Why do you personallly hate Christianity?

"Crusade is another word for the little jihad. It's not directly a christian way. "We" - the Franks - learned this way from Muslims. And like all antispiritual people you are not used to think about what you cannot see. Mekka is for example not a nuclear hell.

Well.....here's basically what youngsters are learning:

"The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem."

That's correct. But what was the inspiration for the completly new idea "crusade"? What changed in history?

You do realize this was a war with a mission don't you?

Mission? I would call it a kind of minimal invasive military operation. The Cruasders cooperated with and against Muslims like Muslims cooperated with each other and/or the crusaders.

You do realize that the invasion of sovereign countries was required don't you?

No - because such things were not existing in those days.

You do realize that war is hell don't you? Death, misery starvation, rape and pillaging accompany every war.....Christian or not.

War is to kill enemies before the enemies kill oneselve. It's by the way fascinating to see that even hundreds of years later lots of people are still fascinated from the knights of the crusades.

LOL...you're hopeless, absolutely hopeless. As my maternal grandmother used to say, "You Would Stand Flat Footed And Argue With A Stop Sign!"

The idea that a massive group of people could see their closest friends and comrades raped, slaughtered and dismembered and not respond in kind is a fairy tale.
Exactly. Nobody is disputing that the wars happened. What's under dispute is why they happened. Who fired the first shot? How did this Christian, Byzantine ruled region suddenly become Islamic and Arab ruled if the Arabs didn't conquer it?

My part of this bullshit verbal interaction is over, ended, completed, finished, extinct, doomed etc.
It's telling that you refuse to consider how it suddenly switched from being part of the Byzantine Empire and to being part of the Islamic Caliphate. That's the weakness in your argument. Even Islamic sources talk about how the Greek rulers were replaced by Arab rulers.
"Crusade is another word for the little jihad. It's not directly a christian way. "We" - the Franks - learned this way from Muslims. And like all antispiritual people you are not used to think about what you cannot see. Mekka is for example not a nuclear hell.

Well.....here's basically what youngsters are learning:

"The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem."

That's correct. But what was the inspiration for the completly new idea "crusade"? What changed in history?

You do realize this was a war with a mission don't you?

Mission? I would call it a kind of minimal invasive military operation. The Cruasders cooperated with and against Muslims like Muslims cooperated with each other and/or the crusaders.

You do realize that the invasion of sovereign countries was required don't you?

No - because such things were not existing in those days.

You do realize that war is hell don't you? Death, misery starvation, rape and pillaging accompany every war.....Christian or not.

War is to kill enemies before the enemies kill oneselve. It's by the way fascinating to see that even hundreds of years later lots of people are still fascinated from the knights of the crusades.

LOL...you're hopeless, absolutely hopeless. As my maternal grandmother used to say, "You Would Stand Flat Footed And Argue With A Stop Sign!"

The idea that a massive group of people could see their closest friends and comrades raped, slaughtered and dismembered and not respond in kind is a fairy tale.
Exactly. Nobody is disputing that the wars happened. What's under dispute is why they happened. Who fired the first shot? How did this Christian, Byzantine ruled region suddenly become Islamic and Arab ruled if the Arabs didn't conquer it?

My part of this bullshit verbal interaction is over, ended, completed, finished, extinct, doomed etc.

Well that's the smartest thing you have said yet and without question your best course of action.
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world.
Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it.
The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god.
Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition.
A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.

The Muslims were not a bunch of camel and goat herders you idiot. They were a developed society right up there with the Byzantines and the Roman Empire. They were far more technologically advanced than Alexander the Great and he conquered much of the known world at the time. The Muslims were a war machine and they were very aggressive in their attempts at conquest.

What a crock of shit. They were nor, and still are not, technologically advanced. What they claimed as a culture they stole at the tip if a sword. They conquered more advanced cultures, claimed their best ideas, and ultimately destroyed those societies and discarded the best of what those societies developed.
nobody hates Christianity; some of us only "hate" Bad girls who claim to be Good girls and have morals, and just happen to be into pegging. it makes some of us want to practice cya, as a fixed, Standard.
nobody hates Christianity; some of us only "hate" Bad girls who claim to be Good girls and have morals, and just happen to be into pegging. it makes some of us want to practice cya, as a fixed, Standard.
What? But we have had people say they hate it here. What do girls who like pegging have to do with anything?
Time to try to learn something about real history. The Seljuks (a turkish tribe) conquered Jerusalem and Mekka and the Normans (a german tribe) conquered England. Then ...

LOL! I thought we were discussing the Crusades and various other miserable activities by the Christians.

Crusade is another word for the little jihad. It's not directly a christian way. "We" - the Franks - learned this way from Muslims. And like all antispiritual people you are not used to think about what you cannot see. Mekka is for example not a nuclear hell.

