Why do the God-haters persist?

Does this have something to do with the tooth fairy? Should I be scared?

No, it more like the three little pigs, little red riding hood or the pied piper.

Should you be scared? I don't think so. You seem to be immune to the poison of serpents.

But you should be horrified by what believing that what amount to fairy tales are historical records and the literal truth has done to the minds of believers like Gism..

Can you perceive that the reality only hinted about in scripture is by far more bizarre than anything ever written in a fairy tale?

Time to pay the piper.

I think part of the stupidity of those opposed to Christianity is their deliberately chosen ignorance.

That you cannot even bother to respond to direct answers to your questions and ignorant statements tells me that you chose to be uninformed and blighted.

So be it. But don't think that your claims that the Christian faith had nothing to do with the Big Bang are anything more than your own bigotry and ignorance being put on display, dear. No offense.

If you think that the Christian faith has anything at all to do with the big bang you are a moron.

The Christianity that is based on the worship of a triune god that became a human being goes against everything taught in the OT and the NT, not to mention logic and reality, and is not what Jesus believed or taught others and your own obstinate stupidity and the vile contents of your rotting mind is evidence of the consequences for violating the laws that Christians claim were made obsolete.
And God said let there be light and it was good.

The story of Genesis is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the sun or the earth and is not about the first humans, plants, or animals.

Genesis is an allegorical account of Divine Law being given as a light that separates the darkness by differentiating between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, and life and death, in a world that had been without shape and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for the previous several millions of years of human evolution......

An inventive interpretation but as valid as any. Genesis is NOT a scientific text, but its opening chapters are tales of myths and legends recorded in Holy Scripture by an inspired prophet because they had moral points to them and were true from the perspective of the person scribing the revelations.

I personally think that the first two chapters are recorded oral legends of the recovery from the Toba incident by humans from Africa that describes the rebirth of life on Earth.

I think its about times more recent than that, about the time when Moses received the Law from God like a light. Adam compares to Moses, the first 'living being' enlightened by God through the law, the way of righteousness, and the dispute that the pharaoh, who happened to wear a serpent on his head, had with God over the soul of Moses, reflects the serpent who tempted Adam to defy God in the garden..

Adam naming the creatures of the world was Adam making metaphorical comparisons to different types of people in the wilderness who by their attributes resemble lower beasts , either clean or unclean, which is meant to establish a basis for comprehending the hidden subjects of Kosher law.
Biblical scholars consistently correct this false misconception and you people just continue on in misunderstanding anyway. Are you too ignorant to comprehend? What exactly is the problem and how do we fix it?

First of all, the story is not told from the perspective of a human documenting the events. There were no humans at the time. How the story is conveyed is from the perspective of God, and since God is beyond time, our constraints of "days" have no relevance. We understand a "day" as being a revolution of the Earth, but according to the story, God didn't create the moon and sun until the third "day" so how were "days" being measured with no sun or moon? Finally, we have the language barrier itself... The word "day" in the Hebrew transcript is "yom." Okay... there are at least 30 different delineations of a "yom" in similar Hebrew texts. It can mean anything from a traditional day to an era of time. So 6 "yom" could mean anything from 6 days to thousands of years.

As for the Big Bang, you've not presented any substantive evidence this event ever happened. It is a THEORY. Many physicists are now questioning if it EVER happened, including one Stephen Hawking, hardly a dumbass when it comes to this stuff. So why do we see the people here who profess this profound belief in science, actually rejecting what science is saying with regard to the Big Bang? Have you all adopted a devout faith in the Big Bang and become incapable of open-minded thought of any other possibility? How is this any different than a religious fanatic who devoutly believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible?

Jim Bowie stated it was Christians who came up with the Big Bang theory. It was actually a Belgian Roman Catholic priest named Georges Lemaître. He presented links to confirm this. But you've decided to ignore that and mock the literal interpretation of "let there be light" as being the argument for creationism explaining the Big Bang. Well okay, but what evidence do you have that this is not correct? Why can't God's command not be the explanation for why the Big Bang happened, IF the Big Bang happened?

They know that the YEC claims do not represent Christian thought on the topic but they persist anyway as it makes their bullshit narrative of lies and slander easier to sell.

