Why do women have so many kids with different men?

I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and that's it.

I see your point. What I don't get is why the men leave the business of not getting a woman pregnant completely up to the woman. Single men who don't want to impregnate a woman should get vasectomies, and then there would be no problem. Vasectomies are reversible. They do not harm or threaten your manhood. They do not make you sterile. I see that these women are not being sensible, but what about the men who impregnate them? Why is it all up to the woman?

I've had two long term relationships with men who had vasectomies. It was great for me. No worrying about birth control before or during sex. No pills that are potentially harmful and they are reversible if you get married and decide you want a child later on.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.
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This is one of the most misogynistic threads I've ever read. Try thinking outside the box, beyond your total fixation on the male perspective.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

And there is your answer.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

American Experience . The Orphan Trains PBS
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

nor should they.

Then they're not men.
There are women that have children from different men because they don't care.
There are women that have children from different men as a way to increase their public benefits (I have a step granddaughter that does this)
There are women who fall in love. They truly believe that this is Mr. Right. They have a baby with Mr. Right. Then he leaves. These women don't give up hope. The next man will be the man of her dreams.
There are women that have children from different men because they don't care.
There are women that have children from different men as a way to increase their public benefits (I have a step granddaughter that does this)
There are women who fall in love. They truly believe that this is Mr. Right. They have a baby with Mr. Right. Then he leaves. These women don't give up hope. The next man will be the man of her dreams.

There are women who behave in that way because the Liberal elites have told them that they are striking a blow for 'feminism.'
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and that's it.

I see your point. What I don't get is why the men leave the business of not getting a woman pregnant completely up to the woman. Single men who don't want to impregnate a woman should get vasectomies, and then there would be no problem. Vasectomies are reversible. They do not harm or threaten your manhood. They do not make you sterile. I see that these women are not being sensible, but what about the men who impregnate them? Why is it all up to the woman?

I've had two long term relationships with men who had vasectomies. It was great for me. No worrying about birth control before or during sex. No pills that are potentially harmful and they are reversible if you get married and decide you want a child later on.
A woman in control of here sexuality does not depend on a man to avoid pregnancy.

A woman fucking every swinging dick is another thing.

That said, I never fathered an abortion, and raised my kids.
There are women that have children from different men because they don't care.
There are women that have children from different men as a way to increase their public benefits (I have a step granddaughter that does this)
There are women who fall in love. They truly believe that this is Mr. Right. They have a baby with Mr. Right. Then he leaves. These women don't give up hope. The next man will be the man of her dreams.

There are women who behave in that way because the Liberal elites have told them that they are striking a blow for 'feminism.'
There are women who proved the Sexual Revolution was revolting.

I call them the HepC Generation.

I would not touch a boomer woman.
There are women that have children from different men because they don't care.
There are women that have children from different men as a way to increase their public benefits (I have a step granddaughter that does this)
There are women who fall in love. They truly believe that this is Mr. Right. They have a baby with Mr. Right. Then he leaves. These women don't give up hope. The next man will be the man of her dreams.

There are women who behave in that way because the Liberal elites have told them that they are striking a blow for 'feminism.'
There are women who proved the Sexual Revolution was revolting.

I call them the HepC Generation.

I would not touch a boomer woman.

I have a pal who used to say that, until AIDS, he was fiercely attracted to bi-sexual Haitian women who liked to shoot up.

It was a joke.
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
This seems to be the root of the question. It is mostly about pregnancy, not sex, and for the benefit of financial income without work.

Even in nature, the female monkeys have sex guaranteed, whilst male monkeys must compete for it. And the place of the females in the group is guaranteed by their relationship to newborns. The difference in human society is only that we have replaced the males with legislative measures. It is not the males that fool those women, it is the women that fool those men, and cash in good in the process, just like they plan it.
There are women that have children from different men because they don't care.
There are women that have children from different men as a way to increase their public benefits (I have a step granddaughter that does this)
There are women who fall in love. They truly believe that this is Mr. Right. They have a baby with Mr. Right. Then he leaves. These women don't give up hope. The next man will be the man of her dreams.
You forgot the part where "There have a baby with Mr. Right. Then SHE leaves." ... For the next Mr. Right. Hype based love building is the dominant American cultural element.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

nor should they.

Then they're not men.

nor should they take care of someone elses kids. Maybe the woman should keep her legs closed until she is married.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

Sounds like you are hanging with too many welfare mamas. There are plenty of well educated professional women your age who do not have five kids with five different men.
You can'y get a good whore up.

Say what now?

It's hard work keeping these whores off their backs, or even getting them to cross their legs once in a while.
They have sex with anyone who'll buy them a drink, then produce bastard kids that run wild and have no idea of what is, and is not, socially acceptable, thus driving another nail into society's coffin.

Any other questions?

Sounds about right.
Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

From a single woman's point of view ... Those babies have fathers as well. When looking for a guy at our age ... Chances are they have a child somewhere. Figuring out whose days are whose ... Dealing with ex-wives or baby's mamas isn't any easier. Children in split households are often confused or manipulators (not their fault in all cases).

Fathers with daughters are often a nightmare ... The drama and hatefulness can be overwhelming. Their mother will hate your guts a lot of the time ... And the girl's club at home 50% of the time makes you the third wheel at best. It isn't always bad and I have seen relationships work out in broken families ... But most of the time it isn't easy.

Face it ... Single in your thirties (or later I guess) ... Most guys and gals have baggage.


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