Why Do Whites Who Descend From Immigrants Tell Blacks To Move Back To Africa?

Given every human on Earth is descended from Africans, we could all be told to move back to Africa.

I wouldn't mind finding a nice property with a lovely cottage and swimming pool.

I'm not sure I'd be welcome there.
All four of my grandparents migrated from Italy. All of them were grateful to their new country: 3 to America one to Brazil.

I thank the Lord they were motivated, grateful people and not whiny little bitches like the OP
Because assholes, like you, are un American. That's why. Racists of all colors should be sent away from these shores. This country is a melting pot. Either agree to live peacefully with your neighbors or get the fuck out.
You are the unamerican racist, scrub. I live peacefully and I refuse to tolerate your racism. If you don't like that, take your ass back to Europe.
All four of my grandparents migrated from Italy. All of them were grateful to their new country: 3 to America one to Brazil.

I thank the Lord they were motivated, grateful people and not whiny little bitches like the OP
They were white and given help from the government, not denied opportunity because of their race. In fact, they helped deny blacks and taught you the same racism. They were nowhere near as motivated as blacks because if we were not motivated, Jim Crow would still be in effect. You know nothing about motivation chump.
Given every human on Earth is descended from Africans, we could all be told to move back to Africa.

I wouldn't mind finding a nice property with a lovely cottage and swimming pool.

I'm not sure I'd be welcome there.
Lol! We knnow is told to go back to Africa and the types of people who make that comment. They don't tell whites who complain about the government ;like we are doing the same thing.
Every day in this forum there are numerous threads by whites complaining about the government. None of them are called victims, no lectures about victimhood, no links to sucessful white businesses or names of white millionaires, and they aren't told to go back to Europe. Blacks have the same right to express our objection to the government and if your white asses don't like it, go back to Europe.
We would LOVE that. We would pay your way, if we could get DNA records and a guarantee that anyone trying to come back would be executed.
Not good enough. You would need to also pay them every dollar they are owed. They have been paying into the system their entire lives. Willing to do this?
Every day in this forum there are numerous threads by whites complaining about the government. None of them are called victims, no lectures about victimhood, no links to sucessful white businesses or names of white millionaires, and they aren't told to go back to Europe. Blacks have the same right to express our objection to the government and if your white asses don't like it, go back to Europe.

Yea because if you complain while acknowledging we're the greatest it doesnt' quite have the same ring, eh? Malcolm X wants his own piece of black land you can turn into your own shit hole? No lol. Fuck those stupid ****** black nationalists can't even contorol a city much less nation. GIve you a piece of ours...lol

If by "unforgivably racist" you meant "least racist nation on the planet that just wanted to reach even greater heights of perfection" it would have a different ring.

You're allowed to complain, as long as you acknowledge you're one of us and we're the best.

Comparing it to turning your back on the flag as an Olympian as an obvious example is absurd.

Blacks always want it all. Nobody cares. Behave better
You are the unamerican racist, scrub. I live peacefully and I refuse to tolerate your racism. If you don't like that, take your ass back to Europe.

Bullshit. You agitate and try to incite violence because you are a whiney bitch.

You claim racism where none exists to try and explain away your failed bitchdom.
You think Europe is all white? :cool-45:
I think the whites here descend from immigrants all came from Europe. So if they don't like the government or how America is changing, they can go back to Europe,
I think the whites here descend from immigrants all came from Europe. So if they don't like the government or how America is changing, they can go back to Europe,

You assholes are trying to change America into every other fascist like shithole. You move to whatever fascist shithole you want and leave America alone. It was founded on the precept that all are created equal. Yes, there are warts, but compared to every other country in the world this is the only one that MILLIONS of black and brown people try to get to. Your claims of systemic racism are bullshit.
YOU are bullshit.

Get the fuck out of America you fascist prick.
Bullshit. You agitate and try to incite violence because you are a whiney bitch.

You claim racism where none exists to try and explain away your failed bitchdom.

I have not ever called for violence and I call out racism where it exists. You deny racism and allow it here in this forum. You attack anyone who csalls it out. And like the rest of the white right wing in America you whine incessantly about things you imagine that are not happening in real life.

Because that's what whiney bitches do.

You raggedy punks repeating this lie about my failure makes me laugh every time I read it. You're a white dude probably with no pot to piss in or window to throw it out of whining "woe is me it's hard to be white," daily because the government isn't allowed to give you everything anymore, as well as crying about "unqualified" blacks and immigrants taking what you think your whiteness entitles you to and you try calling somebody else names.

You're a joke halfwit. Whatever you have is because your skin is pink. If you had to endure what I have to get what I have today, you would have quit school in the 6th grade. Whites like you are crying about not getting enough in a system created to provide you with preference and apparently getting 70 percent of everything isn't enough for you crybaby white males who only make up 31 percent of the American population.

So don't say shit to me about whining nabisco.
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You assholes are trying to change America into every other fascist like shithole. You move to whatever fascist shithole you want and leave America alone. It was founded on the precept that all are created equal. Yes, there are warts, but compared to every other country in the world this is the only one that MILLIONS of black and brown people try to get to. Your claims of systemic racism are bullshit.
YOU are bullshit.

Get the fuck out of America you fascist prick.
America has long been a fascist shithole for everybody who has not been white or male. Get out of your delusion son, millions of blacks are not rushing to America
Can they? Just like that?

Nice of you to give permission.
If we can be told to go back to Africa descendants of European immigrants can be told to go back the Europe.

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