Why do you hate

You just confirmed what I already knew.
As does everything, when your mind is addled by magical hooha. It has to. Thats literally the entire paradigm. But, from the perspective of anyone that doesn't accept your prefferred little, narrow magical fetish, you are just stroking yourself for your faith. And you feel the same way about everyone who doesnt buy your little narrow magical fetish.

No, i seriously doubt your magical hooha is true.

Just as a blind man wouldn't understand someone explaining the color blue, there's no way for you to understand what I said, and I don't expect you to. You'll see though, eventually.
You just confirmed what I already knew.
As does everything, when your mind is addled by magical hooha. It has to. Thats literally the entire paradigm. But, from the perspective of anyone that doesn't accept your prefferred little, narrow magical fetish, you are just stroking yourself for your faith. And you feel the same way about everyone who doesnt buy your little narrow magical fetish.

No, i seriously doubt your magical hooha is true.

Just as a blind man wouldn't understand someone explaining the color blue, there's no way for you to understand what I said, and I don't expect you to. You'll see though, eventually.
Haha, that's a charlatan's rant that is older than dirt. Not compelling. In fact, that's also how crazy people talk.
I can't read anything from the 3rd to 100ths Moderators of the Korean Presbyterian Church. More tophats. Daughters Always do what Mother Says!

Should Auld Lang Syne, In Democrat Kampuchea, new dawning of the times, the people are one, in Auld Syne Angkor Wat was big, now the people are brighter than Communism. If Auld Acquaintance flags get in the way, burn the money, of capitalists for the people who always know... When they're having a private party for Koreans, that you're not invited! Very particular people about spectating at their parties!
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You just confirmed what I already knew.
As does everything, when your mind is addled by magical hooha. It has to. Thats literally the entire paradigm. But, from the perspective of anyone that doesn't accept your prefferred little, narrow magical fetish, you are just stroking yourself for your faith. And you feel the same way about everyone who doesnt buy your little narrow magical fetish.

No, i seriously doubt your magical hooha is true.

Just as a blind man wouldn't understand someone explaining the color blue, there's no way for you to understand what I said, and I don't expect you to. You'll see though, eventually.
Haha, that's a charlatan's rant that is older than dirt. Not compelling. In fact, that's also how crazy people talk.

Whatever you say. You'll see. :) And since there's zero chance of this discussion going anywhere, I'll leave you to argue with others. I do have to say though, you spend an inordinate amount of time arguing about something you think is nonexistent. The man doth protest too much?
I love your hyper-drama.There is a vast difference between "hat[ing" the Supreme Being" and "people of faith" and just not being able to stand assholes.
I love your hyper-drama.There is a vast difference between "hat[ing" the Supreme Being" and "people of faith" and just not being able to stand assholes.
But what does this Have to DO With the Confederate Post Office in Downtown Montgomery?! I'll tell you WHY! That's the Post Office by the correct government for 5 years, that's why its a museum! A Confederate Post office, properly constitutional government altered under the sovereign character of the states, under Almighty God, makes the US's wrong, o meddle with established native government and religion, with some other bankrupt Post offices! EISENHOWER!!! If the neo-Catholic Anglicans of the period were in any way to resemble the Jefferson Davisonian "God of our Fathers" that "Delivered us from the bear", and you take the Constitution as a Non-Denominational Establishment, or any of the above, then why is the Confederate Woodrow Wilson the Princeton President of History specifically brought in as a post-war Confederate, and the politics of that Government were in Fact, or De Facto, Defender of Faith of that Reformed Covenanter Faith! Ha!
Besides, God Established Civil War Reenactments in These States, that is the Churches we run, no Union can tell us to adopt another Church other than whats explicitly in the Bible, defended by the humblest of gentlemen, a freedom extended to all states. Civil War Reenactments... That's sort of the walls of Jericho.
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Whatever you say. You'll see.
No, i seriously doubt that.

I do have to say though, you spend an inordinate amount of time arguing about something you think is nonexistent.
No i don't. It probably didnt take me a grand total of 3 minutes to write my posts in this thread, for instance.

