Why Do You Love The Communists?

See how you don't understand, bear?

There is no correlation between Reagan and Obama. And if Obama had done it, you would have been all over him.

See how that works, bear?
View attachment 42115

Did I call you a 'dope' earlier?
My bad.

You're an imbecile.

" .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration. These include the revelations by the formerKGBChief Oleg Gordievsky, who in conjunction with the Cambridge intelligence expert Christopher Andrew, began exposing the scope of Soviet penetration in 1990, even before the USSR collapsed; the U.S. intelligence community’s Venona decryptions that began becoming public in the mid-1990s and were summarized in breathtaking detail by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel; the investigative work of Jerrold and Leona Schecter, who traced the flow of Venona revelations into the Truman White House, beginning as early as 1945; the former KGB archivist Vasily Mitrokhin, who smuggled his files out of Moscow in 1992 (and who, in conjunction with Christopher Andrew, found astonishing the apathy of American historians regarding theKGB’s influence operations); the groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr on the history of Communist espionage and the mulish determination of the academy not to notice it; the voluminous evidence of American treason on Moscow’s behalf amassed by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev; the files of FBI investigations and congressional hearings on Communist infiltration that have recently been declassified; and so on."
Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion

I've read the books mentioned above.

Bet you haven't.
That question for you Liberals.
Yeah, you do. You accept them the way you'd accept a goofy uncle, y'know.....'a little strange but not a bad guy.'

OK...I understand why you hate, abhor the Nazis.

I know what they did....I see the Nazi villains in the movies....I recognize the references to 'grammar Nazi.' That makes sense.
But the fact that the same visceral hatred is not assigned to communists....the shrug, the sophisticated chuckle/sneer at those persistent anti-communists...
.....is the proof that you have been indoctrinated, brain-washed, manipulated.

Because the communists were far worse, and for far longer.

Yes...I'll prove it to you. First...let's fill in your history lacunae...

1. Remember that communism, Karl Marx, goes back to mid19th century....and took over Russia early in the 20 century. Not long after, it had cells and well organized branches in almost every western nation. From the start, they knew the value of psychological indoctrinations.

2. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to.

a. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, so that the citizens would demand that Russia be recognized....'worker's paradise' and all.

H.G. Wells met with Stalin in 1934, and wrote “I’ve never met a man more candid, fair and honest!” and “…everyone trusts him!’ And of Lenin, “…frank, refreshing, and an amazing little man!’

George Bernard Shaw met with Stalin, as well. He returned, and wrote, “ We cannot afford to give ourselves moral airs when our most enterprising neighbors, the Soviet Union, humanely and judiciously liquidates a handful of exploiters and speculators to make the world safe for honest men.” He parroted the exact line that Stalin had given him!

And, of course, John Dewey.
See "Dupes," by Paul Kengor

When he returned from the Soviet Union, Shaw backed up ever lie that Walter Duranty reported. He testified that there was not, and never could be, a food shortage in the USSR.
Paul Hollander, “Political Pilgrims,” p.119

None of this was taught to you in government schools....was it?
You don't have a clue about communism. Communism doesn't have an authority government. There has never been a communist government in history.
But think about this....It was your con hero Nixon that got America involved with China.
Oh, just shut up with your nonsense. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The facts do not support your opinion.
Communism Overview

Communism is an abstract idea about creating a perfect society. The words “perfect” and “society” should never be used as complements in the same sentence.

Like its cousin socialism, communism is a hope for an imagined political and economic existence outside the bounds of human nature and reality.

When leaders of the Russian Revolution conceived of their communist dream, they imagined a heaven on earth where human needs were eliminated and personal wants were fulfilled. As with every other utopian dream before it, the experiment with communism in the 20th century ended in tyranny, bloodshed and horror.

Communism doesn’t work because it is un-human.

Utah Citizen Network Why don t socialism or communism work

The central tenet of communism is that all private property should be abolished. In a true communist society, no one would own anything. All property and all means of agricultural and industrial production would be collectively owned by society as a whole. Each member of a true communist society would be expected to contribute as able and would be allowed to take what needed.

