Why do women have so many kids with different men?

I think our culture has become too over sexualized, and that has had its consequences.

Over sexualized maybe ... I think the problem is overly inflated self-esteem and the constant drive for immediate gratification.

When we started making excuses for failures, reduced the consequences of accountability and expressed the way someone feels is more important than rewarding honorable behavior at the cost of the irresponsible ... We built that bullshit!

Add the constant pressure and marketing in regards to making anything easier to get ... Well, the self centered shit heads we have enabled will do what we as a society have taught them.


I think thats a big part of it, the need for immediate gratification. Alot of relationships with people my age are based on convenience and how much pleasure you can get at the time and that to me is a huge recipe for disaster.

I agree and there is not a lot of thought that goes into the future. I do not think "education" is the answer rather guidance by those who came before such as parents/clergy/leaders and the community as a whole.
With the rejection of Judeo-Christian values (which occurs even among many professed "Christians") comes a strange moral framework in which sexual promiscuity is OK, but birth control and abortion are scorned. Bringing up children in a one-parent household, though difficult, is facilitated by friends, family, and a government social safety net.

Obviously, the pity of it is the children who see this quasi-family as normal, and usually live their lives in a similar pattern.

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.

From a single woman's point of view ... Those babies have fathers as well. When looking for a guy at our age ... Chances are they have a child somewhere. Figuring out whose days are whose ... Dealing with ex-wives or baby's mamas isn't any easier. Children in split households are often confused or manipulators (not their fault in all cases).

Fathers with daughters are often a nightmare ... The drama and hatefulness can be overwhelming. Their mother will hate your guts a lot of the time ... And the girl's club at home 50% of the time makes you the third wheel at best. It isn't always bad and I have seen relationships work out in broken families ... But most of the time it isn't easy.

Face it ... Single in your thirties (or later I guess) ... Most guys and gals have baggage.


Baggage is not only in the form of children or ex relationship partners. Most people have baggage at any age. It is up to each person to accept the other as is warts and all or just move on.
nor should they take care of someone elses kids. Maybe the woman should keep her legs closed until she is married.

Works on so many levels.
If sex was confined to marriage, there would be very little by way of STDs, including AIDS, and hardly any of the social problems we see in so many countries. Most of the anti social behaviour would disappear, as would a lot of other of societies problems, including welfare spending.
Many politicians suggest, morality and the core family is the key to a working society, and they're right.
I've seen both sides of the coin, so I have first hand experience of both.
I know some clever dick will bleat on about Islam upon reading this but, out here, these social attitudes cover all religious groups by consent, including Christians.
The vast majority, regardless of religious bent, agrees on the same rules, so there are really very few kids born outside marriage, and there are very few of the social problems I saw in England.
Of course, there are exceptions, prostitutes, people that have sex with little interest in anything else but a quick shag, but these are the minority, and not really accepted in society.
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:
Last edited:
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

And don't expect them to actually support their children.

Scum like post here are good at making promises they have no intention of keeping. They're against birth control and abortion but let a woman get pregnant with their kid though and POOF! They're gone and busy blaming the woman for believing their lies.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Why don't you get a vasectomy? Why is it the woman's problem?????

You are apparently sleeping with every Mary, Jane and Zoe. Why not take FULL and I mean full, responsibility for birth control instead of leaving it up to the woman. And BTW, condoms are not 100% effective.

Women are the ones who will bare these children and in alot of cases nowadays end up raising them without any male assistance, men should use protection but at the end of the day the burden lays with the female.
The burden is equal. The fact that the men don't take responsibility does not mean that the burden is the woman's. Frankly, I expected better of you. What a disappointment.
Who gets stuck with the physical burden of the pregnancy or the mental burden of the abortion?

There it is folks ^^

Get her pregnant and walk away.
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

And don't expect them to actually support their children.

Scum like post here are good at making promises they have no intention of keeping. They're against birth control and abortion but let a woman get pregnant with their kid though and POOF! They're gone and busy blaming the woman for believing their lies.

That's where that self loathing comes in. They aren't marriage material. In fact, it indicates that if they were the father of any children that they wouldn't be able to cope with not being the center of attention once the responsibility has to shift.

Many men have that problem. I don't know if any of these cats do but many men do.
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

And don't expect them to actually support their children.

Scum like post here are good at making promises they have no intention of keeping. They're against birth control and abortion but let a woman get pregnant with their kid though and POOF! They're gone and busy blaming the woman for believing their lies.

Once again you mistake the people pointing out the problem with the people causing the problem. Mostly because the people causing the problem are among your parties most reliable voters.
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

And don't expect them to actually support their children.

Scum like post here are good at making promises they have no intention of keeping. They're against birth control and abortion but let a woman get pregnant with their kid though and POOF! They're gone and busy blaming the woman for believing their lies.

That's where that self loathing comes in. They aren't marriage material. In fact, it indicates that if they were the father of any children that they wouldn't be able to cope with not being the center of attention once the responsibility has to shift.

Many men have that problem. I don't know if any of these cats do but many men do.

I am not against birth control, and I am ambivalent on abortion (the act anyway, the law making it a right is another topic).

Any guys who are willing to talk about this aren't the ones sticking their dick in any accommodating woman.
Except for the OP.

Edited for the following:
It was all high fiving and back slapping for several pages but all of a sudden it's a whole different ballgame.
Last edited:
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

And don't expect them to actually support their children.

Scum like post here are good at making promises they have no intention of keeping. They're against birth control and abortion but let a woman get pregnant with their kid though and POOF! They're gone and busy blaming the woman for believing their lies.

Once again you mistake the people pointing out the problem with the people causing the problem. Mostly because the people causing the problem are among your parties most reliable voters.
How this discussion turned into trashing HG or men in general escapes me
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
Yea, I hear ya'. I have six different mothers by ten different fathers.

I've spent my whole life just trying to get myself together.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
Yea, I hear ya'. I have six different mothers by ten different fathers.

I've spent my whole life just trying to get myself together.
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

My penis is 15 inches long soft. :cool-45:
I know how to solve this problem.

The OP, and men like him, could wear a sign that said: I'm a wanna be player and a con artist with a bit of self loathing going on. I refuse to take responsibility for where I put my pecker and I ditched my history class.
And it should be a requirement that he carry the following paperwork:
Criminal background check
Credit history report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
Medical history with all prescriptions
Proof that he has no STDs
Psych history with all prescriptions
The actual size of his penis
Proof of employment
Highest level of education achieved

Problem solved.:eusa_angel:

Ok and this has what to do with the OP exactly? men doing this would stop women having multiple children with several different fathers? I don't see it.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
It's really none of your business.

And I actually don't mean any disrespect when I say that.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
It's really none of your business.

And I actually don't mean any disrespect when I say that.

When its our tax dollars going to fund these illegitimate children, I think we have a right to ask questions. Maybe I sound like a bastard saying that, but there it is.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
It's really none of your business.

And I actually don't mean any disrespect when I say that.

When its our tax dollars going to fund these illegitimate children, I think we have a right to ask questions. Maybe I sound like a bastard saying that, but there it is.
Yeah?...well I pay taxes too, and I want to fund illigitimate children.
I don't know any women that have had children with more than one father, other than a couple women that I worked with, who were married and divorced when young and then remarried later in life and had one child in their later years with a new husband...but all the women I have known in my personal life, have only had children with the same man. Even those divorced, have not had any children with other men....so I guess I have lead some sort of sheltered life from all of this?

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