Why do the God-haters persist?

We don't know if the Big Bang happened, it is a theory. Whenever the universe began is when time began because time is a dimension of the universe. Before the universe existed there is no evidence time existed or could have existed.

Well, what is "good" evidence? We can go through this again, "evidence" is subject to individual evaluation. Two people can view "evidence" as valid, invalid, good, bad, ugly... there is no rule that says all "evidence" is equal. You've made your mind up there is no God, so no amount of evidence will ever be good enough for you. It's like the OJ jurors... they made their mind up OJ was innocent, and the "evidence" simply didn't matter.

But the thing is, I am not trying to present evidence to prove God exists. I'm just presenting evidence to refute your misconceptions regarding science and what you CLAIM that science has proven.

I don't know how many times I need to address this to get it through your thick head, but I believe in God because I communicate with God daily and God answers my prayers. If that didn't happen, I probably wouldn't be able to believe in God. It's way more than "faith" for me, I realize a lot of people simply have "faith" in what they believe... like YOU for instance.

I was watching a great show last night on African American history. They discussed what you and I were talking about. Remember you said it was christians that argued to abolish slavery? Well those very same anti slavery christians came from Philadelphia and a lot of those former slaves moved to Philly and went to church with those whites. Do you know what the church did? They put the blacks in separate pews from the whites. One day the blacks showed up early and sat where the whites usually sat. The people who ran the church told them they would have to move to the black pews. So, the blacks got up and left and never went back.

So even the anti slavery christians were racist pricks. No surprise there.

Richard Allen (bishop) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jeesh, Louise, silly boob... what on earth does this have to do with the Big Bang, origin of life, existence of human spirituality, or anything we are discussing in this thread?

I've already made the argument in the Confederate Flag thread that about 99.8% of America was racist by today's standard back in 1861. including Abe Lincoln. Everybody was a "racist prick" back then, but you want to make it appear that only these Christians were.

Do you want to know what was the prevailing argument to support this racism through most of the 20th century? It was DARWINISM! Yep... your Holy Grail of Atheist thought, the pontification of Darwinism was responsible for a white man's argument that black people were less evolved. It was actually the Christian religion, specifically people like REV. Martin Luther King, Jr. who brought a different message, that we are all equal in the eyes of God. Thank heaven's there are more God-believers than Atheist Darwinites, or we'd still be living in segregation.
Jeesh, Louise, silly boob... what on earth does this have to do with the Big Bang, origin of life, existence of human spirituality, or anything we are discussing in this thread?

I've already made the argument in the Confederate Flag thread that about 99.8% of America was racist by today's standard back in 1861. including Abe Lincoln. Everybody was a "racist prick" back then, but you want to make it appear that only these Christians were.

Do you want to know what was the prevailing argument to support this racism through most of the 20th century? It was DARWINISM! Yep... your Holy Grail of Atheist thought, the pontification of Darwinism was responsible for a white man's argument that black people were less evolved. It was actually the Christian religion, specifically people like REV. Martin Luther King, Jr. who brought a different message, that we are all equal in the eyes of God. Thank heaven's there are more God-believers than Atheist Darwinites, or we'd still be living in segregation.
You spend way too much time on fundie Christian websites.
That's funny, I've never even been to a fundie Christian website.
That's funny, because your juvenile claim that "Darwinism" was the cause of racism is boilerplate Christian fundamentalism.

The ICR will rot your brain.
Jeesh, Louise, silly boob... what on earth does this have to do with the Big Bang, origin of life, existence of human spirituality, or anything we are discussing in this thread?

I've already made the argument in the Confederate Flag thread that about 99.8% of America was racist by today's standard back in 1861. including Abe Lincoln. Everybody was a "racist prick" back then, but you want to make it appear that only these Christians were.

Do you want to know what was the prevailing argument to support this racism through most of the 20th century? It was DARWINISM! Yep... your Holy Grail of Atheist thought, the pontification of Darwinism was responsible for a white man's argument that black people were less evolved. It was actually the Christian religion, specifically people like REV. Martin Luther King, Jr. who brought a different message, that we are all equal in the eyes of God. Thank heaven's there are more God-believers than Atheist Darwinites, or we'd still be living in segregation.

I don't care how right wingers twisted Darwin's theories.

Darwin observed and described evolution the same way Newton did for gravity. It was simply a discovery of a fact about the world – not an engineered philosophy on how to behave. Just as we do not blame Newton for the fact that gravity is used as a tool in the deployment of bombs, we cannot blame Darwin for individually misguided applications of ‘natural selection’.
That's funny, because your juvenile claim that "Darwinism" was the cause of racism is boilerplate Christian fundamentalism.

