Why do the “polls” show Biden is more trusted than Trump regarding COVID-19?

It's a skewed poll obviously, or, naive people. There is nothing Biden or anyone could have done differently. Every nation has been hit hard with it and none of them had the numbers of travellers to their nation as the U.S nor, I imagine if I were cynical, a motivation by the communists to impact your nation most.

What was Biden going to do that was any more effective? NY had some of the most draconian laws and responses and it was hit the hardest, proving that extreme measures wouldn't work, they would have just caused more suicides and vulnerable people reliant on the government.

Would Biden have stopped the flights from China when his big donors told him not to? How about his party? Would they accept, as Biden said such "xenophobia"? You probably would have seen an extra $2-3T borrowed (from China) to bail out some big cities for their years of mismanagement, that's all.
The US number is 566.3 deaths per million, the Canadian number is 247.77. What do you attribute that to?

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel


Street talk.
It's a skewed poll obviously, or, naive people. There is nothing Biden or anyone could have done differently. Every nation has been hit hard with it and none of them had the numbers of travellers to their nation as the U.S nor, I imagine if I were cynical, a motivation by the communists to impact your nation most.

What was Biden going to do that was any more effective? NY had some of the most draconian laws and responses and it was hit the hardest, proving that extreme measures wouldn't work, they would have just caused more suicides and vulnerable people reliant on the government.

Would Biden have stopped the flights from China when his big donors told him not to? How about his party? Would they accept, as Biden said such "xenophobia"? You probably would have seen an extra $2-3T borrowed (from China) to bail out some big cities for their years of mismanagement, that's all.
The US number is 566.3 deaths per million, the Canadian number is 247.77. What do you attribute that to?
Better behaved people. Much more sparsely populated.
It's a skewed poll obviously, or, naive people. There is nothing Biden or anyone could have done differently. Every nation has been hit hard with it and none of them had the numbers of travellers to their nation as the U.S nor, I imagine if I were cynical, a motivation by the communists to impact your nation most.

What was Biden going to do that was any more effective? NY had some of the most draconian laws and responses and it was hit the hardest, proving that extreme measures wouldn't work, they would have just caused more suicides and vulnerable people reliant on the government.

Would Biden have stopped the flights from China when his big donors told him not to? How about his party? Would they accept, as Biden said such "xenophobia"? You probably would have seen an extra $2-3T borrowed (from China) to bail out some big cities for their years of mismanagement, that's all.
According John Hopkins, the US entered the pandemic the best prepared nation in world. However, with enough mismanagement, neglect, lies, and fighting between Trump and his medical advisors and the governors, America has turned in the worst performance of any nation.

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

Probably because Trump's response was too little, too late. Spent the beginning in denial, insisting it was just a few cases soon to disappear. Then he went about promoting dubious cures. Then he called it a hoax. Then he insisted he's doing a great job even as deaths exceeded 180K and the nation prepares for a second wave. The guy is full of shit and most people realize this. That's why the polls show a distrust of Trump. People are tired of listening to the con man's BS.
It's a skewed poll obviously, or, naive people. There is nothing Biden or anyone could have done differently. Every nation has been hit hard with it and none of them had the numbers of travellers to their nation as the U.S nor, I imagine if I were cynical, a motivation by the communists to impact your nation most.

What was Biden going to do that was any more effective? NY had some of the most draconian laws and responses and it was hit the hardest, proving that extreme measures wouldn't work, they would have just caused more suicides and vulnerable people reliant on the government.

Would Biden have stopped the flights from China when his big donors told him not to? How about his party? Would they accept, as Biden said such "xenophobia"? You probably would have seen an extra $2-3T borrowed (from China) to bail out some big cities for their years of mismanagement, that's all.
The US number is 566.3 deaths per million, the Canadian number is 247.77. What do you attribute that to?
Better behaved people. Much more sparsely populated.
You mean the people do what they are advised to do? I agree. I think most Canadians live by the US border and have a similar population density to the US there.

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

186,000 dead on target for 250,000 by election day. A democrat hoax, just the common flu.:cuckoo:

Talk to Cuomo. He's killed thousands.
The MSM will be lying to us all the way up to November 3rd...we may as well just get use to it and turn them off...if every Trump voter made it a point to never turn to any of the leftist networks for any reason or length of time they will feel it...they may not admit it but they will feel it.....

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

Probably because Trump's response was too little, too late. Spent the beginning in denial, insisting it was just a few cases soon to disappear. Then he went about promoting dubious cures. Then he called it a hoax. Then he insisted he's doing a great job even as deaths exceeded 180K and the nation prepares for a second wave. The guy is full of shit and most people realize this. That's why the polls show a distrust of Trump. People are tired of listening to the con man's BS.

Exactly. In an airborne epidemic, the first weeks are critical in stopping the spread of the disease. The Trump administration wasted nearly 3 months ignoring, lying, downplaying, and infighting. Possibly the most significant failure came in 2018 when Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response Team whose job was to create a plan for dealing with a pandemic. On Jan 31st Trump assembled a new pandemic response team headed by Pence. One of his first comments was "We are starting from ground zero so we have a lot of work to do." Had there been a plan with coordination between the federal government and the states, maintenance of the stock piles of emergency supplies, testing labs identified and FDA regulations updated, and a rapid response team within the CDC, the nation might have been spared the worst of the epidemic, despite Trump's incompetence.

