Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I grew up hearing stories from my grandmother of life under Stalin. I grew up hearing dad tell me about the Holodomor and the disappearances. Throughout school we learned all about their antics wherever they ruled, from the Bolsheviks' bank robberies to the oppression and paranoia of the USSR years to the various tinpot dictators who used it to gain power for themselves. I read about John Birch (the man, not the society that appropriated his name) and Joe McCarthy. I read about the Rosenbaums and Jim Jones. The more I learn about it, its doctrines, and its history, the more convinced I am that it's one of those few ideologies that could truly be called dangerous in their own right.

And yet people still defend it. Even today, after the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall are dust and tatters. After the KGB infiltration of Western liberalism and academia is public knowledge. After the grudging vindication of McCarthy. After people are free to talk about what they lived through without the certain knowledge that the state saw and heard all. We still, still have people insisting that "it wasn't really all that bad" and "we should just give it a chance" and "well capitalism is still worse because it's evil".

Do people just not realize what they're supporting? Do they honestly believe the things they're saying? I don't get it. I never have. It's like reading Qur'an and calling it a message of peace.
Because the left is irrational and emotionally driven....all they here is " according to their needs" and then their brains stop working.....they desperately want a release from the struggle to survive, and communism promises that release.....so at that point the left is all in for the state taking over every aspect of their lives.......they are also emotionally, very jealous people....when they see someone with more than they have, it doesn't matter that that person worked hard for those things, it just matters that the lefty is jealous and hateful of those people....and communism offers them a way to punish those people.....it is explicit in the doctrine of communism.....

that is why communism and communists get a pass from the left....communism offers leftists everything they want...a relief from the struggles of life....and revenge on those who have more than they do.....
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)

yes and every system has its down sides and communism is essentially slavery to the state and mass murder.......of anyone not going with the program.....pretty big downsides don't you think.....

And you don't want military healthcare.....it really, sucks........the VA scandal is just the tip of the ice berg.....

And healthcare is not free and in fact costs,more for the society than competitive healthcare...the costs,are just hidden deeply in the tax system......which makes it seem free....
Capitalism and Communism 2 peas in a pod

Capitalism- The elite make the workers,work hard to make the rich richer and telling the worker keep working hard you will get rich one day
Communism-The elite make the workers work hard and tell them you get to share in the ALL the wealth with us!

Both full of shit,both should be destroyed.

Funny thing is JEWISH capitalists and their lackies are the ones that funded the communist revolution in Russia
Who financed Lenin and Trotsky

“Contrary to what so many good people – out of sheer terror of ‘Communism’ – think, Capitalism is not ‘free enterprise,’ an incentive for success, ‘a chance for all.’ Capitalism is trusts, speculation, parasitical usury. Capitalism is J. P. Morgan, Rothschild’s bank, ripping apart the nations like maddened swine. Capitalism is the Jewish frying pan in which culture is rendered down to the grease of money. Following it, as the night to day, is the thrice hotter Jewish fire of ‘Communism.’” William Striker

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)

1. Nothing is free.
2. Commie-care in the military is a prime example of why you don't want this system. I've lived it. It sucks. Legalized malpractice with no accountability.
Because the left is irrational and emotionally driven....all they here is " according to their needs" and then their brains stop working.....they desperately want a release from the struggle to survive, and communism promises that release.....so at that point the left is all in for the state taking over every aspect of their lives.......they are also emotionally, very jealous people....when they see someone with more than they have, it doesn't matter that that person worked hard for those things, it just matters that the lefty is jealous and hateful of those people....and communism offers them a way to punish those people.....it is explicit in the doctrine of communism.....

that is why communism and communists get a pass from the left....communism offers leftists everything they want...a relief from the struggles of life....and revenge on those who have more than they do.....
They always forget the "from each according to his ability".

Not to mention, today's dependent class can't distinguish a need from a want.
"You think a communist never wrote an elegant phrase? How dya think they got everyone to be communists?"

- "The West Wing" :)
Capitalism and Communism 2 peas in a pod


Obviously my friend, you and your people do not know what Capitalism is.

Capitalism = Liberty, freedom

Communism = tyranny , enslavement.

Hence, they are not 2 peas in a pod.

.Now , more than likely you meant to say fascism/communism 2 peas in a pod, then you would have been correct.

Simple answer.... Occam s razor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Because we still have communists, that's why.

Before WWII, the world faced two HUGE evils..... communism and National Socialism.

Most liberal scum don't even know that they were Allies for the first two years of WWII. Because they're stupid.... liberal scum, I mean.

The gasoline powering the Panzers that overran and subdued France was from the Soviet Union.

The Russians were on the same side as the Nazis for two years.

And FDR didn't care. Americans didn't care.

They really weren't interested in Europe, especially in what the Soviet Union was doing. They'd proven that when it was shown that Walter Duranty of the DISGUSTINGINGLY FILTHY NEW YAWK SLIMES failed to report on the Holodomor..... Look it up.

