Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?

To sincerely believe something that is irreconcilable with what one can directly observe, is pretty much a defining trait of mental illness.

A man thinking that he is a woman, for example. There is no honest or rational way to deny that transgenderism is prima facie proof of mental illness.

Gender dysphoria is a real and very rare mental illness.

Most transgenders these days are just fetishists trying to get the protections of a "class"
They are made up constructs, at best trying to make fetishists a protected class, at worst promising something to people with mental issues that can never, ever be actually delivered.

And you go through all the Standard progressive tropes to try to "understand" the other side while actually accusing me of things to try to make a gotcha moment. bush league tactics from a bush league poster.

Once again, your side is proposing forced acceptance, not tolerance.
Thank you for confirming my theories
Conservatives fear and are threatened by diversity and expressions of individual liberty; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.
They fear expressions of individual liberty, until they are asked to get a vaccine or put on a mask. Then they loudly bleat about liberty and freedom
Once again, your side is proposing forced acceptance, not tolerance.

Evil cries for “tolerance” when it is not in power.

When it is in power, evil shows no tolerance at all for good.

Are we not seeing the clear proof of this, these days?

Most transgenders these days are just fetishists trying to get the protections of a "class"

I think there is something else going on, something supernatural and diabolical.

Can you agree with me, that no person of free and sane mind, would be confused about the distinction between men and women?

I think the problem is rooted in Godlessness. When you force God out of your mind, it creates a void. That void is an opening and an invitation for Satan to fill that void with whatever destructive bullshit he can get to stick. The more harmful, the better. He can sometimes get shit to stick that no one would ever accept or believe, if he hadn't created that void. Transgenderism is one of these things.
Evil cries for “tolerance” when it is not in power.

When it is in power, evil shows no tolerance at all for good.

Are we not seeing the clear proof of this, these days?

I think there is something else going on, something supernatural and diabolical.

Can you agree with me, that no person of free and sane mind, would be confused about the distinction between men and women?

I think the problem is rooted in Godlessness. When you force God out of your mind, it creates a void. That void is an opening and an invitation for Satan to fill that void with whatever destructive bullshit he can get to stick. The more harmful, the better. He can sometimes get shit to stick that no one would ever accept or believe, if he hadn't created that void. Transgenderism is one of these things.

I think it is rooted in the progressive concept that their own minds shape reality, and not the other way around.

Look to O'Brien's speech on power and the Party in 1984 for reference.
This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me
For many of us it’s not about being threatened. It’s about being disgusted.
Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.
Not all of us believe in Freedom. Always remember that.
I'm glad you see it that way. If authoritarians don't see libertians as a threat, we're not doing our job.
… and if proper, moral, and decent folks aren’t dragging you worthless pieces of shit into the public square to draw and quarter you, we’re not protecting Society at large.
… and if proper, moral, and decent folks aren’t dragging you worthless pieces of shit into the public square to draw and quarter you, we’re not protecting Society at large.
Bring your guns motherfucker.

The funny thing is, bootlicking sychophants like you will be the first on the chopping block when the authoritarians take over. It's always like that. You think you'll get a pat on the head - you won't.

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
This Trans stuff is being shoved down our throats because they want to see just how ridiculous they can get.
The primary reason for the idiotic wokisness is to get everyone upset. They want our world to be upside-down.
When people start getting fed up with it....it gives them an excuse to clamp down on us.
Mass-punishment for the things a few people do.
Communism 101.
Bring your guns motherfucker
You’re hilarious. Only imbeciles engage in fair fights.
The funny thing is, bootlicking sychophants like you will be the first on the chopping block when the authoritarians take over. It's always like that. You think you'll get a pat on the head - you won't.
If I could put a proper Society/Government in place for this country but it would cost me and my family our lives; I’d make that trade in an instant… and I wouldn’t expect any more accolade than an unmarked hole in the ground for my body.
If I could put a proper Society/Government in place for this country but it would cost me and my family our lives; I’d make that trade in an instant… and I wouldn’t expect any more accolade than an unmarked hole in the ground for my body.
I understand. But the United States was created as a direct refutation of your ideology. Americans fought and died to repel the kind of government you want. I'm confident that, when push comes to shove, when people are finally done with the partisan nonsense and realize that there actually are people like you in the world, we'll do it again.
I understand. But the United States was created as a direct refutation of your ideology. Americans fought and died to repel the kind of government you want. I'm confident that, when push comes to shove, when people are finally done with the partisan nonsense and realize that there actually are people like you in the world, we'll do it again.
I will tell you that the members of MY. family who were here killing Redcoats in the 18th Century, it was NOT to see an Immoral, Valueless, Free Choice society or Government.

I’m also going to let you in on a very poorly kept secret… Most Americans these days are 🐑. They want to be herded. They want to be kept, fed, sheared and eventually led to the slaughter to feed those who have raised them. They won’t fight back because they have no idea how to and they don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them.,

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
Live your life and don't impede or expect me to celebrate whatever your freedom is, I am good with it. Are they?

I would hope they would honor and respect female athletes and not try to obstruct women and their chance to compete on an equal basis with other female athletes.
I’m also going to let you in on a very poorly kept secret… Most Americans these days are 🐑. They want to be herded. They want to be kept, fed, sheared and eventually led to the slaughter to feed those who have raised them. They won’t fight back because they have no idea how to and they don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them.

This reminds me of the spy movie trope, where the evil genius explains his diabolical plan!

I agree, far too many Americans see government as their benefactor, as their caretaker and provider. But the one thing that might actually wake them up is hearing that their government thinks of them as sheep who want to be herded, "fed, sheared and eventually led to the slaughter to feed those who have raised them. They won’t fight back because they have no idea how to and they don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them."

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