cynics out there laugh at this crap, but it’s true. [Laughs] The messed up thing is how distracted we are and disconnected from that connection, and the result of it is what we’re doing to this planet and to ourselves. We’re just completely killing each other and killing the planet, and it’s a state of emergency right now, I think. All of my charity work has always been about the environment. There are 15,000 species on the endangered species list. Mercury poisoning is my new thing. [Laughs] We’re doing it to ourselves. The fact that there’s mercury poisoning in the breast milk of indigenous people in the North Arctic is all coming from us, and Alzheimer’s is on the rise. What are we doing to ourselves? It’s a complete disconnect. To me, that’s where the spirituality is. Whatever you want to call that connection -- some people would use that term God. That, to me, is what I think is holy.

And you will be gone again if you can't post things relevant to the subject of the thread. How many times do you have to be banned to learn that lesson?
everything I post is relevant.
this most especially: " I'm gone all this time and bossy is still blathering the same bullshit as the 1st post! "
it's fact so it's relevant
You don't know either. And that's why us agnostic atheists say the best answer is we just don't know and to keep on looking. You theists claim you know. You don't know shit. Now if you want to get rid of the lie and start talking about right and wrong ok but leave god out because to us it is just a distraction and if you can't prove it, who really cares? Are you really assuming that you have to believe in the spiritual or god to be good? I disagree. That should be insulting to humans that we need a scary lie to be good. Repeat, belief in god does not make for good citizens. Not good in heart and not wise in mind. Ignorant greedy society. Exactly what we have here in America.

And did you blow off the fact that somehow the people in England and Canada knew it was wrong to own slaves but you want to give white American christians a pass in the 1700's for owning slaves?

Remember, it was that generation that told the next generation about god. You believe that generation? Why do you believe the generation before or after that generation? But you do? You take the word of our monkey ancestors.

Actually you have bastardized god just like every other religion did after the very first one was invented. Spin offs.
amen brother.

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