Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

The bimbo is a 2 time loser, in fact all totaled she lost 3 billion dollars pretending to be a viable candidate for President.

What did she win.

Well I heard she won her bout with John Podesta by a knockout after he told her that Trump won the election


She won the popular vote dude, you can pretend that's nothing, but it's not. It may not be the Big Prize, but it is still important. Now, the question is - why is it so important to you to diminish that?

The butt hurt rages. No one RAN for the popular vote, so no, it means shit.

Tell me what is important about Carolina getting 20 first downs to Denver's 11. Go ahead

Obama NEVER told illegals to vote. There. You've been disputed.

Still reasoning like 8 year old.





And these tweets have what to do with Obama supposedly telling illegals to vote...:dunno:

When leftist wan't to make a point, they call on what some "8 year old" said. That's reasoning leftists are using when they defend their positions. That's the level of reasoning leftists are using when they're defending their positions on this board as well.

Take your post where you said there is no evidence that illegals voted and finished the statement with "lets stick to facts". You saying something out of your ass doesn't make it a fact. It's still just you stating something out of your ass. And THAT is, my friend, an indisputable fact.

Except, I don't state something out of my ass. I provide sources to back it up. I've also provide sources to discredit your claims. Now thus far, all you've managed to do is...provide conjecture, not refute either sources or claims. Who's pulling what out of who's ass?
Your "sources" are total media bullshit. They prove nothing.
Americans won by getting RID of her!
The bimbo is a 2 time loser, in fact all totaled she lost 3 billion dollars pretending to be a viable candidate for President.

What did she win.

Well I heard she won her bout with John Podesta by a knockout after he told her that Trump won the election


All people have said is that she won the popular vote, which is an irrefutable fact,

contrary to what half the nuts on USMB are claiming.

Please explain what winning the popular vote means inside of the US Democracy

It tells us the truth about the will of the America voter.

One Person. One Vote. Every vote counts.
All votes were counted. Next?
The bimbo is a 2 time loser, in fact all totaled she lost 3 billion dollars pretending to be a viable candidate for President.

What did she win.

Well I heard she won her bout with John Podesta by a knockout after he told her that Trump won the election


She won the popular vote dude, you can pretend that's nothing, but it's not. It may not be the Big Prize, but it is still important. Now, the question is - why is it so important to you to diminish that?

Can we all chip in and get her a "Participation Trophy"?

That would be nice.
Didn't Clinton win the popular vote by 2 million? I voted for the republican candidate, so even the likes of me are a little confused here. she...won. But, the confusing electoral collage steps in a muddies everything right up. Something so simple is made so abuse and difficult, for what?
Hillary won coming 2nd in the presidential race.

Wait... can we just stop pretending that everyone is a winner? There was only one winner in the race, and that is Trump.

The liberal regressives were also exposed as losers - crying, violent, barbaric snowflakes.
One last time, for these leftist snowflakes, Hillary won nothing that counts in our republic.

The United States, as the name rightly says, is not founded as a democratic country but as an union of sovereign states, bound by shared goals of freedom, wealth and mutual defense. Each of these states runs their internal matters as they see fit and delegate limited powers to a central government of this union: the common currency, interstate commerce and arbitrage and border defense. Everything other than that is reserved to the states or, if they don't legislate on that, to the people (communities and individuals).

These states devised a constitution to codify and to clearly define the extent of this cession of sovereignty to the central government and three powers to make sure they are adhered by the whole union:
The judiciary, tasked with interpreting and disambiguating the constitution
The legislative, tasked with making laws within the framework of the constitution
The executive, headed by the president, tasked with enforcing the constitution across the states

Now, and here is the relevant part: the president's task is not to serve the people (that's the task of state legislatures) or to represent them at the federal level (that's the role of the house). The president task is to ensure the constitution is followed by the states and enforce its terms and the laws derived from it (as delegated to the congress).

Because of that role the president is chosen impartially by the states (electoral votes) and not by the people (popular votes) as it is a role that is supposed to affect the state's rights and not individual rights. That's why each state gets at least three electors and then more based on their population. It is an election to select the fair executor of the document that rules the union, not to select a representative of the people.

Therefore, whoever still insists that Hillary won popular vote, or doesn't understand our constitution, our republic, our political system, or is just ignorant sore loser snowflake.

Hillary lost, grow up and get over it.


Donald Trump, comprised of photos of crying leftist snowflakes on election night.
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She didn't WIN ANYTHING in the NATIONAL ELECTION, she LOST. getting more of the popular vote is NOT winning anything but a states electors. Getting the most ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES IS WINNING. You can twist cry yell lie spout shit all you want, SHE DIDN"T WIN ANYTHING but a few always dimshit liberal states electors.!!!!!
Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

Butt hurt

Do you wish to dispute that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote? By all means, get on board that crazy train,

I can put you on the list of candidates for my new Rightwing Liars Hall of Shame for the flame zone.
Your list will run out of room So many of these rightards here..It's in their genes
America is based on "We the people" and that all men are created equal. The electoral college seems to go against those ideas and that may seem repugnant to many Americans. Wonder if it would be repugnant to Republicans were the positions reversed?
The people wanted Hillary; voted for her and they get Trump instead.
ILMAO at popular vote, (i.e., "winning the popular vote is important"). Seriously dumb fucks, pull your heads out of the collective liberal bunghole. You're stupid, and that's in context.

