Why do the God-haters persist?

And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.

35% of scientists did not believe in the existence of God.

Overall, 75% of professors contacted by the pair of researchers completed the survey, and it was found that among the different disciplines, disbelief in the existence of God was not correlated with any particular area of expertise. The study suggested the following (the percentages represent atheist numbers):

  • Physics: 40.8%
  • Chemistry: 26.6%
  • Biology: 41%
Total = 37.6%

  • Sociology: 34%
  • Economics: 31.7%
  • Political science: 27%
  • Psychology: 33%
Total = 31.2%

This figures suggest that no particular field is associated with disbelief in God’s existence. However, there are several other factors that do play a role in disbelief, for example, the study found that those scientists who were immigrants disbelieved in God to a greater degree than those who were born and raised in America.

Now I wonder what makes American born scientists so gullible?

Why doesn’t America believe in evolution?

Human beings, as we know them, developed from earlier species of animals: true or false? This simple question is splitting America apart, with a growing proportion thinking that we did not descend from an ancestral ape. A survey of 32 European countries, the US and Japan has revealed that only Turkey is less willing than the US to accept evolution as fact.

So why don't you move to Turkey were there are more dummies like you?
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.
This is why I hate Religion. It makes a stupid person think he is smart.

Religious fundamentalism, bitter partisan politics and poor science education have all contributed to this denial of evolution in the US

“The US is the only country in which [the teaching of evolution] has been politicised,” he says. “Republicans have clearly adopted this as one of their wedge issues. In most of the world, this is a non-issue.”

Let me guess you are a Republican?

the percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005

Proof Republicans are using Religion to sucker stupid voters.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.

Oh get over your tactic of trying to suggest that I'm not very good at debating this or educated enough on the subject. I see right through you.

The fact is you are trying to push an impossible ridiculous belief. One that a person has to just have "faith" is true because you can't prove it. You can't prove a god exists, visited and you certainly can't prove Jesus was anything other than a man. Your story is all hearsay. No one that saw Jesus wrote a bible. Paul did not write a bible. Peter did not write a bible. Luke didn't pen any bible. Your church wrote the bible in the 5th century.

Harrod didn't see Jesus. He wrote about the stories he was told. Everyone who converted to Christianity in the year 200 was going on hearsay. And for the life of me I don't know how anyone buys that story. I know many were forced to but many believed. They actually heard that story, just like you did, and they swallowed it just like you did.

Humans aren't that evolved. We are literally only a couple step out of the cave. Think about it. How many of our grandparents were farmers? So they basically lived the same way as our ancestors did 2000 years ago.

Anyways, please don't try your lame tactic because it's already annoying me. Yes I cherry pick what I like off the internet. So what? You swallow a book that your reverand handed you. And if you were born in Iraq you'd be Chanting the koran.
I see you didn't read every post on this Thread before interjecting your as usual nonerudite point of view.
I specifically stated I don't mind atheists who don't knee jerk non-atheists who aren't sticking their nose in my face.
But I realize that this topic controls your knees.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.
This is why I hate Religion. It makes a stupid person think he is smart.

Religious fundamentalism, bitter partisan politics and poor science education have all contributed to this denial of evolution in the US

“The US is the only country in which [the teaching of evolution] has been politicised,” he says. “Republicans have clearly adopted this as one of their wedge issues. In most of the world, this is a non-issue.”

Let me guess you are a Republican?

the percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005

Proof Republicans are using Religion to sucker stupid voters.
Conflating knowledgeable with smart.
Not very smart.
But I didn't earn my PHD in Evolution on 3,000 Internet sites like you did.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

How does that website disprove Vishnu?
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Can you explain this comment you made? You don't think that most physical phenomenas will be explained by science? I would think if they are physical science can explain them.
Take my suggestion and associate with real scientists and not the ones nerds masturbate over on the Internet.
This is why I hate Religion. It makes a stupid person think he is smart.

Religious fundamentalism, bitter partisan politics and poor science education have all contributed to this denial of evolution in the US

“The US is the only country in which [the teaching of evolution] has been politicised,” he says. “Republicans have clearly adopted this as one of their wedge issues. In most of the world, this is a non-issue.”

Let me guess you are a Republican?

the percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005

Proof Republicans are using Religion to sucker stupid voters.
Conflating knowledgeable with smart.
Not very smart.
But I didn't earn my PHD in Evolution on 3,000 Internet sites like you did.

I don't care that my priest has a doctorate or masters in theology. That's like going to con artist school except for the people in priest school actually believe the bullshit they are studying is true. At least a con man knows it's a con.
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

I don't do the New Testament and I am obligated not to preach.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

How does that website disprove Vishnu?

