Why Do They Suddenly Disappear In The Middle Of A Thread?


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
You don't rant against the Muslims like you do Christians. How come?

You're beginning to see a world without Christ. Just what you wanted. Isn't it great? Children murdered in schools and theaters and malls. Hate at an all time high.
All nations against Israel. <oops sorry Cammmpbell, that pesky primitive prophecy again! ;)

You're primitive. Predict 2000 into the future for me. :)

That's the difference in me and religious numbnuts who think they know they will be floating on gossimer wings. I know that 100 years from now any recollection of me will be like the one I have of my great grandfathers.........none

Anybody who needs a crutch for their life so bad that they believe a load of horse shit about ghosts and witches and virgin birth and resurrection scribed by ignorant primitive mankind should at least try a therapist first.

If you think the world was better off when they were burning young women at the stake and beheading those accused of herasy or apostasy you obviously use the bible to study history. In other words you don't know a thing about it.

You would have loved the part about a bunch of Christian Spaniards riding 2000 miles horseback to murder Muslims by the thousands.....men, women and children for no reason other than religious difference. Actually kinda reminds me of god and George W. Bush driving 2 million Iraqis into Jordon and Syria while they were murdering 150,000-200,000 innocent people because Bush had a personal problem with Saddam Hussein. Man alive...old Saddam sure would have never tried to kill the old man Bush if he'd known about that Texas "Christian" justice.

All that kind of reminds me of the way White Christians waltzed in here by the tens of thousands and methodically tortured and murdered the "savages" who were the only original Americans. If you think the word "Christian" means anything good to me you've got your head where the sun don't shine.
Everyone is born a virgin.

the translation in the bible just got screwed up.
True story. the virgin birth is a bit hard for the young to understand when they grew up in an assembly of god church where children were not allowed to say the word virgin nor were they taught about sex.

Truth. That was my childhood.
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If the Christians had not had any number of crusades, Europe would have been muslim for hundreds of years. It is time for a brand new crusade and beat the bastards back into their caves.
You don't rant against the Muslims like you do Christians. How come?

You're beginning to see a world without Christ. Just what you wanted. Isn't it great? Children murdered in schools and theaters and malls. Hate at an all time high.
All nations against Israel. <oops sorry Cammmpbell, that pesky primitive prophecy again! ;)

You're primitive. Predict 2000 into the future for me. :)

That's the difference in me and religious numbnuts who think they know they will be floating on gossimer wings. I know that 100 years from now any recollection of me will be like the one I have of my great grandfathers.........none

Anybody who needs a crutch for their life so bad that they believe a load of horse shit about ghosts and witches and virgin birth and resurrection scribed by ignorant primitive mankind should at least try a therapist first.

If you think the world was better off when they were burning young women at the stake and beheading those accused of herasy or apostasy you obviously use the bible to study history. In other words you don't know a thing about it.

You would have loved the part about a bunch of Christian Spaniards riding 2000 miles horseback to murder Muslims by the thousands.....men, women and children for no reason other than religious difference. Actually kinda reminds me of god and George W. Bush driving 2 million Iraqis into Jordon and Syria while they were murdering 150,000-200,000 innocent people because Bush had a personal problem with Saddam Hussein. Man alive...old Saddam sure would have never tried to kill the old man Bush if he'd known about that Texas "Christian" justice.

All that kind of reminds me of the way White Christians waltzed in here by the tens of thousands and methodically tortured and murdered the "savages" who were the only original Americans. If you think the word "Christian" means anything good to me you've got your head where the sun don't shine.

Before the White Christians waltzed in here, the Red Savages were murdering each other and taking other Red Savages for Slaves and sex objects. How noble.
If the Christians had not had any number of crusades, Europe would have been muslim for hundreds of years. It is time for a brand new crusade and beat the bastards back into their caves.

Bullseye. For people who want to be thought of as "progressives", I've never understood why they like a backwards mysogynistic hateful murderous religion. Must be for votes.
Before the White Christians waltzed in here, the Red Savages were murdering each other and taking other Red Savages for Slaves and sex objects. How noble.
Some Indian Tribes had Black Slaves too! The US Gov't had to negotiate their release from bondage and many of them didn't win Freedom until as many as 7 years AFTER the Civil War!

I'm not putting down the Indians for it, I'm just stating the historical record.

Henry Louis Gates does a show on PBS about Black Genealogy and he had Morgan Freeman on one time and researched his roots. I'll never forget the look on Morgan Freemans face when he found out how he got his name "Freeman". :lol:
Before the White Christians waltzed in here, the Red Savages were murdering each other and taking other Red Savages for Slaves and sex objects. How noble.
Some Indian Tribes had Black Slaves too! The US Gov't had to negotiate their release from bondage and many of them didn't win Freedom until as many as 7 years AFTER the Civil War!

I'm not putting down the Indians for it, I'm just stating the historical record.

Henry Louis Gates does a show on PBS about Black Genealogy and he had Morgan Freeman on one time and researched his roots. I'll never forget the look on Morgan Freemans face when he found out how he got his name "Freeman". :lol:

What you right wing pricks don't seem to understand is that the American Indians owned this country. I know it's hard for you to acknowledge after murdering them and killing their food source until it was non-existant. Most of us know that it's your problem. If I was a Republican I would hurry out and buy another dozen assault weapons.....might even negotiate for heavy armor or missles.
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Before the White Christians waltzed in here, the Red Savages were murdering each other and taking other Red Savages for Slaves and sex objects. How noble.
Some Indian Tribes had Black Slaves too! The US Gov't had to negotiate their release from bondage and many of them didn't win Freedom until as many as 7 years AFTER the Civil War!

