Why do we *still* have people defending Communism?

I'm pretty sure that capitalism has been around longer than either the US or the Jewish people though...
Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.

Why don't you care for people making their own decisions over their own lives? If we don't make our own choices and government doesn't do it for us, who would do it exactly?
What are you talking about? Every decision should be made for the good of your folk. Individualism is something that needs stomped out because you get NO WHERE by yourself unless you want to live off the grid all alone. Be my guest. But every thing we do in my kind of nation would be to benefit the race. Much easier to move a large rock with multiple people helping than it is with just 1 person.

Ah, so I can have socialism or anarchy. Great argument. Not.

I'm not an anarchist, and I am a capitalist. Blows your mind, doesn't it?
Personally I don't care what you have or want etc. That's your choice. I said in MY kind of nation its what we would have..

In your kind of nation we don't get a choice. That's the point going right over your head.
That's the point, someone has to pay for it. Paying for the healthcare of service people is just part of the heavy burden of paying for a national defence.

Burden wouldn't be so heavy if we didn't keep pissing everybody off. :)

While I agree with your point on this, I don't turn around and support Obama for running against that while continuing to do it.

It also still doesn't explain the idiotic contention that government paying for healthcare for it's employees = government paying for the healthcare of people who don't work for the government
What are you talking about? Every decision should be made for the good of your folk. Individualism is something that needs stomped out because you get NO WHERE by yourself unless you want to live off the grid all alone. Be my guest. But every thing we do in my kind of nation would be to benefit the race. Much easier to move a large rock with multiple people helping than it is with just 1 person.
I would really like to believe that you're not actually trying to endorse National Socialist talking points. Noticing your signature makes it even harder to do. I think I'll just ignore you from now on.
Communism is an idea, maybe a utopian one, but still an idea, not a history. The fact that it was done badly doesn't mean it can't still be done well.
So... Do you support trying to "do it well"?
If that's what the people want, since that's what makes it work. It's a bottom-up thing, not a top-down.
Do you believe it's what "the people" want?
Not yet, and probably never, at least here, but what the people know of it means they are utterly clueless, as usual. To them it's evil, like taxes and Muslims.
The people would want it if they knew what it was? Isn't that basically saying they don't know it's in their own best interest?
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)

There's no such thing as "free healthcare," and that includes the military.

Sure there is. I never paid for healthcare in the Navy. Maybe you paid my bill, but it was free for ME. :)

That's the point, someone has to pay for it. Paying for the healthcare of service people is just part of the heavy burden of paying for a national defence.

Burden wouldn't be so heavy if we didn't keep pissing everybody off. :)

Our foreign policy is another issue.
Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.
I'm pretty sure that capitalists take capitalism and use it for their own end... That's kind of the whole point.
Jews use capitalism for their own ends which is gaining control over ALL monetary institutions and controlling ALL nations,.

Were Jews behind the Kennedy assassination too? I always suspected that. It's it odd that no Jews were killed on 9/11? I don't think the hijackers were Muslims, I bet they were Jews. That's why the last plane crashed in Pennsylvania, to cover that up.
I believe it was a mixture of Jews and the CIA and he was killed because he was going to take on the Fed Banks
JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild 8217 s Federal Reserve List of US Presidents Murdered by the Rothschild Banking Cartel Humans Are Free

I believe Mossad and CIA /Bush Admin were behind 9/11 yes.
News headlines Meet the real 9 11 terrorists

Yes I believe the plane was crashed in Pa AFTER the passengers broke into the cockpit and discovered it was NOT Muslims that had hijacked the plane but Mossad Agents.
Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.
I'm pretty sure that capitalists take capitalism and use it for their own end... That's kind of the whole point.
Jews use capitalism for their own ends which is gaining control over ALL monetary institutions and controlling ALL nations,.

Were Jews behind the Kennedy assassination too? I always suspected that. It's it odd that no Jews were killed on 9/11? I don't think the hijackers were Muslims, I bet they were Jews. That's why the last plane crashed in Pennsylvania, to cover that up.
I believe it was a mixture of Jews and the CIA and he was killed because he was going to take on the Fed Banks
JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild 8217 s Federal Reserve List of US Presidents Murdered by the Rothschild Banking Cartel Humans Are Free

I believe Mossad and CIA /Bush Admin were behind 9/11 yes.
News headlines Meet the real 9 11 terrorists

Yes I believe the plane was crashed in Pa AFTER the passengers broke into the cockpit and discovered it was NOT Muslims that had hijacked the plane but Mossad Agents.

