Why do the God-haters persist?

Even a Jehovah's Witness will back off after I point out to them they don't know Hebrew.
What does that have to do with anyone calling either of your magical religions, "magic"? Nothing, really.
I don't care that you're an atheist and you shouldn't care that anyone besides yourself believes in God unless they're sticking it up your nose.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
There was a time I believed in Santa. Then I grew up.
There was a time I had an invisible friend. Then I grew up.
Having a relationship with an imaginary entity, you haven't grown up.
Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I don't know about "hell" per say but I do believe there is ultimately "cosmic justice" for allowing your soul to descend to a fallen state of evil. Reason being, natural order and logic. There is a reason we are compelled toward good and away from evil, toward the light and away from the dark. Even the most devout atheist recognizes this. Even other forms of life seem to intrinsically know this. Why would every indicator point to this if there were no reason?
Because it makes the most sense? I don’t know. The world beyond humans is pretty brutal. Coyotes lurking. Bear. Mosquitos. Poisonous snakes.

Before we were organized and civilized we took out other tribes.

But really there is no reason. When this planet dies everything that happened on it is gone. Just like the life that used to be on mars billions of years ago
Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I don't know about "hell" per say but I do believe there is ultimately "cosmic justice" for allowing your soul to descend to a fallen state of evil. Reason being, natural order and logic. There is a reason we are compelled toward good and away from evil, toward the light and away from the dark. Even the most devout atheist recognizes this. Even other forms of life seem to intrinsically know this. Why would every indicator point to this if there were no reason?
And some species engage explicitly in forms of behavior that we would consider "evil" if we engaged in them, and they do so for evolutionary reasons. I doubt anyone would hesitate to call a newlywed human bride "evil" for dining on her husband's head, right after consummating the marriage.

Why would our ability to empathize not also arise purely from selective forces, just as does the "evil" behavior we see in other creatures? It does, of course. You think we are "guided toward good"? Hah, no, that is merely a construct. It's an invention of a mind gifted with the ability of language and culture, a culture into which you were born purely by genetic accident. Go ahead and walk into the territory of an unmet tribe in lower South America... they may kill you immediately, simply in case you trap a small rodent in their territory which might have been their dinner one day. Of course, in our modern society, which comes with our modern morals derived from REASON, we would consider killing someone over a small rodent (a la, dinner) to be "evil", and we would consider the act itself to be "evil". In fact, we might collectively agree to murder that person (e.g., give them the electric chair) afterward.

Our sense of empathy arose hand in hand with our evolutionary progress toward social groups. That same tribe that would kill an intruder then eat his brains also does good deeds for one another within the tribe. Why? Spirituality? "Higher purpose"? Pffftt.... there is no need to add these goofy magical layers to explain anything. It's hard-wired right into their makeup to do so. If it weren't, our species would have evolved very differently, or even not at all. Without this hard-wired empathy, there would be no "tribe".

Our ability to "REASON" is derived from our intrinsic spiritual connection to something greater than self.
Your classic fallback comment when someone explains it to you perfectly. You sound like you have cognitive dissonance seriously.
Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I don't know about "hell" per say but I do believe there is ultimately "cosmic justice" for allowing your soul to descend to a fallen state of evil. Reason being, natural order and logic. There is a reason we are compelled toward good and away from evil, toward the light and away from the dark. Even the most devout atheist recognizes this. Even other forms of life seem to intrinsically know this. Why would every indicator point to this if there were no reason?
And some species engage explicitly in forms of behavior that we would consider "evil" if we engaged in them, and they do so for evolutionary reasons. I doubt anyone would hesitate to call a newlywed human bride "evil" for dining on her husband's head, right after consummating the marriage.

Why would our ability to empathize not also arise purely from selective forces, just as does the "evil" behavior we see in other creatures? It does, of course. You think we are "guided toward good"? Hah, no, that is merely a construct. It's an invention of a mind (yours) gifted with the ability of language and culture, a culture into which you were born purely by genetic accident. Go ahead and walk into the territory of an unmet tribe in lower South America... they may kill you immediately, simply in case you trap a small rodent in their territory which might have been part of their dinner one day. Of course, in our modern society, which comes with our modern morals derived from REASON, we would consider killing someone over a small rodent (a la, dinner) to be "evil", and we would consider the act itself to be "evil". In fact, we might collectively agree to murder that person (e.g., give them the electric chair) afterward.

