Why Do Whites Believe African...

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and forced to travel across the Atlantic ocean. They landed in Nova Scotia and south Louisiana.

Where are my reparations?
My sincere proposal to IM2 and Asclepias for their "reparations":

We pay to send your ass back to Africa. Not kidding. We cover the costs - you go back to your own nation.

Your ancestors paid a horrible price. But that price was paid in full for you - and you were born with a silver fuck'n spoon in your mouth. The greatest nation in the world. Complete and total freedom to be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to do.

And all you do is complain and play the victim. If it is so awful here - I will lead a movement to send your ass back to Africa. And you can experience straw huts and no electricity. You know. To make up for slavery. We'll put your right back to the situation as if slavery had never occurred. What more could you ask for than that?!?

I have a proposal for you. Turn black and try to live for a few years without committing suicide..

Then come talk to us.
In other words - you're just trying to find a way to cash in and become wealthy without having to actually work for it? Got it.
Back wages the ancestors worked for belong to their descendants. Most intelligent races understand this concept quite easily. What happened to white peoples intellect?

Back wages the ancestors worked for belong to their descendants.

Feel free to mail your bill to the descendants of the slave owners.
I'm sure they'll give it the consideration it deserves.
Tell you what, if you can prove someone's ancestors owned slaves from africa, sue them in court and go after the inherited wealth from that family.

Then say good bye to the democrook party.

Why would I sue some random white person? Reparations are to be paid by the US not some individual.
Not with my tax dollars it won't. Go get a job you freeloading bum. Quit begging for help from white people.
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods

Mooching is a gateway to robbery.

You might want check yourself there son. We are here because you whites coveted us for labor,

And that damn sure was a gateway to robbery.

We whites didn't covet you for anything.
Whites are against any form of reparations for Black people.
It's not just "whites" (you racist tool). It's all people with common sense.
They dont want to lose that head start 300 years plus of white only AA gave them.
You're not 300 years behind because of your skin color. You're 300 years behind because of your ignorance and your attitude. No amount of reparations will fix either one of those for you.
Since we are not 300 years old, so we do not have whatever kind of AA was "given" back then
Of course not but you will pay your taxes so the country can pay its debts.
But the nation has no "debts" to the African-American community. None. Hell, America didn't even take your lands like they did to the Native Americans. You literally have no case, no cause, no plight here. None.

You're hoping to cash in on this but it's never going to happen, snowflake.

But it does. And we have a hell of a case. If it doesn't happen America will be destroyed.

Don't get white and stupid talking your John Wayne bullshit. Because what's going to destroy this country guns can't stop. And as whiteyland crumbles, you will wish you had paid reparations. Some if you will offer to, but the bill at that time will be past due and the repo man of all time is coming to collect his fees.

So talk all your shit but understand that you have already lost.
How will America be destroyed?
Blacks have been getting reparations for decades.

It's called welfare.

And nothing has changed. Well, with Trump, no blacks are actually working again. That's nice.
Blacks have been getting reparations for decades.

It's called welfare.

And nothing has changed. Well, with Trump, no blacks are actually working again. That's nice.


Black unemployment = 6.8 percent, Simple math says that 93.2 percent of all blacks are working.

No blacks are working and welfare is black reparations. More incorrect whiteboyisms
Black unemployment = 6.8 percent
We are still waiting for you to thank the Republican Party for that. Especially President Trump - who has done more for your community in 15 months than the Dumbocrats have done in 150 years.
My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and forced to travel across the Atlantic ocean. They landed in Nova Scotia and south Louisiana.

Where are my reparations?

Yes, “reparations” are indeed dumb. Really dumb. Mind-bogglingly dumb. And yet the parasites on the left continue to call for it.

No, reparations are not dumb. You pay them to Naïve Americans every year. The only parasites are those who have continued benefit from the racism who want to keep doing so.

Like you.
In the end, IM2 and Asclepias might be paying out "reparations" to the white community! :laugh:

‘White civil rights rally’ set to be held in DC in August — on Charlottesville anniversary

Nah. There will be no payments to whites. A white civil rights rally is a joke. Whites he not lost any civil rights nor are their civil rights being violated. Fake news.
Well it's not "fake news". It is happening. Whether it is warranted or not is a whole other debate.
Black unemployment = 6.8 percent
We are still waiting for you to thank the Republican Party for that. Especially President Trump - who has done more for your community in 15 months than the Dumbocrats have done in 150 years.

Since unemployment had been going down for 6 years before Trump, I'll thank Obama because he's the one that did it.
In the end, IM2 and Asclepias might be paying out "reparations" to the white community! :laugh:

‘White civil rights rally’ set to be held in DC in August — on Charlottesville anniversary

Nah. There will be no payments to whites. A white civil rights rally is a joke. Whites he not lost any civil rights nor are their civil rights being violated. Fake news.
Well it's not "fake news". It is happening. Whether it is warranted or not is a whole other debate.

It's fake news.
You pay them to Naïve Americans every year.
A. That is dumb. I don't support that and I've told you that.

B. Native Americans lost land so they have some complaint. You gained land. And liberty. And opportunity.
We are still waiting for you to thank the Republican Party for that. Especially President Trump - who has done more for your community in 15 months than the Dumbocrats have done in 150 years.
Since unemployment had been going down for 6 years before Trump, I'll thank Obama because he's the one that did it.
Well of course you'll thank MaObama. You're racist. But the unemployment started going down coincided with the midterm ass-kicking MaObama took in 2010. The Republican Party took over the entire damn nation and worked wonders putting the African-American community back into jobs.
In the end, IM2 and Asclepias might be paying out "reparations" to the white community! :laugh:

‘White civil rights rally’ set to be held in DC in August — on Charlottesville anniversary

Nah. There will be no payments to whites. A white civil rights rally is a joke. Whites he not lost any civil rights nor are their civil rights being violated. Fake news.
Well it's not "fake news". It is happening. Whether it is warranted or not is a whole other debate.

It's fake news.
Again...it is happening. Only the lefties call reality "fake news". If you want to cry about it happening - fine. But you can't call something that is happening "fake".

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