Well.....here's basically what youngsters are learning:

"The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem."

That's correct. But what was the inspiration for the completly new idea "crusade"? What changed in history?

You do realize this was a war with a mission don't you?

Mission? I would call it a kind of minimal invasive military operation. The Cruasders cooperated with and against Muslims like Muslims cooperated with each other and/or the crusaders.

You do realize that the invasion of sovereign countries was required don't you?

No - because such things were not existing in those days.

You do realize that war is hell don't you? Death, misery starvation, rape and pillaging accompany every war.....Christian or not.

War is to kill enemies before the enemies kill oneselve. It's by the way fascinating to see that even hundreds of years later lots of people are still fascinated from the knights of the crusades.

LOL...you're hopeless, absolutely hopeless.

Hopeless? I? ... Got it what you like to say: You are hopeless! You don't think you are able to convince me from this what you think it is true. Hopefully not if something should be really true what you say. But I don't think you are an expert of the history of the crusades. I think you are an ideological agitator.

As my maternal grandmother

Your mothers mother? Sounds turkish (anne=mother, anneanne=maternal grandmother).

used to say, "You Would Stand Flat Footed And Argue With A Stop Sign!"

I don't know my grandmothers. They preferred to die under Hitler. But not a real aunt of me was somehow my grandma. The only rule she gave to me was: "Do not eat unripe fruits!".

The idea that a massive group of people could see their closest friends and comrades raped, slaughtered and dismembered and not respond in kind is a fairy tale. Like I said, "War Is Hell!"

One of the critics of the Muslims on Christians in those days was it that the Christian knights gave their women to much freedom. And the view of the english speaking world in case of sex is anyway a little confusing for me as a German. German soldiers - as far as I know - never raped women in war. A real man, a real knight, never touches a woman against her will. Why should the Franks (Germans too) rape women in the crusades? Never heard something about. By the way: What did your ancestors do about 900-1000 years ago and what is the result of their deeds today?

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Hate's a strong word. I don't hate Christians (or Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Shintoists or anyone one else). I just don't believe in their mythologies and think it's sad that so many of them simply dismiss science out of hand because of childhood indoctrination and tradition.

That said, I have no use whatsoever for anyone who demands laws others must live by because of their interpretation of Bronze Age creation myths, or those who use those texts to justify bigotry and hate, and certainly no use for anyone who would kill and maim and terrorize someone else based entirely on which make-believe pixie is the right one to follow.
I have no use for people whose own limited understanding of science
99.99999% of all mankind or more?
leads them to believe that their own theories, based in a mishmash if history channel specials and their own disorganized thought processes applied to incomplete and false information they have collected sans scientific method, is somehow superior to the belief systems of others. It's endlessly boring to listen to uneducated, clueless bigots insist they are magically justified in their bigotry because they believe in "science" that they don't understand and can't prove.
Sciene and religion are not in any conflict at all. Every member of every serios religion can be a scientist. The only problem exists if scientists are confusing their belief and their knowledge. Atheism is for example a belief while atheist are often convinced their belief is true knowledge - but atheism is "only" a belief nothing else. Some examples: "God created the heavens and the worlds out of nothing" - is a belief. "The universe has a begin" is knowledge. "A first cause is without cause" is knowledge. "God created a first cause" is belief. "Nothing created the world" is a belief. "God created the world out of nothing" is a belief. "There was nothing before - not even a before - the universe started to exist" is knowledge and so on and so on.

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Yeah, yeah, we know, "I don't hate Christianity, I just hate Christians". Heard it. We've also heard all of the rape analogies. I'm not looking for the rationalization you heard Dawkins or whoever use once when you were a teenager. I'm looking for your own personal reasons.

As a bonus question for our liberal friends, why do you not apply this reasoning to other faiths? One practical example of what I'm talking about would be if your reason involves the Crusades against the Islamic conquest of the Near East without holding Islam accountable for the never ending religious genocides of the Middle East and Asia, or holding Judaism the terrorist campaign Jewish fanatics are currently waging in Palestine.

ahh, so you think that "liberals" hate "christians".


Too funny.
I really enjoyed your ignorant rant Campbell. If you're done foaming at the mouth let's look at some facts.

Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

Crusade Myths | Thomas F. Madden

The Abolitionists - Christian History & Biography - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

The Popes and Slavery by Joel S Panzer

Didn't your teacher ever talk to you about run-on sentences? lol

C.S. Lewis' view is mainstream. He said: "The doors of Hell are locked on the inside."

A few of the many wonderful Christian charitable organizations:


World Vision

About Habitat for Humanity

Catholic Charities USA

I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.