Did the Jews put the hair dye stain in the carpet in my daughter's bedroom as well? Did they cause global warming?
Would think every political/governmental system has its' pluses, even communism. Free healthcare springs readily to mind. Our US military has commie-healthcare does it not? :)

There's no such thing as "free healthcare," and that includes the military.

Sure there is. I never paid for healthcare in the Navy. Maybe you paid my bill, but it was free for ME. :)

That's the point, someone has to pay for it. Paying for the healthcare of service people is just part of the heavy burden of paying for a national defence.

Burden wouldn't be so heavy if we didn't keep pissing everybody off. :)

Our foreign policy is another issue.

A lot of what the US does never makes it onto corporate news outlets like everybody on tv. If it did I like to think people'd oppose such things and we wouldn't do them.

Old Van Halen video "Right Now" had lots of line of text beginning with "Right now..." one of the ones that burned itself into my longterm memory was,

"Right now, our government is doing the same things our enemies are doing." (or to that effect)

And they were right.

Regardless of the economic/political system in question, there are clearly many people to whom government is far more than a necessary utility that must be carefully monitored and controlled; some seem to literally have an almost romantic notion of it as some manifestation of all of us working together as one to care for the Collective.

That's why their reflexive impulse is the look to the federal bureaucracy to cure all ills. To them it's all of us helping each other.

When someone is involved in a romantic relationship, it's natural to overlook the weakness and the problems; it's natural to avoid even considering negative ramifications, it's natural to quickly forgive transgressions and only see the good.

Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.
I'm pretty sure that capitalists take capitalism and use it for their own end... That's kind of the whole point.
Jews use capitalism for their own ends which is gaining control over ALL monetary institutions and controlling ALL nations,.

Were Jews behind the Kennedy assassination too? I always suspected that. It's it odd that no Jews were killed on 9/11? I don't think the hijackers were Muslims, I bet they were Jews. That's why the last plane crashed in Pennsylvania, to cover that up.
I believe it was a mixture of Jews and the CIA and he was killed because he was going to take on the Fed Banks
JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild 8217 s Federal Reserve List of US Presidents Murdered by the Rothschild Banking Cartel Humans Are Free

I believe Mossad and CIA /Bush Admin were behind 9/11 yes.
News headlines Meet the real 9 11 terrorists

Yes I believe the plane was crashed in Pa AFTER the passengers broke into the cockpit and discovered it was NOT Muslims that had hijacked the plane but Mossad Agents.
I like this one. He has tinfoil jackboots...
There's no such thing as "free healthcare," and that includes the military.

Sure there is. I never paid for healthcare in the Navy. Maybe you paid my bill, but it was free for ME. :)

That's the point, someone has to pay for it. Paying for the healthcare of service people is just part of the heavy burden of paying for a national defence.

Burden wouldn't be so heavy if we didn't keep pissing everybody off. :)

Our foreign policy is another issue.

A lot of what the US does never makes it onto corporate news outlets like everybody on tv. If it did I like to think people'd oppose such things and we wouldn't do them.

Old Van Halen video "Right Now" had lots of line of text beginning with "Right now..." one of the ones that burned itself into my longterm memory was,

"Right now, our government is doing the same things our enemies are doing." (or to that effect)

And they were right.

Whatever the government does in the name of security is beside the point of this discussion, which is about whether your healthcare was "free."
Capitalism and Communism 2 peas in a pod


Obviously my friend, you and your people do not know what Capitalism is.

Capitalism = Liberty, freedom

Communism = tyranny , enslavement.

Hence, they are not 2 peas in a pod.

.Now , more than likely you meant to say fascism/communism 2 peas in a pod, then you would have been correct.

But 'communism' SOUNDS so much more noble, compassionate, righteous than does capitalism. Those who embrace 'communism' honestly believe that those who have should be forced to share what they have with the have nots. Let's set aside for the moment that such 'communists' always want to help the less fortunate with other people's money. It is a noble to thing to have compassion for the poor, the struggling, the oppressed etc.

And capitalism seems so un-noble by comparison. It is after all each person seeking to benefit himself/herself--doing what he/she does in his/her own self interests. No concern for the poor. No compassionate redistribution of wealth to better the circumstances of the less fortunate.

But the truth is, it is those doing what they do in their own self interests that have lifted more people out of poverty and redistributed more to the have nots than all the social welfare programs and charities combined many times over. And in fact made the social welfare programs and charities that exist possible.

As Adam Smith famously quoted: ""It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."

Almost all lasting prosperity and elimination of poverty when it happens comes from that greedy, selfish capitalism. We should encourage a lot more of it.
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Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.