I don't know but I was watching a show on religion the other day. Morgan Freeman hosts it. Anyways, they were showing the creation story from the Hindu perspective and the story was 200 before Jesus was even born.

Or course the Hindu stories are ridiculous right? We understand that and we understand Jehovas, Mormons and Muslims are full of shit but people always have a problem applying that same logic to their own religion. I don't have that problem anymore. I used to believe my religion was the one real religion then I realized it's no different than the other 999 religions.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

“A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it.” – David Stevens
Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

I don't do the New Testament and I am obligated not to preach.

Oh so your a jew? Before I became an Atheists I always said if I had to pick one other religion I would pick the Jewish faith.

You know what I love about Jews? They aren't afraid to discuss the possibility that God is made up. Christians don't want to have that conversation and their arguments are horse shit. I'm suspecting your arguments are bullshit too but at least you aren't claiming anything unbelievable other than the lie that God talked to Moses and gave him 10 commandments. That to me is the original lie. Christianity is just a spinoff.
Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

I don't do the New Testament and I am obligated not to preach.

Do you think any non Jewish American takes anything these people say seriously?

I don't care how much Jew U they attended they aren't talking facts science logic and reasoning they are perpetuating a myth.
Are you kidding? If it's a physical phenomena why won't science be able to explain it?

What's interesting is we look at Mars and we are starting to realize that Mars was like earth billions of years before earth was like earth.

Watch the birth of a new island here on earth. No god necessary

Now lets look at this Martian crater

So we see what the future looks like for earth by looking at Mars.

We think what happened here on earth is special but we don't realize it probably happened on Mars before us.

One of the hard facts of our solar system is that even with eight perfectly nice planets, Earth remains the only house on the block with its lights on—at least in terms of life. Mars, it’s increasingly clear, was once a warm, watery planet and had a shot at cooking up biology, but only until numerous environmental cataclysms turned it dry and cold.

Now, according to environmental models run by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and reported in Geophysical Research Letters, Venus coulda’ been a contender too. For up to two billion years, the investigators believe, our cosmic neighbor may have been an entirely hospitable place for life.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god

For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

I don't do the New Testament and I am obligated not to preach.

Do you even know a lot of Jews don't believe in God?

How important is belief in God? Can one be a “good Jew” without believing in God? These questions–articulated in this way–are relatively modern ones. However, while normative Judaism has always been God-centered, some thinkers–both ancient and modern–have conceptualized Judaism in ways that make beliefs about God less central.

Must a Jew Believe in God? | My Jewish Learning
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god
For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.
I don't do the New Testament and I am obligated not to preach.

Do you think any non Jewish American takes anything these people say seriously?

I don't care how much Jew U they attended they aren't talking facts science logic and reasoning they are perpetuating a myth.
I doubt that anyone in this pictures community would ever preach Judaism to any non-Jew.
As I stated, Jews are forbidden to proselytize.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
God's creations can never know anything about God.
We only know how God manifests Himself.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
God's creations can never know anything about God.
We only know how God manifests Himself.

Hilarious. So you don't know anything about god but you know how god manifests itself? How do you know this? You just admitted you know nothing about him.

And I'm sorry but isn't the bible telling the truth? Because it tells all about God. Funny you say you know nothing about god after reading all about him in the bible. Maybe you have reading comprehension issues.

And how come god stopped visiting? Doesn't seem fair. Of course the people who saw Jesus believe. But why should that get me to believe? I need to see it too.

And having a relationship with God is not magic.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
God's creations can never know anything about God.
We only know how God manifests Himself.

Hilarious. So you don't know anything about god but you know how god manifests itself? How do you know this? You just admitted you know nothing about him.

And I'm sorry but isn't the bible telling the truth? Because it tells all about God. Funny you say you know nothing about god after reading all about him in the bible. Maybe you have reading comprehension issues.

And how come god stopped visiting? Doesn't seem fair. Of course the people who saw Jesus believe. But why should that get me to believe? I need to see it too.

I already explained this to you before. We can learn about Him through His creation.
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
God's creations can never know anything about God.
We only know how God manifests Himself.

Hilarious. So you don't know anything about god but you know how god manifests itself? How do you know this? You just admitted you know nothing about him.

And I'm sorry but isn't the bible telling the truth? Because it tells all about God. Funny you say you know nothing about god after reading all about him in the bible. Maybe you have reading comprehension issues.

And how come god stopped visiting? Doesn't seem fair. Of course the people who saw Jesus believe. But why should that get me to believe? I need to see it too.

