Why do the God-haters persist?

We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

not believing what you believe and not wanting you to force what you believe on others is not hate of anything. thank goodness in this country we have the first amendment and are free to believe or not believe what we want.

yay us
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
How is calling yourself agnostic playing it safe? Is there a rule you have to believe a God exists? This is why we all know you as a cherry picking Christian. You sound similar to Christians who claim you'll go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as Lord. Are you saying in your religion belief is required? Why? In Christianity we know why. God says so. In yours it's because boss says so.
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
How is calling yourself agnostic playing it safe? Is there a rule you have to believe a God exists? This is why we all know you as a cherry picking Christian. You sound similar to Christians who claim you'll go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as Lord. Are you saying in your religion belief is required? Why? In Christianity we know why. God says so. In yours it's because boss says so.

There is a rule in applying definitions accurately to describe what things mean. Agnostic is the absence of belief in the knowledge of whether anything spiritual exists. In other words, and agnostic is A-Gnostic... (gnostic means knowledge of something spiritual) An Atheist is absence of belief in a God. The distinction of difference is generally understood to be, an agnostic doesn't know whether God exists or not... an Atheist doesn't believe God exists. This is why I said long ago, you cannot be both Agnostic and Atheist. If you are Atheist, you are no longer saying you don't know if God does or doesn't exist. You are saying you don't believe God exists.

I don't understand why you constantly attempt to make allegations that I am a Christian of some kind or that I am somehow promoting religious beliefs. I know that you find it easy and gratifying to trash and bash Christians and Jews for their religious beliefs... that's the only justification I can find for you continuing to make this kind of false insinuation in spite of my consistently asserting otherwise. It's disappointing to me that you continue to want to do this knowing that I am going to reject your allegation and reiterate that I am not a religious person, I don't belong to any organized religion, I am not attempting to convert you to a religion or get you to accept any religious belief.

Honestly, regardless of what I believe or you believe, the truth is still ultimately the truth. My belief and your belief do not influence the truth. When attempting to have an intellectual discussion about the topic of human spirituality, this point should always be kept at the forefront. The Truth... is unknown. None of us really know the truth.... even some devoutly religious person, like say... Billy Graham... as strong in faith as he is, doesn't KNOW the truth. He believes he knows... that is his faith. You also believe you know that Christianity is a lie... that is your faith. The Truth... is unknown... and it doesn't change depending on your personal belief.

You could be right, I could be right or we both could be right (or wrong).... I know that sounds odd but it's possible... God may exist and not exist at the same time. In your perception of reality God doesn't exist and in mine God does exist... who knows? The TRUTH is unknown. It always will be.
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
How is calling yourself agnostic playing it safe? Is there a rule you have to believe a God exists? This is why we all know you as a cherry picking Christian. You sound similar to Christians who claim you'll go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as Lord. Are you saying in your religion belief is required? Why? In Christianity we know why. God says so. In yours it's because boss says so.

There is a rule in applying definitions accurately to describe what things mean. Agnostic is the absence of belief in the knowledge of whether anything spiritual exists. In other words, and agnostic is A-Gnostic... (gnostic means knowledge of something spiritual) An Atheist is absence of belief in a God. The distinction of difference is generally understood to be, an agnostic doesn't know whether God exists or not... an Atheist doesn't believe God exists. This is why I said long ago, you cannot be both Agnostic and Atheist. If you are Atheist, you are no longer saying you don't know if God does or doesn't exist. You are saying you don't believe God exists.

I don't understand why you constantly attempt to make allegations that I am a Christian of some kind or that I am somehow promoting religious beliefs. I know that you find it easy and gratifying to trash and bash Christians and Jews for their religious beliefs... that's the only justification I can find for you continuing to make this kind of false insinuation in spite of my consistently asserting otherwise. It's disappointing to me that you continue to want to do this knowing that I am going to reject your allegation and reiterate that I am not a religious person, I don't belong to any organized religion, I am not attempting to convert you to a religion or get you to accept any religious belief.

Honestly, regardless of what I believe or you believe, the truth is still ultimately the truth. My belief and your belief do not influence the truth. When attempting to have an intellectual discussion about the topic of human spirituality, this point should always be kept at the forefront. The Truth... is unknown. None of us really know the truth.... even some devoutly religious person, like say... Billy Graham... as strong in faith as he is, doesn't KNOW the truth. He believes he knows... that is his faith. You also believe you know that Christianity is a lie... that is your faith. The Truth... is unknown... and it doesn't change depending on your personal belief.

