Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

I'm not sure if you're just pointing out that many early leaders of Communism were Jewish, or trying to spread anti-Semitism. Could you clarify this?
To some here they see no difference. I am showing that there is no difference in Capitalism and Communism because they were invented by the SAME PEOPLE! Like I said earlier. Jewish Capitalists here in America funded the COMMUNIST Revolution in Russia...why in the hell would they do that? Ulterior motives...
So what nations practice or have practiced Marxist communism? What nations practice pure capitalism? What nations practice pure socialism? What nations practice a mixture of socialism and capitalism?
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)
Yeah crappy commie healthcare. Most of the military will tell you it sucks ass too.
To some here they see no difference. I am showing that there is no difference in Capitalism and Communism because they were invented by the SAME PEOPLE! Like I said earlier. Jewish Capitalists here in America funded the COMMUNIST Revolution in Russia...why in the hell would they do that? Ulterior motives...
I'm pretty sure that capitalism has been around longer than either the US or the Jewish people though...
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.

People like PMH are what the Communists call "Useful Idiots"
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.

People like PMH are what the Communists call "Useful Idiots"
Not at all, that's what we call you, on your very few good days.
Yeah crappy commie healthcare. Most of the military will tell you it sucks ass too.
How active duty healthcare works:
Schedule an appointment two weeks later at the clinic.
Show up 15 minutes early. If you're not 15 minutes early, then you're counted as late, which is counted as a missed appointment, which must be explained in service dress and with your supervisor in tow to your first sergeant.
Talk to the nurse. He'll give you a mini-PHA (public health assessment) and bring in the doctor.
The doctor will either proscribe you with Motrin or tell you that you're clearly faking to get out of PT and wish you a nice day. The former is more likely if you're sick. The latter is more likely if you have to hobble in on crutches because you just had major surgery on your leg.
Thank the tax payers for spending $30,000 on that whole process. Thank them for spending $5,000 on the $100 keyboard you use at work to calculate the expenses while you're at it.
To some here they see no difference. I am showing that there is no difference in Capitalism and Communism because they were invented by the SAME PEOPLE! Like I said earlier. Jewish Capitalists here in America funded the COMMUNIST Revolution in Russia...why in the hell would they do that? Ulterior motives...
I'm pretty sure that capitalism has been around longer than either the US or the Jewish people though...
Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)

So seriously, you don't understand the difference between getting healthcare from the government when you work for the government and when you don't work for the government?

Liberals never met an intellectual bar they could clear
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
So... Do you support trying to "do it well"?

KGB used that term, not communists per se'. :)
Didn't the KGB have to be party members though...?
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.

Communism works very well in Kibitzes. However, they are small enough that everyone is answerable to the community and everyone is there by choice. That is an entirely different decision than government which provides neither to the people.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
So... Do you support trying to "do it well"?
If that's what the people want, since that's what makes it work. It's a bottom-up thing, not a top-down.
To some here they see no difference. I am showing that there is no difference in Capitalism and Communism because they were invented by the SAME PEOPLE! Like I said earlier. Jewish Capitalists here in America funded the COMMUNIST Revolution in Russia...why in the hell would they do that? Ulterior motives...
I'm pretty sure that capitalism has been around longer than either the US or the Jewish people though...
Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.

Why don't you care for people making their own decisions over their own lives? If we don't make our own choices and government doesn't do it for us, who would do it exactly?
Here are American communists' (aka; dimocrap scum) Fellow Travelers.

They both HATE Capitalism (which is the real reason Hitler took out Jews), they both HATE America, they both have a common goal -- The destruction of America and what it stands for.....

Here it is people. Here are the dimocraps bestest friends in the world

ISIS Hits Morality Low: Appears To Be Threatening To Burn Cage Filled With Children
This was tweeted out from an apparent ISIS-related account:


الدمشقي #خلافة @Dimashki4

هل سيصل صوت أطفال الغوطة الآن لهذا العالم الصامت ؟!

6:22 AM - 15 Feb 2015 أبو الفضل مأمون حاتم and 2 others

It is unclear where this is, or if this is actually something they intend to do. ‘Dimashki’ has been suspended in other Twitter iterations for ISIS related tweets in the past.

You don't believe that these scum and dimocrap scum are on the same side?

You're either an idiot or a dimocrap. We know. We all know.
Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
So... Do you support trying to "do it well"?
If that's what the people want, since that's what makes it work. It's a bottom-up thing, not a top-down.

Once again you are fine with tyranny of the majority. Well, unless the courts object, then it's the tyranny of the courts.

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