Winning the popular vote is not as important as winning the EC. It's the EC that determines the prize. It is rare however (like maybe only 4 times) that a candidate fails to win both. At most - it put's into question the quality of the victory and weakens any mandate but it in no way changes the outcome.

If it's not "important" to you guys why are you spending so much energy and creative expertise trying to show that Hillary didn't really win the popular vote?

How many "provisional" PINK ballots in CA? This is un-registered persons showing up to a voting site on NOV 08, 2016. Why is that? How many is that? WHITE ballots are "vote by mail" or "absentee". You don't have to show ID to vote provsional. In fact if you try to show ID you are labeled a troublemaker. Call security.....etc.

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I seriously doubt he would have made a dent in those states - if he thought he could, he would have campaigned there.

What ballot manipulation? Be specific.

I already have in numerous other threads you were in. Once again, in several Detroit precincts there were several more votes than voters. Closer examination, bringing about the abrupt end of the recount, showed several Hillary votes had been run through the scanners multiple times. It's the easiest way to rig an outcome and the Rat party has been doing that, and worse, for decades.

Pretty much everyone agrees you can't rig a national election in favor of any one candidate due to the non-centralized nature of our system.

Are you kidding me! Says who, and how come you can't count!

Let us for a moment......just for the sake of debate......say that 4 million illegals voted in California. Now take 2 million of them, and split them up, put them in Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn, and Florida. Who wins the election now?!?!?!?!

And I would ask everyone to consider this obvious fact--------------> Name the 5 states with the GOVERNMENT REPORTED HIGHEST amount of illegal aliens! Now then, since we know 1 of them is Texas that according to our pollsters was all of the sudden in play, and probably AZ who now magically got put in play, can ya name the other 3-)

You see, all the evidence points to what Republicans say is true, but of course the leftists deny, deny, deny, and blame not wanting tighter controls on Black Americans, who have basically said that you leftists are full of crapola! I mean, think about it----------> The leftists INSULT black Americans and claim they are to dumb to get on the internet, to dumb to get an ID, can't do anything correctly to get themselves to vote properly, meaning they are basically dumb......to protect outing illegal immigrant vote, and these people take Black American teenagers employment opportunity.

The left are a bunch of snakes. If Trump gets the gangbangers that are illegals out, and passes a law that if an illegal alien is caught voting, there is no due process, they are DEPORTED, you watch what happens in future elections. And you know what. I think he has the gonads to do it!
I seriously doubt he would have made a dent in those states - if he thought he could, he would have campaigned there.

What ballot manipulation? Be specific.

I already have in numerous other threads you were in. Once again, in several Detroit precincts there were several more votes than voters. Closer examination, bringing about the abrupt end of the recount, showed several Hillary votes had been run through the scanners multiple times. It's the easiest way to rig an outcome and the Rat party has been doing that, and worse, for decades.

Pretty much everyone agrees you can't rig a national election in favor of any one candidate due to the non-centralized nature of our system.

Are you kidding me! Says who, and how come you can't count!

Let us for a moment......just for the sake of debate......say that 4 million illegals voted in California. Now take 2 million of them, and split them up, put them in Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn, and Florida. Who wins the election now?!?!?!?!

And I would ask everyone to consider this obvious fact--------------> Name the 5 states with the GOVERNMENT REPORTED HIGHEST amount of illegal aliens! Now then, since we know 1 of them is Texas that according to our pollsters was all of the sudden in play, and probably AZ who now magically got put in play, can ya name the other 3-)

You see, all the evidence points to what Republicans say is true, but of course the leftists deny, deny, deny, and blame not wanting tighter controls on Black Americans, who have basically said that you leftists are full of crapola! I mean, think about it----------> The leftists INSULT black Americans and claim they are to dumb to get on the internet, to dumb to get an ID, can't do anything correctly to get themselves to vote properly, meaning they are basically dumb......to protect outing illegal immigrant vote, and these people take Black American teenagers employment opportunity.

The left are a bunch of snakes. If Trump gets the gangbangers that are illegals out, and passes a law that if an illegal alien is caught voting, there is no due process, they are DEPORTED, you watch what happens in future elections. And you know what. I think he has the gonads to do it!

Oh, and 1 more thing, he doesn't have to do it by law, just like Obysmal, he can do that by EO, about 4 weeks before the election to keep illegals away from the poles. And ya know what! The left has to have a test case to defy the order. No test case would happen until AFTER the election, so if there is any illegal vote, it would dent it by 2/3rds-)
Let us for a moment......just for the sake of debate......say that 4 million illegals voted in California. Now take 2 million of them, and split them up, put them in Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn, and Florida. Who wins the election now?!?!?!?!!

