Why do you consider Trump a successful president?

The reality is that if Trump was sworn in, promptly impeached, and removed from office that same day....it was a success.

Fuck it. Impeach his ass now. His job is DONE. Mission Accomplished.
Thanks in advance.
Well? The Great Douche does show us these FACTS!


What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around.
What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around
Thank Odin for that.

McConnell actually did something right.

Our country can't afford another commie on the Court.

What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around.
You wanted to know why we think Trump is a successful president. But here you are trying to pick fights.

(Dons a hazmat suit)

Don't feed the troll guys.

I'm outta here.

What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around.

Seems lower scum is coming to HELP the Great Douche. LOL!

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FFS! The Great Douche is trying another old scam to rally the 35% of his DOPers

Either way, these people will still benefit,


  • upload_2018-4-11_23-54-30.png
    48.6 KB · Views: 61
That's a bonus. "He's not the bitch" is enough.

What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around.

Ahhhh, that was so sweet.

I can't wait for the next one or two.
FFS! The Great Douche is trying another old scam to rally the 35% of his DOPers
View attachment 187448

Either way, these people will still benefit,
Fuck Trump and everything...

but if someone is on the public dole, I sure as hell want to know if they are using public assistance to support a drug habit. I would include some treatment funding to go along with it.

No druggie gets food stamps if druggie isn't getting treatment.
What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around
Thank Odin for that.

McConnell actually did something right.

Our country can't afford another commie on the Court.
FFS! Please help me find somthang good today!


What about Merrick Garland - who was held up for a year and never got a vote? What about Gorsuch getting approved with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 for SCOTUS bench? You can thank Mitch McConnel for that. What goes around comes around.

Seems lower scum is coming to HELP the Great Douche. LOL!

View attachment 187445


Diamond, Silk, and Roseanne Barr are all women, black and white respectively. And you call them "douches"?

Shall I write you down as a racist and a misogynist?
Thanks in advance.

He was elected by and works for America’s best
He spends his days working to deliver on promises made to America’s best
He’s respects and is adherent to the U.S. Constitution
He supports the military and America’s best
He’s a traditionalist, he knows exactly what made America great
He’s says “Americans First” and means it
He’s not a global puppet, he’ll do what’s best for the best Americans
He’s motivated to create policy to perpetuate a higher grade society
I could carry on and on.
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