The Muslims were not a bunch of camel and goat herders you idiot. They were a developed society right up there with the Byzantines and the Roman Empire. They were far more technologically advanced than Alexander the Great and he conquered much of the known world at the time. The Muslims were a war machine and they were very aggressive in their attempts at conquest.

What a crock of shit. They were nor, and still are not, technologically advanced. What they claimed as a culture they stole at the tip if a sword. They conquered more advanced cultures, claimed their best ideas, and ultimately destroyed those societies and discarded the best of what those societies developed.

The Muslims were for sure better in medicine and the buildings were much more impressing - but the hospitals of the crusaders were also open for wounded enemies. The orient of the Muslims - were also lots of Christians lived - was in general seen as a very modern and fantastic world. We are still today using the so called "arabic numbers" (indeed this numbers are from India) because they were better in doing calculations. And the crusaders got - or stole - a lot of books from the Muslims. With all their knowledge - specially of the ancient greek culture - the modern enlightened world is not thinkable. Aristotle became "the philosopher" of the christian world and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) "the commentator". The systematics of our science today is still a result of the work of Aristotle - and the scholasticism of the middle ages.

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Well.....here's basically what youngsters are learning:

"The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem."

You do realize this was a war with a mission don't you? You do realize that the invasion of sovereign countries was required don't you? You do realize that war is hell don't you? Death, misery starvation, rape and pillaging accompany every war.....Christian or not.
You might want to reread that. Why did that access need to be restored? Why were the Christian, Byzantine lands of the Middle East suddenly neither? Maybe it was because a budding non-Christian empire hostile to Byzantine power had recently swept out of Arabia and took them over?

I honestly believe you are dog shit crazy as a betsy bug!
I'm talking about the Crusades. Any Junior High School student knows about hundreds of thousands of Christians under the banner of Christianity traveling from Europe to the middle east and slaughtering innocent women and children simply because they didn't believe in the same invisible man in the sky. Let's take a close look at the history of the Crusades:
The Crusades was a series of holy wars against Islam led by the Catholic church and fought by religious fanatics. It was the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic and Western civilization. The Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the Middle East and then deformed the Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. Move from the middle ages into the 1930's and focus on a slough of oil company employees setting up compounds in the middle east because the age of automobiles was birthing and gasoline is what we needed:

(Reference to the price of a barrel of oil has gone by the wayside...thank goodness)

Again you need to learn some fucking history before you start popping off about things you don't know about. No one knows who started hostilities in the Crusades. The Byzantines, Muslims and Western Europeans had been fighting for decades. At one point before the Crusades the Muslims had pushed into modern day Spain and were killing Christians who refused to convert to Islam. The Muslims were hammering the shit out of the Byzantine's southern border.

This idea that Christians got a wild hare up their asses and went slaughtering innocent, peaceful Muslims who never did anyone any harm is a total crock of shit. The Muslims were just as aggressive and just as bad with the indiscriminate slaughter.

You are retired I assume. You have a lot of time on your hands....enroll in some history classes at your local college and get the education you clearly missed in your youth.

I'm 81 years old and congratulations.......that's the biggest conglomeration of bullshit about something which happened 10 centuries ago I've ever heard or dreamed about. I believe that's what they call a whopper. Now you're trying to convince me that a bunch of goat and camel herders traveled to Spain and started a war. Were they armed with nuclear weapons? Did they have an air force? LOL!

If you would like to learn a little something about aggressive countries read about the Spanish Armada. I realize it was five centuries later but it appears to me they had not toned down their warlike activities.

The Muslims were not a bunch of camel and goat herders you idiot. They were a developed society right up there with the Byzantines and the Roman Empire. They were far more technologically advanced than Alexander the Great and he conquered much of the known world at the time. The Muslims were a war machine and they were very aggressive in their attempts at conquest.

What a crock of shit. They were nor, and still are not, technologically advanced. What they claimed as a culture they stole at the tip if a sword. They conquered more advanced cultures, claimed their best ideas, and ultimately destroyed those societies and discarded the best of what those societies developed.

The Muslims were for sure better in medicine and the buildings were much more impressing - but the hospitals of the crusaders were also open for wounded enemies. The orient of the Muslims - were also lots of Christians lived - was in general seen as a very modern and fantastic world. We are still today using the so called "arabic numbers" (indeed this numbers are from India) because they were better in doing calculations. And the crusaders got - or stole - a lot of books from the Muslims. With all their knowledge - specially of the ancient greek culture - the modern enlightened world is not thinkable. Aristotle became "the philosopher" of the christian world and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) "the commentator". The systematics of our science today is still a result of the work of Aristotle - and the scholasticism of the middle ages.

The marvelous world of the Muslims, when it was still marvelous, was in fact largely Christian. Muslims conquered and destroyed civilizations and all that knowledge that idiots like BP like to attribute to them, didn't originate from Islam AT ALL.