Our sense of empathy arose hand in hand with our evolutionary progress toward social groups. That same tribe that would kill an intruder then eat his brains also does good deeds for one another within the tribe. Why? Spirituality? "Higher purpose"? Pffftt.... there is no need to add these goofy magical layers to explain anything. It's hard-wired right into their makeup to do so. If it weren't, our species would have evolved very differently, or even not at all. Without this hard-wired empathy, there would be no "tribe".
All of this will go in one ear and out the next with boss. I’m picturing a robot and it’s head is smoking saying over and over “intrinsic spiritual connection to something greater than self.”
Because it makes the most sense? I don’t know. The world beyond humans is pretty brutal. Coyotes lurking. Bear. Mosquitos. Poisonous snakes.

Before we were organized and civilized we took out other tribes.

But really there is no reason. When this planet dies everything that happened on it is gone. Just like the life that used to be on mars billions of years ago

You're absolutely right... you don't know!

But here you have stumbled upon the very thing that separates the believers and non-believers. The comprehension of whether or not life has meaning and purpose. Some of us believe it does, some of us believe it doesn't. And that is seemingly where this line between Atheism and Spirituality is formed. Because of this fundamental core belief, we'll never see things eye to eye.
Because it makes the most sense? I don’t know. The world beyond humans is pretty brutal. Coyotes lurking. Bear. Mosquitos. Poisonous snakes.

Before we were organized and civilized we took out other tribes.

But really there is no reason. When this planet dies everything that happened on it is gone. Just like the life that used to be on mars billions of years ago

You're absolutely right... you don't know!

But here you have stumbled upon the very thing that separates the believers and non-believers. The comprehension of whether or not life has meaning and purpose. Some of us believe it does, some of us believe it doesn't. And that is seemingly where this line between Atheism and Spirituality is formed. Because of this fundamental core belief, we'll never see things eye to eye.

I read something about that today, it will be all gone, poof! Vaporized.
Because it makes the most sense? I don’t know. The world beyond humans is pretty brutal. Coyotes lurking. Bear. Mosquitos. Poisonous snakes.

Before we were organized and civilized we took out other tribes.

But really there is no reason. When this planet dies everything that happened on it is gone. Just like the life that used to be on mars billions of years ago

You're absolutely right... you don't know!

But here you have stumbled upon the very thing that separates the believers and non-believers. The comprehension of whether or not life has meaning and purpose. Some of us believe it does, some of us believe it doesn't. And that is seemingly where this line between Atheism and Spirituality is formed. Because of this fundamental core belief, we'll never see things eye to eye.
What is your meaning? What purpose? The only thing I can think of is humans could get off this rock and live forever. Then our purpose would be to master the universe.

If you woke up on an island alone what would be your purpose? To get off the island?
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.
Because it makes the most sense? I don’t know. The world beyond humans is pretty brutal. Coyotes lurking. Bear. Mosquitos. Poisonous snakes.

Before we were organized and civilized we took out other tribes.

But really there is no reason. When this planet dies everything that happened on it is gone. Just like the life that used to be on mars billions of years ago

You're absolutely right... you don't know!

But here you have stumbled upon the very thing that separates the believers and non-believers. The comprehension of whether or not life has meaning and purpose. Some of us believe it does, some of us believe it doesn't. And that is seemingly where this line between Atheism and Spirituality is formed. Because of this fundamental core belief, we'll never see things eye to eye.
What is your meaning? What purpose? The only thing I can think of is humans could get off this rock and live forever. Then our purpose would be to master the universe.

If you woke up on an island alone what would be your purpose? To get off the island?
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.

Oh get over your tactic of trying to suggest that I'm not very good at debating this or educated enough on the subject. I see right through you.

The fact is you are trying to push an impossible ridiculous belief. One that a person has to just have "faith" is true because you can't prove it. You can't prove a god exists, visited and you certainly can't prove Jesus was anything other than a man. Your story is all hearsay. No one that saw Jesus wrote a bible. Paul did not write a bible. Peter did not write a bible. Luke didn't pen any bible. Your church wrote the bible in the 5th century.

Harrod didn't see Jesus. He wrote about the stories he was told. Everyone who converted to Christianity in the year 200 was going on hearsay. And for the life of me I don't know how anyone buys that story. I know many were forced to but many believed. They actually heard that story, just like you did, and they swallowed it just like you did.

Humans aren't that evolved. We are literally only a couple step out of the cave. Think about it. How many of our grandparents were farmers? So they basically lived the same way as our ancestors did 2000 years ago.

Anyways, please don't try your lame tactic because it's already annoying me. Yes I cherry pick what I like off the internet. So what? You swallow a book that your reverand handed you. And if you were born in Iraq you'd be Chanting the koran.

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