You could be right, I could be right or we both could be right (or wrong).... I know that sounds odd but it's possible... God may exist and not exist at the same time. In your perception of reality God doesn't exist and in mine God does exist... who knows? The TRUTH is unknown. It always will be.

we are not talking about schrodinger's cat. a supreme being cannot exist and not exist at the time time. and some people believe, some don't. and some people aren't certain. any of those configurations is fine. and really, it's no one's business as long as one doesn't impose their view on others (e.g., not permitting you to worship as you please or forcing *me* to worship as you want) or hurt others.

i'm not sure why that threatens people like you. me? i think it's one of the best things about our constitution.
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
How is calling yourself agnostic playing it safe? Is there a rule you have to believe a God exists? This is why we all know you as a cherry picking Christian. You sound similar to Christians who claim you'll go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as Lord. Are you saying in your religion belief is required? Why? In Christianity we know why. God says so. In yours it's because boss says so.

There is a rule in applying definitions accurately to describe what things mean. Agnostic is the absence of belief in the knowledge of whether anything spiritual exists. In other words, and agnostic is A-Gnostic... (gnostic means knowledge of something spiritual) An Atheist is absence of belief in a God. The distinction of difference is generally understood to be, an agnostic doesn't know whether God exists or not... an Atheist doesn't believe God exists. This is why I said long ago, you cannot be both Agnostic and Atheist. If you are Atheist, you are no longer saying you don't know if God does or doesn't exist. You are saying you don't believe God exists.

I don't understand why you constantly attempt to make allegations that I am a Christian of some kind or that I am somehow promoting religious beliefs. I know that you find it easy and gratifying to trash and bash Christians and Jews for their religious beliefs... that's the only justification I can find for you continuing to make this kind of false insinuation in spite of my consistently asserting otherwise. It's disappointing to me that you continue to want to do this knowing that I am going to reject your allegation and reiterate that I am not a religious person, I don't belong to any organized religion, I am not attempting to convert you to a religion or get you to accept any religious belief.

Honestly, regardless of what I believe or you believe, the truth is still ultimately the truth. My belief and your belief do not influence the truth. When attempting to have an intellectual discussion about the topic of human spirituality, this point should always be kept at the forefront. The Truth... is unknown. None of us really know the truth.... even some devoutly religious person, like say... Billy Graham... as strong in faith as he is, doesn't KNOW the truth. He believes he knows... that is his faith. You also believe you know that Christianity is a lie... that is your faith. The Truth... is unknown... and it doesn't change depending on your personal belief.

You could be right, I could be right or we both could be right (or wrong).... I know that sounds odd but it's possible... God may exist and not exist at the same time. In your perception of reality God doesn't exist and in mine God does exist... who knows? The TRUTH is unknown. It always will be.

we are not talking about schrodinger's cat. a supreme being cannot exist and not exist at the time time. and some people believe, some don't. and some people aren't certain. any of those configurations is fine. and really, it's no one's business as long as one doesn't impose their view on others (e.g., not permitting you to worship as you please or forcing *me* to worship as you want) or hurt others.

i'm not sure why that threatens people like you. me? i think it's one of the best things about our constitution.

FYI: People have always imposed their view upon others since the beginning of time and they always will. They just change their methods and strategies for their imposition.
we are not talking about schrodinger's cat. a supreme being cannot exist and not exist at the time time. and some people believe, some don't. and some people aren't certain. any of those configurations is fine. and really, it's no one's business as long as one doesn't impose their view on others (e.g., not permitting you to worship as you please or forcing *me* to worship as you want) or hurt others.

i'm not sure why that threatens people like you. me? i think it's one of the best things about our constitution.

Nothing threatens me. I don't know why you think that based on me presenting my viewpoints. Perhaps something threatens you and that is the reason you present your viewpoints? But it really doesn't make any difference to me what you personally believe or don't believe. That also has no bearing on what I believe.

You say this isn't Schrodinger's Cat and a "Supreme Deity" can't both exist and not exist... but have you proven this? When we observe physical matter (atoms) at their subatomic level, we find electrons existing yet not existing at the same time... or existing in two places at the same time. Light exists as a wave or a particle depending on whether it is observed. So there are things even in our logical physical universe that don't really seem possible, yet... they are.

