Why do you personallly hate Christianity?

Why do conservatives think always in us vs them terms. 'Hate or love', black and white, good and evil. The world does not work like that.

I don't hate anyone unless they've decided that they have the right to oppress or kill other human beings. And most people view the world through their own religion as if it were the absolute truth and all others are fake. Well there are about 4,000 religions on Earth today and you think 3999 are fake. I think 4000 are fake. You just believe in one more than I do.

Religion, or belief in 'gods', was developed by the human race over the last 10,000 years as a way to cope with a physical world that was always trying to kill them. Floods, fire, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, drought, locusts, disease, bad crop years. Human beings thousands of years ago suffered greatly at the hands of the natural world and they assigned 'gods', or beings LIKE themselves but much more powerful, that controlled these various things. Thus to gain some control (rather perceived control) over the natural world you assign a god to something, like lightning, or fire, or the corn, and then you actively do things that will appease this god. Thus you attempt to vicariously control nature and all the things that are trying to kill you and your tribe. All modern religions are simply the most recent expression of this concept. People 'pray' to modern gods to heal them, get them a raise or a job, smite thy enemies, attract a certain mate...there is nothing new under the sun. It is a mental attempt to wield control over things that you don't have control of.

Athiest simply accept reality as it is. There are things that harm and kill you, always were and always will be. There is no proof any of the 40,000 or so gods in human history has been real, current versions are no exception. Belief isn't fact, it is based on perceived fact. HUGE difference. A cop knocks on your door and tells you your 24 year old daughter just died in a car wreck and you are devastated beyond consolation. But the cop gets a call and they find out your daughter is alive and well. The belief that she was dead evoked EXACTLY the same mental and physical reaction as if she were, even though she was fine.

That is why belief is so unreliable. It SEEMS so utterly real, but in many cases it is entirely false.

Athiests and agnostics rely on evidence.


Well said.
I don't hate Christians, they're not enough of an influence over my life to matter very much.

However..................I really don't like the way they try to tell me that their belief system is the only right one.

God is too big to be contained by just one dogma or religion.

If God is, I'll bet anyone a dollar that She's way bigger than ALL the ancient stories put together, let alone the most popular two or three.


I can no longer under understand why anyone would choose to believe in a god and then choose to limit their God to some ancient Arab stories.

Baby steps! :thup:
Hate's a strong word. I don't hate Christians (or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Shintoists or anyone one else). I just don't believe in their mythologies and think it's sad that so many of them simply dismiss science out of hand because of childhood indoctrination and tradition.

That said, I have no use whatsoever for anyone who demands laws others must live by because of their interpretation of Bronze Age creation myths, or those who use those texts to justify bigotry and hate, and certainly no use for anyone who would kill and maim and terrorize someone else based entirely on which make-believe pixie is the right one to follow.

Why is it better for you to believe in the myths (=¿world of imaginations?) of antispiritual people (=atheists) instead to believe in the words of spiritual people (="theists")?

Wtf is that video? :laugh:

Counterquestion: Why do you use the word "fuck" in this context? Is this a result of your traumatized and traumatizing life in the english speaking world, where "to be naked" seems to be an unpardonable crime but "to shoot someone down" has always good reasons? Why are you as agressive as a washcloth full of testosterones? The text from Steven_R is full of very strange "mysticisms" for someone who has ears to hear.

Now let me give you an answer. It's the answer of a unicorn:

"Immer strebe zum Ganzen und, kannst du selber kein Ganzes
werden, als dienendes Glied schließ an ein Ganzes dich an!"


Last edited:
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)
Last edited:
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)
I'm not even Christian and that's an ignorant description of what happened. It would totally apply to the crusaders in the Baltic area. The situation in the Middle East was a bit more complex. It was essentially a war of defense against the Jihad and reconquest of Imperial lands. This "Muslim culture" you think it left in ruins remained vibrant as the ultimate victors. The crusaders learned more from the Muslims than the reverse simply because the Europeans knew little the Muslims didn't. The decline of Islamic learning originated in their rejection of their budding science in favor of strict, literalist interpretations of the Qur'an. You can read one of the primary reasons, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, for yourself.
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)
I'm not even Christian and that's an ignorant description of what happened. It would totally apply to the crusaders in the Baltic area. The situation in the Middle East was a bit more complex. It was essentially a war of defense against the Jihad and reconquest of Imperial lands. This "Muslim culture" you think it left in ruins remained vibrant as the ultimate victors. The crusaders learned more from the Muslims than the reverse simply because the Europeans knew little the Muslims didn't. The decline of Islamic learning originated in their rejection of their budding science in favor of strict, literalist interpretations of the Qur'an. You can read one of the primary reasons, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, for yourself.

I just knew you were there and witnessed it first hand.........NOT!!!
Yeah, yeah, we know, "I don't hate Christianity, I just hate Christians". Heard it. We've also heard all of the rape analogies. I'm not looking for the rationalization you heard Dawkins or whoever use once when you were a teenager. I'm looking for your own personal reasons.