No More States
Communists theorize that the working people must unite and overthrow the governments in their countries. Most communists believe that the state must continue to exist in order to enforce social and economic equality until true communism is reached. Theoretically, true communism would eliminate the need for the state and ruling class, allowing the working class to decide matters democratically in a manner beneficial to society as a whole.

What Is True Communism The Classroom Synonym
That question for you Liberals.
Yeah, you do. You accept them the way you'd accept a goofy uncle, y'know.....'a little strange but not a bad guy.'

OK...I understand why you hate, abhor the Nazis.

I know what they did....I see the Nazi villains in the movies....I recognize the references to 'grammar Nazi.' That makes sense.
But the fact that the same visceral hatred is not assigned to communists....the shrug, the sophisticated chuckle/sneer at those persistent anti-communists...
.....is the proof that you have been indoctrinated, brain-washed, manipulated.

Because the communists were far worse, and for far longer.

Yes...I'll prove it to you. First...let's fill in your history lacunae...

1. Remember that communism, Karl Marx, goes back to mid19th century....and took over Russia early in the 20 century. Not long after, it had cells and well organized branches in almost every western nation. From the start, they knew the value of psychological indoctrinations.

2. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to.

a. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, so that the citizens would demand that Russia be recognized....'worker's paradise' and all.

H.G. Wells met with Stalin in 1934, and wrote “I’ve never met a man more candid, fair and honest!” and “…everyone trusts him!’ And of Lenin, “…frank, refreshing, and an amazing little man!’

George Bernard Shaw met with Stalin, as well. He returned, and wrote, “ We cannot afford to give ourselves moral airs when our most enterprising neighbors, the Soviet Union, humanely and judiciously liquidates a handful of exploiters and speculators to make the world safe for honest men.” He parroted the exact line that Stalin had given him!

And, of course, John Dewey.
See "Dupes," by Paul Kengor

When he returned from the Soviet Union, Shaw backed up ever lie that Walter Duranty reported. He testified that there was not, and never could be, a food shortage in the USSR.
Paul Hollander, “Political Pilgrims,” p.119

None of this was taught to you in government schools....was it?
You don't have a clue about communism. Communism doesn't have an authority government. There has never been a communist government in history.
But think about this....It was your con hero Nixon that got America involved with China.
Oh, just shut up with your nonsense. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The facts do not support your opinion.
Communism Overview

Communism is an abstract idea about creating a perfect society. The words “perfect” and “society” should never be used as complements in the same sentence.

Like its cousin socialism, communism is a hope for an imagined political and economic existence outside the bounds of human nature and reality.

When leaders of the Russian Revolution conceived of their communist dream, they imagined a heaven on earth where human needs were eliminated and personal wants were fulfilled. As with every other utopian dream before it, the experiment with communism in the 20th century ended in tyranny, bloodshed and horror.

Communism doesn’t work because it is un-human.

Utah Citizen Network Why don t socialism or communism work

The central tenet of communism is that all private property should be abolished. In a true communist society, no one would own anything. All property and all means of agricultural and industrial production would be collectively owned by society as a whole. Each member of a true communist society would be expected to contribute as able and would be allowed to take what needed.

No More States
Communists theorize that the working people must unite and overthrow the governments in their countries. Most communists believe that the state must continue to exist in order to enforce social and economic equality until true communism is reached. Theoretically, true communism would eliminate the need for the state and ruling class, allowing the working class to decide matters democratically in a manner beneficial to society as a whole.

What Is True Communism The Classroom Synonym

You do know that Socialism is the last step to true communism according to communist theory...right...? The State owns all property just before the state is dissolved...right?

And because it bears repeating.....Thanks PoliticalChic.....

" .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration. These include the revelations by the formerKGBChief Oleg Gordievsky, who in conjunction with the Cambridge intelligence expert Christopher Andrew, began exposing the scope of Soviet penetration in 1990, even before the USSR collapsed; the U.S. intelligence community’s Venona decryptions that began becoming public in the mid-1990s and were summarized in breathtaking detail by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel; the investigative work of Jerrold and Leona Schecter, who traced the flow of Venona revelations into the Truman White House, beginning as early as 1945; the former KGB archivist Vasily Mitrokhin, who smuggled his files out of Moscow in 1992 (and who, in conjunction with Christopher Andrew, found astonishing the apathy of American historians regarding theKGB’s influence operations); the groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr on the history of Communist espionage and the mulish determination of the academy not to notice it; the voluminous evidence of American treason on Moscow’s behalf amassed by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev; the files of FBI investigations and congressional hearings on Communist infiltration that have recently been declassified; and so on."
Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion
hangover and PC must be dating.

