Why do you personallly hate Christianity?

I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.

The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.

My Mom lasted to 102 and I'm planning on at least that long. I'll visit here every day just to see if the folks have gotten any smarter.
I'm still waiting on you to tell me your version of history where no Muslim state has ever fought a war for anything but purely defensive reasons.

First I never said that or anything close to it. I will say one thing....their asses have been stirred up big time ever since we went over there in the 1930's and took over their oil. The U S has been even more aggressive than the Spaniards were.
Did you realize that Iraq had never had a suicide bombing in that country until after George W. Bush invaded them just because he didn't like Saddam Hussein? Did you realize that after that invasion 2,000,000 Iraqis left all their earthly possessions and fled to Jordan and Syria? What about over 150,000 collateral deaths? What about 200,000 ordinary Iraqi citizens seriously injured. According to George W. Bush and his sidekick Prick Cheney we were welcomed as liberators. HORSE SHIT!!!

George W. Bush should be forced to stay over there till he finds some WMD's.
With none of this having to do with the Crusades, their causes, or Christianity...
The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.

My Mom lasted to 102 and I'm planning on at least that long. I'll visit here every day just to see if the folks have gotten any smarter.
I'm still waiting on you to tell me your version of history where no Muslim state has ever fought a war for anything but purely defensive reasons.

First I never said that or anything close to it. I will say one thing....their asses have been stirred up big time ever since we went over there in the 1930's and took over their oil. The U S has been even more aggressive than the Spaniards were.
Did you realize that Iraq had never had a suicide bombing in that country until after George W. Bush invaded them just because he didn't like Saddam Hussein? Did you realize that after that invasion 2,000,000 Iraqis left all their earthly possessions and fled to Jordan and Syria? What about over 150,000 collateral deaths? What about 200,000 ordinary Iraqi citizens seriously injured. According to George W. Bush and his sidekick Prick Cheney we were welcomed as liberators. HORSE SHIT!!!

George W. Bush should be forced to stay over there till he finds some WMD's.
With none of this having to do with the Crusades, their causes, or Christianity...
In Your Dreams. George Bush said he prayed for weeks and God told him to invade Iraq. If that's not a holy war I'll kiss your ass in times square and give you 30 minutes to draw a crowd.
Don't you ever Google anything?
Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.
Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.
That wasn't the question, you moron.

The question was "why do you hate Christianity".

And no, you can't talk about Christianity. Not with any authority, that is. You tried that before, and failed miserably. I believe you were convinced that Noah parted the Red Sea, or some such nonsense.
Oh wait, you thought Noah's wife turned to salt and he knocked up his daughters.

Ah, memories.
Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

The trouble with "God saves Christians only" is that who among us cannot look at the world around us, a world that may, for many of us, hold some wonderful, loving people who are of another faith, or no faith at all. The first thing that came to my mind even as a child was, "If God can't love that person, what chance do I have that He would be able to love me even if I am a Christian?"

My unforgettable experience of God is that His love for me sings of His love for everyone. Anyone who has experience the love of God cannot doubt His love for all. Love is who He Is.

That is why I believe it is Christianity's greatest mistake to threaten or use fear of God on anyone. Our commission is assure the world of God's love, nothing less, nothing more. Love transcends. Fear and threats ultimately fail.
Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.
Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.

My Mom lasted to 102 and I'm planning on at least that long. I'll visit here every day just to see if the folks have gotten any smarter.
I'm still waiting on you to tell me your version of history where no Muslim state has ever fought a war for anything but purely defensive reasons.

First I never said that or anything close to it. I will say one thing....their asses have been stirred up big time ever since we went over there in the 1930's and took over their oil. The U S has been even more aggressive than the Spaniards were.
Did you realize that Iraq had never had a suicide bombing in that country until after George W. Bush invaded them just because he didn't like Saddam Hussein? Did you realize that after that invasion 2,000,000 Iraqis left all their earthly possessions and fled to Jordan and Syria? What about over 150,000 collateral deaths? What about 200,000 ordinary Iraqi citizens seriously injured. According to George W. Bush and his sidekick Prick Cheney we were welcomed as liberators. HORSE SHIT!!!

George W. Bush should be forced to stay over there till he finds some WMD's.
With none of this having to do with the Crusades, their causes, or Christianity...
In Your Dreams. George Bush said he prayed for weeks and God told him to invade Iraq. If that's not a holy war I'll kiss your ass in times square and give you 30 minutes to draw a crowd.
Don't you ever Google anything?

