Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else
We could learn a lot about freedom from those penguins in the zoo eh tommy?

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
They are creepy.

They are creepy because they are mentally ill.

It is normal to be creeped out by the mentally ill.

It is NOT normal to promote and glorify mental illness.

If you are not creeped out by them, and/or feel their behaviors are normal....yeah.
Appeal to Authority.

Nice try. I know what I see going on, and I know and have read plenty of documents describing real gender dysphoria and the current attempts to turn fetish into a protected class.
Yes. I'm sure Alex Jones and tucker have published lots of their own research that you have read.
OK then

You have your three year old daughter at the grocery store and she needs to pee
Do you bring her into the men’s room or ladies room?

If you take her to the ladies room, you will be the creep in the stall next to ladies peeing

If you take her to the men’s room, she will be peeing in a stall next to men
Society did not used to have these problems

But since everyone now is bat shit crazy and perverted, thanks to secular culture, the only fix are private bathrooms everywhere.
There seems to be a lot of propaganda being spouted on this thread. Bogus stats and contrived scenarios. But nobody can explain how it affects them personally.
It sounds like a problem that only exists in peoples heads. People who have been damaged by their upbringing.
What is it about liberty, specifically, dissent and free association, that threatens you so much, Tommy Tainant.

Leftists incessantly characterize the rejection of their pagan, relativist, or humansist worldview as oppressive. That's weird. Why aren't they the oppresors of those with whom they disagree?

I wonder where this fascist attitude of ideological conformity comes from.
Jealousy of the US.
Yes. I'm sure Alex Jones and tucker have published lots of their own research that you have read.

Lol, Alex Jones is an idiot, and Tucker really scares ya.

Plenty of books out there, Like Irreversible Damage on just this topic.

I don't have to run to supposed "experts" to form my opinions, although I do read their work, or synopses of their work.
So if you have a mentally ill child, it is OK if people don’t want him around?
There are levels of course.

However, right or wrong mental illness is viewed as creepy because of both the result of it (violence/catatonia/mental delusions) and the amorphous nature of it.

An illness of the mind is not like an illness of the skin, or the lung per say.

Often times it is very hard to define, it is very hard to pin down.

It may be the result of physical trauma, or chemical imbalance like any other organ but the resultant symptoms may be dangerous and unpredictable to all concerned.

So, yeah...if my son walks in the room with red lipstick on, my wife's pumps, and says...

"daddy...I just wanna DAAAAANCE!....I wanna be a woman!..."

yeah...that's pretty fuckin creepy.
Trans and non binary people should leave everyone else alone. Stop screeching at Adele that she should not be happy as a female. Leave children alone. Stop the idea that every child is trans or non binary. It is not the school's decision to make.

How does it affect me, personally, I have a 12 year old step great granddaughter. She goes to a woke school. The pressure to be gay, trans or non binary is so intense, that she comes here to "be a girl in peace".

Leave people alone. Keep your mental shit, as in excrement, away from children.
There are levels of course.

However, right or wrong mental illness is viewed as creepy because of both the result of it (violence/catatonia/mental delusions) and the amorphous nature of it.

An illness of the mind is not like an illness of the skin, or the lung per say.

Often times it is very hard to define, it is very hard to pin down.

It may be the result of physical trauma, or chemical imbalance like any other organ but the resultant symptoms may be dangerous and unpredictable to all concerned.

So, yeah...if my son walks in the room with red lipstick on, my wife's pumps, and says...

"daddy...I just wanna DAAAAANCE!....I wanna be a woman!..."

yeah...that's pretty fuckin creepy.
What happens if you are called to school because the counselor wants your trans son to come out to you in a controlled environment? What happens after being badgered and pressured your teen age son admits he's a non binary gay? What happens if, on the way home your son tells you he was pressured to say such things. Can he go somewhere he can be a boy in peace?

Yeah pretty fucking creepy.

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