No, PC, the 2000 communists in America threaten no one.

No, hangover, your opinion does not confound reality.

No, 2aguy, your red herrings don't make the cut.

Have any of you three ever considered with you are in the very small minority?
hangover and PC must be dating.

No, PC, the 2000 communists in America threaten no one.

No, hangover, your opinion does not confound reality.

It is not the actual morons who actually call themselves communists....a belief system that murdered 100 million people....those guys are just really stupid...it is the ideas of communism absorbed by the morons in the democrat party who are implementing little bits of it while they have power that we have to worry about......
Why is this opinion thread in the Politics sub-forum???

You spelled 'troll' wrong.

PC has special privileges. She's protected under the USMB posters with Disabilities Act.

We liberals don't love communism. We love social democracy, and sad day for you PC, we are winning the battle to establish that as the norm in the civilized world.
yep, she gets the tinfoiler handicap ;)

Ironic for PoliticalSpice that the Germans practice Democratic Socialism and do quite well too.

PC hates communist America so much that she would leave in a heartbeat...

...if it didn't mean losing her rent controlled apartment in NYC.

Don't hate me because I'm mega-rich, NYLiar.

BTW....I own the mansion....and, actually....the number of rooms is somewhat of a burden.

Just last week we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
Fascism is not socialism. Even Mussolini said that. Fascisim is a right wing progressive nationalist program. That sounds just like our far right that wants to use big government to suppress their cultural opponents.

You can you opinion but not your own facts.

Time for the education you so sorely require.

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

And, of course, they all are do.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.

In your face, you dolt.....
...You're so dense that light bends around you.

Don't ever change.
See how you don't understand, bear?

There is no correlation between Reagan and Obama. And if Obama had done it, you would have been all over him.

See how that works, bear?
View attachment 42115

Did I call you a 'dope' earlier?
My bad.

You're an imbecile.

" .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration. These include the revelations by the formerKGBChief Oleg Gordievsky, who in conjunction with the Cambridge intelligence expert Christopher Andrew, began exposing the scope of Soviet penetration in 1990, even before the USSR collapsed; the U.S. intelligence community’s Venona decryptions that began becoming public in the mid-1990s and were summarized in breathtaking detail by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel; the investigative work of Jerrold and Leona Schecter, who traced the flow of Venona revelations into the Truman White House, beginning as early as 1945; the former KGB archivist Vasily Mitrokhin, who smuggled his files out of Moscow in 1992 (and who, in conjunction with Christopher Andrew, found astonishing the apathy of American historians regarding theKGB’s influence operations); the groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr on the history of Communist espionage and the mulish determination of the academy not to notice it; the voluminous evidence of American treason on Moscow’s behalf amassed by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev; the files of FBI investigations and congressional hearings on Communist infiltration that have recently been declassified; and so on."
Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion

I've read the books mentioned above.

Bet you haven't.
His predictions are a joke, along with his white-washing of McCarthy:
2. Roger Kimball: “Obama is toast.”
The publisher of prominent right-wing book imprint Encounter Books and a frequent contributor to conservative outlets, Kimball boldly predicted that Romney “is going to win, big time.” It was easy, he could “tell you in three syllables and a few numbers…Ben-gha-zi.” Though the Benghazi story played big in right-wing media before the election, a vanishingly small number of voters reported foreign policy being the top priority in the election – let alone the Embassy issue, which the Romney campaign had completely dropped in the stretch.
The Ten Worst Predictions Of The 2012 Election ThinkProgress
Like all the other right-wing commentators asleep at the wheel he claimed Romney would win big, and he was caught up in the world of partisan hackery.:popcorn:

That you idolize him, doesn't give you any legitimacy - the reverse, as he gets it wrong often.

