Why do women have so many kids with different men?

I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and that's it.

I see your point. What I don't get is why the men leave the business of not getting a woman pregnant completely up to the woman. Single men who don't want to impregnate a woman should get vasectomies, and then there would be no problem. Vasectomies are reversible. They do not harm or threaten your manhood. They do not make you sterile. I see that these women are not being sensible, but what about the men who impregnate them? Why is it all up to the woman?

I've had two long term relationships with men who had vasectomies. It was great for me. No worrying about birth control before or during sex. No pills that are potentially harmful and they are reversible if you get married and decide you want a child later on.

The woman is the one getting the end result, and in our society, the only one who can decide what to do with the end result.

Society once forced men to live up to the consequences of their actions, usually by way of the a shotgun at his back. Now we are on 2nd and 3rd generations where there is no father with a shotgun, society doesn't care, and government pays the women for their kids.

Blaming men for this entirely is comical, it takes two to tango, and when you give men the real option of no consequence bare-back sex, the ones that are up for that option are the ones who will not give a rats ass about the consequences or preventing said consequences.

Its like the gun control debate all over again, where you target people who would do the right thing anyway, and expect the ashsoles to just follow along.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Condoms have been 100% effective for me. The key is 1) you pull out even with the condom on, and 2) you verify integrity afterwards.

Good luck getting the type of guys who father 5 kids from 4 women to do that crap though.
Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

From a single woman's point of view ... Those babies have fathers as well. When looking for a guy at our age ... Chances are they have a child somewhere. Figuring out whose days are whose ... Dealing with ex-wives or baby's mamas isn't any easier. Children in split households are often confused or manipulators (not their fault in all cases).

Fathers with daughters are often a nightmare ... The drama and hatefulness can be overwhelming. Their mother will hate your guts a lot of the time ... And the girl's club at home 50% of the time makes you the third wheel at best. It isn't always bad and I have seen relationships work out in broken families ... But most of the time it isn't easy.

Face it ... Single in your thirties (or later I guess) ... Most guys and gals have baggage.


No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Women are the ones who will bare these children and in alot of cases nowadays end up raising them without any male assistance, men should use protection but at the end of the day the burden lays with the female.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Women are the ones who will bare these children and in alot of cases nowadays end up raising them without any male assistance, men should use protection but at the end of the day the burden lays with the female.
The burden is equal. The fact that the men don't take responsibility does not mean that the burden is the woman's. Frankly, I expected better of you. What a disappointment.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Women are the ones who will bare these children and in alot of cases nowadays end up raising them without any male assistance, men should use protection but at the end of the day the burden lays with the female.
The burden is equal. The fact that the men don't take responsibility does not mean that the burden is the woman's. Frankly, I expected better of you. What a disappointment.

If you say so.
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

From a single woman's point of view ... Those babies have fathers as well. When looking for a guy at our age ... Chances are they have a child somewhere. Figuring out whose days are whose ... Dealing with ex-wives or baby's mamas isn't any easier. Children in split households are often confused or manipulators (not their fault in all cases).

Fathers with daughters are often a nightmare ... The drama and hatefulness can be overwhelming. Their mother will hate your guts a lot of the time ... And the girl's club at home 50% of the time makes you the third wheel at best. It isn't always bad and I have seen relationships work out in broken families ... But most of the time it isn't easy.

Face it ... Single in your thirties (or later I guess) ... Most guys and gals have baggage.


No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.
My boys say the same thing.

Apparently, while they were preparing themselves for responsible lives, somebody else was knocking up all the women.

No man really wants to raise another man's kid, no matter how much they dig the lady.

THAT is hard-wired into the DNA.
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.

My GF says women in control of their own sexuality do not need a man to take care of BC, and don't sleep with idiots.
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.


My ex gf had 4 kids and we lived together for 5 years, eventually it just got to be too much. She went through a really ugly divorce with her ex husband of 10 years and her children still bared the scars of the divorce, I honestly tried but raising other peoples kids just isn't for me. I know what you are talking about 100%.
Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

From a single woman's point of view ... Those babies have fathers as well. When looking for a guy at our age ... Chances are they have a child somewhere. Figuring out whose days are whose ... Dealing with ex-wives or baby's mamas isn't any easier. Children in split households are often confused or manipulators (not their fault in all cases).

Fathers with daughters are often a nightmare ... The drama and hatefulness can be overwhelming. Their mother will hate your guts a lot of the time ... And the girl's club at home 50% of the time makes you the third wheel at best. It isn't always bad and I have seen relationships work out in broken families ... But most of the time it isn't easy.

Face it ... Single in your thirties (or later I guess) ... Most guys and gals have baggage.


No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.
My boys say the same thing.

Apparently, while they were preparing themselves for responsible lives, somebody else was knocking up all the women.

No man really wants to raise another man's kid, no matter how much they dig the lady.

THAT is hard-wired into the DNA

Thats exactly what I was trying to say, most of the jokers messing around with women with kids are there for the sex despite the sweet nothings they say in her ear.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Women are the ones who will bare these children and in alot of cases nowadays end up raising them without any male assistance, men should use protection but at the end of the day the burden lays with the female.
The burden is equal. The fact that the men don't take responsibility does not mean that the burden is the woman's. Frankly, I expected better of you. What a disappointment.
Who gets stuck with the physical burden of the pregnancy or the mental burden of the abortion?
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.