Check out the Einstein quote "Spooky action at a distance" and you will discover more bizarre phenomenon we can't really explain. Indeed, it is the driving force behind quantum physics. We must be very cautious in proclaiming things that "cannot happen" and keep our minds open to possibilities... even when we think them impossible.

Our perceptions of reality are unique to each of us. No two persons ever have or ever will have the same exact perception of reality. Even a pair of Siamese twins joined at the hip for life will experience a slightly different reality from their own perspective. So if reality is an illusion of perception and all realities are unique, then it is possible that your reality may have no Supreme Deity and mine could have. Just as it could exist in both or not exist in either... or there could be multiple Supreme Deities existing simultaneously. Whatever our opinions, beliefs or faiths are, have nothing to do with what is ultimately the Truth. That, we do not know.
...and really, it's no one's business as long as one doesn't impose their view on others...

The problem is... that's civilization in a nutshell. We collectively determine what will be our business and what we will impose on the society in which we live. In OUR society, we value freedom and that means that you and I ostensibly have equal voices and say in what rules, boundaries or limitations govern our society. Every law on the books imposes a will on the views of others. A bank robber has a view that he deserves the money in a bank... we collectively impose our view that he doesn't deserve the money in the bank.
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
How is calling yourself agnostic playing it safe? Is there a rule you have to believe a God exists? This is why we all know you as a cherry picking Christian. You sound similar to Christians who claim you'll go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as Lord. Are you saying in your religion belief is required? Why? In Christianity we know why. God says so. In yours it's because boss says so.

There is a rule in applying definitions accurately to describe what things mean. Agnostic is the absence of belief in the knowledge of whether anything spiritual exists. In other words, and agnostic is A-Gnostic... (gnostic means knowledge of something spiritual) An Atheist is absence of belief in a God. The distinction of difference is generally understood to be, an agnostic doesn't know whether God exists or not... an Atheist doesn't believe God exists. This is why I said long ago, you cannot be both Agnostic and Atheist. If you are Atheist, you are no longer saying you don't know if God does or doesn't exist. You are saying you don't believe God exists.

I don't understand why you constantly attempt to make allegations that I am a Christian of some kind or that I am somehow promoting religious beliefs. I know that you find it easy and gratifying to trash and bash Christians and Jews for their religious beliefs... that's the only justification I can find for you continuing to make this kind of false insinuation in spite of my consistently asserting otherwise. It's disappointing to me that you continue to want to do this knowing that I am going to reject your allegation and reiterate that I am not a religious person, I don't belong to any organized religion, I am not attempting to convert you to a religion or get you to accept any religious belief.

Honestly, regardless of what I believe or you believe, the truth is still ultimately the truth. My belief and your belief do not influence the truth. When attempting to have an intellectual discussion about the topic of human spirituality, this point should always be kept at the forefront. The Truth... is unknown. None of us really know the truth.... even some devoutly religious person, like say... Billy Graham... as strong in faith as he is, doesn't KNOW the truth. He believes he knows... that is his faith. You also believe you know that Christianity is a lie... that is your faith. The Truth... is unknown... and it doesn't change depending on your personal belief.

You could be right, I could be right or we both could be right (or wrong).... I know that sounds odd but it's possible... God may exist and not exist at the same time. In your perception of reality God doesn't exist and in mine God does exist... who knows? The TRUTH is unknown. It always will be.
Let me answer the first. Your definitions may be correct but that's not how people are using the words. Or that's not their meaning when they use a term. Great example is when a theist asks an atheist why they worship Satan. They confuse satanic and atheist.

A theist assumes God is a fact because he visited. Fact. There's no question. An atheist may be someone who doesn't buy that God visited. And he/I don't think there is an eternal creator. I think time and space are eternal. Even you must admit that if there's a beginning of time but God existed before this time then there was a time before time. If God is eternal so is time.

In fact there is no need for a God.

Call me agnostic because I can't know for sure? Then we are all agnostic
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
How is calling yourself agnostic playing it safe? Is there a rule you have to believe a God exists? This is why we all know you as a cherry picking Christian. You sound similar to Christians who claim you'll go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as Lord. Are you saying in your religion belief is required? Why? In Christianity we know why. God says so. In yours it's because boss says so.