The ICR will rot your brain.

But I didn't say it was the cause of racism, did I?

What the hell is "ICR?"

It's not juvenile to acknowledge the truth, and the truth is well documented. All through the 20th century, the white supremacist argument was rooted in the Darwinian belief that black people were less evolved. Now, I am sorry if you find that offensive or "juvenile" ...it's the truth. It has nothing to do with where racism started or what caused it. How about learning how to read before you pop off with the smart mouth replies?
But I didn't say it was the cause of racism, did I?

What the hell is "ICR?"

It's not juvenile to acknowledge the truth, and the truth is well documented. All through the 20th century, the white supremacist argument was rooted in the Darwinian belief that black people were less evolved. Now, I am sorry if you find that offensive or "juvenile" ...it's the truth. It has nothing to do with where racism started or what caused it. How about learning how to read before you pop off with the smart mouth replies?
You Henry Morris clones are a hoot.

CA005: Evolution and racism
I don't care how right wingers twisted Darwin's theories.

Darwin observed and described evolution the same way Newton did for gravity. It was simply a discovery of a fact about the world – not an engineered philosophy on how to behave. Just as we do not blame Newton for the fact that gravity is used as a tool in the deployment of bombs, we cannot blame Darwin for individually misguided applications of ‘natural selection’.

Oh no, you don't care about how anybody twisted anything except religious people. Everyone else, you'll write a pass for and say it's perfectly okay. And it wasn't "right wingers" who did that, it was mainly Democrats in the South. But that's okay because they "recanted" later on.
Jeesh, Louise, silly boob... what on earth does this have to do with the Big Bang, origin of life, existence of human spirituality, or anything we are discussing in this thread?

I've already made the argument in the Confederate Flag thread that about 99.8% of America was racist by today's standard back in 1861. including Abe Lincoln. Everybody was a "racist prick" back then, but you want to make it appear that only these Christians were.

Do you want to know what was the prevailing argument to support this racism through most of the 20th century? It was DARWINISM! Yep... your Holy Grail of Atheist thought, the pontification of Darwinism was responsible for a white man's argument that black people were less evolved. It was actually the Christian religion, specifically people like REV. Martin Luther King, Jr. who brought a different message, that we are all equal in the eyes of God. Thank heaven's there are more God-believers than Atheist Darwinites, or we'd still be living in segregation.

Couple more thoughts.

a. Just remember those evil pricks are who told us about god. You believe them?

b. God didn't convince racists to go under ground, the law/government/society did. Religion sat by for hundreds of years. All of the sudden we have liberal democracy and political correctness and equal rights protection, blabla. I could go on and on about how Kennedy had to send the National Guard down to Alabama and the deep/dirty south. Those were all god fearing men. They went to christian church week after year and god never got them to stop being racist pricks. Some/a lot of them still are.

Anyways, my argument was with Boss and others who tried to give christians credit for ending slavery when christians kept it going long after England stopped doing it. So good for them for eventually coming around. Anyways, it's a side argument you're jumping into. I love it. Bring it toots. There is no god. You and boss just wishful thinking. Jesus never happened sorry. Its another fable/allegory. Its all right here if you want to take a good look. Why there is no god

And so do you think those 98% are in hell or heaven? And what if you today agree with them about blacks? If being a racist prick would send you to hell today, god hasn't changed, we have, so let me know would those racist christians all get passes or are they burning in hell.

OR, maybe you defend the argument that being a racist won't exclude you from heaven. I don't believe in heaven, but I wonder what your "beliefs" are, because everyone has different beliefs. Boss has his bastardized beliefs and you I can't wait to hear your thoughts.
Weak. Even by your standards of sidestepping.

I honestly have NO idea what the hell you're talking about. I'm not a Christian, I am not religious, and I'm not a fundamentalist. I am not a racist or supremacist. What the hell I am supposedly "sidestepping" now, I have not a clue. YOU are the one who is hurling a bunch of unfounded accusations at ME! You've not backed up a goddamn thing, you just keep running your smart ass mouth, like the liberal know-it-all you believe you are.

But I didn't say it was the cause of racism, did I?

What the hell is "ICR?"

It's not juvenile to acknowledge the truth, and the truth is well documented. All through the 20th century, the white supremacist argument was rooted in the Darwinian belief that black people were less evolved. Now, I am sorry if you find that offensive or "juvenile" ...it's the truth. It has nothing to do with where racism started or what caused it. How about learning how to read before you pop off with the smart mouth replies?

Darwin was born in 1809. You given the red necks in the 1700's deep dirty red neck south credit for coming up with Darwinism?

