Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump, can you write that, because it's true.

How about writing just Hillary lost........................because she did lose you know, you can either accept it or continue being a delusional schitzo

That wasn't the premise. You said she didn't win anything. She won the popular vote. That is a fact. That was the only parameter you set 'she didn't win anything'. Now, if you had said she didn't win the election, you would be right. I can't help it if you have issues phrasing what you intend to say. Typical righty - fuck it up, and blame others.
Can you prove that you are not delusional by typing Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Otherwise you are delusional, your choice
HRC did win the popular vote.
There is no such thing as winning the popular vote............................you win the electoral vote, or you lose, if you want different, leave

Well, Ms. Clinton did win the popular vote. Your claiming otherwise makes you look dumber than usual.
Hillary Clinton did not win anything, if she did she would be the President. Hillary lost.

Can you write Hillary lost the election to Donald Trump?

How about Hillary was the loser?

or just Hillary lost.

Trump won, Hillary lost

She did win the primary... dishonestly.
The bimbo is a 2 time loser, in fact all totaled she lost 3 billion dollars pretending to be a viable candidate for President.

What did she win.

Well I heard she won her bout with John Podesta by a knockout after he told her that Trump won the election


Well, she did win a free trip home!!!
HRC did win the popular vote.

Thanks Captain Obvious. We can send her a $25 Starbucks card. That should make her happy.

Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.
It's like trying to educate a rock

You would know, you are as dumb as a rock.
Got you by at least 30 IQ points You're just another dummy who voted for trump

I didn't vote for Trump, proving that you are as dumber than a rock.
Thanks Captain Obvious. We can send her a $25 Starbucks card. That should make her happy.

Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.
It's like trying to educate a rock

You would know, you are as dumb as a rock.
Got you by at least 30 IQ points You're just another dummy who voted for trump

IQ of 30 is not much... even an average Hillarybot was smarter than that.

But congratz, you are smarter than 0.0003% of the population. For the over 30 IQ people here, that means he is dumber than 99.999% of the population.

I think he has over rated himself.
She won an imaginary competition - give this woman a cookie!
Not true.

The Popular Vote has always been counted.

And to my amazement, liberals value this imaginary victory more than a real one.
Again, nowhere in the same universe as the truth.

What the significance of it is in an ideology that considers everyone a winner by default, and without expending any effort... god only knows.

Well, God and you. The significance (the only significance) is as far as I can tell is the absolute bat shit craziness it caused/causes with right wing nutjobs like yourself. Why you guys keep bringing it up...God only knows.

The popular vote has always been counted, but it means nothing. It never has meant victory.

And only idiots are claiming it means anything other than she got more votes than Mr. Trump.

Seems to me the entire left wing thinks the popular counts.
HRC did win the popular vote.

Thanks Captain Obvious. We can send her a $25 Starbucks card. That should make her happy.

Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.

I never understood why idiots celebrate a new year, seems pointless to me.
It's just an excuse to have a party. It's okay to lighten up and have some fun once in a while.
HRC did win the popular vote.

Thanks Captain Obvious. We can send her a $25 Starbucks card. That should make her happy.

Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.

I never understood why idiots celebrate a new year, seems pointless to me.
It's just an excuse to have a party. It's okay to lighten up and have some fun once in a while.

Excuse? I have my share of fun, I don't need the changing date of a calendar to have fun. I won't leave the house on New Years Eve, it's amateur night.
Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump, can you write that, because it's true.

How about writing just Hillary lost........................because she did lose you know, you can either accept it or continue being a delusional schitzo

That wasn't the premise. You said she didn't win anything. She won the popular vote. That is a fact. That was the only parameter you set 'she didn't win anything'. Now, if you had said she didn't win the election, you would be right. I can't help it if you have issues phrasing what you intend to say. Typical righty - fuck it up, and blame others.
Winning implies a prize. What is the prize of winning the popular vote? The answer is nothing, not even bragging rights.
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The bimbo is a 2 time loser, in fact all totaled she lost 3 billion dollars pretending to be a viable candidate for President.

What did she win.

Well I heard she won her bout with John Podesta by a knockout after he told her that Trump won the election


They are delusional. There are so many comedians that I love that are raving lunatic leftists. They encapsulate the left's absolute hysteria so well. They are convinced that this is Armageddon, game over man. Think about the most gold-buying, food and ammo hording, paranoid, conservative after Obama won, take away logic and planning, multiple it by 100 and you are somewhere in the neighborhood of where these people are now.

That's why I wasn't surprised that Glen Beck and the left are coming together, he feeds off this kind of shit. He's going to have 'em buying gold/silver, survival gardens--he's an opportunistic parasite. They'll get along famously!
HRC did win the popular vote.

