Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?

Trans and non binary people should leave everyone else alone. Stop screeching at Adele that she should not be happy as a female. Leave children alone. Stop the idea that every child is trans or non binary. It is not the school's decision to make.

How does it affect me, personally, I have a 12 year old step great granddaughter. She goes to a woke school. The pressure to be gay, trans or non binary is so intense, that she comes here to "be a girl in peace".

Leave people alone. Keep your mental shit, as in excrement, away from children.

Back in the day, when I was a young man, she-males did their stuff at night and weekends, hanging out with their gay friends in shady bars, standing on street corners looking for "tricks", and all in "Red Light districts" when they were in public.

But when they went home, and during the day, they dressed in men's clothes, ties and jackets, worked as accountants or whatever. Their normative co-workers and neighbors were none the wiser. They respected people's privacy.

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt [sic] make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt [sic] belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.

It is one thing to live your life on a premise that depends on rejecting scientific reality.

It is another thing completely, to demand that other people play along with your rejection of basic biology.

And it's something well beyond even that, to sacrifice the safety, modesty, privacy, and general well being of girls and women, in order tp pander to depraved male sexual perverts who want to go into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, lockers, communal showers, and such.

Any man with any vestige of worth has a duty and a responsibility to protect women and girls from such perverts.

What happens if you are called to school because the counselor wants your trans son to come out to you in a controlled environment? What happens after being badgered and pressured your teen age son admits he's a non binary gay? What happens if, on the way home your son tells you he was pressured to say such things. Can he go somewhere he can be a boy in peace?

Yeah pretty fucking creepy.
Extricate him if forced.

If he tells you that he is whatever, show love but make it clear that this is not normal.

Accept the person, not the abhorrent, abnormal behavior.

Make that clear.

I told my cousin the same.

I love you, but your behavior is embarrassing to yourself, and disgusting.

Ahhh the look...but we still talk these years later.

We were placed on this planet to procreate.

Survival of species is the primary goal of any species.

Anything counter to that is dysgenic, and ultimately destructive.

This is all being pushed because our minders desperately wish for less of us.

This whole faggotry tactic...is just that...a tactic.

Weak minds bend.
/----/ If there are more than two genders, why don't they show up in research for Covid? Maybe Trans and Binaries are immune? How does Fauci explain this?
Characteristics of a Case series of COVID-19.
Total (n = 43)
Male (n = 22)
Female (n = 21)
Age, median (range) – year​
62 (51–70)​
59 (51–66)​
63 (52–73)​


Real gender dysphoria starts during early childhood, anything else is peer pressure or a fetish.
No, statistics show that the gender confusion is being created, by the most part, by teaching kids about this shit

It seems to effect previously emotionally troubled children.

Interestingly, it seems to affect girls much more than boys.

And odds are, if you meet a transexual of any kind, odds are they are on a ton of psych meds.
It is one thing to live your life on a premise that depends on rejecting scientific reality.

It is another thing completely, to demand that other people play along with your rejection of basic biology.

And it's something well beyond even that, to sacrifice the safety, modesty, privacy, and general well being of girls and women, in order tp pander to depraved male sexual perverts who want to go into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, lockers, communal showers, and such.

Any man with any vestige of worth has a duty and a responsibility to protect women and girls from such perverts.

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You are talking about stuff that never happens. A bigots fantasy. Female toilets are all segregated and there are doors with locks on. Your imaginary man in a frock would probably find easier pickings at the club.
No, statistics show that the gender confusion is being created, by the most part, by teaching kids about this shit

It seems to effect previously emotionally troubled children.

Interestingly, it seems to affect girls much more than boys.

And odds are, if you meet a transexual of any kind, odds are they are on a ton of psych meds.

I'm talking about actual gender dysphoria, something that usually manifests on its own when a kid is a toddler or just a bit older.

It's a real condition, best treated by getting the kid to accept their physical sex.

What we are seeing now is the exploiting of this by people with fetishes.
Extricate him if forced.

If he tells you that he is whatever, show love but make it clear that this is not normal.

Accept the person, not the abhorrent, abnormal behavior.

Make that clear.

I told my cousin the same.

I love you, but your behavior is embarrassing to yourself, and disgusting.

Ahhh the look...but we still talk these years later.

We were placed on this planet to procreate.

Survival of species is the primary goal of any species.

Anything counter to that is dysgenic, and ultimately destructive.

This is all being pushed because our minders desperately wish for less of us.

This whole faggotry tactic...is just that...a tactic.

Weak minds bend.
You have a crazy retro view of sexuality. 50s really.

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.

It comes from idiots like you, trying to drum up outrage that exists in very small places, and very few people.
I'm talking about actual gender dysphoria, something that usually manifests on its own when a kid is a toddler or just a bit older.

It's a real condition, best treated by getting the kid to accept their physical sex.

What we are seeing now is the exploiting of this by people with fetishes.
I agree, but what is being taught in public schools is simply recruiting this crap.

You can't fix crazy, but you can add to their ranks.

Some folk think they are an animal.

So should we teach children they can self identify as a cat?

If you do, there will be children who may want a tail surgically attached.

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
Why are you people threatened by not allowing them in the same bathrooms and showers as women? Why are you threatened by not allowing men to compete against women in sports?
I agree, but what is being taught in public schools is simply recruiting this crap.

You can't fix crazy, but you can add to their ranks.

Some folk think they are an animal.

So should we teach children they can self identify as a cat?

If you do, there will be children who may want a tail surgically attached.

The teaching of this in and out of school is an issue, I agree. Also an issue is doing anything about it before a kid finishes puberty and is an adult.

A real issue is schools and groups working around parents with this shit.
Just when you think LIbtARdS cannot possibly go any lower, one comes along and proves you wrong. For example, a degenerate piece of shit like wrongwinger equating a child with Down's syndrome to a depraved, insane sexual pervert.

So f you had a child with Downs Syndrome you would be OK if people had issues with your mentally ill child using the same restroom because Down Syndrome makes them uncomfortable

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