Why do Trans and non binary people threaten you so much ?

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
It comes from the same thing, really. A desire to live life in your own way.

Liberals are very excited by the prospect of using government to force changes on society - to change the way others live. Some people are put off by that. Some people push back.

Liberals need to be satisfied with equal rights. There's broad consensus on that in the US. But they want more. The want to use government to force equal respect, equal empowerment, equal acceptance. That's a bridge too far, and from my perspective an abuse of state power.
It's British—a relic of the same backward, degenerate society against which the great men who founded America had to violently rebel in order to do so.
That could not be more true.

Even though they threw off (for the most part) the shackles of monarchy, they simply traded them for parliamentary governments, and cultural relativism.

These afford them less freedom than their kings and queens did.

Europeans abhor true free thought and free association for the most part.

Most are a hive mind who feign acceptance of true open and original thought.

Their opinions limited to very tight, and constructed confines

...any deviation from that and you are quickly placed in a metal cage.

Thank GOD my family left those fucking clones.
Extricate him if forced.

If he tells you that he is whatever, show love but make it clear that this is not normal.

Accept the person, not the abhorrent, abnormal behavior.

Make that clear.

I told my cousin the same.

I love you, but your behavior is embarrassing to yourself, and disgusting.

Ahhh the look...but we still talk these years later.

We were placed on this planet to procreate.

Survival of species is the primary goal of any species.

Anything counter to that is dysgenic, and ultimately destructive.

This is all being pushed because our minders desperately wish for less of us.

This whole faggotry tactic...is just that...a tactic.

Weak minds bend.
It's a great granddaughter. A year ago her best friend, a black girl, called her an oppressor and said they couldn't be friends any more. This year, the school is pushing this gender crap on all the students. To listen to the school, there isn't one normal kid in the entire school. They are all gay, trans or at least non binary.

The family is planning a move to Texas. The girl has her head on right. She comes here to be a girl in peace as she puts it. She has a friend here. They giggle about boys and try on Gramma's high heel shoes.
I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online.

I'm sure you have. Your google searches would prove most revealing, I'm sure.

As to being threatened, nobody really is. Most people would rather just be allowed to ignore it and be able to tell the truth about it without being attacked by all the insane virtue signalers who have made it their latest issue du jour.
It's a great granddaughter. A year ago her best friend, a black girl, called her an oppressor and said they couldn't be friends any more. This year, the school is pushing this gender crap on all the students. To listen to the school, there isn't one normal kid in the entire school. They are all gay, trans or at least non binary.

The family is planning a move to Texas. The girl has her head on right. She comes here to be a girl in peace as she puts it. She has a friend here. They giggle about boys and try on Gramma's high heel shoes.

I have had quite a few competent black work colleagues but they were never my friend.

I think that was for the best for her.

Learning these lessons at an early age helps one mature and grow into the 'real world' less encumbered by illusion.

The faggotry, as I stated previously is an agenda.
Normalizing insanity poisons the cultural and social well out of which we all drink. That's how it affects us. We have degenerates in our government setting policies that allect all of us.

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
Conservatives fear and are threatened by diversity and expressions of individual liberty; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

This seems to be one of the big issues of the day and I must admit that it doesnt make any sense to me. Freedom is all about being to live your own life in your own way. It doesnt belong to anybody else.

I have seen some pretty nasty stuff online and I wonder where it comes from.
I wonder what you've said about people who refuse your ineffective mask
Because we now have a menu for dozens of gender/whatever types on many platforms?

Because progs are pushing for more than male/female on ID documents?
Many of those terms that you have in mind-such as gender neutral of gender nonconforming could just as well represent a variation on what we normally think of as male or female, rather than a different gender all together

The issue of whether or not there are more than two genders is purely academic The fact is that there are people who are not clearly male or female socially and biologically. There are people who do not wish to have a gender assigned to them for whatever reasons. And there are people who are transitioning, or who have transitioned from one gender to the other.

You can either accept that reality or not, but in any case they are not going away. They are part of the fabric of society and the cultural landscape. This leads me back to the question that has been asked and yet to be answered. Why are you so threatened by their very existence? Why do you even care? Could it be that trans people raise issues about your own gender identity.? Or perhaps they represent changes to traditional society that you are unprepared for.

But I have an alternate theory. You are not actually threatened by them at all. They are however a convenient target, and way to relieve whatever angst you are experiencing in your life. People who you can ridicule, marginalize and demean. People who you can identified as "other " than you, and therefore inferior, so that you can feel superior. Please get back to me
Transgender Americans are not mentally ill.

To sincerely believe something that is irreconcilable with what one can directly observe, is pretty much a defining trait of mental illness.

A man thinking that he is a woman, for example. There is no honest or rational way to deny that transgenderism is prima facie proof of mental illness.
Many of those terms that you have in mind-such as gender neutral of gender nonconforming could just as well represent a variation on what we normally think of as male or female, rather than a different gender all together

The issue of whether or not there are more than two genders is purely academic The fact is that there are people who are not clearly male or female socially and biologically. There are people who do not wish to have a gender assigned to them for whatever reasons. And there are people who are transitioning, or who have transitioned from one gender to the other.

You can either accept that reality or not, but in any case they are not going away. They are part of the fabric of society and the cultural landscape. This leads me back to the question that has been asked and yet to be answered. Why are you so threatened by their very existence? Why do you even care? Could it be that trans people raise issues about your own gender identity.? Or perhaps they represent changes to traditional society that you are unprepared for.

But I have an alternate theory. You are not actually threatened by them at all. They are however a convenient target, and way to relieve whatever angst you are experiencing in your life. People who you can ridicule, marginalize and demean. People who you can identified as "other " than you, and therefore inferior, so that you can feel superior. Please get back to me

They are made up constructs, at best trying to make fetishists a protected class, at worst promising something to people with mental issues that can never, ever be actually delivered.

And you go through all the Standard progressive tropes to try to "understand" the other side while actually accusing me of things to try to make a gotcha moment. bush league tactics from a bush league poster.

Once again, your side is proposing forced acceptance, not tolerance.

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