Benghazi...oh dear.
Last edited:
And here we have another Ph.d discussing the different types of socialism.....

Hitler Was A Socialist And Not A Right Wing Conservative DemocraticPeace Blog
Already refusted in principle. Any Mises suggestion is automatic hokum.

What? :laugh:
Exactly right. Mises is hokum.

PC lives in an apartment not a mansion though she will tell you differently.

Are you meds off what the hell is "refusted"?
That question for you Liberals.
Yeah, you do. You accept them the way you'd accept a goofy uncle, y'know.....'a little strange but not a bad guy.'

OK...I understand why you hate, abhor the Nazis.

I know what they did....I see the Nazi villains in the movies....I recognize the references to 'grammar Nazi.' That makes sense.
But the fact that the same visceral hatred is not assigned to communists....the shrug, the sophisticated chuckle/sneer at those persistent anti-communists...
.....is the proof that you have been indoctrinated, brain-washed, manipulated.

Because the communists were far worse, and for far longer.

Yes...I'll prove it to you. First...let's fill in your history lacunae...

1. Remember that communism, Karl Marx, goes back to mid19th century....and took over Russia early in the 20 century. Not long after, it had cells and well organized branches in almost every western nation. From the start, they knew the value of psychological indoctrinations.

2. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to.

a. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, so that the citizens would demand that Russia be recognized....'worker's paradise' and all.

H.G. Wells met with Stalin in 1934, and wrote “I’ve never met a man more candid, fair and honest!” and “…everyone trusts him!’ And of Lenin, “…frank, refreshing, and an amazing little man!’

George Bernard Shaw met with Stalin, as well. He returned, and wrote, “ We cannot afford to give ourselves moral airs when our most enterprising neighbors, the Soviet Union, humanely and judiciously liquidates a handful of exploiters and speculators to make the world safe for honest men.” He parroted the exact line that Stalin had given him!

And, of course, John Dewey.
See "Dupes," by Paul Kengor

When he returned from the Soviet Union, Shaw backed up ever lie that Walter Duranty reported. He testified that there was not, and never could be, a food shortage in the USSR.
Paul Hollander, “Political Pilgrims,” p.119

None of this was taught to you in government schools....was it?
You don't have a clue about communism. Communism doesn't have an authority government. There has never been a communist government in history.
But think about this....It was your con hero Nixon that got America involved with China.
Oh, just shut up with your nonsense. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The facts do not support your opinion.
Communism Overview

Communism is an abstract idea about creating a perfect society. The words “perfect” and “society” should never be used as complements in the same sentence.

Like its cousin socialism, communism is a hope for an imagined political and economic existence outside the bounds of human nature and reality.

When leaders of the Russian Revolution conceived of their communist dream, they imagined a heaven on earth where human needs were eliminated and personal wants were fulfilled. As with every other utopian dream before it, the experiment with communism in the 20th century ended in tyranny, bloodshed and horror.

Communism doesn’t work because it is un-human.

Utah Citizen Network Why don t socialism or communism work

The central tenet of communism is that all private property should be abolished. In a true communist society, no one would own anything. All property and all means of agricultural and industrial production would be collectively owned by society as a whole. Each member of a true communist society would be expected to contribute as able and would be allowed to take what needed.

No More States
Communists theorize that the working people must unite and overthrow the governments in their countries. Most communists believe that the state must continue to exist in order to enforce social and economic equality until true communism is reached. Theoretically, true communism would eliminate the need for the state and ruling class, allowing the working class to decide matters democratically in a manner beneficial to society as a whole.

What Is True Communism The Classroom Synonym
I don't mind communism or socialism on paper, sounds like a great idea, until you throw humans in the idea...
That question for you Liberals.
Yeah, you do. You accept them the way you'd accept a goofy uncle, y'know.....'a little strange but not a bad guy.'

OK...I understand why you hate, abhor the Nazis.

I know what they did....I see the Nazi villains in the movies....I recognize the references to 'grammar Nazi.' That makes sense.
But the fact that the same visceral hatred is not assigned to communists....the shrug, the sophisticated chuckle/sneer at those persistent anti-communists...
.....is the proof that you have been indoctrinated, brain-washed, manipulated.