Why don't you care for people making their own decisions over their own lives? If we don't make our own choices and government doesn't do it for us, who would do it exactly?
What are you talking about? Every decision should be made for the good of your folk. Individualism is something that needs stomped out because you get NO WHERE by yourself unless you want to live off the grid all alone. Be my guest. But every thing we do in my kind of nation would be to benefit the race. Much easier to move a large rock with multiple people helping than it is with just 1 person.

Ah, so I can have socialism or anarchy. Great argument. Not.

I'm not an anarchist, and I am a capitalist. Blows your mind, doesn't it?
Personally I don't care what you have or want etc. That's your choice. I said in MY kind of nation its what we would have..

You make your own choices, or government makes them for you. What other option is there in your world?
The people as a WHOLE would make the decision..just like capitalism has been shoved on Americans for hundreds of years changing their mind and showing them that Racial Socialism is the best way will take time. It won't need to be forced except at first but once they see the benefit of everyone helping everyone else in a society of just white people their want to help their fellow racial brother or sister will return. We must clear our heads of the propaganda forced on us by the jewish capitalist system amongst other things.

Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.

Then you believe the same things that Adolf Hitler, Bruno Bauer and Karl Marx and every other socialist has ever believed.

Which is stupidity beyond belief.

Hitler took out Jews, NOT because of racism, but because he was a socialist and believed that Jews were the main purveyors of Capitalism.

For you to be taught that Hitler murdered all those Jews due to racism is criminal. And stupid.

If a Jew was Blond Haired, Blue-Eyed, tall and athletic, would that keep him or her from the Concentration Camps or the ovens?

No. And many Jews in Hitler's Germany were Blond and Blue-eyed.

So if they looked EXACTLY like the 'perfect Aryan' and Hitler was killing them anyway....

Plus the fact, why did Hitler invade Countries with the same or more incidence or Aryanism as his own?

Why did Hitler Ally himself with Countries that had very few Aryans (Italy) and with Japan who had exactly Zero (0) people of Aryan Blood?
Hitler had the jews dealt with AFTER Germany had war declared on them by Worldwide Jewry for issuing their own money and refusing to abide by jewish capitalist usury. Jews brought it on themselves. Not the jews in Germany but the ones pulling the strings and they sacrificed their fellow jews to death to insure NO NATION was allowed out of their grasp.
Possibly but its the Jewish people that have taken it and used it to their own ends...I don't care for either capitalism or communism.

Why don't you care for people making their own decisions over their own lives? If we don't make our own choices and government doesn't do it for us, who would do it exactly?
What are you talking about? Every decision should be made for the good of your folk. Individualism is something that needs stomped out because you get NO WHERE by yourself unless you want to live off the grid all alone. Be my guest. But every thing we do in my kind of nation would be to benefit the race. Much easier to move a large rock with multiple people helping than it is with just 1 person.

Ah, so I can have socialism or anarchy. Great argument. Not.

I'm not an anarchist, and I am a capitalist. Blows your mind, doesn't it?
Personally I don't care what you have or want etc. That's your choice. I said in MY kind of nation its what we would have..

In your kind of nation we don't get a choice. That's the point going right over your head.
You won't need a choice...who in the hell would pick capitalist usury over racial socialism where everyone helps everyone. You are trying to put America as it is now in a nation with Racial Socialism. That won't work. ALL non whites would be gone. That alone will give the white race reason to work together and build a whiter brighter world.
What are you talking about? Every decision should be made for the good of your folk. Individualism is something that needs stomped out because you get NO WHERE by yourself unless you want to live off the grid all alone. Be my guest. But every thing we do in my kind of nation would be to benefit the race. Much easier to move a large rock with multiple people helping than it is with just 1 person.
I would really like to believe that you're not actually trying to endorse National Socialist talking points. Noticing your signature makes it even harder to do. I think I'll just ignore you from now on.
Its not NS its Racial Socialism. But if you want to ignore me that's fine. Enjoy the forum.
You make your own choices, or government makes them for you. What other option is there in your world?
The people as a WHOLE would make the decision..

Capitalism provides exactly that. Companies who provide people the services they want at a better price than their competitors flourish, those that don't fail. How else would the "people as a whole" decide other than to do business with whom they chose to do business?

just like capitalism has been shoved on Americans for hundreds of years

Government has shoved on us that we need to make our own decisions for hundreds of years? That is clueless along multiple dimensions.

changing their mind and showing them that Racial Socialism is the best way will take time. It won't need to be forced except at first but once they see the benefit of everyone helping everyone else in a society of just white people their want to help their fellow racial brother or sister will return. We must clear our heads of the propaganda forced on us by the jewish capitalist system amongst other things.

So the only reason I think I can make my own choices is the Jews? Wow, I'm starting to like them...

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