why do we only want to integrate white neighborhoods?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I can't figure out why only white neighborhoods need to be integrated. What about oriental,nieghborhoods? Why can't blacks move into their? Why can't Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods or Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods? Does anyone have an explanation for this other than no one wants to live there?
I can't figure out why only white neighborhoods need to be integrated. What about oriental,nieghborhoods? Why can't blacks move into their? Why can't Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods or Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods? Does anyone have an explanation for this other than no one wants to live there?

Whoa geeze, honest whoa here.

No one moves here anymore to become a Canadian or an American. Most come for the dole.

These so called immigrants whoopsies undocumented never went thru Ellis.
No one will ever given a choice move to certain neighborhoods.

It's very simple.
First of all, I'm not entirely clear what the fuck the OP is talking about.

But aside from that, if you guys don't think white people are moving into black neighborhoods, you clearly haven't been to any major cities recently.

Google "gentrification".
I'm a white guy.

I grew up in Brooklyn, and when I was at the age to move out of my parent's house, I move to Bed Stuy, because it was all I could afford in Brooklyn. I've lived in black neighborhoods for the last decade.

Now I live in Oakland. I watch riots go past a block from my door.

This is the new integration - invasion.
The fact that there are "white" and "black" neighborhoods is the result of white people forcing separation.

It is, therefore, up to white people to bring about integration.

Nobody wants to live in a black neighborhood. Go to a grocery store in a black neighborhood and you'll find half the food has been opened and sampled. Stop for gas and you'll be approached by at least one panhandler. If you're a woman you'll be sexually harassed in a black neighborhood everywhere you go. Blacks don't even like living in black neighborhoods. White neighborhoods are the safest and cleanest with a few exceptions. The lighter the skin, the better the neighborhood. Everyone knows that.
Funny how some black leaders are opposing gentrification of black neighborhoods when integration use to be the buzz word. Just sounds like they are being discriminatory.
Funny how some black leaders are opposing gentrification of black neighborhoods when integration use to be the buzz word. Just sounds like they are being discriminatory.

Many people oppose gentrification, because the rising rents drive out families that have lived there for generations.
I can't figure out why only white neighborhoods need to be integrated. What about oriental,nieghborhoods? Why can't blacks move into their? Why can't Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods or Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods? Does anyone have an explanation for this other than no one wants to live there?
It's obvious that last night must've been one hell of a party. You need some strong coffee this morning.
If we abided by the founders original intent that this country was designed free White people only, we wouldn't have to segregate.
I can't figure out why only white neighborhoods need to be integrated. What about oriental,nieghborhoods? Why can't blacks move into their? Why can't Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods or Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods? Does anyone have an explanation for this other than no one wants to live there?
#1 they get all the services they pay their taxes for.
#2 Its cleaner,move into a Hispanic neighborhood trash everywhere,they throw trash out the window, they live like pigs.
#3 You cant understand a word coming out of their mouths.
I can't figure out why only white neighborhoods need to be integrated. What about oriental,nieghborhoods? Why can't blacks move into their? Why can't Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods or Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods? Does anyone have an explanation for this other than no one wants to live there?

Hispanics DO in fact move into predominately black neighborhoods. If you are familiar with San Diego, Ca. , Southeast San Diego has transformed over the past few decades from a predominately black to predominately Hispanic area. Look it up.
I can't figure out why only white neighborhoods need to be integrated. What about oriental,nieghborhoods? Why can't blacks move into their? Why can't Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods or Hispanics be moved into black neighborhoods? Does anyone have an explanation for this other than no one wants to live there?
You sound like an idiot but we all knew that. People can and do move where they want to. If you dont like it why dont you test it out by moving back to whatever cave you came from in europe to test it out.

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