And, as you might have puzzled out for yourself, of you weren't so zealous: there will be more dicussions about the claims of major religons than of, say, unicorns, because of the greater prevalence and political power and impact of the major religions.
I love your hyper-drama.There is a vast difference between "hat[ing" the Supreme Being" and "people of faith" and just not being able to stand assholes.
But what does this Have to DO With the Confederate Post Office in Downtown Montgomery?! I'll tell you WHY! That's the Post Office by the correct government for 5 years, that's why its a museum! A Confederate Post office, properly constitutional government altered under the sovereign character of the states, under Almighty God, makes the US's wrong, o meddle with established native government and religion, with some other bankrupt Post offices! EISENHOWER!!! If the neo-Catholic Anglicans of the period were in any way to resemble the Jefferson Davisonian "God of our Fathers" that "Delivered us from the bear", and you take the Constitution as a Non-Denominational Establishment, or any of the above, then why is the Confederate Woodrow Wilson the Princeton President of History specifically brought in as a post-war Confederate, and the politics of that Government were in Fact, or De Facto, Defender of Faith of that Reformed Covenanter Faith! Ha!
Besides, God Established Civil War Reenactments in These States, that is the Churches we run, no Union can tell us to adopt another Church other than whats explicitly in the Bible, defended by the humblest of gentlemen, a freedom extended to all states. Civil War Reenactments... That's sort of the walls of Jericho.
Your post is both incomprehensible and weird.This cult stuff is getting out of hand.
I love your hyper-drama.There is a vast difference between "hat[ing" the Supreme Being" and "people of faith" and just not being able to stand assholes.
But what does this Have to DO With the Confederate Post Office in Downtown Montgomery?! I'll tell you WHY! That's the Post Office by the correct government for 5 years, that's why its a museum! A Confederate Post office, properly constitutional government altered under the sovereign character of the states, under Almighty God, makes the US's wrong, o meddle with established native government and religion, with some other bankrupt Post offices! EISENHOWER!!! If the neo-Catholic Anglicans of the period were in any way to resemble the Jefferson Davisonian "God of our Fathers" that "Delivered us from the bear", and you take the Constitution as a Non-Denominational Establishment, or any of the above, then why is the Confederate Woodrow Wilson the Princeton President of History specifically brought in as a post-war Confederate, and the politics of that Government were in Fact, or De Facto, Defender of Faith of that Reformed Covenanter Faith! Ha!
Besides, God Established Civil War Reenactments in These States, that is the Churches we run, no Union can tell us to adopt another Church other than whats explicitly in the Bible, defended by the humblest of gentlemen, a freedom extended to all states. Civil War Reenactments... That's sort of the walls of Jericho.
Your post is both incomprehensible and weird.This cult stuff is getting out of hand.
Yankee! Look at those Stars and Bars of Freedom! Woohoo! *wimper* Oh well let's take it down its not even the government flag for the first 2 years. No its Stonewall's battleflag directly from the Bonnie Blue Flag directly from Scotland, that went up as the Government flag in Memorial at his funeral, the day of his weeping, kim il sung funeral, eat it yankees.

What If I Replace the entire Religion 100% Absolutely with an Eisenhower Cult that's conformed to my wishes?! Eat it 1958! United Presbyterians!
Why do so many of you hate God and people of faith?

I'm no expert at all.......... but

may be they hate GOD all that's good and people of faith because.....

they serve another Master? like satan?

Nobody can serve two Masters.
They are evil hateful sinners who do not want to pay for their crimes.
What crimes?
What crimes?


their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent from the 4th century to the present day -
Well stated. The Atheist ethos and prime philosophy is about justification for vile acts and the ability to commit them without legal or social repercussion, punishment or feeling guilt. Hatred of God is born of the so-called atheist's refusal to accept ultimate authority. Atheism and moral relativism are one in the same. In effect atheists are little more than teenagers who refuse to obey their parents largely because they think they know better. Of course, they do have some idea of what is right and what is wrong, however, in order to assuage this guilt for wrong doing they require groups of like minded individuals to reassure them they've done nothing wrong. In believing they are progressive, new age thinkers atheists confine themselves to a much narrower minded box than any believer in God who takes responsibility for his or her own actions.