As a bonus question for our liberal friends, why do you not apply this reasoning to other faiths? One practical example of what I'm talking about would be if your reason involves the Crusades against the Islamic conquest of the Near East without holding Islam accountable for the never ending religious genocides of the Middle East and Asia, or holding Judaism the terrorist campaign Jewish fanatics are currently waging in Palestine.

Let's say I totally and thoroughly disagree with it...not hate.

The entire holly bibble is a crock of shit written by camel and goat herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands. My standard for reliable sources runs at a little higher threshold than that. My favorite fairy tale is "Jack and the Beanstalk." I've always liked the ogre. I like to hear him roar and he plays a mean harp.

i know you are an old man Campbell but you would think that in that time you would learn some history. The authors of the Bible were not goat herders who were stupid. They were the intellectual elite of their day. The literacy rate back then was anywhere between 3%-7% depending on who you ask and what specific time you are talking about. The only ones who could read and write were the highly educated, wealthy, intellectual class. Everyone else was too busy herding goats to get an education. Neither did they wipe their asses with their hands. They used a sponge (eventually a sponge on a stick that was shared by the community in the public shit house).

You say you know what is a fairy tale and what isn't but you don't even know accurate history to be able to tell the difference.

If God is, I'll bet anyone a dollar that She's way bigger than ALL the ancient stories put together, let alone the most popular two or three.

AH! I see what you did there referring to God in a feminine form. I used to do that too just to shake people's perceptions. But then I realized that in Hebrew God is always referred to as the masculine while the Holy Spirit is referred to as the feminine. Think of it VERY loosely as the yin and yang where the yin is feminine and the yang is masculine. It's vaguely similar with God and the Holy Spirit according to the pronouns and styles of reference in Hebrew where God is the masculine and the Holy Spirit is the feminine. This is why some Gnostics argued that Jesus could not have been conceived by the Holy Spirit as it is impossible for two women to conceive a child.
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.
Last edited:
I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war.
Yeah basically. Islam was a strong unifying force for a nascent and highly expansionist empire. Why do you think Spanish has so many Arabic loanwords? How do you think the Moors took control of almost the entire peninsula, or the Arabs conquered the shit out of the formerly Greek Christian Middle East?

Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!
Are... Are you stupid? The height of military technology at the time amounted to pots of napalm, stone fortresses, and massive catapults.

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.
Nobody is saying that the European nations weren't warlike as well. What we're saying is that the Arabs, Turks, and Berbers weren't innocent of any sort of bloodshed. Those were brutal times and every kingdom either crushed its enemies or stopped existing.
something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!
Read a little history and stop embarrassing yourself: Crusade Propaganda: The abuse of Christianity's holy wars
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.

The Muslims were not a bunch of camel and goat herders you idiot. They were a developed society right up there with the Byzantines and the Roman Empire. They were far more technologically advanced than Alexander the Great and he conquered much of the known world at the time. The Muslims were a war machine and they were very aggressive in their attempts at conquest.
Yeah, yeah, we know, "I don't hate Christianity, I just hate Christians". Heard it. We've also heard all of the rape analogies. I'm not looking for the rationalization you heard Dawkins or whoever use once when you were a teenager. I'm looking for your own personal reasons.

As a bonus question for our liberal friends, why do you not apply this reasoning to other faiths? One practical example of what I'm talking about would be if your reason involves the Crusades against the Islamic conquest of the Near East without holding Islam accountable for the never ending religious genocides of the Middle East and Asia, or holding Judaism the terrorist campaign Jewish fanatics are currently waging in Palestine.
I don't hate Christians nor Christianity; merely, practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy who prefer to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to the teachings of Jesus the Christ.

I look at it this way from a practical, secular, and temporal perspective; even true Sodomites or True Gamorrans make better citizens than False Christians.
If God is, I'll bet anyone a dollar that She's way bigger than ALL the ancient stories put together, let alone the most popular two or three.

AH! I see what you did there referring to God in a feminine form. I used to do that too just to shake people's perceptions. But then I realized that in Hebrew God is always referred to as the masculine while the Holy Spirit is referred to as the feminine. Think of it VERY loosely as the yin and yang where the yin is feminine and the yang is masculine. It's vaguely similar with God and the Holy Spirit according to the pronouns and styles of reference in Hebrew where God is the masculine and the Holy Spirit is the feminine. This is why some Gnostics argued that Jesus could not have been conceived by the Holy Spirit as it is impossible for two women to conceive a child.

I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.

The Muslims were not a bunch of camel and goat herders you idiot. They were a developed society right up there with the Byzantines and the Roman Empire. They were far more technologically advanced than Alexander the Great and he conquered much of the known world at the time. The Muslims were a war machine and they were very aggressive in their attempts at conquest.

Click 'Click to expand...' above and then tell me that religion in general isn't just a tool in the hands of Monkeys.

I double-dog dare ya! ;)
AVG-Observation #128: Monkeys who think that Monkeys are just tools in the hands of Religion are delusional to the point of pity.
Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

Christians had a grand ole time slaughtering each other for hundreds of years not to mention those in places they colonized who were of "heathen" beliefs.

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