George W. Bush was under heavy critics from all big christian confessions. Only the english state church - the anglican church - found a way to justify what's not justifyable. Shameful for them. A so called "preemptive strike" = "a first strike" is not compatible with the christian religion. There was never any doubt about this. George W. Bush was as far as I can see never in his life a messenger of the christian religion. I don't know why everyone seem to think if someone is using the word "god" this has automatically something to do with the christian religion. I heard George W. Bush knew immediatelly after 9/11 that he was able to misuse this drama to attack the Iraq and so he misused also the christian religion to motivate the american people to do nonsense in the name of god. Now it seems lots of people are also doing nonsense in the name god in this area. 9/11 was by the way nonsense in the name of god too. Everything what this terrorists say shows only how far they are from god while they are misusing his name. In the moment lots of people seem to work on a broad way to world war.

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Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.

The Muslims were not a bunch of camel and goat herders you idiot. They were a developed society right up there with the Byzantines and the Roman Empire. They were far more technologically advanced than Alexander the Great and he conquered much of the known world at the time. The Muslims were a war machine and they were very aggressive in their attempts at conquest.
What a crock of shit. They were nor, and still are not, technologically advanced. What they claimed as a culture they stole at the tip if a sword. They conquered more advanced cultures, claimed their best ideas, and ultimately destroyed those societies and discarded the best of what those societies developed.

The Muslims were for sure better in medicine and the buildings were much more impressing - but the hospitals of the crusaders were also open for wounded enemies. The orient of the Muslims - were also lots of Christians lived - was in general seen as a very modern and fantastic world. We are still today using the so called "arabic numbers" (indeed this numbers are from India) because they were better in doing calculations. And the crusaders got - or stole - a lot of books from the Muslims. With all their knowledge - specially of the ancient greek culture - the modern enlightened world is not thinkable. Aristotle became "the philosopher" of the christian world and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) "the commentator". The systematics of our science today is still a result of the work of Aristotle - and the scholasticism of the middle ages.

The marvelous world of the Muslims, when it was still marvelous, was in fact largely Christian. Muslims conquered and destroyed civilizations and all that knowledge that idiots like BP like to attribute to them, didn't originate from Islam AT ALL.

And the stupid quip about the Soanish Armada, lololol. I take it BP was up late watching old Leonard Nimoy specials and now views himself as educated on the topic.

Btw...it's nit "wild hate" up the ass unless one's a faggot. It's"wild HAIR".

My phone auto correct made a total mess of that. Bastard phone.
Yeah, yeah, we know, "I don't hate Christianity, I just hate Christians". Heard it. We've also heard all of the rape analogies. I'm not looking for the rationalization you heard Dawkins or whoever use once when you were a teenager. I'm looking for your own personal reasons.

As a bonus question for our liberal friends, why do you not apply this reasoning to other faiths? One practical example of what I'm talking about would be if your reason involves the Crusades against the Islamic conquest of the Near East without holding Islam accountable for the never ending religious genocides of the Middle East and Asia, or holding Judaism the terrorist campaign Jewish fanatics are currently waging in Palestine.

Why do you personally hate Christianity?
Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.

What makes you higher if others are down?

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Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.

What makes you higher if others are down?

Poor Johnny.....sang flat all his life and his fans didn't even realize it. Not a musician in the bunch. Would you like to hear a real voice:

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Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.

What makes you higher if others are down?

Poor Johnny.....sang flat all his life and his fans didn't even realize it. Not a musician in the bunch. Would you like to hear a real voice:

I'm not able to hear this song in Germany. A problem with the german copyright laws I guess. But "I did it my way" was Frank Sinatra, if I remember well. Also a great artist. I remember in this context a german artist too, who loved this song very much - an actor and comedian - Harald Juhnke was his name. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to enjoy him because you would need a fine feeling for the german language in this case. Why you don't have a good feeling for the music and the voice and timing of Johnny Cash I don't understand. Strange.

"The king lives."
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Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.

What makes you higher if others are down?