There is a rule in applying definitions accurately to describe what things mean. Agnostic is the absence of belief in the knowledge of whether anything spiritual exists. In other words, and agnostic is A-Gnostic... (gnostic means knowledge of something spiritual) An Atheist is absence of belief in a God. The distinction of difference is generally understood to be, an agnostic doesn't know whether God exists or not... an Atheist doesn't believe God exists. This is why I said long ago, you cannot be both Agnostic and Atheist. If you are Atheist, you are no longer saying you don't know if God does or doesn't exist. You are saying you don't believe God exists.

I don't understand why you constantly attempt to make allegations that I am a Christian of some kind or that I am somehow promoting religious beliefs. I know that you find it easy and gratifying to trash and bash Christians and Jews for their religious beliefs... that's the only justification I can find for you continuing to make this kind of false insinuation in spite of my consistently asserting otherwise. It's disappointing to me that you continue to want to do this knowing that I am going to reject your allegation and reiterate that I am not a religious person, I don't belong to any organized religion, I am not attempting to convert you to a religion or get you to accept any religious belief.

Honestly, regardless of what I believe or you believe, the truth is still ultimately the truth. My belief and your belief do not influence the truth. When attempting to have an intellectual discussion about the topic of human spirituality, this point should always be kept at the forefront. The Truth... is unknown. None of us really know the truth.... even some devoutly religious person, like say... Billy Graham... as strong in faith as he is, doesn't KNOW the truth. He believes he knows... that is his faith. You also believe you know that Christianity is a lie... that is your faith. The Truth... is unknown... and it doesn't change depending on your personal belief.

You could be right, I could be right or we both could be right (or wrong).... I know that sounds odd but it's possible... God may exist and not exist at the same time. In your perception of reality God doesn't exist and in mine God does exist... who knows? The TRUTH is unknown. It always will be.
Every once in a while you dip into Christian talk like an afterlife. What possible reason do you have for believing in an afterlife? Seems like wishful thinking to me
Let me answer the first. Your definitions may be correct but that's not how people are using the words. Or that's not their meaning when they use a term. Great example is when a theist asks an atheist why they worship Satan. They confuse satanic and atheist.

A theist assumes God is a fact because he visited. Fact. There's no question. An atheist may be someone who doesn't buy that God visited. And he/I don't think there is an eternal creator. I think time and space are eternal. Even you must admit that if there's a beginning of time but God existed before this time then there was a time before time. If God is eternal so is time.

In fact there is no need for a God.

Call me agnostic because I can't know for sure? Then we are all agnostic

First of all, I don't really care how idiots misuse words and it's not a reason for us to adopt the idiot's definitions or usage of said words.

Time is not eternal according to physics and math. Do you not believe in physics or math? God is not bound by time... Time is a physical dimension of a physical universe. It means nothing to a Spiritual God.

You say "there is no need for a God" but that isn't what we're discussing. There is also no need for a universe, math, physics, time, space, planets, life, etc. Whether there is a need is not the issue.

Agnostic doesn't mean you can't know for sure. It means absent the knowledge of something spiritual. Some people believe they have knowledge of something spiritual, therefore, they are not agnostic. They cannot prove the knowledge they believe to have is true but you also cannot prove it's false.
Every once in a while you dip into Christian talk like an afterlife. What possible reason do you have for believing in an afterlife? Seems like wishful thinking to me

I don't see where I've discussed an afterlife in this thread, but let's discuss that for a moment since you bring it up...

Life is physical existence. If something exists beyond the physical, then it's certainly possible our spiritual essence continues on after our physical life is over. Going back to my previous statement, spiritual nature doesn't depend on the physical and time is a parameter of a physical universe. There is no reason to conclude our spirit "dies" when our physical body does. I think the word "afterlife" is a misnomer because the spirit is not "living" which is the state of carrying on the process of physical life. If our spirit exists, it exists eternally as do all things spiritual. So while I don't believe there is "life after death" I do believe there is eternal spiritual existence.

What happens to our spirit after our physical body expires, I have no idea. I will say this... it seems to me that our spirits are guided on a deliberate course toward a higher purpose. We are compelled toward good and light... away from evil and dark. Could be that's spiritually natural and means nothing, or it could mean our spirits "evolve" and move on to the "next level" or something? I don't know the answer to this. Maybe inferior spirits are sent to exist inside a physical universe for some reason and we're literally "doing time" as spirits in prison? Maybe when our physical sentence is up there will be a Judge to determine if our spirit was rehabilitated? Again, this is just me spitballing... I have no clue what the answer is.

reproduction between two adults to create a sibling or the metamorphic process changing from one physical state to another, limbs to wings is proof of a delineation between a physical and Spiritual presence for all living beings ... the mechanism is a selfsustaining non physical interrelationship with the physical, physiological encasement.

