Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?

Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?​

I can't abide ANYONE who doesn't use Binary ...

So f you had a child with Downs Syndrome you would be OK if people had issues with your mentally ill child using the same restroom because Down Syndrome makes them uncomfortable
Depends...is the Down Syndrome child a sexual deviant trying to use the little girls room just so he can be with the girls?
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You brought up the subject
Problem is you have issues with a transexual using either restroom

If you had your three year old son in the men’s room and there was a transexual lifting his dress in the urinal next to your son…..how are you going to respond?

People gotta pee
Which restroom do you want them to use?
Many places are now going with Unisex or Family style bathrooms where the person can go without anyone else going in at the same time.

It is the only true answer and even then the left will fight it for some damn reason!
You really, really, really should do some reading on the biology of transgenderize instead of just offering baseless and uninformed opinions that make you sound foolish

The fact that anything you do doesn't make a man a woman or vice versa is a fact, not an opinion.

All you are doing is giving them the illusion of being the opposite sex, in the hope it helps them cope with their illness. And this is for cases of actual gender dysphoria, not someone with a kink or fetish.

The best treatment for actual dysphoria is convince the person to accept their sex through therapy, and only resort to cosmetic surgery as worst case scenario.
Guys dressing as women and women dressing as men has been part of humanity for at least a thousand years or more!

Lola by the Kinks is based on their manager hooking up with a black shemale and was back in the 1960’s and Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed is about Homosexuality and Transgender, so is this really something new?
The fact that anything you do doesn't make a man a woman or vice versa is a fact, not an opinion.

All you are doing is giving them the illusion of being the opposite sex, in the hope it helps them cope with their illness. And this is for cases of actual gender dysphoria, not someone with a kink or fetish.

The best treatment for actual dysphoria is convince the person to accept their sex through therapy, and only resort to cosmetic surgery as worst case scenario.
You really, really, really should do some reading on the biology of transgenderism
You brought up the subject
Problem is you have issues with a transexual using either restroom

If you had your three year old son in the men’s room and there was a transexual lifting his dress in the urinal next to your son…..how are you going to respond?

People gotta pee
Which restroom do you want them to use?

The one that doesn't allow opportunistic predators to use them as a cover for getting close to their victims.

Besides, the reality is that children are far more likely to be taken to the bathroom by their mothers. Also, if the father takes the child to the restroom, he's far more capable of beating the shit out of someone threatening the kid.
So f you had a child with Downs Syndrome you would be OK if people had issues with your mentally ill child using the same restroom because Down Syndrome makes them uncomfortable

Down's Syndrome is not a mental illness, and thank you for revealing your ignorance and general nastiness as a person by trying to equate the two.
Seriously folks.
Why do you guys keep falling into Tommy trolls trolling threads???
He comes here nearly everyday and starts a troll thread. And you guys make him one of the more populated threads on this forum.

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