Because the communists were far worse, and for far longer.

Yes...I'll prove it to you. First...let's fill in your history lacunae...

1. Remember that communism, Karl Marx, goes back to mid19th century....and took over Russia early in the 20 century. Not long after, it had cells and well organized branches in almost every western nation. From the start, they knew the value of psychological indoctrinations.

2. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to.

a. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, so that the citizens would demand that Russia be recognized....'worker's paradise' and all.

H.G. Wells met with Stalin in 1934, and wrote “I’ve never met a man more candid, fair and honest!” and “…everyone trusts him!’ And of Lenin, “…frank, refreshing, and an amazing little man!’

George Bernard Shaw met with Stalin, as well. He returned, and wrote, “ We cannot afford to give ourselves moral airs when our most enterprising neighbors, the Soviet Union, humanely and judiciously liquidates a handful of exploiters and speculators to make the world safe for honest men.” He parroted the exact line that Stalin had given him!

And, of course, John Dewey.
See "Dupes," by Paul Kengor

When he returned from the Soviet Union, Shaw backed up ever lie that Walter Duranty reported. He testified that there was not, and never could be, a food shortage in the USSR.
Paul Hollander, “Political Pilgrims,” p.119

None of this was taught to you in government schools....was it?
You don't have a clue about communism. Communism doesn't have an authority government. There has never been a communist government in history.
But think about this....It was your con hero Nixon that got America involved with China.
Oh, just shut up with your nonsense. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The facts do not support your opinion.
Communism Overview

Communism is an abstract idea about creating a perfect society. The words “perfect” and “society” should never be used as complements in the same sentence.

Like its cousin socialism, communism is a hope for an imagined political and economic existence outside the bounds of human nature and reality.

When leaders of the Russian Revolution conceived of their communist dream, they imagined a heaven on earth where human needs were eliminated and personal wants were fulfilled. As with every other utopian dream before it, the experiment with communism in the 20th century ended in tyranny, bloodshed and horror.

Communism doesn’t work because it is un-human.

Utah Citizen Network Why don t socialism or communism work

The central tenet of communism is that all private property should be abolished. In a true communist society, no one would own anything. All property and all means of agricultural and industrial production would be collectively owned by society as a whole. Each member of a true communist society would be expected to contribute as able and would be allowed to take what needed.

No More States
Communists theorize that the working people must unite and overthrow the governments in their countries. Most communists believe that the state must continue to exist in order to enforce social and economic equality until true communism is reached. Theoretically, true communism would eliminate the need for the state and ruling class, allowing the working class to decide matters democratically in a manner beneficial to society as a whole.

What Is True Communism The Classroom Synonym

You do know that Socialism is the last step to true communism according to communist theory...right...? The State owns all property just before the state is dissolved...right?

And because it bears repeating.....Thanks PoliticalChic.....

" .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration. These include the revelations by the formerKGBChief Oleg Gordievsky, who in conjunction with the Cambridge intelligence expert Christopher Andrew, began exposing the scope of Soviet penetration in 1990, even before the USSR collapsed; the U.S. intelligence community’s Venona decryptions that began becoming public in the mid-1990s and were summarized in breathtaking detail by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel; the investigative work of Jerrold and Leona Schecter, who traced the flow of Venona revelations into the Truman White House, beginning as early as 1945; the former KGB archivist Vasily Mitrokhin, who smuggled his files out of Moscow in 1992 (and who, in conjunction with Christopher Andrew, found astonishing the apathy of American historians regarding theKGB’s influence operations); the groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr on the history of Communist espionage and the mulish determination of the academy not to notice it; the voluminous evidence of American treason on Moscow’s behalf amassed by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev; the files of FBI investigations and congressional hearings on Communist infiltration that have recently been declassified; and so on."
Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion
You obviously need a reading comprehension class. Try re-reading the red lettered sentence in post #122.
And here we have another Ph.d discussing the different types of socialism.....

Hitler Was A Socialist And Not A Right Wing Conservative DemocraticPeace Blog
Already refusted in principle. Any Mises suggestion is automatic hokum.

What? :laugh:
Exactly right. Mises is hokum.

