Why do the God-haters persist?

What is with the progressive habit of assigning thoughts/emotions to other people?

Seriously. It's like a compulsive thing with you extremist baby killers.
What is with the progressive habit of assigning thoughts/emotions to other people?

Seriously. It's like a compulsive thing with you extremist baby killers.

Unless you're saying Boss is a progressive, isn't the entire premise of this thread assigning thoughts to other people? After all, it's saying that people believe something other than what they state.
I was referring to the progressive affliction, as is indicated by several posts in this thread, of assigning emotions/thoughts to other people, and then trying to make the conversation about that, instead of the actual topic.

The majority of us, those of us who aren't the extremist baby killing loons, understand what I'm talking about. Those of us who don't believe in dumbing everything down.
I'm sure you understand that *baby killer* is a euphenism for "god hater"...right? You are one and the same.
I was referring to the progressive affliction, as is indicated by several posts in this thread, of assigning emotions/thoughts to other people, and then trying to make the conversation about that, instead of the actual topic.

The majority of us, those of us who aren't the extremist baby killing loons, understand what I'm talking about. Those of us who don't believe in dumbing everything down.

What, exactly, are you doing here, if not "assigning emotions/thoughts to others and then trying to make the conversation about that"? Are you telling us that you are a closet "progressive? Oh my. :eek:
I was referring to the progressive affliction, as is indicated by several posts in this thread, of assigning emotions/thoughts to other people, and then trying to make the conversation about that, instead of the actual topic.

The majority of us, those of us who aren't the extremist baby killing loons, understand what I'm talking about. Those of us who don't believe in dumbing everything down.

Do I need to dumb down Galatians for you?
It seems pretty simple and straightforward as it is.
I'm sure you understand that *baby killer* is a euphenism for "god hater"...right? You are one and the same.

Not realizing, of course, that many of your fellow Christians are pro-choice. :eusa_pray:

No, they aren't, if by "choice" you're talking about free abortion for all, no questions asked, age of mother/baby no object, no parental interference tolerated, coercion A-OK if that's what it takes...

And that is the only choice the god-hating baby killers want.
I'm sure you understand that *baby killer* is a euphenism for "god hater"...right? You are one and the same.

Not realizing, of course, that many of your fellow Christians are pro-choice. :eusa_pray:

No, they aren't, if by "choice" you're talking about free abortion for all, no questions asked, age of mother/baby no object, no parental interference tolerated, coercion A-OK if that's what it takes...

And that is the only choice the god-hating baby killers want.

Um, what? I have never heard anyone say that they were for free abortion for all nor any of the other nonsense you posted. Are all of your arguments based on straw?
Quit trying to turn this into an abortion thread, please. If you can't address the topic, just go away...
But you certainly want to make it about that, all the same.
My how you go on. Try to stick to the topic, dumbass.
What is with the progressive habit of assigning thoughts/emotions to other people?

Seriously. It's like a compulsive thing with you extremist baby killers.

Unless you're saying Boss is a progressive, isn't the entire premise of this thread assigning thoughts to other people? After all, it's saying that people believe something other than what they state.

I didn't assign thoughts to others. I drew a logical parallel between behavioral actions and professed beliefs and pointed this out in detail. You're free to disagree, but I established a point-by-point case for my argument in the OP. It was never my argument that people believe something other than they state, and the OP clearly points this out in painstaking detail. SOME people lie about what they believe, and you can determine who is lying by their behavioral actions.

I'm not a progressive, and I'm not assigning thoughts to other people. The OP nailed the point perfectly, and you have done everything you can think of to try and destroy the argument you can't refute. For days you tried to manipulate context and purposely misconstrue what I said. You tried to derail the topic by focusing on minutia and superfluous nonsense. Now you're trying to completely reconstruct the arguments stated in the OP. All because you know full well that I nailed that ass like it's never been nailed before, and you couldn't defeat the argument. All of you have done nothing but prove my point this entire thread, and you continue to spew more proof as the days go by.

I am deeply satisfied by all this, btw. :D
No I wasn't talking about you, Boss. I was actually talking about others. Who take great delight, when they are unable to make a point, in addressing the motivations, thoughts and actions they have *assigned* to the group of people they have determined to behave discriminatorily towards.

