Why do the God-haters persist?

Since about 95% of the human race is spiritual, I would say that more than likely, most slave owners were probably God-fearing men. That doesn't really mean a whole lot because you can say that about virtually ANYTHING. Most people who saved the lives of others were believers in God... Most people who sacrificed their own life for others were believers in God. Most people who adopt cats are believers in God. Hell... Most people who voted for Obama are believers in God!

A lot of good god did those slaves for hundreds of years. But guess who used god to keep them in their places? That's right, their slave owners. Idiot.

True Atheists Are 0.07% of the Federal Prison Population, Threatening Fact for Christian Fundamentalists | Alternet
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
There is no such thing as god. And even if there were, he would be the greatest evil ever encountered. There is a documentary out there that can deprogram you. It's called "Religious." After that, to really seal the deal, I ran across a free ebook you need to read. Really bad! Just enter into your browser, "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." These things are assuming that you even want to know the truth.
There is no such thing as god. And even if there were, he would be the greatest evil ever encountered. There is a documentary out there that can deprogram you. It's called "Religious." After that, to really seal the deal, I ran across a free ebook you need to read. Really bad! Just enter into your browser, "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." These things are assuming that you even want to know the truth.
There is no such thing as god. And even if there were, he would be the greatest evil ever encountered. There is a documentary out there that can deprogram you. It's called "Religious." After that, to really seal the deal, I ran across a free ebook you need to read. Really bad! Just enter into your browser, "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." These things are assuming that you even want to know the truth.
True, God (if he even existed) must be a really bad person.
Darwin was born in 1809. You given the red necks in the 1700's deep dirty red neck south credit for coming up with Darwinism?

They may have believed that blacks were animals but they were christians/god fearing men too buddy don't lie. Remember, EVERYONE believes. Right?

I guess you're like Hollie, too stupid to understand what "20th century" means? :rolleyes:

again... since 95% of humans believe in a God, anything from the past that's bad is on God's believers. God's believers elected Obama... TWICE! So there are lots of things we can blame on God's believers. Atheists have still killed over 150 million people in the last century.

The abolition movement was started by Quaker ministers. The Civil Rights movement was led by Baptist ministers. Mormon's Helping Hands feeds more starving children than any entity on the planet. Second place goes to the Salvation Army. Which Atheist group is helping humanity? ...That's right, you have NO example.

So come on down off the self-righteous white horse, you look absolutely ridiculous up there.
Blacks were talking about this today on Detroit Radio. One guy said MLK should have told blacks to start their own business' and patronize black only business' instead of begging to spend money in whiteys place. Blacks would be better off. I agree.

Wow... Never took you to be a segregationist. o_O
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

Haters will always hate.

This is but one of the several reasons why peace on earth is a bumper sticker. Human nature isn't peaceful. More importantly, this is why the original American social contract was so brilliant.
Except that God is not a person. The things you and others are crediting to God are the actions of man. Men can be really bad people, even in the name of God.
Okay, maybe I should have said "bad entity". And I'm not talking about the things mankind has done "in the name of God." I'm talking about Bible stories (like Noah) in which God just wanted to destroy the earth or the fact that he sends people to a place to burn forever only for the reason that you do not believe in him/her/it. That are awful things to do, right? And according to your Holy Book it are things God did/is doing.
Okay, maybe I should have said "bad entity". And I'm not talking about the things mankind has done "in the name of God." I'm talking about Bible stories (like Noah) in which God just wanted to destroy the earth or the fact that he sends people to a place to burn forever only for the reason that you do not believe in him/her/it. That are awful things to do, right? And according to your Holy Book it are things God did/is doing.

I often get pushed into theological defense of the Bible here because people somehow can't accept that I am not a Christian or religious follower, but I still believe in God. I can't really answer your questions about the Bible as well as PmP or others, but since you are addressing me, I will do my best to try.

According to the scripture, the world had become so vile and corrupt that God couldn't see another option. Now, we can see today where something like 10% of you are atheistic, just how much vile and hate you generate... I can only imagine a world where that was the "norm" and those who believed in God were killed.