PC lives in an apartment not a mansion though she will tell you differently.

Burnishing your credentials as a congenital liar?
It's NOT a "bleak outlook", it's simply called living in reality.

That's some fucked up reality you've got there. It, by the way, shares nothing with the actual day to day events. What you're doing is taking a bunch of negative data points from our not so recent history and attempting to paint a different reality that fits more closely with your pathetic world view. It's as gloomy as it is dishonest.
FYI - Reality is reality, plain and simple. Can you dispute anything that I've said? If so, please counter with your facts that show what I have said to be false. I am NOT dishonest. I'm probably the most honest person on this forum. If you have something that proves that I'm a dishonest person, please show it for all to see. I welcome your proof. I do NOT deal in gloom, I simply state the obvious and what's real. Everything that I say can be seen and experienced on Main Street America.
Much like saying Guyanna (sp?) is somehow doomed because they had mass murder once....much like saying that Haiti is doomed because they have hungry people....much like saying that civil unrest in Cairo means Egypt is doomed....

You amplify the negative. I'm not sure why you waste your time doing it but you do...every single post; every single day.

Our history includes many negatives. We are not perfect, and never have been perfect. We have done our share of dirt. I'll spare you the list of the negatives. I wouldn't want to cloud your "Blind Patriotism". Most of the world knows the "American propaganda machine" and how it works. While we preach freedom and democracy to the rest of the world, the world reads our daily headlines and follows the social and economic misfortunes of America and Americans. We're not hiding our short-comings, they see us for what we really are.
It has nothing to do with "blind patriotism", it has to do with a dishonest reporting of facts.

For example, you say you reflect what is going on "on main street"...when was the last "mass murder" on main street? Have we had mass murders. Sure. Do we have them daily? No. Weekly? No. Now you'll do what you always do and either appeal to generalities or cite some multiple homicide (which has been happening ever since mankind was on this rock) as some sort of proof. Save it loser.

What I say on this forum, is exactly what is taking place in this country. I do not mislead anyone. Everything that I say can be researched and verified. What reason would I have to lie or mislead? I'd gain absolutely nothing by not being honest and calling it like it is. No one is going to knock on my door with balloons and a big cardboard check for being dishonest on this forum.

Now, you can slam me all you want if it makes you feel good, more power to you. But, your personal attack on me does not change the facts. If you can counter what I have said with facts, then please do so, I welcome it. Attacking me doesn't take away from the government we live under, nor the oppression exerted by it.

Yes, you are so oppressed you poor miserable dear.
Ha Ha Ha .. [ laughing here ] .......... sarcasm? ....... FYI - I'm far from being miserable. I'm one of the most blessed and fortunate people on this earth. We'd have a happy world if everyone could live in my shoes. Also, I look at your slams as silly and of no value to the conversation. I hope you have a pleasant day and enjoy yourself. Cheer up and smile, it can't hurt.

Yeah, you sound like it. How can you be so happy with mass murders on main street and living under Communist rule? According to you both are happening and also according to you, you are "oppressed". Your words....

Now, all of the sudden, you are "blessed and fortunate".

Please find someone in real life to bore to tears.
Seeing reality on Main Street America doesn't take away from my blessings, happiness, nor fortunate life. One can choose to make the best of a bad situation, or dwell on it and allow it to control your life in a negative way. I choose to accept that which I can not change, and find blessings in as much as I can. There is no perfect world, perfect government, nor perfect life. We accept those truisms, live life the best we can, and always hope for the best. We have to think positive, remain upbeat, and believe that all will be well in the end. It's how we condition ourselves in order to find happiness and joy in life, and to cope with adversity.

Seeing reality, recognizing wrongs, and knowing the ill effects of those that place "self" above all else, has absolutely nothing to do with how we feel about ourselves, nor how we conduct ourselves in order to be as happy as is humanly possible. Yes, we are an oppressed people, in many ways. Yes, we live in a country that places far more value on "self" than it does on the "whole". Yes, we're ruled by a government that caters to those that can benefit them the most, and shuns those that offer little more than revenue through taxation, and votes on election day. Yes, it is reality, and reality that stands in front of us daily to remind us of our place in the grand scheme of things.