But there is no proof that 2 million illegals voted. Nothing. Nada. Just more Fake News...
But there is no proof that 2 million illegals voted. Nothing. Nada. Just more Fake News...

"Elections officials across California have more than 4 million ballots (The official total — 4,362,087 ballots ) that have yet to be checked or counted, a number that's almost half as large as all the ballots tallied so far from Tuesday's election."

"Three-fourths of the ballots statewide were cast absentee, with the rest being provisional ballots cast on election day by voters whose registration information could not be quickly verified." ****not quickly verified?

***Please explain why so many "provisional ballots" accepted? again, no ID req'd.
At least 4 million California ballots left to be counted, likely adding to Clinton's popular vote lead

***Forgot to add. They also allow "register online". If you can get internet, you could register.

What You Will Need

To register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
  • The last four digits of your social security number and
  • Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote by completing the online interview by 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before an election.
Register to Vote

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Trump’s Claims About Illegal Votes Are Nonsense. I Debunked the Study He Cites as ‘Evidence.’

Donald Trump is making news with his false claim that he would have won the national popular vote if millions of non-citizens had not voted in November. As evidence, he and his staff are pointing to a study by Jesse Richman and his co-authors that was published in the journal Electoral Studies and advertised on the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog. As a member of the team that produces the datasets upon which that study was based and as the co-author of an article published in the same journal that provides a clear “take down” of the study in question, I can say unequivocally that this research is not only wrong, it is irresponsible social science and should never have been published in the first place. There is no evidence that non-citizens have voted in recent U.S. elections.

...Indeed, it took me and my colleagues only a few hours to figure out why the authors’ findings were wrong and to produce the evidence needed to prove as much. The authors were essentially basing their claims on two pieces of data associated with the large survey—a question that asks people whether they are citizens and official vote records to which each respondent has been matched to determine whether he or she had voted. Both these pieces of information include some small amounts of measurement error, as is true of all survey questions. What the authors failed to consider is that measurement error was entirely responsible for their results. In fact, once my colleagues and I accounted for that error, we found that there were essentially zero non-citizens who voted in recent elections.

Now, review what "proof" actually is. It's not the Richman study.


Did you have to PROVE how stupid you are?????


The source that sent its articles to Podesta for his OK??????

"#PodestaEmails: Politico journalist seeks OK from Clinton before running story"
#PodestaEmails: Politico journalist seeks OK from Clinton before running story

A few more articles to lay to rest your extremely weak thesis:

AP fact check: How do Trump's voter fraud allegations hold up?
Trump’s charge that he actually won the popular vote if the “millions of people who voted illegally” had not been counted mimics one posted on Infowars.com, a conservative website that traffics in conspiracy theories.

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims - FactCheck.org
In Wisconsin, Trump cited a 2014 Washington Post article titled “Could non-citizens decide the November election?” It was a piece penned by Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest about research the two later published in the journal Electoral Studies. It turns out to be a disputed and very controversial study.

Trump accurately quotes from the blog post. But the authors’ results are contested by a number of academics, including those who administer and manage the data on which it is based.

Fact check: Trump sticks with bogus voter fraud claims
“Their finding is entirely due to measurement error,” one of the authors, Stephen Ansolabehere of Harvard and the principal investigator of the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, told us. “Measurement errors happen. People accidentally check the wrong box in surveys. The rate of such errors in the CCES is very small, but such errors do happen. And when they do happen on a question such as citizenship, researchers can easily draw the wrong inference about voting behaviors. Richman and Earnest extrapolate from a handful of wrongfully classified cases (of non-citizens).”
Study cited as proof of vote fraud by Trump team misinterpreted, author says

Even if we assume the Richman and Earnest study is correct, Richman told us that it does not back Trump’s claim that noncitizen voting swung the popular vote in favor of Clinton.

My turn?

Here's another one you can't answer:


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

LA Times:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


Post Analysis: Diversionary Tactic #2 - wow them by making a connection with iIllegal aliens getting drivers license and implying high numbers of Illegals voting.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

Why undocumented immigrants won’t take advantage of ‘motor voter’ law: Thomas Elias

Many Republicans predicted trouble the moment Gov. Jerry Brown signed the new measure into law last fall, with GOP activists predicting it would lead to state-sanctioned voter fraud and flood the voting rolls with non-citizens.

But this has not happened yet and probably never will.

That’s because the same rules that prevent undocumented immigrants from receiving the same type of California driver’s license as citizens or legal residents will apply to everyone automatically registered to vote during visits to Department of Motor Vehicles offices.

The new law registers every eligible Californian who goes to the DMV to get or renew a driver’s license. Once Secretary of State Alex Padilla sets up a specific procedure to be followed in all offices, every eligible person who doesn’t opt out will be registered.

Still no actual evidence.


You are confused Moon Bat.

California didn't say that the fucking illegals could vote. However, between giving the assholes driver's licenses and having lax voter ID requirements then millions of them were defacto allowed to vote. That is how Crooked Hillary won the popular vote in a state crammed with illegals that hated Trump..

Somehow Liberal 'intellectuals' can never seem to connect the dots when it comes to the malevolence of their side.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE

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