Anyway, once the German socialists decided to invade the Russian socialists, FDR took notice. The shit got real.

So we had to choose a side..... And FDR chose the Soviet Union..... Of course.

Wonder why there are no National Socialists around anymore?

Think about it.... As far as socialist scum go, they got closer than anybody to making the DISGUSTING theory work... So why aren't there any left?

We killed them, that's why.

But we didn't kill the Soviet socialists because we never fought a War with them.

Reagan (blessed be his name) defeated THE most murdering, disgusting and EVIL Empire in the history of ALL mankind without a DIRECT War against them.

So, like the cowards, thieves, murderers and low-life scum they are -- They scurried away.

MANY of them into American Academe. Check it out. Look it up. It's true.

Many more are acolytes and supporters of the once upon a time Soviet Union.

To this day, you will find MILLIONS people who believe the Soviet Union actually worked and that America is evil for taking it down.

So why are there so many communists?

Simple, because we didn't kill 10 Million of them like we did to the National Socialists. And with the Nazis, after the War, we hunted them down like the criminals they were and either executed them or put them on trial.

We never got the chance to do that with Soviet socialism.

Too bad. We should have killed about 40-50 Million of them and hunted them down..... To the ends of the Earth and executed every single communist we could find -- Like we did to the Nazis.

But we didn't. And now, we have Russian-Style socialism all over the place...

We even have one in the White House.
dimocraps, besides being the scum of the earth, are also beyond stupid.

Free Health Care for Soldiers goes all the way back to the dawn of civilization... Mesopotamia....

dimocraps are just stupid. It's one reason (of many) to mock them
Capitalism and Communism 2 peas in a pod


Obviously my friend, you and your people do not know what Capitalism is.

Capitalism = Liberty, freedom

Communism = tyranny , enslavement.

Hence, they are not 2 peas in a pod.

.Now , more than likely you meant to say fascism/communism 2 peas in a pod, then you would have been correct.

Nope. I meant what I said and said what I meant.
Its funny nobody has figured out who is running the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party? He is behind the scenes, none other than Socialist George Soros! Without his money being funneled in, the Socialist Party would be dead! Mr. Soros has a "Spider Web" of organizations, under someone else`s name, it makes it easier to control and run the Country to HELL!!! The Democrat Party has been dead since John F. Kennedy died! Look who took control after his death? A Racist, Lyndon Baines Johnson, "We Will Have Those Negro`s Voting Democrat For The Next 200 Years!" (I was being nice using a politically correct word there, negro`s) But you know where I`m going! The idiots who vote for Democrats are lost souls, just look at their wants and not wants? They think Obama can do no wrong, just like the "Germans" who fell into Hitler`s trap!!! Vote All Democrats Out Of Office!!!
Capitalism and Communism 2 peas in a pod


Obviously my friend, you and your people do not know what Capitalism is.

Capitalism = Liberty, freedom

Communism = tyranny , enslavement.

Hence, they are not 2 peas in a pod.

.Now , more than likely you meant to say fascism/communism 2 peas in a pod, then you would have been correct.

Nope. I meant what I said and said what I meant.

Fine, in that case it is impossible to have a discussion if terms are not defined.

.I have no idea the fuck you are criticizing.


Listing free healthcare as one of the virtues of communism. Lol. Really is priceless.

Yes...just today....an example of "free" government healthcare money for our veterans......

Veteran Affairs Mismanagement at West L.A. Facility PJ Media

388-Acre Veterans Affairs campus in West Los Angeles failed to serve Veterans

This one involves a 388-acre Veterans Affairs campus in West Los Angeles, much of which was leased to businesses and other organizations that had nothing to do with helping veterans. The tenants included UCLA’s baseball complex, movie studios, a hotel laundry facility — even a rare-bird sanctuary — among others, all while thousands of area homeless veterans were left out in the cold. Literally.

It’s a familiar refrain by now. A Veterans Affairs facility wastes millions of dollars through mismanagement, botched services, poor recordkeeping, and a lack of oversight. Meanwhile, taxpayers, and especially veterans — the very people the VA is supposed to serve — pay for it in the end.

The West L.A. campus, known formally as the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration, bore the brunt of House members’ wrath Tuesday during a congressional subcommittee hearing. The hearing, which focused on the VA’s land-use agreements at several of its properties, was conducted by the House Committee of Veterans Affairs’ Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee.

West L.A. Campus land was donated specifically to help soldiers
The land on which the West L.A. campus sits was donated in 1888 by Arcadia B. de Baker, whose bequest said the property must be used as a home for “disabled soldiers.” More than 125 years later, that condition still applies. But the recent use of the property for birds, baseball and Hollywood sets shows how far the VA has strayed, critics say.

“Considering the land was given specifically for veterans’ care, the VA is in violation of the terms of the original bequest,” said Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), chairman of the subcommittee.

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