This thread has been going on for months, and I doubt God has reached any hearts. You all seem to be pretty dead set on not allowing God into your heart. So what would have worked back then would be the same as now for you. Is there any way for God to reach your hearts? ...I suspect, seeing God's believers in a big giant boat being saved while water continues to rise and you drown, just might work to make you believe in God. Short of something like that, I don't see what other option God would have.
I guess you're like Hollie, too stupid to understand what "20th century" means? :rolleyes:

again... since 95% of humans believe in a God, anything from the past that's bad is on God's believers. God's believers elected Obama... TWICE! So there are lots of things we can blame on God's believers. Atheists have still killed over 150 million people in the last century.

The abolition movement was started by Quaker ministers. The Civil Rights movement was led by Baptist ministers. Mormon's Helping Hands feeds more starving children than any entity on the planet. Second place goes to the Salvation Army. Which Atheist group is helping humanity? ...That's right, you have NO example.

So come on down off the self-righteous white horse, you look absolutely ridiculous up there.

45% of god believers voted against Obama too don't forget. And how many of those Obama supporters voted for Bush twice and finally realized they were voting for the wrong party? Remember Kennedy had to tell everyone he would not let the Vatican dictate his policies?

Oh, and consider this when thinking about the 95% christian American racists of the 1700's north and south. In Canada blacks were not only free they could vote.

And don't act like those racist Americans didn't know any better when England outlawed slavery and Canada did too. It was all about money. That's the problem with you Republican White American Christians. Money trumps god every time. Kill all the indians? Sure why not.

Anyways, I want you to think long and hard about this. These are the ignorant people who invented god. No, in fact these people of the 1700's were MUCH MORE evolved than the people who invented god. The people 150,000 years ago were very superstitious people. They are who came up with the concept of a super parent for when the wooly mammoth ate their daddy.
I often get pushed into theological defense of the Bible here because people somehow can't accept that I am not a Christian or religious follower, but I still believe in God. I can't really answer your questions about the Bible as well as PmP or others, but since you are addressing me, I will do my best to try.

According to the scripture, the world had become so vile and corrupt that God couldn't see another option. Now, we can see today where something like 10% of you are atheistic, just how much vile and hate you generate... I can only imagine a world where that was the "norm" and those who believed in God were killed.

This thread has been going on for months, and I doubt God has reached any hearts. You all seem to be pretty dead set on not allowing God into your heart. So what would have worked back then would be the same as now for you. Is there any way for God to reach your hearts? ...I suspect, seeing God's believers in a big giant boat being saved while water continues to rise and you drown, just might work to make you believe in God. Short of something like that, I don't see what other option God would have.

Perhaps the truth is more simple than that and the story of Noah was based in part on fact, a natural disaster, with added explanations for its cause ( they best they could do is guess) and teaching for the survivors.

The meteor impact crater on the bottom of the Indian ocean that dates to the approximate time of the story of Gilgamesh could have easily caused the descriptions of the mind blowing destruction of a worldwide deluge. To any survivor it would have seemed that there was an angry God up there somewhere who must have decided to rid the world of bad people, because they were actually swept clean away and dead, and any survivors would have thought that they were somehow favored by this God because they survived.

Now I am not saying there is no God but claiming that God killed everyone according to the story of Noah because they were evil is as silly as claiming that God killed 225,000 people or more after the Indian ocean earthquake and ensuing tsunami because they were bad as if everyone doesn't eventually die from one thing or another.
True, God (if he even existed) must be a really bad person.

Not bad just indifferent. Do you blame him? If something created us, it probably doesn't even know we exist. Or if it does it is like when we discovered Tardigrades. Does anyone care about the life of a Tardigrade? How about a maggot that comes from a poop you took in the woods? Do you care about the maggot?

P.S. I just realized Creationism is a myth and every society has a different story to tell. These events supposedly happened "a long time ago". Not a specific date. Not recorded history. Pre history, pre writing fairy tales. I love it that today we can just laugh when someone says the Adam & Eve story is literal truth. Now Boss doesn't say that but he denies science on such things as evolution and global warming. But you know what? What does it matter? Even when we show Boss every one of his arguments has a fatal flaw, that doesn't sway him. He still believes. So even when he admits one day that evolution is real, that won't stop him. Do you know how I know? Because I use to believe just like him only I didn't deny evolution. I just told myself that god planted the seed and we happened, slowly over millions of years. I always knew there was no Adam & Eve. How could there be? Then we'd come from incest. Same with the Noah story.

