Why do the God-haters persist?

Being agnostic isn't hedging my bet, it means that I see no proof either way to say for sure whether a god exists or not, that's all. I've always been interested in WHY people believe in the invisible superdude, with really no solid reason. Some here go as far as saying their invisible dude plopped down humans fully formed, again with nothing solid to back it up. I find that weird and interesting at the same time.

We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

What respect is expected for something you don't believe in?
Do you speak in hushed tones when discussing unicorns?
Specious argument, poorly considered.
Well, despite the fact god can't be proven, it amazes me you godlovers still persist. Please. Why are you people still believing? You can't possibility prove "god" is out there and listens to you. With all the madness and chaos in the world, hard to believe there is a GOD in this mess. I admire that. Noble.

because of things we and others experience.....

for example, a family from my church lost a daughter to cancer.....the parents and three friends were in her hospital room when she died.....the father had prayed "God if you have to take her from us, at least let us know she's with you".......when she died all five heard a choir of angels singing......the next morning as they were checking out, the night duty nurse asked them....."Pardon me but I have to know.....what was that CD you were playing last night......it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard"......

the unbelievers will accuse me of lying.......they will say it was a mass hallucination....irregardless, it is the answer to your question of why are we still believing.......

The night janitor with his boom box is saving the roach and laughing his ass off.

Hehehehe. Hilarious! :badgrin:
because of things we and others experience.....

for example, a family from my church lost a daughter to cancer.....the parents and three friends were in her hospital room when she died.....the father had prayed "God if you have to take her from us, at least let us know she's with you".......when she died all five heard a choir of angels singing......the next morning as they were checking out, the night duty nurse asked them....."Pardon me but I have to know..... what was that CD you were playing last night......it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard"......

the unbelievers will accuse me of lying.......they will say it was a mass hallucination....irregardless, it is the answer to your question of why are we still believing.......

The night janitor with his boom box is saving the roach and laughing his ass off.

I accurately predicted what your reaction would be.....its what makes me a prophet.....

the next morning as they were checking out, the night duty nurse asked them....."Pardon me but I have to know.....

"the parents and three friends were in her hospital room when she died....." -

no one else ?

very doubtful they would be alone or would not have had someone, the nite duty nurse in the room with them for such an event in a hospital.

sympathizing with the event is no reason to make up stories to superficially enhance your agenda.
Being agnostic isn't hedging my bet, it means that I see no proof either way to say for sure whether a god exists or not, that's all. I've always been interested in WHY people believe in the invisible superdude, with really no solid reason. Some here go as far as saying their invisible dude plopped down humans fully formed, again with nothing solid to back it up. I find that weird and interesting at the same time.
We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

What respect is expected for something you don't believe in?
Do you speak in hushed tones when discussing unicorns?
Specious argument, poorly considered.

You owe God eternal respect, but because you're an idiot, you won't give it, and that is totally your call. You aren't required to show respect for God. You are required to show it to people of faith, though...at least in the sense that you are not allowed to behave towards them in a discriminatory manner.

This is a matter of faith, and what you engage in is discriminatory and bigoted attack upon a whole group of people because of their faith.
Nobody is required to give respect, Nor is it owed to anyone.

What I don't understand is why either side cares. Atheists have no logical reason for attacking a person's faith, and vice-versa. Faith is a gift, we should be grateful we are so blessed. We should also understand that not all have been gifted in a like manner. Conversely, trying to win an atheist to your redeemer is a complete waste of time. Just pray for them and let your life be proof of God in you.
Being agnostic isn't hedging my bet, it means that I see no proof either way to say for sure whether a god exists or not, that's all. I've always been interested in WHY people believe in the invisible superdude, with really no solid reason. Some here go as far as saying their invisible dude plopped down humans fully formed, again with nothing solid to back it up. I find that weird and interesting at the same time.

We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.
Nobody is required to give respect, Nor is it owed to anyone.

What I don't understand is why either side cares. Atheists have no logical reason for attacking a person's faith, and vice-versa. Faith is a gift, we should be grateful we are so blessed. We should also understand that not all have been gifted in a like manner. Conversely, trying to win an atheist to your redeemer is a complete waste of time. Just pray for them and let your life be proof of God in you.


Respect is earned. People who actually live their lives according to their beliefs earn respect. Those that use their religion as a blunt object to beat others into submission don't deserve any at all. The OP insulting Atheists by calling them "God-haters" actually does more harm to believers than he does to Atheists. If there is a God then he must shake his head when he sees the vile language the OP uses in his name.
We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

What respect is expected for something you don't believe in?
Do you speak in hushed tones when discussing unicorns?
Specious argument, poorly considered.

You owe God eternal respect, but because you're an idiot, you won't give it, and that is totally your call. You aren't required to show respect for God. You are required to show it to people of faith, though...at least in the sense that you are not allowed to behave towards them in a discriminatory manner.