We can either admit to the reality of what we see and experience, or we can live in denial and pretend everything is A-Okay. We can admit that there's many terrible wrongs that affect us and our lives, or we can bury our heads in the sand and hope that all will pass soon without harming us.

Being aware of situations and circumstances doesn't mean that one also has to be depressed and miserable. After all, understanding is the key to life itself. If we truly understand that which controls our daily lives, then we can deal with it in a positive manner, so as to not allow it to destroy us. We can live within adversity if we condition ourselves to do so. Happiness is aside from frustrations, aggravations, and outside influences that we can't control.
And here we have another Ph.d discussing the different types of socialism.....

Hitler Was A Socialist And Not A Right Wing Conservative DemocraticPeace Blog
Already refusted in principle. Any Mises suggestion is automatic hokum.

What? :laugh:
Exactly right. Mises is hokum.

PC lives in an apartment not a mansion though she will tell you differently.

Burnishing your credentials as a congenital liar?

He has my vote for member most likely on meds and receiving electro shock therapy.
That question for you Liberals.
Yeah, you do. You accept them the way you'd accept a goofy uncle, y'know.....'a little strange but not a bad guy.'

OK...I understand why you hate, abhor the Nazis.

I know what they did....I see the Nazi villains in the movies....I recognize the references to 'grammar Nazi.' That makes sense.
But the fact that the same visceral hatred is not assigned to communists....the shrug, the sophisticated chuckle/sneer at those persistent anti-communists...
.....is the proof that you have been indoctrinated, brain-washed, manipulated.

Because the communists were far worse, and for far longer.

Yes...I'll prove it to you. First...let's fill in your history lacunae...

1. Remember that communism, Karl Marx, goes back to mid19th century....and took over Russia early in the 20 century. Not long after, it had cells and well organized branches in almost every western nation. From the start, they knew the value of psychological indoctrinations.

2. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to.

a. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, so that the citizens would demand that Russia be recognized....'worker's paradise' and all.

H.G. Wells met with Stalin in 1934, and wrote “I’ve never met a man more candid, fair and honest!” and “…everyone trusts him!’ And of Lenin, “…frank, refreshing, and an amazing little man!’

George Bernard Shaw met with Stalin, as well. He returned, and wrote, “ We cannot afford to give ourselves moral airs when our most enterprising neighbors, the Soviet Union, humanely and judiciously liquidates a handful of exploiters and speculators to make the world safe for honest men.” He parroted the exact line that Stalin had given him!

And, of course, John Dewey.
See "Dupes," by Paul Kengor

When he returned from the Soviet Union, Shaw backed up ever lie that Walter Duranty reported. He testified that there was not, and never could be, a food shortage in the USSR.
Paul Hollander, “Political Pilgrims,” p.119

None of this was taught to you in government schools....was it?
You don't have a clue about communism. Communism doesn't have an authority government. There has never been a communist government in history.
But think about this....It was your con hero Nixon that got America involved with China.
Oh, just shut up with your nonsense. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The facts do not support your opinion.
Communism Overview

Communism is an abstract idea about creating a perfect society. The words “perfect” and “society” should never be used as complements in the same sentence.

Like its cousin socialism, communism is a hope for an imagined political and economic existence outside the bounds of human nature and reality.

When leaders of the Russian Revolution conceived of their communist dream, they imagined a heaven on earth where human needs were eliminated and personal wants were fulfilled. As with every other utopian dream before it, the experiment with communism in the 20th century ended in tyranny, bloodshed and horror.

Communism doesn’t work because it is un-human.

Utah Citizen Network Why don t socialism or communism work

The central tenet of communism is that all private property should be abolished. In a true communist society, no one would own anything. All property and all means of agricultural and industrial production would be collectively owned by society as a whole. Each member of a true communist society would be expected to contribute as able and would be allowed to take what needed.

No More States
Communists theorize that the working people must unite and overthrow the governments in their countries. Most communists believe that the state must continue to exist in order to enforce social and economic equality until true communism is reached. Theoretically, true communism would eliminate the need for the state and ruling class, allowing the working class to decide matters democratically in a manner beneficial to society as a whole.