Great post, and that's exactly how I always see atheists too... like angry, rebellious teenagers who wave their fist at their parents because they truly think they know better. In many cases, it's definitely a refusal to accept ultimate authority. (It's sad, because they don't realize that God is good, and for those of us who have been on both sides, we KNOW from experience that following God is infinitely better and wiser, than following ourself or the world.)

I wholly believe the majority of good people begin life feeling oppressed by the faith of their parents, seek in defiance the freedom to explore knowledge outside the faith of their forefathers, spend years doing just that, and then after experiencing what the world of information outside their family's shell has to offer return to the fold so to speak of Christianity and God, who is ultimate truth and wisdom, forgiveness and salvation . . . and for some, wrath. I no longer believe in wise men, only the wisdom of certain ideas and actions. Therein I also believe lies the core fault of the atheist ideology: belief that he or she can be wise alone, without God, and even spread wisdom to other people and lead them to some form of secular salvation or perfect state of mortal being. Too bad no man or women is perfect and the road to hell truly is paved with good intentions (and a few thousand tons of bad ones as well).
Too bad no man or women is perfect

too bad for you the religion of antiquity is not your calling ... the triumph of good vs evil.
They are evil hateful sinners who do not want to pay for their crimes.
Christ paid for their crimes. And they (Christians) have accepted the "gift". It seems odd to me that when one precludes that the homosexual is in need of the very same redemption, as anyone else --- that one suggesting such is a hurtful individual... It is also peculiar to me that when GOD sent the FLOOD or rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, suddenly GOD was mean and vindictive ---- and yet didn't they simply get what they deserved? You can not have it both ways...
Why do so many of you hate God and people of faith?
I don't hate God since I don't believe he exists. I don't hate Zeus either for the same reason. I don't hate people of faith but I do hate what some people of faith have done and continue to do in the name of faith. Flying planes into buildings is an obvious example but enacting laws that affect me in the name of their faith is essentially the same thing.

Maybe you can answer:
  • Why do people of faith hate people of other faiths?
  • Why do people of faith hate people with no faith?
Christians do not hate the person, they abhor the behavior. Christians do not hate people who are not Christian, but are concerned for their eternity. It is very often non-Christians who want to silence those who wish to bear witness in a public way, and make it hard to present a "Christian" view regarding any subject...
Why do so many of you hate God and people of faith?
I believe in God and have nothing against people of any faith. Religion or faith should have nothing to do with politics in the United States though. It is what has made this country great. You are free to practice whatever religion you like. You want your religion to make the rules? Fuck off. Any religion.

Separation of church and state is is paramount and if it fails our country fails.
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but enacting laws that affect me in the name of their faith

That's politics. You have your own "faith-based" beliefs and agenda. It will always be about God's objective morality versus Hollywood values or "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness, and the promotion of the homosexual agenda."
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Many of them are just programmed to by pop culture and indoctrination by bolshevik "educators".

Many of them hate the idea that they can be judged for doing perverse shit, fucking around with anyone or anything that arouses them. Wasting their lives doing dope and as little as possible while whining about "the 1%" or "the Jews" or "The rich" or (insert whatever bed wetter scapegoat) being selfish.


Well stated. The Atheist ethos and prime philosophy is about justification for vile acts and the ability to commit them without legal or social repercussion, punishment or feeling guilt. Hatred of God is born of the so-called atheist's refusal to accept ultimate authority. Atheism and moral relativism are one in the same. In effect atheists are little more than teenagers who refuse to obey their parents largely because they think they know better. Of course, they do have some idea of what is right and what is wrong, however, in order to assuage this guilt for wrong doing they require groups of like minded individuals to reassure them they've done nothing wrong. In believing they are progressive, new age thinkers atheists confine themselves to a much narrower minded box than any believer in God who takes responsibility for his or her own actions.

Or, maybe we just think that people who believe in invisible sky fairies are delusional!
There is a difference between acceptance and tolerance. Faithful people don't have to accept behavior they are squimish about. But in our nation, they should be tolerant.

Tolerance of evil, perversion, and madness is not and never will be a virtue; and intolerance of evil, perversion, and madness is not, and never will be a vice.

...and I thought that Goldwater was dead....

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