Why do you Lefties become Lefties?

The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?
Why do racists become racists? Groomed or genetics?

My guess is; they refuse to pretend that facts and statistics don’t exist.
They have the nutsack to resist PC programming.
They are smart enough to stereotype.
They aren’t afraid to acknowledge that ‘some’ human beings are genetically deficient.
The ideals of the Left hardly align with those of our founders, they hardly align with traditional American values, culture and behavior. Most of us were groomed by those before us to be all that is “AMERICAN”....So I ask, what makes you lean Left and what links left-leaners to the Democrat Party?

That blacks aren't inferior human beings? :dunno:

Get ready...you are about to piss your fucking pants.
What facts and or statistics can you provide to prove they aren’t?

(Cue the Tards to scream RACIST at the sky)
Corporate America HAS stolen the wealth of our country for MORE than 30 years [They also created it but that's another topic altogether] <b>CORPORATE AMERICA IS CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS</b> ...Or about 75% of it ... even the Koch Brothers who you clowns like to use as an example are not Republicans. The countrys wealthiest 1% are about 90% Democrat ... Ignorance is not a crime so you are free to go.
I'm not saying you are stupid. You just have a problem thinking.

Um. Not really. Let's look at that... this from Forbes, hardly a liberal publication.

Are America's Richest Families Republicans or Democrats?

The politics of other billion-dollar families aren’t as well known. Of the 50 richest families, 28 mainly donate to Republicans and only seven contribute mainly to Democrats. Not all families stay on the same side of the political spectrum — 15 support candidates from both parties.
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence
Haha...there you go again Joe, struggling to make the distinction between old school Liberals and new age Lefties....Look, to put it simply, Lefties beg, champion all things immoral, indecent and filthy...they speak as you do whereas the traditional Libearls you’re hiding behind said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Okay... Except those classic liberals gave us all the social programs you guys are on and on about.

Clinton actually cut back on welfare. Obama gave us a market-based health care fix.. which was like letting the foxes watch the henhouse.
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.

Rich “Republicans” like Bezos, Gates and Buffett?

I thought Republicans hated pole puffers, rug munchers, leftarded folks, white guilt whackos, feminazis and drug addicts...most of whom are white....no?
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Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.

I thought those giant corporations you hate loved the LeftOcrat Party because they steal more cash from good people and put it in the hands of poor spenders...ie...ShaQuita and Guadalupe whom buy lots of their goods and services with other people’s dough...no?
I wonder how much in welfare dollars is spent with Microsoft and Amazon?
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.

Rich “Republicans” like Bezos, Gates and Buffett?

I thought Republicans hated pole puffers, rug munchers, leftarded folks, white guilt whackos, feminazis and drug addicts...most of whom are white....no?
Repukes are the majority of the pole puffers,rug munchers and drug addicts you snowflakes dislike.
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.

Rich “Republicans” like Bezos, Gates and Buffett?

I thought Republicans hated pole puffers, rug munchers, leftarded folks, white guilt whackos, feminazis and drug addicts...most of whom are white....no?
Repukes are the majority of the pole puffers,rug munchers and drug addicts you snowflakes dislike.

Well then, surely you can link us to those stats...because I’m certain you didn’t pull them from your filthy ass...right?
OR should we just take your word for it?
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.
Romney aka Pierre Delecto is a RINO
Nice Try High Guy ... what part of the word CORPORATE did you not understand ? I'm glad to see you're not letting your lack of education get in the way of your lack of intelligence

In the words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

The rich are Republicans... they pursue the interest of the rich and their corporations... all they have to do is say how much they hate the darkies and dumb people like you play along.

Rich “Republicans” like Bezos, Gates and Buffett?

I thought Republicans hated pole puffers, rug munchers, leftarded folks, white guilt whackos, feminazis and drug addicts...most of whom are white....no?
Repukes are the majority of the pole puffers,rug munchers and drug addicts you snowflakes dislike.
Hey Little Train-wreck - I think you missed your station
Clinton actually cut back on welfare.
RFLMAO - Like Stinky Stalwell the only thing billy Clinton cut was the cheese, it was the Republican congress that restricted it, and the Clinton's back doored new entitlement projects with new names but the same old shit. Most lazy vermin who were forced out of welfare moved onto other types of entitlement.
Rich “Republicans” like Bezos, Gates and Buffett?

I thought Republicans hated pole puffers, rug munchers, leftarded folks, white guilt whackos, feminazis and drug addicts...most of whom are white....no?

Oh, this is where you are confused, dummy. Most of the One Percenters don't give a shit about these things, other than how they can keep you upset about them and voting against your own economic interests.

It's why we never ban abortion or deport the Mexicans, but man, the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts and deregulation.

Why you keep falling for it is amazing.
Romney aka Pierre Delecto is a RINO

Yes. Romney is a RINO
McCain was a RINO
Anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of Cheeto Jesus is a RINO.
Romney and Pierre Delecto also ...McCain was a traitor who sold out as a POW and got a free pass because he came from a high ranking family - his daddy was an Admiral. - his fellow POWs called him songbird John.

why don't you go to walmart and get a new personality because clearly the one you got from k-mart has expired.
Romney and Pierre Delecto also ...McCain was a traitor who sold out as a POW and got a free pass because he came from a high ranking family - his daddy was an Admiral. - his fellow POWs called him songbird John.

Wow, guy, you are kind of making my point about how the GOP has become less a political party and more of a cult.

Don't drink the koolaid, buddy.
Romney and Pierre Delecto also ...McCain was a traitor who sold out as a POW and got a free pass because he came from a high ranking family - his daddy was an Admiral. - his fellow POWs called him songbird John.

Wow, guy, you are kind of making my point about how the GOP has become less a political party and more of a cult.

Don't drink the koolaid, buddy.
They don't march in goose step - they are free thinkers unlike Democratic Sheep

Talking to a wack job like trying to explain calculus to a chimpanzee

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