What Is True Communism The Classroom Synonym

You do know that Socialism is the last step to true communism according to communist theory...right...? The State owns all property just before the state is dissolved...right?

And because it bears repeating.....Thanks PoliticalChic.....

" .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration. These include the revelations by the formerKGBChief Oleg Gordievsky, who in conjunction with the Cambridge intelligence expert Christopher Andrew, began exposing the scope of Soviet penetration in 1990, even before the USSR collapsed; the U.S. intelligence community’s Venona decryptions that began becoming public in the mid-1990s and were summarized in breathtaking detail by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel; the investigative work of Jerrold and Leona Schecter, who traced the flow of Venona revelations into the Truman White House, beginning as early as 1945; the former KGB archivist Vasily Mitrokhin, who smuggled his files out of Moscow in 1992 (and who, in conjunction with Christopher Andrew, found astonishing the apathy of American historians regarding theKGB’s influence operations); the groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr on the history of Communist espionage and the mulish determination of the academy not to notice it; the voluminous evidence of American treason on Moscow’s behalf amassed by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev; the files of FBI investigations and congressional hearings on Communist infiltration that have recently been declassified; and so on."
Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion
You obviously need a reading comprehension class. Try re-reading the red lettered sentence in post #122.

Interesting.....seems both sides have decided that you are a mental incompetent.

Perhaps you should be a hostage negotiator.
You don't have a clue about communism. Communism doesn't have an authority government. There has never been a communist government in history.
But think about this....It was your con hero Nixon that got America involved with China.
Oh, just shut up with your nonsense. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The facts do not support your opinion.
Communism Overview

Communism is an abstract idea about creating a perfect society. The words “perfect” and “society” should never be used as complements in the same sentence.

Like its cousin socialism, communism is a hope for an imagined political and economic existence outside the bounds of human nature and reality.

When leaders of the Russian Revolution conceived of their communist dream, they imagined a heaven on earth where human needs were eliminated and personal wants were fulfilled. As with every other utopian dream before it, the experiment with communism in the 20th century ended in tyranny, bloodshed and horror.

Communism doesn’t work because it is un-human.

Utah Citizen Network Why don t socialism or communism work

The central tenet of communism is that all private property should be abolished. In a true communist society, no one would own anything. All property and all means of agricultural and industrial production would be collectively owned by society as a whole. Each member of a true communist society would be expected to contribute as able and would be allowed to take what needed.

No More States
Communists theorize that the working people must unite and overthrow the governments in their countries. Most communists believe that the state must continue to exist in order to enforce social and economic equality until true communism is reached. Theoretically, true communism would eliminate the need for the state and ruling class, allowing the working class to decide matters democratically in a manner beneficial to society as a whole.

What Is True Communism The Classroom Synonym

You do know that Socialism is the last step to true communism according to communist theory...right...? The State owns all property just before the state is dissolved...right?

And because it bears repeating.....Thanks PoliticalChic.....

" .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration. These include the revelations by the formerKGBChief Oleg Gordievsky, who in conjunction with the Cambridge intelligence expert Christopher Andrew, began exposing the scope of Soviet penetration in 1990, even before the USSR collapsed; the U.S. intelligence community’s Venona decryptions that began becoming public in the mid-1990s and were summarized in breathtaking detail by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel; the investigative work of Jerrold and Leona Schecter, who traced the flow of Venona revelations into the Truman White House, beginning as early as 1945; the former KGB archivist Vasily Mitrokhin, who smuggled his files out of Moscow in 1992 (and who, in conjunction with Christopher Andrew, found astonishing the apathy of American historians regarding theKGB’s influence operations); the groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr on the history of Communist espionage and the mulish determination of the academy not to notice it; the voluminous evidence of American treason on Moscow’s behalf amassed by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev; the files of FBI investigations and congressional hearings on Communist infiltration that have recently been declassified; and so on."
Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion
You obviously need a reading comprehension class. Try re-reading the red lettered sentence in post #122.

Interesting.....seems both sides have decided that you are a mental incompetent.

Perhaps you should be a hostage negotiator.
Romney (your idol) held staff hostage at a diner, fortunately they escaped after Obama's re-election.

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