When they can't get you on your actions, then they start to pretend your motivations are, in and of themselves, illegal. They assign a thought to you, and then make it illegal to have that thought.
Less than 10 posts after being cleaned up this thread is off the rails again! But I guess that is only to be expected given that the OP deliberately set it up to be divisive and disparaging of others.
Less than 10 posts after being cleaned up this thread is off the rails again! But I guess that is only to be expected given that the OP deliberately set it up to be divisive and disparaging of others.

I'm sorry you feel I've been "disparaging to others" here. The OP doesn't deliberately set up anything of the kind. It simply lays out a case, presents facts and makes an argument. I've corrected you once already on the claim that I am bashing Atheists here by calling them "God-haters" and if that's what the thread OP laid out, I'm sure the mods would have moved it. So you're basically just wrong, as you so often are. But you are perfectly entitled to be wrong.
Less than 10 posts after being cleaned up this thread is off the rails again! But I guess that is only to be expected given that the OP deliberately set it up to be divisive and disparaging of others.

I'm sorry you feel I've been "disparaging to others" here. The OP doesn't deliberately set up anything of the kind. It simply lays out a case, presents facts and makes an argument. I've corrected you once already on the claim that I am bashing Atheists here by calling them "God-haters" and if that's what the thread OP laid out, I'm sure the mods would have moved it. So you're basically just wrong, as you so often are. But you are perfectly entitled to be wrong.

You regularly express that right.
What is with the progressive habit of assigning thoughts/emotions to other people?

Seriously. It's like a compulsive thing with you extremist baby killers.

Unless you're saying Boss is a progressive, isn't the entire premise of this thread assigning thoughts to other people? After all, it's saying that people believe something other than what they state.

I didn't assign thoughts to others. I drew a logical parallel between behavioral actions and professed beliefs and pointed this out in detail. You're free to disagree, but I established a point-by-point case for my argument in the OP. It was never my argument that people believe something other than they state, and the OP clearly points this out in painstaking detail. SOME people lie about what they believe, and you can determine who is lying by their behavioral actions.

I'm not a progressive, and I'm not assigning thoughts to other people. The OP nailed the point perfectly, and you have done everything you can think of to try and destroy the argument you can't refute. For days you tried to manipulate context and purposely misconstrue what I said. You tried to derail the topic by focusing on minutia and superfluous nonsense. Now you're trying to completely reconstruct the arguments stated in the OP. All because you know full well that I nailed that ass like it's never been nailed before, and you couldn't defeat the argument. All of you have done nothing but prove my point this entire thread, and you continue to spew more proof as the days go by.

I am deeply satisfied by all this, btw. :D

Blah blah blah. The same ego stroking BS you've been spouting for most of the thread. "You're distorting my words! I'm destroying all of you in this argument! Look at me, I'm smarter than all of you!" That's paraphrasing, of course. :lol:

I've provided multiple examples of how you have either distorted your own words, distorted the words of others, or simply moved the goalposts. As a wonderful example, in this very post you state, "It was never my argument that people believe something other than they state". That is, in fact, the entire basis of your OP, that many people who state they are atheist or agnostic believe in god, which is believing something other than they state.

I feel confident you will now chime in about how this is taking your words the wrong way. Perhaps you meant that your argument wasn't that all people believe something other than they state. That's fine, but of course, I've never claimed that you were making such an argument. Other than that, I don't know how I can take what you've said as anything other than a clear contradiction. You say you can determine what some people believe, in opposition to what they state, after claiming you have never argued that people believe something other than they state.

I've even agreed that some people lie about their beliefs. This is true of those of faith as well. What I have argued, as far as the OP is concerned, is that the criteria you use to determine who is lying is flawed and inconsistent. You do not apply it to people arguing anything other than about god which allows you to ignore the fact that many people exhibit the same behaviors about a variety of other subjects.

I also disagree with your asinine contention that not believing in god means a person will not argue about god. Some people simply enjoy arguing, some people may have had bad experiences with religion and feel a desire to 'get back' at believers, so to speak, or any number of other reasons a person might feel like arguing about various beliefs. Arguing with someone about a thing does not require belief in that thing.

Then you have been inconsistent, if not downright contradictory, in some of your arguments. For example, you claim that spiritual nature is what gives humanity its unique traits, yet say you believe it's possible animals may have spiritual nature despite not sharing those traits. You've also claimed that I do not believe in any possibility of a god existing (saying I believe something other than I state ;)) yet called me one of the god-haters, who by your own definition believe in god.

But you've clearly won something here! You win the interwebz, congratulations. :lol:

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