Why do you need to carry a gun?

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

Larger population.
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

It's certainly no help. But one day when blacks take an interest in politics, they will realize how Democrats and the media have been using them to fuel the fire. Constantly telling them how they've been shunned by society, how they are not in a position of self-advancement, how blacks who do advance themselves in the US are nothing but a bunch of Uncle Tom's, how their intelligence is so minimal that they can't even figure out how to obtain a Voter-ID.

It would be nice if they figured this out in my lifetime, but it looks like it will take much longer than that.
Why do people carry guns?
In case they have to kill somebody

I’m 62 years old and never been close to a situation where I needed to kill someone. That would be a lot of gun carrying for no reason

Then you shouldn't carry one. But if that's what you decide, don't criticize us when we carry ours. That's all we ask.
How many people have you had to kill?
32,995 deaths say it is not worth it

Gun owners live in a fantasy world of bad guys behind every corner, Red Dawn fighting a Russian invasion and copperheads on the way to the mailbox

Why is it talking to a liberal is like talking to a brick wall? What don't you understand about we can never get rid of guns in this country? All we can do is disarm the good people. That only makes things worse.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

Wow, smoking is down 25%. Guess that means people don't want cancer. Even with that, cancer from smoking kills 130,659
people a year. So, come back when gun deaths reach 130,000 annually.,

33,000 is enough
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

Mmkay. Sure. Black people excel at sports and are more prone to sickle cell anemia for biological reasons but that same biology can't possibly have any effect on behavior.

Because magic.
Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

Mmkay. Sure. Black people excel at sports and are more prone to sickle cell anemia for biological reasons but that same biology can't possibly have any effect on behavior.

Because magic.

I didn't say there aren't biological differences between races. I said there's no reason to believe that the behavior of SOME segments of the black population has anything to do with biology, and very strong evidence that they are learned behaviors.
Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

Mmkay. Sure. Black people excel at sports and are more prone to sickle cell anemia for biological reasons but that same biology can't possibly have any effect on behavior.

Because magic.

I didn't say there aren't biological differences between races. I said there's no reason to believe that the behavior of SOME segments of the black population has anything to do with biology, and very strong evidence that they are learned behaviors.

There are reasons to believe it though. Plenty of statistics and scientific research that shows trends in certain demographics.
Why do people carry guns?
In case they have to kill somebody

I’m 62 years old and never been close to a situation where I needed to kill someone. That would be a lot of gun carrying for no reason

Isn't free choice a wonderful thing?
People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

Mmkay. Sure. Black people excel at sports and are more prone to sickle cell anemia for biological reasons but that same biology can't possibly have any effect on behavior.

Because magic.

I didn't say there aren't biological differences between races. I said there's no reason to believe that the behavior of SOME segments of the black population has anything to do with biology, and very strong evidence that they are learned behaviors.

There are reasons to believe it though. Plenty of statistics and scientific research that shows trends in certain demographics.

By all means, show us the "scientific research" that says black people are biologically predisposed to aggressive and even criminal behavior more so than other races.
I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

Mmkay. Sure. Black people excel at sports and are more prone to sickle cell anemia for biological reasons but that same biology can't possibly have any effect on behavior.

Because magic.

I didn't say there aren't biological differences between races. I said there's no reason to believe that the behavior of SOME segments of the black population has anything to do with biology, and very strong evidence that they are learned behaviors.

There are reasons to believe it though. Plenty of statistics and scientific research that shows trends in certain demographics.

By all means, show us the "scientific research" that says black people are biologically predisposed to aggressive and even criminal behavior more so than other races.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia
Why do people carry guns?
In case they have to kill somebody

I’m 62 years old and never been close to a situation where I needed to kill someone. That would be a lot of gun carrying for no reason

Then you shouldn't carry one. But if that's what you decide, don't criticize us when we carry ours. That's all we ask.
How many people have you had to kill?

None so far. Is there a point to your question I just don't get?
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

I don't know if it's biological or societal, but blacks have a hard time controlling their anger. They react without a care in the world until they are caught.

Man in general has been more violent in generations past than today. The difference is that as time progressed, whites became more civilized whereas with blacks, they became more uncivilized. So I don't know if Jim Crow had anything to do with that.
Why do you need to carry a gun?

Because I wear what I want when I want....I put the stickers on my truck that I want on my truck....
Who do you think is responsible for most of our crimes, whites?

You need to look at statistics for that answer. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white. And blacks only make up about 13% of our population.

As for your country, you never said what country that actually is. Probably afraid somebody will look it up to show it's not the utopia you claim it is. After all, you live here now; at least that's what you said a couple months ago.

Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

I don't know if it's biological or societal, but blacks have a hard time controlling their anger. They react without a care in the world until they are caught.

Man in general has been more violent in generations past than today. The difference is that as time progressed, whites became more civilized whereas with blacks, they became more uncivilized. So I don't know if Jim Crow had anything to do with that.