So I believed in god but knew that man had invented all these stories. But then one day not too long ago I realized, what reasons to I have to believe there even is a god? There may be, but all that boss and gismys have given me is bullshit reasoning and fear of hell if I don't believe them. And I'm a fool if I don't believe them? Better to be safe than sorry? Sorry, my brain doesn't work that way. Either I believe or I don't, and I don't.

PPS. I hate the new layout on USMB.
Perhaps the truth is more simple than that and the story of Noah was based in part on fact, a natural disaster, with added explanations for its cause ( they best they could do is guess) and teaching for the survivors.

The meteor impact crater on the bottom of the Indian ocean that dates to the approximate time of the story of Gilgamesh could have easily caused the descriptions of the mind blowing destruction of a worldwide deluge. To any survivor it would have seemed that there was an angry God up there somewhere who must have decided to rid the world of bad people, because they were actually swept clean away and dead, and any survivors would have thought that they were somehow favored by this God because they survived.

Now I am not saying there is no God but claiming that God killed everyone according to the story of Noah because they were evil is as silly as claiming that God killed 225,000 people or more after the Indian ocean earthquake and ensuing tsunami because they were bad as if everyone doesn't eventually die from one thing or another.

So they lied or made it up? Because today we know floods aren't caused by god(s). You do know that right?
I often get pushed into theological defense of the Bible here because people somehow can't accept that I am not a Christian or religious follower, but I still believe in God. I can't really answer your questions about the Bible as well as PmP or others, but since you are addressing me, I will do my best to try.

According to the scripture, the world had become so vile and corrupt that God couldn't see another option. Now, we can see today where something like 10% of you are atheistic, just how much vile and hate you generate... I can only imagine a world where that was the "norm" and those who believed in God were killed.

This thread has been going on for months, and I doubt God has reached any hearts. You all seem to be pretty dead set on not allowing God into your heart. So what would have worked back then would be the same as now for you. Is there any way for God to reach your hearts? ...I suspect, seeing God's believers in a big giant boat being saved while water continues to rise and you drown, just might work to make you believe in God. Short of something like that, I don't see what other option God would have.

How about the vile and hate you god believers generate?

I bet the cop who shot that black kid believes in god.

Survey reveals only .02% of prisoners identify as atheists - Freedom From Religion Foundation
Okay, maybe I should have said "bad entity". And I'm not talking about the things mankind has done "in the name of God." I'm talking about Bible stories (like Noah) in which God just wanted to destroy the earth or the fact that he sends people to a place to burn forever only for the reason that you do not believe in him/her/it. That are awful things to do, right? And according to your Holy Book it are things God did/is doing.

Remember Boss gets the luxury of picking and choosing what parts of religion he agrees with and doesn't agree with because he openly admits every single organized religion is made up. No god ever talked to any of them. Not Mohammad, Jesus, Noah, Mosus, Joseph Smith, etc.

BUT, Boss talks to god.

I wonder why he doesn't believe in christianity? I'll ask him.

So even though he knows every organized religion is made up, he can't believe that primitive man made up god to begin with.

OR, his argument is that because we have always believed, that must mean god is real. First of all, he can't prove we always believed. I have even given him great arguments for how/why someone must have made it up at one point in history. If you were born a baby to parents on a deserted island and they never told you about god, would you just instinctively come up with it? No you would not. Chances are it was sitting around a camp fire mourning the loss of a love one when someone came up with it.

And the fact that Indians invented their own version, Europeans invented their stories, Eqyptians, Greeks, etc. All that tells us is we are all alike.

I will admit that if any society were to start over from scratch and no one is told about god, maybe not in the first generation, but eventually someone would come up with the story of god. It is human nature to contemplate these things. We have brains big enough to have wishful thinking.

A bird can imagine a human and a human can imagine a bird but only a human can imagine a human with wings.
So they lied or made it up? Because today we know floods aren't caused by god(s). You do know that right?

I wouldn't say that they lied or made it up but they used facts about actual events to pen a story to covey truths about life that are relevant and remain true to this day.

I suspect other stories like the hammer of Thor also reflect another impact event in prehistory that inspired Norse legends of some being of immense power up there somewhere.

This does not preclude or disprove the existence of God.

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