Thanks Captain Obvious. We can send her a $25 Starbucks card. That should make her happy.

Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.

I never understood why idiots celebrate a new year, seems pointless to me.
It's just an excuse to have a party. It's okay to lighten up and have some fun once in a while.

Excuse? I have my share of fun, I don't need the changing date of a calendar to have fun. I won't leave the house on New Years Eve, it's amateur night.
I was at a friends house watching Clemson beat Ohio St. I was home and in bed before midnight. That being said, I have no problem with those that enjoy the New Year's Eve -- to New Years celebration.
She outspent Trump 2:1.
Had all the special interest on her side.
Had all the media on her side.
Had 30 years of additional experience/career.
Cheated debate questions and god knows what else.
Had both political parties on her side.
+ Many, many more advantages, like a vagina.

Please, someone tell me why this "promised messiah" isn't the LOSER of the year?

Oh wait, actually according to some well researched lists she is...

But indeed, according to some, even a colossal loser is a winner.
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Thanks Captain Obvious. We can send her a $25 Starbucks card. That should make her happy.

Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.

I never understood why idiots celebrate a new year, seems pointless to me.
It's just an excuse to have a party. It's okay to lighten up and have some fun once in a while.

Excuse? I have my share of fun, I don't need the changing date of a calendar to have fun. I won't leave the house on New Years Eve, it's amateur night.
I was at a friends house watching Clemson beat Ohio St. I was home and in bed before midnight. That being said, I have no problem with those that enjoy the New Year's Eve -- to New Years celebration.

I don't care for it, to me it's silly and I haven't been to a New Years party in decades, it works for me. I don't care if others celebrate.
Happy New Year.

It doesn't seem to be so obvious to many. The educational effort continues.

I never understood why idiots celebrate a new year, seems pointless to me.
It's just an excuse to have a party. It's okay to lighten up and have some fun once in a while.

Excuse? I have my share of fun, I don't need the changing date of a calendar to have fun. I won't leave the house on New Years Eve, it's amateur night.
I was at a friends house watching Clemson beat Ohio St. I was home and in bed before midnight. That being said, I have no problem with those that enjoy the New Year's Eve -- to New Years celebration.

I don't care for it, to me it's silly and I haven't been to a New Years party in decades, it works for me. I don't care if others celebrate.
I don't like to watch golf on TV. Yet millions do, making a few people that are skilled at hitting a ball with a stick into a hole filthy rich.
Think about the odds and obstacles Trump overcame. Trump wasn't just running against Clinton and the Democrats. He snubbed his nose at big dollar GOP donors, not only didn't show up at the Koch Brother's event but ridiculed the candidates that did, the establishment Republicans were against him, the media dropped all pretense of objectivity and openly campaigned against him, popular culture icons came out with absolute vitriol, people were assaulting people in public for daring to support Trump, some black guy keyed my car because I had a Trump bumper sticker --the media and popular culture did such a good job stigmatizing Trump that no one would even admit they were voting for him to pollster. That or more likely, the pollsters were happy to skew the data and Trump supporters have lives and don't answer the phone for some asshole that wants to ask you a bunch of questions on the phone.

Trump's victory is truly amazing, and he has every right to gloat and rub it in their faces after the way they acted.
the media and popular culture did such a good job stigmatizing Trump that no one would even admit they were voting for him to pollster. Trump's victory is truly amazing, and he has every right to gloat and rub it in their faces after the way they acted.

He is a small fraction of a man who is totally classless; his behavior is not only not surprising..it is expected.

I'm pretty certain that as we go on, there will be fewer and fewer who will admit having voted for this guy.
the media and popular culture did such a good job stigmatizing Trump that no one would even admit they were voting for him to pollster. Trump's victory is truly amazing, and he has every right to gloat and rub it in their faces after the way they acted.

He is a small fraction of a man who is totally classless; his behavior is not only not surprising..it is expected.

I'm pretty certain that as we go on, there will be fewer and fewer who will admit having voted for this guy.

/snort. Still can't take how wrong you were I see. :itsok:
the media and popular culture did such a good job stigmatizing Trump that no one would even admit they were voting for him to pollster. Trump's victory is truly amazing, and he has every right to gloat and rub it in their faces after the way they acted.

He is a small fraction of a man who is totally classless; his behavior is not only not surprising..it is expected.

I'm pretty certain that as we go on, there will be fewer and fewer who will admit having voted for this guy.

If it's all so expected, how did this happen?


Seems like people have real big trouble predicting Trump. He's like a wild spirit. A genius strategist...

But anyone can predict that he just can't stop winning by now.

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