That is why shitheads like Hitchens like to debate fundamentalists all the time but pass on serious theologians that would embarrass them to death.

So "serious" theologians can change the meaning of the bible anytime they want? 6 days is 6 fucking days, no ifs, ands or buts. But I guess if you don't constantly move the goalposts, then the whole charade falls apart.
hob, I have no prob with a theologian adding to scientific knowledge. It just further disproves the bible, whomever advances something. It's all good. :D

What you don't seem to understand yet is that science has only proven false that which scripture is not about.

And the addled minds of certain people who worship that which is not God and expect to float up into the clouds ANY MINUTE!, and rule the earth for eternity from the sky are proof that what scripture is about is true.
No, it more like the three little pigs, little red riding hood or the pied piper.

Should you be scared? I don't think so. You seem to be immune to the poison of serpents.

But you should be horrified by what believing that what amount to fairy tales are historical records and the literal truth has done to the minds of believers like Gism..

Can you perceive that the reality only hinted about in scripture is by far more bizarre than anything ever written in a fairy tale?

Time to pay the piper.

I think part of the stupidity of those opposed to Christianity is their deliberately chosen ignorance.

That you cannot even bother to respond to direct answers to your questions and ignorant statements tells me that you chose to be uninformed and blighted.

So be it. But don't think that your claims that the Christian faith had nothing to do with the Big Bang are anything more than your own bigotry and ignorance being put on display, dear. No offense.

If you think that the Christian faith has anything at all to do with the big bang you are a moron.

if the Pope and a ground shaking scientist heralded by Einstein himself are morons, then I would gladly be such a moron.

The Christianity that is based on the worship of a triune god that became a human being goes against everything taught in the OT and the NT, not to mention logic and reality,

Lol, so you think the concept of a triune God goes against everything in the NT? Really?

And for the record, the triune God did not become a human being, only part of the godhead did that, the Son, so there is nothing irrational or illogical about any of that, dear.

and is not what Jesus believed or taught others

And what orifice of your lower body did you pull that out of?

and your own obstinate stupidity and the vile contents of your rotting mind is evidence of the consequences for violating the laws that Christians claim were made obsolete.

Prove it, dear.
They know that the YEC claims do not represent Christian thought on the topic but they persist anyway as it makes their bullshit narrative of lies and slander easier to sell.

That is why shitheads like Hitchens like to debate fundamentalists all the time but pass on serious theologians that would embarrass them to death.

So "serious" theologians can change the meaning of the bible anytime they want? 6 days is 6 fucking days, no ifs, ands or buts. But I guess if you don't constantly move the goalposts, then the whole charade falls apart.
hob, I have no prob with a theologian adding to scientific knowledge. It just further disproves the bible, whomever advances something. It's all good. :D

What you don't seem to understand yet is that science has only proven false that which scripture is not about.

And the addled minds of certain people who worship that which is not God and expect to float up into the clouds ANY MINUTE!, and rule the earth for eternity from the sky are proof that what scripture is about is true.

Further proving that you don't what the hell you are talking about, dear.
The story of Genesis is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the sun or the earth and is not about the first humans, plants, or animals.

Genesis is an allegorical account of Divine Law being given as a light that separates the darkness by differentiating between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, and life and death, in a world that had been without shape and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for the previous several millions of years of human evolution......

An inventive interpretation but as valid as any. Genesis is NOT a scientific text, but its opening chapters are tales of myths and legends recorded in Holy Scripture by an inspired prophet because they had moral points to them and were true from the perspective of the person scribing the revelations.

I personally think that the first two chapters are recorded oral legends of the recovery from the Toba incident by humans from Africa that describes the rebirth of life on Earth.

I think its about times more recent than that, about the time when Moses received the Law from God like a light. Adam compares to Moses, the first 'living being' enlightened by God through the law, the way of righteousness, and the dispute that the pharaoh, who happened to wear a serpent on his head, had with God over the soul of Moses, reflects the serpent who tempted Adam to defy God in the garden..

Adam naming the creatures of the world was Adam making metaphorical comparisons to different types of people in the wilderness who by their attributes resemble lower beasts , either clean or unclean, which is meant to establish a basis for comprehending the hidden subjects of Kosher law.