They may have believed that blacks were animals but they were christians/god fearing men too buddy don't lie. Remember, EVERYONE believes. Right?
I honestly have NO idea what the hell you're talking about. I'm not a Christian, I am not religious, and I'm not a fundamentalist. I am not a racist or supremacist. What the hell I am supposedly "sidestepping" now, I have not a clue. YOU are the one who is hurling a bunch of unfounded accusations at ME! You've not backed up a goddamn thing, you just keep running your smart ass mouth, like the liberal know-it-all you believe you are.


I honestly have NO idea what the hell you're talking about. I'm not a Christian, I am not religious, and I'm not a fundamentalist. I am not a racist or supremacist. What the hell I am supposedly "sidestepping" now, I have not a clue. YOU are the one who is hurling a bunch of unfounded accusations at ME! You've not backed up a goddamn thing, you just keep running your smart ass mouth, like the liberal know-it-all you believe you are.

Ahh. The angry Boss, persona. That's so cute.

What a shame you're not willing to acknowledge the source of your bogus claims.
But I didn't say it was the cause of racism, did I?

What the hell is "ICR?"

the white supremacist argument was rooted in the Darwinian belief that black people were less evolved.

By calling them Darwinian, you are trying to be slick and take the argument away from the fact that they all prayed to jesus. Did they not? You said they all believed and that is your reason you believe. So you do admit these were all christian/god fearing slave owners?
Couple more thoughts.

a. Just remember those evil pricks are who told us about god. You believe them?

No they didn't, they were dead long before I was ever born, you fucking retard. I know about God because I communicate with God daily, we've been through this already. Dipshit.

b. God didn't convince racists to go under ground, the law/government/society did. Religion sat by for hundreds of years. All of the sudden we have liberal democracy and political correctness and equal rights protection, blabla. I could go on and on about how Kennedy had to send the National Guard down to Alabama and the deep/dirty south. Those were all god fearing men. They went to christian church week after year and god never got them to stop being racist pricks. Some/a lot of them still are.

So Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was NOT a Christian? He wasn't the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, and didn't lead the Civil Rights movement in America?

Anyways, my argument was with Boss and others who tried to give christians credit for ending slavery when christians kept it going long after England stopped doing it. So good for them for eventually coming around.

It was Quaker ministers in Pennsylvania who started the abolition movement in America. That's what I said and that is the truth.
By calling them Darwinian, you are trying to be slick and take the argument away from the fact that they all prayed to jesus. Did they not? You said they all believed and that is your reason you believe. So you do admit these were all christian/god fearing slave owners?

Since about 95% of the human race is spiritual, I would say that more than likely, most slave owners were probably God-fearing men. That doesn't really mean a whole lot because you can say that about virtually ANYTHING. Most people who saved the lives of others were believers in God... Most people who sacrificed their own life for others were believers in God. Most people who adopt cats are believers in God. Hell... Most people who voted for Obama are believers in God!
No they didn't, they were dead long before I was ever born, you fucking retard. I know about God because I communicate with God daily, we've been through this already. Dipshit.

So Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was NOT a Christian? He wasn't the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, and didn't lead the Civil Rights movement in America?

It was Quaker ministers in Pennsylvania who started the abolition movement in America. That's what I said and that is the truth.

Blacks were talking about this today on Detroit Radio. One guy said MLK should have told blacks to start their own business' and patronize black only business' instead of begging to spend money in whiteys place. Blacks would be better off. I agree.

Well those Quakers in PA didn't let the blacks sit with the whites. That's all I'm saying. When I saw that I thought of you and couldn't wait to tell you. Such good christians.

One good thing is human's are evolving so we aren't as bad anymore. Still not perfect but we are getting there. We are becoming more god like. I know why you hope/wish/think there is a god because I use to think like you too. I know it bothers you but its true. 2 months ago I'd be agreeing with you but those arguments are all bad arguments. They might be good to you or the people who join your cult but they are not scientific evidence.

And if there is a god, he doesn't care about you. It'd be like you caring about a Tardigrade that is in your drinking water. Something might have made us, but something might have made it too. You have no idea how small you are. Just enjoy the ride. Be a good person and if there is a god you may be rewarded. But he certainly doesn't talk to you. That's just making you feel better.

And I told you, I wouldn't argue with someone who believes as much as you do in person unless they liked to discuss it. I've found 100% of theists get upset and can't talk about it anymore. So they can't even stand up to someone who questions their beliefs. Why? Because to believe what they believe, you have to have blind dumb faith. You may not buy into the Jesus thing but you have just as much faith as those clowns.

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