Why do you Lefties become Lefties?

That sounds cool and all....So tell us; what policy has been “questioned” by Lefties that forced an effective “change” beneficial to good, real Americans?


Well, they were the ones who questioned plutocracy... most real Americans benefited from the creation of a middle class in the 1940's and beyond.

Real Americans benefited when women were given more quality in the work place.

Real Americans benefited from the Civil Rights Movement.

Real Americans benefited from such "liberal" programs like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, etc. Or as I like to call them, "White People Welfare".
The ideals of the Left hardly align wit those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

The Founders of America were lefties. King George was a conservative. We won the Revolution against conservatives, and as Franklin so noted, we have to fight to keep our Republic from falling into the hands of plutocrats, autocrats, and religious zealots, that comprise the conservative enemies of America.

And we are winning the war. In just another 25 years, we will have the numbers to permanently stop the conservative threat to America at the voting booth, and will install a government that protects the people, and our system of government.
The ideals of the Left hardly align wit those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

The Founders of America were lefties. King George was a conservative. We won the Revolution against conservatives, and as Franklin so noted, we have to fight to keep our Republic from falling into the hands of plutocrats, autocrats, and religious zealots, that comprise the conservative enemies of America.

And we are winning the war. In just another 25 years, we will have the numbers to permanently stop the conservative threat to America at the voting booth, and will install a government that protects the people, and our system of government.

So you feel socialism (communism lite) will protect the people?
The ideals of the Left hardly align wit those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

The Founders of America were lefties. King George was a conservative. We won the Revolution against conservatives, and as Franklin so noted, we have to fight to keep our Republic from falling into the hands of plutocrats, autocrats, and religious zealots, that comprise the conservative enemies of America.

And we are winning the war. In just another 25 years, we will have the numbers to permanently stop the conservative threat to America at the voting booth, and will install a government that protects the people, and our system of government.

So you feel socialism (communism lite) will protect the people?

No. Putting people like you, who lie as easily as they breath in a permanent minority, where you can no longer translate your lies into legislation, because you will no longer be deciding the make up of government will.
The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
Its because the overton window shifted.
Those who didnt shift with it now appear on the "left", simply because they were standing still.
The ideals of the Left hardly align wit those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

The Founders of America were lefties. King George was a conservative. We won the Revolution against conservatives, and as Franklin so noted, we have to fight to keep our Republic from falling into the hands of plutocrats, autocrats, and religious zealots, that comprise the conservative enemies of America.

And we are winning the war. In just another 25 years, we will have the numbers to permanently stop the conservative threat to America at the voting booth, and will install a government that protects the people, and our system of government.

So you feel socialism (communism lite) will protect the people?

No. Putting people like you, who lie as easily as they breath in a permanent minority, where you can no longer translate your lies into legislation, because you will no longer be deciding the make up of government will.

WTF, I'm translating lies into legislation? Hell, I need to make $50,000/month...ya know, like Hunter did.
From what I've experienced, there's a heavy dosage of appeal to emotion involved.

WINNER.......Leftists are generally irrational emotional people. This is why they're such easy prey for propaganda.
Corporate America HAS stolen the wealth of our country for MORE than 30 years [They also created it but that's another topic altogether] <b>CORPORATE AMERICA IS CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS</b> ...Or about 75% of it ... even the Koch Brothers who you clowns like to use as an example are not Republicans. The countrys wealthiest 1% are about 90% Democrat ... Ignorance is not a crime so you are free to go.
I'm not saying you are stupid. You just have a problem thinking.

Um. Not really. Let's look at that... this from Forbes, hardly a liberal publication.

Are America's Richest Families Republicans or Democrats?

The politics of other billion-dollar families aren’t as well known. Of the 50 richest families, 28 mainly donate to Republicans and only seven contribute mainly to Democrats. Not all families stay on the same side of the political spectrum — 15 support candidates from both parties.
What is wrong with these lying faggots that use "Um" in a post?
The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
Its because the overton window shifted.
Those who didnt shift with it now appear on the "left", simply because they were standing still.
IOW, y'all were always poorly closeted Marxists.
The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

They're the bottom of the gene pool. The sludge that sinks and used to be vacuumed up by natural selection.

Unfortunately we have put too many safety barriers in place so they're not walking into heavy machinery or electrocuting themselves in the showers any longer.

The ideals of the Left hardly align wit those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

The Founders of America were lefties. King George was a conservative. We won the Revolution against conservatives, and as Franklin so noted, we have to fight to keep our Republic from falling into the hands of plutocrats, autocrats, and religious zealots, that comprise the conservative enemies of America.

And we are winning the war. In just another 25 years, we will have the numbers to permanently stop the conservative threat to America at the voting booth, and will install a government that protects the people, and our system of government.
According to you Jacobin freaks, it merely fell into the hands of a band of more localized plutocrats, autocrats, and religious zealots.....Which bastardized version of history will you be spewing tomorrow?
That sounds cool and all....So tell us; what policy has been “questioned” by Lefties that forced an effective “change” beneficial to good, real Americans?