There are parallels throughout the scriptures, but I wouldn't make much more of it than an observation.

But you can make of it whatever you wish, if that keeps the bats out of your belfry.
So "serious" theologians can change the meaning of the bible anytime they want? 6 days is 6 fucking days, no ifs, ands or buts. But I guess if you don't constantly move the goalposts, then the whole charade falls apart.
hob, I have no prob with a theologian adding to scientific knowledge. It just further disproves the bible, whomever advances something. It's all good. :D

What you don't seem to understand yet is that science has only proven false that which scripture is not about.

And the addled minds of certain people who worship that which is not God and expect to float up into the clouds ANY MINUTE!, and rule the earth for eternity from the sky are proof that what scripture is about is true.

Further proving that you don't what the hell you are talking about, dear.

I'm just going by what some of you people claim to believe.

I know that you only believe in the trinity bullshit but I do understand why you would still feel embarrassed.

If you weren't such a foul mouthed asshole I would feel sorry for you.
What you don't seem to understand yet is that science has only proven false that which scripture is not about.

And the addled minds of certain people who worship that which is not God and expect to float up into the clouds ANY MINUTE!, and rule the earth for eternity from the sky are proof that what scripture is about is true.

Further proving that you don't what the hell you are talking about, dear.

I'm just going by what some of you people claim to believe.

That is a shameless lie. You are doing nothing of the sort, since nothing of the sort is taught in catholic Christianity which is over 80% of Christianity.

There maybe some kookburger Protestant groups that teach some crazy shit like that, but they do not speak for the entire religion.

But prove your contention if you can.

I know that you only believe in the trinity bullshit but I do understand why you would still feel embarrassed.

lol, that statement made no sense. Wanna try again, dear?

If you weren't such a foul mouthed asshole I would feel sorry for you.

You are a lying fool. Why would I want your sympathy? That would imply I were a similar liar and fool as you.
The story of Genesis is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the sun or the earth and is not about the first humans, plants, or animals.

Genesis is an allegorical account of Divine Law being given as a light that separates the darkness by differentiating between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, and life and death, in a world that had been without shape and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for the previous several millions of years of human evolution......

Allegorical, ok. But to say that they were talking about the BB? SHADDDDUP! :D
The people who wrote the bible had no clue about the BB, which happened 13 BILLION years ago. Man only came on the scene within less than the last 100 million years or so. GIMMMMMEEEEE A FUCKKKKKING BREEEEAAAKKKK!!! :D

Any story that starts with 'in the beginning" just like 'once upon a time' and has a talking snake and mythical creatures should have been a dead give away to anyone with a second grade education that it is a story written like a fairy tale with the intention of teaching bronze age children morals and truths about life that are not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.
actually you're one verse off.....the Hebrew word which indicates such a story is the word which begins Genesis 1:2 and is translated into the English as "Now"......you will also find it beginning Genesis 3:1....
and your own obstinate stupidity and the vile contents of your rotting mind is evidence of the consequences for violating the laws that Christians claim were made obsolete.

Prove it, dear.

There are no signs of life in you and every time I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out.

You have already proven it.

So by disagreeing with you and showing my contempt for your lack of use of facts, reason or logic and your straight out just bald faced lies, that means I am putrid etc.

Go to hell, dear.
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God of the bible made the world in 6 days. Are you admitting that the bible is full of shit? Is the church admitting that it's whole dogma is based on bullshit? That's cool, thanks for the links. :D
Anyways, I've always professed that science proves the bible wrong, that a priest shows that it's wrong is extra cool! :D
And if you think that "Let there be light" proves the discovery of the BB, then you're a bigger spoon fed moron than I am. :D

lol, you cannot understand the difference between recorded myths of true events and simple lies.

