Why do women have so many kids with different men?

I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav
My sons, 27 and 40, are having the same problem.

They have inherited a lot of money recently, I hope that helps them find a decent woman, as they move to big ranches and into he oil country.

The only advice I can give is try to find a woman with a degree in something and a good job, since your sons will be coming into money women will be after that, so be cautious.
I don't have to be cautious, they do.

I tell them to follow their great-granddaddy's advice, and marry LAND.

Thats good advice!
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.
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The funny thing I noticed is most of the women who have multiple kids by multiple men are always the ones who can't afford it, you won't meet a woman who is a electrical engineer with 5 kids by 4 different men for example.
Female electrical engineers are too busy to be raising kids. Sometimes they have one and they pamper him and isolate him.

My Mother In Law worked on a farm in the South and the only thing that she had to do when she wasn't slaving in the fields was messing around with different guys. (I guess if she had the internet she wouldn't have had so many kids) She never got married. She got pregnant 23 times but only 12 lived long enough to become adults.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
She never collected food stamps or welfare. She cleaned houses for a living when she left working in the fields. Field work is really hard, and after WWII jobs started opening up.
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
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I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
She never collected food stamps or welfare. She cleaned houses for a living when she left working in the fields. Field work is really hard, and after WWII jobs started opening up.

Thats the biggest difference, back than when women had alot of kids it wasn't for money or benefits, and I bet she actually raised those children too.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav
My sons, 27 and 40, are having the same problem.

They have inherited a lot of money recently, I hope that helps them find a decent woman, as they move to big ranches and into he oil country.

The only advice I can give is try to find a woman with a degree in something and a good job, since your sons will be coming into money women will be after that, so be cautious.
I don't have to be cautious, they do.

I tell them to follow their great-granddaddy's advice, and marry LAND.

Thats good advice!

The old guy married into one ranch, played that well, and at one time had forty ranches.
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.

Yes and not being taught any worthwhile skills or anything required how to be an adult and live on your own (cook, do laundry, manage finances) etc not even changing oil on a car or a tire, alot of worthless child-adults out there. Those are the ones that never leave home.
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Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.

Yes and not being taught any worthwhile skills or anything required how to be an adult and live on your own (cook, do laundry, manage finances) etc not even changing oil on a car or a tire, alot of worthless child-adults out there. Those are the ones that never leave home.
Everybody's kids come home but mine!!!

Damn, I miss having the youngest around.

We used to fish 100 days a year, and now my boat sits.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
She never collected food stamps or welfare. She cleaned houses for a living when she left working in the fields. Field work is really hard, and after WWII jobs started opening up.

Thats the biggest difference, back than when women had alot of kids it wasn't for money or benefits, and I bet she actually raised those children too.
Most of them. My wife was the second to the youngest. She was raised by a white woman while her mother was busy cleaning homes. Taught her to get along with whites. My wife cleaned homes when she was older. She was in the fields with her mother every day when she was a baby in a basket. Her mom was picking cotton and my wife was picking cotton when she was 2 years old. She had her own little cotton sack. She wasn't very good at first, but she learned or else. They were just trying to survive. Most of the time the only meat they had to eat was what they caught in the woods or streams around where they lived. The dogs only got a piece of cornbread to eat every day and they didn't seem to mind that. There wasn't much table-scraps to go around.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
She never collected food stamps or welfare. She cleaned houses for a living when she left working in the fields. Field work is really hard, and after WWII jobs started opening up.

Thats the biggest difference, back than when women had alot of kids it wasn't for money or benefits, and I bet she actually raised those children too.
Most of them. My wife was the second to the youngest. She was raised by a white woman while her mother was busy cleaning homes. Taught her to get along with whites. My wife cleaned homes when she was older. She was in the fields with her mother every day when she was a baby in a basket. Her mom was picking cotton and my wife was picking cotton when she was 2 years old. She had her own little cotton sack. She wasn't very good at first, but she learned or else. They were just trying to survive. Most of the time the only meat they had to eat was what they caught in the woods or streams around where they lived. The dogs only got a piece of cornbread to eat every day and they didn't seem to mind that. There wasn't much table-scraps to go around.