Poor Johnny.....sang flat all his life and his fans didn't even realize it. Not a musician in the bunch. Would you like to hear a real voice:

I'm not able to hear this song in Germany. A problem with the german copyright laws I guess. But "I did it my way" was Frank Sinatra, if I remember well. Also a great artist. I remember in this context a german artist too, who loved this song very much - an actor and comedian - Harald Juhnke was his name. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to enjoy him because you would need a fine feeling for the german language in this case. Why you don't have a good feeling for the music and the voice and timing of Johnny Cash I don't understand. Strange.

"The king lives."

Frank sang it but did not write it. Paul Anka discovered the song while visiting France and re-wrote the lyrics. Elvis definitely sang it too.

Anyway that kind of singing is so far out of Johnny Cash's league that there's absolutely no comparison.
Back to the subject of the thread.............why do people hate Christians?

I think that Ghandi said it best when he stated "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ".

Shoving your dogma down my throat isn't the way to carry on a conversation. If you want to talk religion, I can do that, and I can do it respecting your belief system, but you also have to respect mine.

Each of us views God through the lens of our experiences and perceptions, and each of us have a slightly different view than the rest.

I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.

What makes you higher if others are down?

Poor Johnny.....sang flat all his life and his fans didn't even realize it. Not a musician in the bunch. Would you like to hear a real voice:

I'm not able to hear this song in Germany. A problem with the german copyright laws I guess. But "I did it my way" was Frank Sinatra, if I remember well. Also a great artist. I remember in this context a german artist too, who loved this song very much - an actor and comedian - Harald Juhnke was his name. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to enjoy him because you would need a fine feeling for the german language in this case. Why you don't have a good feeling for the music and the voice and timing of Johnny Cash I don't understand. Strange.

"The king lives."

Frank sang it but did not write it. Paul Anka discovered the song while visiting France and re-wrote the lyrics. Elvis definitely sang it too.

Anyway that kind of singing is so far out of Johnny Cash's league that there's absolutely no comparison.

"I did it my way" was born as a french chanson - wonderful. Now the text makes a better sense for me. Still I don't know why you like to have a problem with Johnny Cash because Elvis sang "I did it my way" too. I guess this could have to do something with anglo-american stereotypes. Would you call Elvis a "black" singer and Johnny Cash a "white" singer?

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I've never met a practicing Christian in my life that didn't believe they could talk to god and get results. In fact they should be in the nearest mental institution.

What makes you higher if others are down?

Poor Johnny.....sang flat all his life and his fans didn't even realize it. Not a musician in the bunch. Would you like to hear a real voice:

I'm not able to hear this song in Germany. A problem with the german copyright laws I guess. But "I did it my way" was Frank Sinatra, if I remember well. Also a great artist. I remember in this context a german artist too, who loved this song very much - an actor and comedian - Harald Juhnke was his name. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to enjoy him because you would need a fine feeling for the german language in this case. Why you don't have a good feeling for the music and the voice and timing of Johnny Cash I don't understand. Strange.

"The king lives."

Frank sang it but did not write it. Paul Anka discovered the song while visiting France and re-wrote the lyrics. Elvis definitely sang it too.

Anyway that kind of singing is so far out of Johnny Cash's league that there's absolutely no comparison.

"I did it my way" was born as a french chanson - wonderful. Now teh text makes a better sense for me. Still I don't know why you like to have a problem with Johnny Cash be3caeu Elvis Pressly sang "I did it my way". I guess this coud have to do something with anglo-american stereotypes. Would you call Elvis a "black" singer and Johnny Cash a "white" singer?

"Anglo-American" culture is black as well as white. The American ethnic group is a synthesis of both.

"Anglo-American" culture is black as well as white. The American ethnic group is a synthesis of both.

USA and "synthesis" are in my view to the world completly different things. The USA is a polarizing nation with an interesting system of a kind of 'moral of injustice'. The main doctrine of the politics of the USA is "right or wrong - my country".

Rammstein - Mein Land (Official Making Of)

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"Anglo-American" culture is black as well as white. The American ethnic group is a synthesis of both.

USA and "synthesis" are in my view to the world completly different things. The USA is a polarizing nation with an interesting system of a kind of 'moral of injustice'. The main doctrine of the politics of the USA is "right or wrong - my country".

Rammstein - Mein Land (Official Making Of)

This is true on the surface. We can be hard to understand even for ourselves, which makes sense if you consider what we are: a fusion of the world's cultures and peoples. Most of us have no idea that we're a distinct ethnic group like Germans or the English at this point. Much of that comes down to the fact that we still come in several skin tones.

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