Hubble's observations suggested that there was a time, called the big bang, when the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions all the laws of science, and therefore all ability to predict the future, would break down. If there were events earlier than this time, then they could not affect what happens at the present time. Their existence can be ignored because it would have no observational consequences. One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not be defined. It should be emphasized that this beginning in time is very different from those that had been considered previously. In an unchanging universe a beginning in time is something that has to be imposed by some being outside the universe; there is no physical necessity for a beginning. One can imagine that God created the universe at literally any time in the past. On the other hand, if the universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to be a beginning. One could imagine that God created the universe at the instant of the big bang, or even afterwards in just such a way as to make it look as though there had been a big bang, but it would be meaningless to suppose that it was created before the big bang. An expanding universe does not preclude a creator, but it does place limits on when he might have carried out his job!

So what did god do before the big bang? We know pretty much when the big bang happened. So what happened before the big bang? Did god just sit looking at a blank screen for all eternity before the big bang? It only happened 13 million years ago. Not that long ago for a god.

Answer is, there is no god.

I think you meant 13 billion instead of 13 million. And what you are measuring is a physical parameter known as "time." While time is still a mysterious and perplexing thing to physical science, we do know that time is not linear it is relative. In physics, time is distance, specifically, the distance light travels per second. What enables our sense of time is merely the universe expanding. If the universe stops expanding, time will end.

Now you speak of "The Big Bang" and it's interesting to note, the term "Big Bang" itself was originally a pejorative, like "Star Wars" for Reagan's SDI or "Bush's War" for the Iraq War. Many scientists simply dismissed the theory as nonsense at first, hence the name "Big Bang." It was made fun of and joked about in the upper scientific circles. We're talking about less than 100 years ago. Of course, the fact that Hubble discovered the universe is expanding, lent a huge amount of credibility to the theory of a Big Bang. For about the past 20 years, however, the super-telescope which bears his name has discovered a fascinating new piece to the puzzle. The universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating.

So what does that mean? Well, if you comprehend the dynamics of motion and physics, it could mean there wasn't ever a Big Bang. Physicists such as Stephen Hawking (hardly a dum-dum) would dispute your presentation of "Big Bang" as "proven fact." So this is a THEORY, and one that has been considered a joke, then taken seriously, and now is being questioned once again. You should consider applying your agnosticism to this, it's best to say we don't know at this time.

You ask, what did God do before he created the universe... Well, time didn't yet exist, so it doesn't really matter. Perhaps God was busy creating other universes? Current quantum mechanics have presented string theories which posit there may be many universes. Perhaps a universe exists where spiritual existence is the "norm" and the spiritual entities ponder the possibility of physical existence?

There was once life on mars

What Does A Newly Born Pacific Island Say About Life On Mars?

Remarkably, they saw processes involving complex interplays of water and newly formed rock, whose traces look a whole lot like features seen on Mars. The thing about Mars is we know that planet had a lot of volcanism going on billions of years ago. We're also pretty sure the Red Planet had a lot of water billions of years ago, too. Put that together with particular and puzzling features seen on Mars today, and the connection between Mars then and Earth now begins to take focus.

I don't want to give any more spoilers. Just take five minutes of your day, watch this amazing video, and let its story and its science knock you to the floor as it did to me.
Hubble's observations suggested that there was a time, called the big bang, when the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions all the laws of science, and therefore all ability to predict the future, would break down. If there were events earlier than this time, then they could not affect what happens at the present time. Their existence can be ignored because it would have no observational consequences. One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not be defined. It should be emphasized that this beginning in time is very different from those that had been considered previously. In an unchanging universe a beginning in time is something that has to be imposed by some being outside the universe; there is no physical necessity for a beginning. One can imagine that God created the universe at literally any time in the past. On the other hand, if the universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to be a beginning. One could imagine that God created the universe at the instant of the big bang, or even afterwards in just such a way as to make it look as though there had been a big bang, but it would be meaningless to suppose that it was created before the big bang. An expanding universe does not preclude a creator, but it does place limits on when he might have carried out his job!