When I was a kid, people got to glean the fields after the mechanical pickers were through, and picked up all the roadside cotton that blew onto the roadside.

Today, fields are full of left behind cotton and the roadside looks like it snowed.

Foodstamps are the reason why, people are no longer required to work to eat.

It shows in the violent culture.
From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.

Yes and not being taught any worthwhile skills or anything required how to be an adult and live on your own (cook, do laundry, manage finances) etc not even changing oil on a car or a tire, alot of worthless child-adults out there. Those are the ones that never leave home.
Everybody's kids come home but mine!!!

Damn, I miss having the youngest around.

We used to fish 100 days a year, and now my boat sits.
I rarely see my only kid either.

I do 99% of my fishing alone. Used to fish all the time with my Dad, God rest his soul, but I really like the taste of wild caught fish so I still go, regardless.
I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.

Yes and not being taught any worthwhile skills or anything required how to be an adult and live on your own (cook, do laundry, manage finances) etc not even changing oil on a car or a tire, alot of worthless child-adults out there. Those are the ones that never leave home.
Everybody's kids come home but mine!!!

Damn, I miss having the youngest around.

We used to fish 100 days a year, and now my boat sits.
I rarely see my only kid either.

I do 99% of my fishing alone. Used to fish all the time with my Dad, God rest his soul, but I really like the taste of wild caught fish so I still go, regardless.

I had to give up saltwater fishing due to skin cancer.

If I had the kid near, I might take up night fishing.

Five years in a row we were within 4 ounces of winning the West Division of the STAR tournament.

I have an out of state GF, that really cut into the fishing too.

Moving to Georgia this year, will take up striper fishing in Lake Russell when I get there.

I probably have 100 rods and fifty reels, so I ought to use them.

Trying to get the kid to come with me and go to Grad School at UGA.
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I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
She never collected food stamps or welfare. She cleaned houses for a living when she left working in the fields. Field work is really hard, and after WWII jobs started opening up.

Thats the biggest difference, back than when women had alot of kids it wasn't for money or benefits, and I bet she actually raised those children too.
Most of them. My wife was the second to the youngest. She was raised by a white woman while her mother was busy cleaning homes. Taught her to get along with whites. My wife cleaned homes when she was older. She was in the fields with her mother every day when she was a baby in a basket. Her mom was picking cotton and my wife was picking cotton when she was 2 years old. She had her own little cotton sack. She wasn't very good at first, but she learned or else. They were just trying to survive. Most of the time the only meat they had to eat was what they caught in the woods or streams around where they lived. The dogs only got a piece of cornbread to eat every day and they didn't seem to mind that. There wasn't much table-scraps to go around.
I grew up on a farm. Did a lot of back breaking work but never minded. I was young, healthy and strong, so it never bothered me. Did everything from mucking out manure packed barn stalls to harvesting tobacco, which was done by hand, bent over with a machete, push the planet over and cut it off. If I tried that now I'd keel over after 20 minutes. I'm glad I worked hard when I was young though. I learned not to be afraid of hard work and always earned my own money. I bought myself lots of toys when I was younger in the form of go-karts, mini bike, motorcycles, boat, car, etc, when a lot of other kids didn't have anything. It set a pattern for me for the way I'd live the rest of my life, working for what I own.
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I think that can be a big part of it, HG, the kids are a MEAL TICKET. But I think also it goes deeper than that. This is the world they were taught of by their parents, and in their schools, and on the internet, and even though everyone is bitching about pedophilia, well young kids, both boys and girls, are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. They see examples like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus dancing around with her crotch barely covered and her tongue hanging out or naked on a wrecking ball, or an endless multitude of other examples all being as naked and sexually suggestive as they possibly can be, and kids now a days are emulating that, and the sex comes with it. Because they now also have access to unlimited, unrestricted PORN on the internet, and they can't wait to try that too. So the problem is also the trashing of morals in the nation and world. The turning away from sex as something a married couple did to create kids, but now it's done for recreation, and there's too many that don't give a rats ass about CONTRACEPTION.

I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.

Yes and not being taught any worthwhile skills or anything required how to be an adult and live on your own (cook, do laundry, manage finances) etc not even changing oil on a car or a tire, alot of worthless child-adults out there. Those are the ones that never leave home.
Everybody's kids come home but mine!!!