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

I think the polls point to a distrust in Trump more than a trust in Biden. Maybe it is because if the US was as effective at containing the virus as Vietnam, Nigeria, or South Korea, 180,000 fewer Americans would be dead today. We have the 9th worse number of deaths per capita of all the countries on Earth

would there be less dead if the NJ and NY governors didn't push diseased people in with the elderly?

Now why do you have to ask those telling questions? And why does President Trump get blamed for the death rate in the United States when the majority of deaths are in Democrat Controlled States in which bad decisions are being forced upon their residents which lead to a high death rate?


Let’s not forget Joe Biden does not support the right to work and individuals being free to negotiate their own employment contracts. He wants every American to pay a union representative a monthly kickback fee in order to work in America.

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

Yet, right wingers still allege the pandemic is a hoax.

I have been to walmart without a mask, i have walked malls without a mask, i have flown in a crowded jet to California and will head back to Floor E. Da. this coming Wednesday, and i still havent found that evasive Kung Flu. Does it only affect brain dead liberals in liberal states and cities? It must be, because the Kung Flu doesnt want to mess with me....
Some people are lucky and asymptomatic. That does not mean you can't still be contagious. It is Why masks are recommended.
The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

Yet, right wingers still allege the pandemic is a hoax.

I have been to walmart without a mask, i have walked malls without a mask, i have flown in a crowded jet to California and will head back to Floor E. Da. this coming Wednesday, and i still havent found that evasive Kung Flu. Does it only affect brain dead liberals in liberal states and cities? It must be, because the Kung Flu doesnt want to mess with me....

You're probably spreading it all around, Typhoid Jim.
Right wingers increasing costs and then blaming the Poor for not being so, exceptional.

How much does the Chinese Communist Party pay you to post here?


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
I believe no one forces him to be so stupid and demonstrably wrong every single time.
He just seems to enjoy being such an ignorant jackass. It really gives him an identity and makes him standout
among sensible people with more than room temperature I.Q.s.

You really have to admire someone so committed to being a super dumb shit.
You need to lump Fox news right to the front of the OP's list of media/liars... Here's an example of the criminal level obfuscating done by FNC to aid the democratic party, just this morning a professional obfuscator(liar)named Trace Gallegar stated, and I paraphrase, that Biden was ahead of Trump in polling regarding trust with handling riots!!! He stated this to Tom Bevin of Real Clear Politics who immediately replied that he had no idea where that notion had come from, then Gallegar stated that well Biden hadn't come right out against them for awhile! You have to be on your game catching these fuckers as they obfuscate, and that last statement of Gallegars was a whopper, "awhile????" Are you even fucking serious, "awhile?" he hadn't said boo for five freaking months, they held the entire DNC convention without saying boo about it, nothing! Awhile? This is how within two weeks time you won't hear FNC ever again acknowledge that Biden and the democratic party not only allowed American cities to burn, but encouraged it, often openly! In two weeks time, FNC will be trotting out fake polling data, as it did this morning with Bevin, extolling the trust America has for Biden taking care of them, orange man bad not so much!
"Awhile?" After all of your research on FNC, the best you can up with is "awhile?" As to their "fake polling data," how did that work out in 2016?
Because it's another bullshit poll that's tilted toward Communist Democrats :smoke:

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

Yet, right wingers still allege the pandemic is a hoax.

I have been to walmart without a mask, i have walked malls without a mask, i have flown in a crowded jet to California and will head back to Floor E. Da. this coming Wednesday, and i still havent found that evasive Kung Flu. Does it only affect brain dead liberals in liberal states and cities? It must be, because the Kung Flu doesnt want to mess with me....

You're probably spreading it all around, Typhoid Jim.

How can i spread it around if i cant catch it?

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

186,000 dead on target for 250,000 by election day. A democrat hoax, just the common flu.:cuckoo:

Talk to Cuomo. He's killed thousands.

Cuomo is not running for president where Trump is.

Under Cuomo's leadership the daily cases in New York state have dropped form 11,000 to 800 a day over the last 5 mos, down 92%
Under Trump's leadership the daily cases in the US have risen from 34,000 to 41,000 a day over the last 5 mos, up by 20%.

The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention.
Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using his office and its powers to effectively deal with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

I personally have followed President Trump’s actual responses in dealing with the virus and the truth is, President Trump has utilized the powers of the president skillfully and wisely in dealing with the virus, and has, as best as possible under the circumstances, protected the American People, contrary to what Joey Boy Biden has been claiming:



For those who believe Biden’s assertions and rely upon our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists for their information, see, TIMELINE: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DECISIVE ACTIONS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS from December 31 - April 24

One of the most important safeguards in preserving our freedoms and very system of government, is to have an unbiased media which uses its constitutionally protected freedom of the press to report truth and facts, and always present relative opposing points of view when there is political disagreement.

Unfortunately, our Fifth Column media activists, like MSNBC’s tv personalities, have become the mouthpiece of our communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership, and they relentlessly work 24/7 to advance the evil desire of the Democrat Party to fundamentally transform the United States into a Cuban style socialist/communist system of government.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

Probably because Trump's response was too little, too late. Spent the beginning in denial, insisting it was just a few cases soon to disappear. Then he went about promoting dubious cures. Then he called it a hoax. Then he insisted he's doing a great job even as deaths exceeded 180K and the nation prepares for a second wave. The guy is full of shit and most people realize this. That's why the polls show a distrust of Trump. People are tired of listening to the con man's BS.

Not that 1000s of dumbass progs were out there protesting....

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