You should read Sowell's book. He lays out very clear evidence that it was leftist brainwashing.
Multiculturalism leads to conflict. Homogeneous communities are safer. It's always been so throughout history. It's a goddamn no brainer.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

I don't know if it's biological or societal, but blacks have a hard time controlling their anger. They react without a care in the world until they are caught.

Man in general has been more violent in generations past than today. The difference is that as time progressed, whites became more civilized whereas with blacks, they became more uncivilized. So I don't know if Jim Crow had anything to do with that.

You should read Sowell's book. He lays out very clear evidence that it was leftist brainwashing.

I agree with that. But that doesn't explain the violent behavior or criminality by blacks. Yes it could be culture, but it's culture they wish to preserve.

Blacks can become wealthy and still be involved in crime. It could be a violent attack on their spouse, dog fights, murders like these rap guys get involved in, and even political like telling the cops two guys in MAGA hats assaulted him for being gay.

It's understandable how some people are violent because that's what it takes to survive. But once out of that kind of environment, there is no reason to continue that violent or criminal behavior. If you have always disliked it, it's something you should easily walk away from if given the chance and never turn back.
People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

Most black people are not like white people with different color skin. They are completely different people in almost every way. They dress differently, talk differently, have different values, have different opinions on politics and authority, different names.

When government decided to force these two groups of people together, it became nothing but a problem. You can't force the lion to live with the hyena. They would have to decide for themselves to live with each other for there to be any peace.

I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

I don't know if it's biological or societal, but blacks have a hard time controlling their anger. They react without a care in the world until they are caught.

Man in general has been more violent in generations past than today. The difference is that as time progressed, whites became more civilized whereas with blacks, they became more uncivilized. So I don't know if Jim Crow had anything to do with that.

You should read Sowell's book. He lays out very clear evidence that it was leftist brainwashing.

I agree with that. But that doesn't explain the violent behavior or criminality by blacks. Yes it could be culture, but it's culture they wish to preserve.

Blacks can become wealthy and still be involved in crime. It could be a violent attack on their spouse, dog fights, murders like these rap guys get involved in, and even political like telling the cops two guys in MAGA hats assaulted him for being gay.

It's understandable how some people are violent because that's what it takes to survive. But once out of that kind of environment, there is no reason to continue that violent or criminal behavior. If you have always disliked it, it's something you should easily walk away from if given the chance and never turn back.

There's one very good reason: because those people have been brainwashed to believe that's "authentic black culture", and to behave in a civilized manner is "acting white".

The ironic thing being that they actually acquired that "authentic black culture" from white people, and black people from other countries tend to look at them like they're nuts.
I think black people are slightly more predisposed to random acts of aggression than whites for the same reason they tend to be better at sports that require a lot of endurance and strength. These biological differences are exacerbated by black culture, gangs and the media filling their heads full of resentment.

I don't think it's a biological difference. I think it's a cultural difference too many black Americans have been brainwashed into.

Once upon a time, poor white people in the South - and before that, in the areas of the UK from which they originated - also behaved that way, and were thought to be "biologically inferior".

"What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they had lived for centuries, but which would prove to be counterproductive in the world to which they were going — and counterproductive to the blacks who would live in their midst for centuries before emerging into freedom and migrating to the great urban centers of the United States, taking with them similar values.

The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." - Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Those white groups learned better, because society at that time demanded that they do so. But because leftists continually make excuses for blacks behaving that way and enable them to continue, far too many in that community never move past it.

I don't know if it's biological or societal, but blacks have a hard time controlling their anger. They react without a care in the world until they are caught.

Man in general has been more violent in generations past than today. The difference is that as time progressed, whites became more civilized whereas with blacks, they became more uncivilized. So I don't know if Jim Crow had anything to do with that.

You should read Sowell's book. He lays out very clear evidence that it was leftist brainwashing.

I agree with that. But that doesn't explain the violent behavior or criminality by blacks. Yes it could be culture, but it's culture they wish to preserve.

Blacks can become wealthy and still be involved in crime. It could be a violent attack on their spouse, dog fights, murders like these rap guys get involved in, and even political like telling the cops two guys in MAGA hats assaulted him for being gay.

It's understandable how some people are violent because that's what it takes to survive. But once out of that kind of environment, there is no reason to continue that violent or criminal behavior. If you have always disliked it, it's something you should easily walk away from if given the chance and never turn back.

There's one very good reason: because those people have been brainwashed to believe that's "authentic black culture", and to behave in a civilized manner is "acting white".

The ironic thing being that they actually acquired that "authentic black culture" from white people, and black people from other countries tend to look at them like they're nuts.

The authentic black culture is self-made. They keep that for themselves. As for acting white, that is promoted by the Democrat party.

I live in the suburbs where some blacks from the inner-city move from. In most of the cases of murder, those blacks that made their way to the burbs end up getting killed back in the ghetto where they came from. There is a solidarity they wish to preserve. Unlike other people that move up in the world, they don't leave anybody behind. They either go back there or try to bring them here.

In the hood, it's referred to as keeping your street cred. It simply means don't turn your back on the people you knew.

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