Damn, I miss having the youngest around.

We used to fish 100 days a year, and now my boat sits.
I rarely see my only kid either.

I do 99% of my fishing alone. Used to fish all the time with my Dad, God rest his soul, but I really like the taste of wild caught fish so I still go, regardless.

I see my kids pretty often, and talk to them once or twice nearly every day.

The youngest called as I was writing about missing him; said he was going fishing.


So, he is voting first.
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I think you pretty much nailed it, that is entertainment but its become our culture now, the biggest thing I noticed is these kids are not being raised. A few years ago when I was with my ex gf one of her kids had a friend over who didn't even know how to warm up a pizza, he tried to put the pizza box in the oven, he was 16.
Yup, the kids are being baby sat and raised watching TV, video games and the internet, and all three, unsupervised, will simply polute the brain, and there you have it, a worthless adult.

Yes and not being taught any worthwhile skills or anything required how to be an adult and live on your own (cook, do laundry, manage finances) etc not even changing oil on a car or a tire, alot of worthless child-adults out there. Those are the ones that never leave home.
Everybody's kids come home but mine!!!

Damn, I miss having the youngest around.

We used to fish 100 days a year, and now my boat sits.
I rarely see my only kid either.

I do 99% of my fishing alone. Used to fish all the time with my Dad, God rest his soul, but I really like the taste of wild caught fish so I still go, regardless.

I had to give up saltwater fishing due to skin cancer.

If I had the kid near, I might take up night fishing.

Five years in a row we were within 4 ounces of winning the West Division of the STAR tournament.

I have an out of state GF, that really cut into the fishing too.

Moving to Georgia this year, will take up striper fishing in Lake Russell when I get there.

I probably have 100 rods and fifty reels, so I ought to use them.

Trying to get the kid to come with me and go to Grad School at UGA.
Got a very dear old Air Force friend that lives in Albany, GE. Been really needing to head down to visit him. He likes to fish, and I know the fishing down there is good. Will definitely have to wet a line in GE.

There was a little puddle of fresh water just outside the main gate of MacDill AFB in Tampa. We used to fish that often and would get some of the best large mouthed bass, delicious!
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
She never collected food stamps or welfare. She cleaned houses for a living when she left working in the fields. Field work is really hard, and after WWII jobs started opening up.

Thats the biggest difference, back than when women had alot of kids it wasn't for money or benefits, and I bet she actually raised those children too.
Most of them. My wife was the second to the youngest. She was raised by a white woman while her mother was busy cleaning homes. Taught her to get along with whites. My wife cleaned homes when she was older. She was in the fields with her mother every day when she was a baby in a basket. Her mom was picking cotton and my wife was picking cotton when she was 2 years old. She had her own little cotton sack. She wasn't very good at first, but she learned or else. They were just trying to survive. Most of the time the only meat they had to eat was what they caught in the woods or streams around where they lived. The dogs only got a piece of cornbread to eat every day and they didn't seem to mind that. There wasn't much table-scraps to go around.
I grew up on a farm. Did a lot of back breaking work but never minded. I was young, healthy and strong, so it never bothered me. Did everything from mucking out manure packed barn stalls to harvesting tobacco, which was done by hand, bent over with a machete, push the planet over and cut it off. If I tried that now I'd keel over after 20 minutes. I'm glad I worked hard when I was young though. I learned not to be afraid of hard work and always earned my own money. I bought myself lots of toys when I was younger in the form of go-karts, mini bike, motorcycles, boat, car, etc, when a lot of other kids didn't have anything. It set a pattern for me for the way I'd live the rest of my life, working for what I own.
For kids, working on a farm was good money. At least back 40 years ago. These days they want illegals to do it because it's hard to find enough kids that are willing to work.
You can'y get a good whore up.

Say what now?

It's hard work keeping these whores off their backs, or even getting them to cross their legs once in a while.
They have sex with anyone who'll buy them a drink, then produce bastard kids that run wild and have no idea of what is, and is not, socially acceptable, thus driving another nail into society's coffin.

Any other questions?
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

nor should they.

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