This is a matter of faith, and what you engage in is discriminatory and bigoted attack upon a whole group of people because of their faith.

Not at all.
I do not discriminate against people of faith.
I attack poor argumentation. I don't have to respect poor logic skills, weak thinking.
I'm not the one that uses vulgar or incendiary name calling like you and Boss descend into with regularity. I don't have to respect people that do that. I identify them as childish, immature thinkers.
I point out when believers have no respect for their own god by ignoring the Fruits of the Spirit in their behavior. I point out hypocrisy and illogical argumentation.
You happen to give me frequent opportunities to do that.
Nobody is required to give respect, Nor is it owed to anyone.

What I don't understand is why either side cares. Atheists have no logical reason for attacking a person's faith, and vice-versa. Faith is a gift, we should be grateful we are so blessed. We should also understand that not all have been gifted in a like manner. Conversely, trying to win an atheist to your redeemer is a complete waste of time. Just pray for them and let your life be proof of God in you.

Overall agreement and due respect.
One question, though.
If faith is a gift, from who?
If from god, and I am not granted this gift, will I be held eternally accountable for not having it?
How does your personal theology reconcile that? It seems that would leave my salvation in the hands of a capricious god, the win of a cosmic lottery.
Nobody is required to give respect, Nor is it owed to anyone.

What I don't understand is why either side cares. Atheists have no logical reason for attacking a person's faith, and vice-versa. Faith is a gift, we should be grateful we are so blessed. We should also understand that not all have been gifted in a like manner. Conversely, trying to win an atheist to your redeemer is a complete waste of time. Just pray for them and let your life be proof of God in you.

Overall agreement and due respect.
One question, though.
If faith is a gift, from who?
If from god, and I am not granted this gift, will I be held eternally accountable for not having it?
How does your personal theology reconcile that? It seems that would leave my salvation in the hands of a capricious god, the win of a cosmic lottery.

In my estimation, no. You can't be punished for not having that which was not granted to you.
Nobody is required to give respect, Nor is it owed to anyone.

What I don't understand is why either side cares. Atheists have no logical reason for attacking a person's faith, and vice-versa. Faith is a gift, we should be grateful we are so blessed. We should also understand that not all have been gifted in a like manner. Conversely, trying to win an atheist to your redeemer is a complete waste of time. Just pray for them and let your life be proof of God in you.

Overall agreement and due respect.
One question, though.
If faith is a gift, from who?
If from god, and I am not granted this gift, will I be held eternally accountable for not having it?
How does your personal theology reconcile that? It seems that would leave my salvation in the hands of a capricious god, the win of a cosmic lottery.

In my estimation, no. You can't be punished for not having that which was not granted to you.

Fair enough.
The bible becomes a guideline for you, but not an inerrant, infallible word from god.
That seems more reasonable.
Being agnostic isn't hedging my bet, it means that I see no proof either way to say for sure whether a god exists or not, that's all. I've always been interested in WHY people believe in the invisible superdude, with really no solid reason. Some here go as far as saying their invisible dude plopped down humans fully formed, again with nothing solid to back it up. I find that weird and interesting at the same time.

We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.

I could handle it better and be less of an asshole if you weren't such a liar. The ONLY reason you claim agnosticism is to make it appear you are a "thinking person." You're not sitting on the fence objectively considering whether or not God exists. If that were the case, you'd be able to get the lie out of your mouth good before you started ridiculing and denigrating God. You can barely complete a sentence without contradicting your proclaimed "objectivity."

You are likely the only person here buying your agnostic claims. Some might get the impression you are an atheist who doesn't believe in God. But I think it's apparent you DO believe in God and you hate Him. You've got your little suit of agnostic armour on with your science shield and your sharp tongue as your sword, but you're still an unworthy opponent.
We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.

I could handle it better and be less of an asshole if you weren't such a liar. The ONLY reason you claim agnosticism is to make it appear you are a "thinking person." You're not sitting on the fence objectively considering whether or not God exists. If that were the case, you'd be able to get the lie out of your mouth good before you started ridiculing and denigrating God. You can barely complete a sentence without contradicting your proclaimed "objectivity."

You are likely the only person here buying your agnostic claims. Some might get the impression you are an atheist who doesn't believe in God. But I think it's apparent you DO believe in God and you hate Him. You've got your little suit of agnostic armour on with your science shield and your sharp tongue as your sword, but you're still an unworthy opponent.

Once again the OP exposes his true intent to flame those who don't share his beliefs.
We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.

I could handle it better and be less of an asshole if you weren't such a liar. The ONLY reason you claim agnosticism is to make it appear you are a "thinking person." You're not sitting on the fence objectively considering whether or not God exists. If that were the case, you'd be able to get the lie out of your mouth good before you started ridiculing and denigrating God. You can barely complete a sentence without contradicting your proclaimed "objectivity."