My ex gf had 4 kids and we lived together for 5 years, eventually it just got to be too much. She went through a really ugly divorce with her ex husband of 10 years and her children still bared the scars of the divorce, I honestly tried but raising other peoples kids just isn't for me. I know what you are talking about 100%.
I said I would never date a woman with kids, and didn't

Had a LONG dry spell before I found an independent, smart, strong lady with no kids, and it was worth the wait.

Well worth the wait.
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.

My GF says women in control of their own sexuality do not need a man to take care of BC, and don't sleep with idiots.
That's not the point. If a man takes total control for bith control and doesn't depend on the woman doing it, he will have not be able to complain about the woman as far as getting pregnant. Stop blaming all these women for getting pregnant. Where are all the men in this scenario? They are equally responsible.

Go out with younger women if you want someone without a child.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.


Either they're too stupid to use birth control, or they set out to get knocked up thinking they're going to keep the man they think they love.
Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

From a single woman's point of view ... Those babies have fathers as well. When looking for a guy at our age ... Chances are they have a child somewhere. Figuring out whose days are whose ... Dealing with ex-wives or baby's mamas isn't any easier. Children in split households are often confused or manipulators (not their fault in all cases).

Fathers with daughters are often a nightmare ... The drama and hatefulness can be overwhelming. Their mother will hate your guts a lot of the time ... And the girl's club at home 50% of the time makes you the third wheel at best. It isn't always bad and I have seen relationships work out in broken families ... But most of the time it isn't easy.

Face it ... Single in your thirties (or later I guess) ... Most guys and gals have baggage.


No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.
My boys say the same thing.

Apparently, while they were preparing themselves for responsible lives, somebody else was knocking up all the women.

No man really wants to raise another man's kid, no matter how much they dig the lady.

THAT is hard-wired into the DNA

Thats exactly what I was trying to say, most of the jokers messing around with women with kids are there for the sex despite the sweet nothings they say in her ear.

I agree 100%.

I could never date a woman with kids, because the flip side is, they are looking for someone to help with the kids, and if the woman has boys, they are going to hate your ass.

My GF has kitties; kitties ain't haters.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Women are the ones who will bare these children and in alot of cases nowadays end up raising them without any male assistance, men should use protection but at the end of the day the burden lays with the female.
The burden is equal. The fact that the men don't take responsibility does not mean that the burden is the woman's. Frankly, I expected better of you. What a disappointment.
Who gets stuck with the physical burden of the pregnancy or the mental burden of the abortion?
You are COMPLETELY missing the point.
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.

My GF says women in control of their own sexuality do not need a man to take care of BC, and don't sleep with idiots.
That's not the point. If a man takes total control for bith control and doesn't depend on the woman doing it, he will have not be able to complain about the woman as far as getting pregnant. Stop blaming all these women for getting pregnant. Where are all the men in this scenario? They are equally responsible.

Go out with younger women if you want someone without a child.
I did.

I sometimes feel like a child molester!!!!

; - )
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.


My ex gf had 4 kids and we lived together for 5 years, eventually it just got to be too much. She went through a really ugly divorce with her ex husband of 10 years and her children still bared the scars of the divorce, I honestly tried but raising other peoples kids just isn't for me. I know what you are talking about 100%.
I said I would never date a woman with kids, and didn't

Had a LONG dry spell before I found an independent, smart, strong lady with no kids, and it was worth the wait.

Well worth the wait.

Looks like I'm gonna have to put the time in for the wait myself brother.
No kidding, I think the good women are pretty much taken at our age and if one does suddenly becomes available she will get snapped up quicker than a free steak dinner at the Longhorn.

I tried to date a guy who had been young and dumb. Both he and his ex-wife had managed to grow up and become smarter as well as more responsible. They just didn't like each other very much. They had a daughter (13 years old) ... And the daughter was a nightmare.

She wasn't bad ... She just "played" everyone. She wrapped her parents and step-father up in drama ... And it fed a constant undertow of crap. Her sister (the step-father's) was mixed up in the mess as well.

Finally when the daughter figured out I was not interested in playing her games ... That put a huge target on my back. I wish things would have worked out better, but I didn't have the time or desire to play everybody's mother. My God don't get me started on the in-laws in that mess.

It is your body ... And you are responsible for your actions ... Don't count on anyone else as far as birth control is concerned. The only sure fire way to keep a woman from getting pregnant requires responsibility and not fucking around.

My GF says women in control of their own sexuality do not need a man to take care of BC, and don't sleep with idiots.
That's not the point. If a man takes total control for bith control and doesn't depend on the woman doing it, he will have not be able to complain about the woman as far as getting pregnant. Stop blaming all these women for getting pregnant. Where are all the men in this scenario? They are equally responsible.

Go out with younger women if you want someone without a child.
I took total control of my sperm all my life.

I never stuck my dick in a woman I would not be proud to have children by.

Woman should judge men by the same standards, and the problem would be solved.

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