Well, they were the ones who questioned plutocracy... most real Americans benefited from the creation of a middle class in the 1940's and beyond.

Real Americans benefited when women were given more quality in the work place.

Real Americans benefited from the Civil Rights Movement.

Real Americans benefited from such "liberal" programs like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, etc. Or as I like to call them, "White People Welfare".

Haha...there you go again Joe, struggling to make the distinction between old school Liberals and new age Lefties....Look, to put it simply, Lefties beg, champion all things immoral, indecent and filthy...they speak as you do whereas the traditional Libearls you’re hiding behind said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

That blacks aren't inferior human beings? :dunno:
The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
Why do racists become racists? Groomed or genetics?
Why did Nazis become Nazis?

Why in the End Times do 3/4ths of the World’s Population choose to follow and worship The Ant-Christ and take The Mark of The Beast when they know that by doing so, they are damning their souls to Eternal Hell?

Evil People are self deluded. Darkness is attracted to Darkness. Evil Deeds are done in The Dark and Secrecy and when The Light is shined upon Darkness Those that Dwell in it become ENRAGED!

The Democrat Party is Stubborn, just like their Logo states. The Image of a Jackass.
This Logo is based on The Mule Andrew Jackson used To Lynch & Hang Native Americans and Runaway Slaves on.

Democrats Never Change. Slavery and owning people is their thing and had always been their thing. Economic Slavery is the modern evolution of this. High Taxes, Excessive Regulations and Laws, & right down to controlling Free Speech, and Free Thought.

If you do not agree with a Democrat-Lefty, you are nothing than an Upitty “N” word that needs to be whipped and punished.

And they don’t care what race you are, because to them (The Self Proclaimed Masters of Everyone) everyone is an “N” word to them who needs kept in line, put in place, and needs to sit in the back of the bus. Unless you are a House “N” word helping them spread their message of Hate, or a lowly Slave tilling their fields for them, you have No Value and need Lynched.

If you want to know how Democrats-Leftists feel about Freedom, and feel about Blacks and Patriotic Americans of All Colors and Creeds, watch the movie “Free State of Jones”!

It will open your eyes to what Democrats have been doing for nearly 200 years.

The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
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The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
The righties are so wronger. You should look at the constitution again and see just how wrong the right is.
"Wronger"? You need to work on that grammar, Sparky. It's no surprise you're a dimwitted Lefty. You're welcome.
He was speaking what you unnerstand.
Why did Nazis become Nazis?

why in the End Times do 2/3rds of the Workd’s Popukation choose to follow and worship The Ant-Christ when they know that by doing so, they are damning their souls to Wternal Hell.

Evil People are self deluded.

The Democrat Party is Stibborn, just like their Logo states, a Logo based on The Mule Andrew Jackson used
To hang Native Americans and Runaway Slaves on.

They Never Change. Slavery and owning people is their thing and had always been their thing.

If you do not agree with a Democrat-Lefty, you are nothing than an Upitty “N” word that needs to be whipped and punished.

And they don’t care what race you are, everyone is an “N” word
to them unless they are a House “N” word helping them spread their message of Hate, or a lowly Slave tilling their fields for them.

If you want to know how Democrats feel about Freedom, and feel about Blacks and Patriotic Americans of All Colors and Creeds, watch the movie “Free State of Jones”!

The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
Dumbass wood. Fuck off.
Haha...there you go again Joe, struggling to make the distinction between old school Liberals and new age Lefties....Look, to put it simply, Lefties beg, champion all things immoral, indecent and filthy...they speak as you do whereas the traditional Libearls you’re hiding behind said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
It's what all the modern fake "liberals" have been doing since the 1920s....FA Hayek even had to make the distinction between classical (i.e. libertarian) liberals and the progressive/Marxist fakes -like JoeB- when he wrote The Road to Serfdom back in the 1940s.
Nothing I said was untrue.


i'm also organizing for Mayor Pete with my passion. change is right here. it begins with us!

thank you all!
Why did Nazis become Nazis?

why in the End Times do 2/3rds of the Workd’s Popukation choose to follow and worship The Ant-Christ when they know that by doing so, they are damning their souls to Wternal Hell.

Evil People are self deluded.

The Democrat Party is Stibborn, just like their Logo states, a Logo based on The Mule Andrew Jackson used
To hang Native Americans and Runaway Slaves on.

They Never Change. Slavery and owning people is their thing and had always been their thing.

If you do not agree with a Democrat-Lefty, you are nothing than an Upitty “N” word that needs to be whipped and punished.

And they don’t care what race you are, everyone is an “N” word
to them unless they are a House “N” word helping them spread their message of Hate, or a lowly Slave tilling their fields for them.

If you want to know how Democrats feel about Freedom, and feel about Blacks and Patriotic Americans of All Colors and Creeds, watch the movie “Free State of Jones”!

The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
Dumbass wood. Fuck off.

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