Thus demonstrating that you are an idiot, once and for all.
recorded myths of true events? :lol:

Biggest moronic statement of the week... at least. :D
It's either a myth or a true event, you can't have both. :lol:
6 days is 6 fucking days, no ifs, ands or buts.

you and the Rev. Phelps agree.....
Why? 6 days doesn't mean 6 days? Feel a need to move the goalposts so that the fairy tales ring truer?

the strictness of interpretations is only made necessary to attempt legitimacy for their tangential religion of Christianity etc. and has no bearing on the true message of Spiritual Remission ... far more can be said from whence we came and where a Spirit may go, it is not a dead subject and what will pass is not the publication were it to be updated by science but the named religions.

your physiology is going to perish, reading that book is not going to stop it. it would only be worth your while were it to give you clarity for a possible passing as the same as to what created your Spirit in the first place.

Just because what 99% of people believe about God and the stories in the bible cannot possibly be literally true that does not preclude the existence of a superior being or realm of conscious existence that is not of this world..

Only after he purified his mind from all of the irrational superstitions and degrading practices that he was forced to believe and imitate since birth was Abraham able to perceive and interact with the living God.

And it may not be that God simply disappeared. The story of Abraham is a story of an atheist who speculated that if there was a God he must be a living being and could not be a statue made by human hands that has no life. Historically, people seem to have preferred darkness to light, superstitions and self important rituals and ceremonies to truth and reality. God didn't necessarily disappear as much as people get lost in the darkness and blindness of confusion as a consequence...

the greatest obstacle you face is your overinflated opinion of your own perceptions, reasoning ability, and conclusions which makes it impossible for you to consider something as unbelievable as that you see no proof of God because you have an inferior instrument covered in cobwebs of resentments and hostility through either choice or neglect..

I would think if you asked most people they would say they prefer light to darkness.

Sorry, no cobwebs, no resentment. I don't hate god because my kid died. I don't deny god exists because something bad happened. I simply was enlightened.

It is you who lacks reason. There isn't one argument for god that doesn't come with a fatal flaw. And you don't realize you believe because you are a scared and unevolved human who's been brainwashed to believe in fairy tales. Do you believe in Santa too?

Why are people christians? You act like other religions are selfish and christianity is not. The church wants your money and you want to go to heaven, not to mention you like the social gatherings at church. So it's like a fraternity that offers not only lifetime membership but eternal lifetime membership. :lol::eusa_pray::eusa_angel::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

I am not a Christian and I do not belong to a church or any religion.

You, who claims to have been enlightened, have failed to perceive the truth about me who has been conversing openly with you and other people on a message board about what I do and don't believe, yet you were wrong in your perceptions, accused me of being a Christian, and then spewed resentments and hostility in my direction that you claim to not have.

Is it any wonder you have failed to perceive the truth about God?

I use to believe in god too. If it was the truth I'd still believe.

There is a truth and reality independent of our desires. Faith simply reinforces your belief in what you would like to be true, rather than what really is.

In order to better under understand this reality and discover the truth we must look for evidence outside ourselves.

Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.
You ask, what did God do before he created the universe... Well, time didn't yet exist, so it doesn't really matter. Perhaps God was busy creating other universes? Current quantum mechanics have presented string theories which posit there may be many universes. Perhaps a universe exists where spiritual existence is the "norm" and the spiritual entities ponder the possibility of physical existence?

Yes time did exist before the big bang. That time doesn't exist to us anymore. I believe that is what he was trying to say in that thing I posted. That the time and whatever existed before our big bang is irrelevant and can not ever be tested, but we know that it did exist before the big bang. So if the big bang happened 13 billion years ago, what was happening 26 billion years ago? Maybe the universe was shrinking back into the little ball it was right before the big bang. That's the yo yo theory I just made it up. LOL.

Anyways, best answer is I don't know. Do you? :eusa_liar:

Well... no, stubborn... Time did not exist before the universe began. Where is the evidence for that? That's right, there isn't any. Time is a dimension of a physical universe. I understand that you and other Atheists want to dismiss whatever happened before the 'supposed' Big Bang, so that you can eliminate any possibility of God or a Creator.

Your "yo yo theory" is also known as the cyclical universe theory, and for 50 years or so, it was considered a plausible and valid theory. However, the evidence that our universe is accelerating in expansion and not slowing, kind of puts that theory to rest. I mean... you DO believe in Newton's Laws of Motion, correct? So if the universe is expanding and accelerating in that expansion, what is going to cause it to suddenly move in the opposite direction? Not gravity, because gravity behaves the same all the time, so if gravity worked as a force on the universe, the expansion would be slowing not accelerating.

