Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?

I'm talking about actual gender dysphoria, something that usually manifests on its own when a kid is a toddler or just a bit older.

It's a real condition, best treated by getting the kid to accept their physical sex.

What we are seeing now is the exploiting of this by people with fetishes.
Is it just possible that people feel more comfortable talking about themselves ? These things have always been there but had to be kept hiden because it was against the law. Oscar Wilde was outed by a bigot and was locked up in Reading Gaol.
There has been progres since then and people are more able to live their own lives.
What hasnt changed is the faux outrage. It seems to have shifted fromGay to Trans. They get murdered in huge numbers.
Is it just possible that people feel more comfortable talking about themselves ? These things have always been there but had to be kept hiden because it was against the law. Oscar Wilde was outed by a bigot and was locked up in Reading Gaol.
There has been progres since then and people are more able to live their own lives.
What hasnt changed is the faux outrage. It seems to have shifted fromGay to Trans. They get murdered in huge numbers.

Why is their comfort more important than my comfort?
OK then

You have your three year old daughter at the grocery store and she needs to pee
Do you bring her into the men’s room or ladies room?

If you take her to the ladies room, you will be the creep in the stall next to ladies peeing

If you take her to the men’s room, she will be peeing in a stall next to men
...but she will be protected by her male father, right?
Just when you think LIbtARdS cannot possibly go any lower, one comes along and proves you wrong. For example, a degenerate piece of shit like wrongwinger equating a child with Down's syndrome to a depraved, insane sexual pervert.

You are too stupid to realise it but using the word "libtard" as a slur tells us all about your respect for people with mental health issues. Maybe its acceptable in your cult ?
It’s not a question of sexual, non-sexual, or non-binary preference it’s about special allowances, rights, and considerations not afforded the vast majority. Sexual orientation is a personal choice that should never be forced upon another nor a child. The decadence and erosion of society by an extreme minority has serious implications that the majority should not have to accommodate.
Because your comfort is dependent on controlling the lives of other people. That is unacceptable.
Trans people are under no more control than the rest of us. They dont get a free pass to pick which bathroom they want to use today, just like the rest of us cant. YOU want to control lives, not us.
Sexual orientation is a personal choice
That is absolutely not true. Can a heterosexual male "choose" to be attracted to a man? Try it. Seriously, get some gay porn on the screen and "choose" to be attracted to it. Let me know if it works.
So you don’t have a problem with your male child using a urinal next to a transexual lifting his dress in the next urinal?
I for one don’t see a problem, apparently you do. So when Johnny walks out and tells mom or dad what he witnessed it should serve as a great starting point in a conversation about how some people suffer from psychological abnormalities and how he should accept them for who they are and give them plenty of space.
Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

In any circumstance where you are free, and it doesn't belong to anyone else ...
Then no one else has to agree with you ...:thup:

You are not looking for Freedom ... You are looking for Compliance with your Ideology.
In fact, what you are looking for is closer to the exact opposite of Freedom.


This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
What if "living your own life in your own way" adversely and seriously effects others like all the young people
who mutilated their bodies to conform to a faddish social meme they later regret?

Or the young female athletes who have been pushed aside and lost out on personal rewards such as scholarships, records, etc. when male to female tranies have been allowed to compete against females despite their natural biological advantages in the most uneven of playing fields?

You have a simplistic and naive. childish view of life and if you were in a women's prison where rapists
were being admitted as faux women (like in California) you might see clearly though I doubt you can.
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This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.

How is gender appropriation any different than cultural appropriation and how is dressing in drag any different than blackface?

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
Don't worry, no one feels threatened by you.

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