So what did god do before the big bang? We know pretty much when the big bang happened. So what happened before the big bang? Did god just sit looking at a blank screen for all eternity before the big bang? It only happened 13 million years ago. Not that long ago for a god.

Answer is, there is no god.

I think you meant 13 billion instead of 13 million. And what you are measuring is a physical parameter known as "time." While time is still a mysterious and perplexing thing to physical science, we do know that time is not linear it is relative. In physics, time is distance, specifically, the distance light travels per second. What enables our sense of time is merely the universe expanding. If the universe stops expanding, time will end.

Now you speak of "The Big Bang" and it's interesting to note, the term "Big Bang" itself was originally a pejorative, like "Star Wars" for Reagan's SDI or "Bush's War" for the Iraq War. Many scientists simply dismissed the theory as nonsense at first, hence the name "Big Bang." It was made fun of and joked about in the upper scientific circles. We're talking about less than 100 years ago. Of course, the fact that Hubble discovered the universe is expanding, lent a huge amount of credibility to the theory of a Big Bang. For about the past 20 years, however, the super-telescope which bears his name has discovered a fascinating new piece to the puzzle. The universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating.

So what does that mean? Well, if you comprehend the dynamics of motion and physics, it could mean there wasn't ever a Big Bang. Physicists such as Stephen Hawking (hardly a dum-dum) would dispute your presentation of "Big Bang" as "proven fact." So this is a THEORY, and one that has been considered a joke, then taken seriously, and now is being questioned once again. You should consider applying your agnosticism to this, it's best to say we don't know at this time.

You ask, what did God do before he created the universe... Well, time didn't yet exist, so it doesn't really matter. Perhaps God was busy creating other universes? Current quantum mechanics have presented string theories which posit there may be many universes. Perhaps a universe exists where spiritual existence is the "norm" and the spiritual entities ponder the possibility of physical existence?

There was once life on mars

What Does A Newly Born Pacific Island Say About Life On Mars?

Remarkably, they saw processes involving complex interplays of water and newly formed rock, whose traces look a whole lot like features seen on Mars. The thing about Mars is we know that planet had a lot of volcanism going on billions of years ago. We're also pretty sure the Red Planet had a lot of water billions of years ago, too. Put that together with particular and puzzling features seen on Mars today, and the connection between Mars then and Earth now begins to take focus.

I don't want to give any more spoilers. Just take five minutes of your day, watch this amazing video, and let its story and its science knock you to the floor as it did to me.

LMAO... Sorry, that does not prove there was once life on Mars!
Hubble's observations suggested that there was a time, called the big bang, when the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions all the laws of science, and therefore all ability to predict the future, would break down. If there were events earlier than this time, then they could not affect what happens at the present time. Their existence can be ignored because it would have no observational consequences. One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not be defined. It should be emphasized that this beginning in time is very different from those that had been considered previously. In an unchanging universe a beginning in time is something that has to be imposed by some being outside the universe; there is no physical necessity for a beginning. One can imagine that God created the universe at literally any time in the past. On the other hand, if the universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to be a beginning. One could imagine that God created the universe at the instant of the big bang, or even afterwards in just such a way as to make it look as though there had been a big bang, but it would be meaningless to suppose that it was created before the big bang. An expanding universe does not preclude a creator, but it does place limits on when he might have carried out his job!

So what did god do before the big bang? We know pretty much when the big bang happened. So what happened before the big bang? Did god just sit looking at a blank screen for all eternity before the big bang? It only happened 13 million years ago. Not that long ago for a god.

Answer is, there is no god.

I think you meant 13 billion instead of 13 million. And what you are measuring is a physical parameter known as "time." While time is still a mysterious and perplexing thing to physical science, we do know that time is not linear it is relative. In physics, time is distance, specifically, the distance light travels per second. What enables our sense of time is merely the universe expanding. If the universe stops expanding, time will end.

Now you speak of "The Big Bang" and it's interesting to note, the term "Big Bang" itself was originally a pejorative, like "Star Wars" for Reagan's SDI or "Bush's War" for the Iraq War. Many scientists simply dismissed the theory as nonsense at first, hence the name "Big Bang." It was made fun of and joked about in the upper scientific circles. We're talking about less than 100 years ago. Of course, the fact that Hubble discovered the universe is expanding, lent a huge amount of credibility to the theory of a Big Bang. For about the past 20 years, however, the super-telescope which bears his name has discovered a fascinating new piece to the puzzle. The universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating.