And the stupid quip about the Soanish Armada, lololol. I take it BP was up late watching old Leonard Nimoy specials and now views himself as educated on the topic.

Btw...it's nit "wild hate" up the ass unless one's a faggot. It's"wild HAIR".
I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.
I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.

The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Well.....here's basically what youngsters are learning:

"The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem."

You do realize this was a war with a mission don't you? You do realize that the invasion of sovereign countries was required don't you? You do realize that war is hell don't you? Death, misery starvation, rape and pillaging accompany every war.....Christian or not.
You might want to reread that. Why did that access need to be restored? Why were the Christian, Byzantine lands of the Middle East suddenly neither? Maybe it was because a budding non-Christian empire hostile to Byzantine power had recently swept out of Arabia and took them over?

I honestly believe you are dog shit crazy as a betsy bug!
Please give your own version for these events:
How did the previously Greek-ruled Christian Middle East become the Arab-ruled Muslim Middle East?
Why did the Byzantine emperor plead with the Western powers for military support against the massive Arab army overrunning his legions?
Why was the disastrous First Crusade launched to retake Jerusalem?
Why did the Balkans, Sicily, a large chunk of Spain, and other Christian areas suddenly become territories of the Caliph?
Why was the reconquest of Spain a reconquest?
Why is Mehmed the Conquer famous?
How did Constantinople become Istanbul?
The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

While the Bible is not false, context and author's intent is indeed important. In modern times, paying attention to Biblical scholarship is also a necessity. For example, the passage in Mark was a later addition, and many believe it was added to underscore Paul's run-in with a snake where he was not injured by it.

Scholars point out that there are many people who believe that a bite by any snake is deadly. Second, there are very few snakes that will bite and then tenaciously hang on, which is what Luke describes happened to Paul. There is a non-poisonous snake of Malta that does bite and hang on.

Further, the passage in Mark was never meant for Christians to use to use as showmanship. Quite simply, yes, there were times Christians spreading the Gospel came into contact with snakes and poison, but there were no effects.

In today's use of the Scientific Method, we could probably test that "Christianity" is not the variable (or the only variable) where poison or snake bite prevents the expected reaction. In the case of poison, sometimes other dietary intake will mitigate reactions.

The long and short of it is that Jesus' message did not concern snakes and poison. Jesus asked that people turn from sin and do the will of God.
I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.

The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.
I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.

The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.

My Mom lasted to 102 and I'm planning on at least that long. I'll visit here every day just to see if the folks have gotten any smarter.
I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.

The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.

My Mom lasted to 102 and I'm planning on at least that long. I'll visit here every day just to see if the folks have gotten any smarter.
I'm still waiting on you to tell me your version of history where no Muslim state has ever fought a war for anything but purely defensive reasons.
I hate what some denominations have done to Christianity, i.e., the "tough love" approach of "Unless you believe in Christ you are doomed to hell."

In the beginning, Christianity was a religion open and welcoming to everyone. Essentially the message was, "God sees you as good and worthy. He loves you, He understands the problems you face. The trick is to turn from sin--it enslaves--and, ironically, it is obedience, goodness, and love that frees. The sins one turns away from are forgiven them. God is not only waiting to welcome sinners home, He even goes in search of those who are lost."

In using fear, instead of an assurance of love, Christians are shooting themselves in the foot. Jesus' message was not for us to win people to God and His ways through fear, but that God's love and God's way will bring a joy and fulfillment to this life that may otherwise be missing.

The bible is bullshit and the people who believe it's the truth really need to step back and get a hold of their good sense...if they actually have any. Either that or start handling copperheads or rattlers:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Good grief, are you back? We didn't see you for a while, I just assumed you had died or been committed.

My Mom lasted to 102 and I'm planning on at least that long. I'll visit here every day just to see if the folks have gotten any smarter.
I'm still waiting on you to tell me your version of history where no Muslim state has ever fought a war for anything but purely defensive reasons.

First I never said that or anything close to it. I will say one thing....their asses have been stirred up big time ever since we went over there in the 1930's and took over their oil. The U S has been even more aggressive than the Spaniards were.
Did you realize that Iraq had never had a suicide bombing in that country until after George W. Bush invaded them just because he didn't like Saddam Hussein? Did you realize that after that invasion 2,000,000 Iraqis left all their earthly possessions and fled to Jordan and Syria? What about over 150,000 collateral deaths? What about 200,000 ordinary Iraqi citizens seriously injured. According to George W. Bush and his sidekick Prick Cheney we were welcomed as liberators. HORSE SHIT!!!

George W. Bush should be sent there and forced to stay till he finds some WMD's.
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