So there was no "26 billion years ago" because "years" are a measure of how long it takes our planet to revolve around it's sun. Since our planet and sun did not exist, there were no years. There was no space and there was no time, or at least, you have not proven that to be the case. Until you can present some evidence for these things you believe, all you really have is FAITH.

The big bang happened 13 billion years ago. There is a such thing as 14 billion years ago, no?
I personally feel that there is not enough information as of yet, to make an empirical statement about what happened before the big bang.

As for years not existing before the earth was around, there also was no Jesus in 3000 B.C., yet we still use that as a marker, correct?

Evidence and science is on our side - Christians are yet to actually back up anything they believe with actual facts.

Evidence is on your side? How do you figure when you've presented NO evidence? See, this is what I don't get about you cats... you start off saying "we don't know" which is fine by me, it means we all have faith and nothing else... but then, you suddenly abandon the not knowing for KNOWING that God doesn't exist and there is some kind of evidence for that. The only evidence any of you ever seem to come up with is that we can't prove God does exist.

3,000 BC wasn't called that in 3,000 BC. Yes, it's a marker and nothing more. The same with "years" or any other measure of our perception of this thing called "time."

In physics, time is distance, specifically, the distance light travels per second. What enables our sense of time is merely the universe expanding. If the universe stops expanding, time will end.

False, entropy ALWAYS increases with time. Thus, time moves always in a forward arrow.

Entropy has nothing to do with this. Time is distance, it makes up part of space-time continuum, a fundamental dimension of our physical universe. There is absolutely NO evidence it existed BEFORE a physical universe.

You've provided no evidence either. No good evidence anyways.
Yes time did exist before the big bang. That time doesn't exist to us anymore. I believe that is what he was trying to say in that thing I posted. That the time and whatever existed before our big bang is irrelevant and can not ever be tested, but we know that it did exist before the big bang. So if the big bang happened 13 billion years ago, what was happening 26 billion years ago? Maybe the universe was shrinking back into the little ball it was right before the big bang. That's the yo yo theory I just made it up. LOL.

Anyways, best answer is I don't know. Do you? :eusa_liar:

Well... no, stubborn... Time did not exist before the universe began. Where is the evidence for that? That's right, there isn't any. Time is a dimension of a physical universe. I understand that you and other Atheists want to dismiss whatever happened before the 'supposed' Big Bang, so that you can eliminate any possibility of God or a Creator.

Your "yo yo theory" is also known as the cyclical universe theory, and for 50 years or so, it was considered a plausible and valid theory. However, the evidence that our universe is accelerating in expansion and not slowing, kind of puts that theory to rest. I mean... you DO believe in Newton's Laws of Motion, correct? So if the universe is expanding and accelerating in that expansion, what is going to cause it to suddenly move in the opposite direction? Not gravity, because gravity behaves the same all the time, so if gravity worked as a force on the universe, the expansion would be slowing not accelerating.

So there was no "26 billion years ago" because "years" are a measure of how long it takes our planet to revolve around it's sun. Since our planet and sun did not exist, there were no years. There was no space and there was no time, or at least, you have not proven that to be the case. Until you can present some evidence for these things you believe, all you really have is FAITH.

I personally feel that there is not enough information as of yet, to make an empirical statement about what happened before the big bang.

As for years not existing before the earth was around, there also was no Jesus in 3000 B.C., yet we still use that as a marker, correct?

Evidence and science is on our side - Christians are yet to actually back up anything they believe with actual facts.

In physics, time is distance, specifically, the distance light travels per second. What enables our sense of time is merely the universe expanding. If the universe stops expanding, time will end.

False, entropy ALWAYS increases with time. Thus, time moves always in a forward arrow.

Irrelevant really. Boss likes to argue his talking points but does anything he says prove there is a god? No. And he keeps insisting we provide evidence his invisible man doesn't exist. The only way to prove that is to kill him and then he won't be able to tell us his findings.

Sorry boss, you believe in god because you want there to be a god. Wishful thinking.

The fact that a seemingly intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

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