So what does that mean? Well, if you comprehend the dynamics of motion and physics, it could mean there wasn't ever a Big Bang. Physicists such as Stephen Hawking (hardly a dum-dum) would dispute your presentation of "Big Bang" as "proven fact." So this is a THEORY, and one that has been considered a joke, then taken seriously, and now is being questioned once again. You should consider applying your agnosticism to this, it's best to say we don't know at this time.

You ask, what did God do before he created the universe... Well, time didn't yet exist, so it doesn't really matter. Perhaps God was busy creating other universes? Current quantum mechanics have presented string theories which posit there may be many universes. Perhaps a universe exists where spiritual existence is the "norm" and the spiritual entities ponder the possibility of physical existence?

There was once life on mars

What Does A Newly Born Pacific Island Say About Life On Mars?

Remarkably, they saw processes involving complex interplays of water and newly formed rock, whose traces look a whole lot like features seen on Mars. The thing about Mars is we know that planet had a lot of volcanism going on billions of years ago. We're also pretty sure the Red Planet had a lot of water billions of years ago, too. Put that together with particular and puzzling features seen on Mars today, and the connection between Mars then and Earth now begins to take focus.

I don't want to give any more spoilers. Just take five minutes of your day, watch this amazing video, and let its story and its science knock you to the floor as it did to me.

LMAO... Sorry, that does not prove there was once life on Mars!

Of course not Boss but it's more proof there is/was life on mars than you have presented for a god existing.

Oh I forgot. You have determined that if we do find life elsewhere that this will be more proof to you that a god exists. As apposed to all the other theists who fear finding life elsewhere because then they will feel that means they aren't special.

I agree with you actually. No way this would be the only planet god would put life and I even doubt this is the only universe.

Here is another thing that should blow your mind:

Astronomers have discovered what may be the most massive black hole ever known in a small galaxy about 250 million light-years from Earth, scientists say. The supermassive black hole has a mass equivalent to 17 billion suns and is located inside the galaxy NGC 1277 in the constellation Perseus.

You can't even wrap your brain around that. This black hole can fit 17 billion of our suns inside it. Kind of makes you feel small and insignificant huh? It should.
If the God Pretenders went away, I'm sure the God Haters would be right behind them.
Like I don’t hate boss. He’s making the same arguments men were making before Moses lies and said god visited.

Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I would just be adamant that no there does not have to be a creator. There could be but there doesn’t have to be
If the God Pretenders went away, I'm sure the God Haters would be right behind them.
Like I don’t hate boss. He’s making the same arguments men were making before Moses lies and said god visited.

Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I would just be adamant that no there does not have to be a creator. There could be but there doesn’t have to be
Right. And I would, personally, never "hate god", because it is an absurd notion to hate something that you do not believe exists. And I think that, if there were "one God", he would be a pretty benevolent entity and would be nothing like the immoral, vain, evil, unethical, and frankly stupid god described in the abrahamic religions.
If the God Pretenders went away, I'm sure the God Haters would be right behind them.
Like I don’t hate boss. He’s making the same arguments men were making before Moses lies and said god visited.

Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I would just be adamant that no there does not have to be a creator. There could be but there doesn’t have to be
Right. And I would, personally, never "hate god", because it is an absurd notion to hate something that you do not believe exists. And I think that, if there were "one God", he would be a pretty benevolent entity and would be nothing like the immoral, vain, evil, unethical, and frankly stupid god described in the abrahamic religions.
I can just see so clearly how are primitive ancestors came up with god heaven and hell. First you must conclude there is a god. Then what is your purpose? What does god want? So then you start talking about good and evil. The golden rule. Etc.

Then what happens to bad people? Where’s gramma?

It’s so obvious.

So I go about my life not believing in god but still living my life by asking would god approve? So I don’t murder or steal. But I may have one night stands or curse or lie now and again. I may even work on Sunday and use the lords name in vein and I most certainly worship other gods and idols....just in case
Astronomers have discovered what may be the most massive black hole ever known in a small galaxy about 250 million light-years from Earth, scientists say. The supermassive black hole has a mass equivalent to 17 billion suns and is located inside the galaxy NGC 1277 in the constellation Perseus.

You can't even wrap your brain around that. This black hole can fit 17 billion of our suns inside it. Kind of makes you feel small and insignificant huh? It should.

Furthermore, this massive black hole is a mere speck in one galaxy of trillions in the universe.

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