I'm not putting down the Indians for it, I'm just stating the historical record.

Henry Louis Gates does a show on PBS about Black Genealogy and he had Morgan Freeman on one time and researched his roots. I'll never forget the look on Morgan Freemans face when he found out how he got his name "Freeman". :lol:

What you right wing pricks don't seem to understand is that the American Indians owned this country. I know it's hard for you to acknowledge after murdering them and killing their food source until it was non-existant. Most of us know that it's your problem. If I was a Republican I would hurry out and buy another dozen assault weapons.....might even negotiate for heavy armor or missles.

Oh blow it out your ass! Nobody here had anything to do with what went on with the Indians. Hell, they're getting us back anyway.....do you realize how many Casino's they have??? Lol! They're getting us back and we didn't cause it!
Im guessing you tend do leave threads in the middle and go start new ones because you can't argue jack squat.

I'd recommend living the principles of Jesus Christ sometime. your life will be happier and you can actually support your arguments.
Anybody notice just how angry and hateful atheist muslim lovers always seem to be?

Seriously, they are some of the most miserable human beings walking the planet.

Oh well, sucks to be them.
You don't rant against the Muslims like you do Christians. How come?

You're beginning to see a world without Christ. Just what you wanted. Isn't it great? Children murdered in schools and theaters and malls. Hate at an all time high.
All nations against Israel. <oops sorry Cammmpbell, that pesky primitive prophecy again! ;)

You're primitive. Predict 2000 into the future for me. :)

That's the difference in me and religious numbnuts who think they know they will be floating on gossimer wings. I know that 100 years from now any recollection of me will be like the one I have of my great grandfathers.........none

Anybody who needs a crutch for their life so bad that they believe a load of horse shit about ghosts and witches and virgin birth and resurrection scribed by ignorant primitive mankind should at least try a therapist first.

If you think the world was better off when they were burning young women at the stake and beheading those accused of herasy or apostasy you obviously use the bible to study history. In other words you don't know a thing about it.

You would have loved the part about a bunch of Christian Spaniards riding 2000 miles horseback to murder Muslims by the thousands.....men, women and children for no reason other than religious difference. Actually kinda reminds me of god and George W. Bush driving 2 million Iraqis into Jordon and Syria while they were murdering 150,000-200,000 innocent people because Bush had a personal problem with Saddam Hussein. Man alive...old Saddam sure would have never tried to kill the old man Bush if he'd known about that Texas "Christian" justice.

All that kind of reminds me of the way White Christians waltzed in here by the tens of thousands and methodically tortured and murdered the "savages" who were the only original Americans. If you think the word "Christian" means anything good to me you've got your head where the sun don't shine.

Sorry if I can't be at your beck and call Cammmmpy, but I am very busy.
So, just throw out some of your bullshit and I'll get to it when I can. :tongue:

There is no scripture to back up what you claim. Nowhere does it say that we get wings or float around on clouds when we die. Jesus appearing in the clouds is explained as easily as string or M theory. What you perceive as sky and space is nothing more than a dimension that can be ripped, burnt up, rolled up. Stop being so ignorant.

Do you remember the old canvas backdrops that were used in the vaudeville days with scenery painted on them?
Imagine one of those painted with the sky, and sun. Then imagine it being ripped right down the middle, exposing the real scenery behind the backdrop. When Christ returns, you're going to see the sky rip wide open to expose the dimension Christ and His army are descending from.
It's science, not the misinformed opinion of an old bitter man.

And what a shame too, because when you find out you were wrong it will be to late to come back and warn your children and their children. You separation from God is about to become a generational curse that you perpetrated on your family. Your error is not just going to effect you.
All those years playing religion, and never once met God. How sad.
You don't rant against the Muslims like you do Christians. How come?

You're beginning to see a world without Christ. Just what you wanted. Isn't it great? Children murdered in schools and theaters and malls. Hate at an all time high.
All nations against Israel. <oops sorry Cammmpbell, that pesky primitive prophecy again! ;)

You're primitive. Predict 2000 into the future for me. :)

That's the difference in me and religious numbnuts who think they know they will be floating on gossimer wings. I know that 100 years from now any recollection of me will be like the one I have of my great grandfathers.........none

Anybody who needs a crutch for their life so bad that they believe a load of horse shit about ghosts and witches and virgin birth and resurrection scribed by ignorant primitive mankind should at least try a therapist first.

If you think the world was better off when they were burning young women at the stake and beheading those accused of herasy or apostasy you obviously use the bible to study history. In other words you don't know a thing about it.

You would have loved the part about a bunch of Christian Spaniards riding 2000 miles horseback to murder Muslims by the thousands.....men, women and children for no reason other than religious difference. Actually kinda reminds me of god and George W. Bush driving 2 million Iraqis into Jordon and Syria while they were murdering 150,000-200,000 innocent people because Bush had a personal problem with Saddam Hussein. Man alive...old Saddam sure would have never tried to kill the old man Bush if he'd known about that Texas "Christian" justice.

All that kind of reminds me of the way White Christians waltzed in here by the tens of thousands and methodically tortured and murdered the "savages" who were the only original Americans. If you think the word "Christian" means anything good to me you've got your head where the sun don't shine.

Before the White Christians waltzed in here, the Red Savages were murdering each other and taking other Red Savages for Slaves and sex objects. How noble.

It's quite a leap going from the usual land squabbles to genocide, yet you make them seem frightfully equivalent.

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