You are likely the only person here buying your agnostic claims. Some might get the impression you are an atheist who doesn't believe in God. But I think it's apparent you DO believe in God and you hate Him. You've got your little suit of agnostic armour on with your science shield and your sharp tongue as your sword, but you're still an unworthy opponent.

On the contrary.
I accept his claim. Why wouldn't I?
You have shown no evidence to suggest otherwise, and you have proven that you are wildly accusing people of lying about their beliefs.
It is one thing to provide evidence that a person's beliefs are inaccurate.
To accuse them of lying is another thing altogether and assumes an intent you have no way to justify.
We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.

I could handle it better and be less of an asshole if you weren't such a liar. The ONLY reason you claim agnosticism is to make it appear you are a "thinking person." You're not sitting on the fence objectively considering whether or not God exists. If that were the case, you'd be able to get the lie out of your mouth good before you started ridiculing and denigrating God. You can barely complete a sentence without contradicting your proclaimed "objectivity."

You are likely the only person here buying your agnostic claims. Some might get the impression you are an atheist who doesn't believe in God. But I think it's apparent you DO believe in God and you hate Him. You've got your little suit of agnostic armour on with your science shield and your sharp tongue as your sword, but you're still an unworthy opponent.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :lmao:

I'm agnostic! And you can't do SHIT about it! Least of all prove your god claim. :funnyface:
Once again the OP exposes his true intent to flame those who don't share his beliefs.

LOL.. no flame just fact. Pointing out how someone is being dishonest has nothing to do with sharing my beliefs or flaming. But here you are again violating the piss out of forum rules, trying to get the thread moved to the flame zone because you don't like the OP.

Someone call the waaahmbulance!
Once again the OP exposes his true intent to flame those who don't share his beliefs.

LOL.. no flame just fact. Pointing out how someone is being dishonest has nothing to do with sharing my beliefs or flaming. But here you are again violating the piss out of forum rules, trying to get the thread moved to the flame zone because you don't like the OP.

Someone call the waaahmbulance!

But you haven't pointed it out. You have stated it and shown no basis for your accusations.
We can observe by your own words, you are far from an objective and fair-minded "agnostic" who accepts that it could be "either way." You clearly do not believe God is possible and think it is a silly irrational thing to believe. You detest the idea of God so much, you can't help but be disrespectful and call Him names.

You are a God-hater, plain and simple. You lie to people and tell them you are an "agnostic" because you believe this makes you appear more objective and reasonable. You're actually worse than a God-hater who claims to be an Atheist because you are attempting to dishonestly portray yourself as objective.

You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.

I could handle it better and be less of an asshole if you weren't such a liar. The ONLY reason you claim agnosticism is to make it appear you are a "thinking person." You're not sitting on the fence objectively considering whether or not God exists. If that were the case, you'd be able to get the lie out of your mouth good before you started ridiculing and denigrating God. You can barely complete a sentence without contradicting your proclaimed "objectivity."

You are likely the only person here buying your agnostic claims. Some might get the impression you are an atheist who doesn't believe in God. But I think it's apparent you DO believe in God and you hate Him. You've got your little suit of agnostic armour on with your science shield and your sharp tongue as your sword, but you're still an unworthy opponent.

Or could it be that he rejects the god(s) of human religions, but accepts that a god not described by humanity may exist? Perhaps he merely rejects the god of the Abrahamic religions? Or perhaps he is trying to get a rise out of believers by calling god an 'invisible superdude'. Maybe that's just part of his manner of speaking; invisible superdude really isn't that inaccurate a description of god, more a simplistic one.

You jump quickly into a determination of someone's beliefs contrary to what they state.
You're an asshole, plain and simple. You can't handle that I see no proof either way, which is really, the only position to hold if you're a thinking person, because really, nobody's proven the existence or not of a god who made everything.

I could handle it better and be less of an asshole if you weren't such a liar. The ONLY reason you claim agnosticism is to make it appear you are a "thinking person." You're not sitting on the fence objectively considering whether or not God exists. If that were the case, you'd be able to get the lie out of your mouth good before you started ridiculing and denigrating God. You can barely complete a sentence without contradicting your proclaimed "objectivity."

You are likely the only person here buying your agnostic claims. Some might get the impression you are an atheist who doesn't believe in God. But I think it's apparent you DO believe in God and you hate Him. You've got your little suit of agnostic armour on with your science shield and your sharp tongue as your sword, but you're still an unworthy opponent.

Or could it be that he rejects the god(s) of human religions, but accepts that a god not described by humanity may exist? Perhaps he merely rejects the god of the Abrahamic religions? Or perhaps he is trying to get a rise out of believers by calling god an 'invisible superdude'. Maybe that's just part of his manner of speaking; invisible superdude really isn't that inaccurate a description of god, more a simplistic one.

You jump quickly into a determination of someone's beliefs contrary to what they state.

Simple answer to this question= The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. Psalm 53:1

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