I already explained this to you before. We can learn about Him through His creation.
Didn’t buy it then or now
But gods are magic and miracles are magic. What word do you prefer? "Miraculous"? "Metaphysical"? "Spiritual"? I have to pick one to describe these beliefs. And I am going to use the same word for all manner of magical beliefs, like chiropractic, , Ouija boards, Wicca, Astrology, Voodoo, Homeopathic medicine.... all of this magical thought goes on the same shelf, for me. so, if not "magical",.... then, what? "Bullshit?" What?
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
God's creations can never know anything about God.
We only know how God manifests Himself.

Hilarious. So you don't know anything about god but you know how god manifests itself? How do you know this? You just admitted you know nothing about him.

And I'm sorry but isn't the bible telling the truth? Because it tells all about God. Funny you say you know nothing about god after reading all about him in the bible. Maybe you have reading comprehension issues.

And how come god stopped visiting? Doesn't seem fair. Of course the people who saw Jesus believe. But why should that get me to believe? I need to see it too.

I already explained this to you before. We can learn about Him through His creation.
You really can't learn anything about God through the creation.
Creation cannot be considered a subset of God.
And 90% of physical phenomena will never be explained by science.

Atheism and agnosticism only emerged as real options in the modern era, as consequences of secularization, the separation of church and state, and above all, the reliance on science for explanations of natural phenomena.

Though Jews tended to believe in certain shared concepts–e.g. one God who led them out of Egypt, the eventual messianic redemption–official beliefs or dogmas were not formulated until the Middle Ages.

Rabbinic Judaism, as well as biblical Judaism, has a concept of belief, but not–many would argue– in the sense of affirming propositions, e.g. asserting that God exists. Scholar Menachem Kellner, for one, points out that the biblical word emunah, “belief” or “faith” connotes trust, belief in, as opposed to the affirmation of propositions. Of course, one might argue that trusting in something implies that that something exists, but the distinction between belief in and belief that helps in understanding the priorities and emphases of the rabbinic worldview.

This approach to belief changed in the Middle Ages, when Jewish philosophers began proposing official doctrines of Judaism. Maimonides‘ thirteen principles of faith is the most famous list of creeds; it includes several dogmas about God including the assertion that God exists.

The actual principles articulated by Maimonides were not terribly revolutionary. What wasrevolutionary was Maimonides’ claim that belief in these principles was essential to one’s Jewish identity.

Traditionally, Jewish identity had been defined biologically. According to rabbinic Judaism, if one’s mother was Jewish, than one was Jewish, regardless of one’s actions or beliefs.

Many modern thinkers, particularly liberal theologians, have tried to reclaim the rabbinic attitude toward belief, stressing that religious dogma is anathema to Judaism and that the medieval creation of dogma was, in a sense, a corruption of Judaism. Though most of these thinkers, including Leo Baeck and Solomon Schechter, didn’t use this rejection of dogma to question the existence and relevance of God, others have.

The Evolution of God: Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, in his radical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, You Shall Be As Gods, describes how God becomes progressively less real (and relevant) in traditional Jewish literature. At the beginning of the Bible, God is an absolute ruler who can (and does) destroy the world when He is not happy with it. In the next stage, however, God relinquishes His absolute power by making a covenant with humankind. God’s power is limited because it is subject to the terms of the covenant.

The third stage of God’s evolution (or devolution) comes in His revelation to Moses, in which he presents Himself as a nameless God. The evolution of God does not stop with the Bible. Ironically, Maimonides takes it even further by positing that nothing can be said about God. We can venture to say what God isn’t, but God’s positive attributes are unthinkable.

The next step, says Fromm, should have been a rejection of God completely, but even he–a self-declared non-theistic mystic–acknowledges that this is impossible for religious Jews. He does, however, recognize that because Judaism has not been primarily concerned with beliefs per se, one who does not believe in God can still come very close to living a life that is fully Jewish in spirit.

Very interesting stuff.
God's creations can never know anything about God.
We only know how God manifests Himself.

Hilarious. So you don't know anything about god but you know how god manifests itself? How do you know this? You just admitted you know nothing about him.

And I'm sorry but isn't the bible telling the truth? Because it tells all about God. Funny you say you know nothing about god after reading all about him in the bible. Maybe you have reading comprehension issues.

And how come god stopped visiting? Doesn't seem fair. Of course the people who saw Jesus believe. But why should that get me to believe? I need to see it too.

I already explained this to you before. We can learn about Him through His creation.
Didn’t buy it then or now
That's because you are ignorant on how science and logic work.

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