Why do you think this NY Times Op-Ed was written?

I think the reason you’re not understanding our POV here is bc you think the author is being completely truthful. You think whoever wrote this would not have possibly written it if any of the content was a lie and that’s not how we see it.

I think the actions of the Trump and his admin lead to the conclusion that it is accurate. Why talk of having the DOJ find out who the insider is if there really is not one?
and where do we hear about this actions of the admin?

from the media?

who is trump at war with?

the media.

it would seem a selective use of a source we know isn't going to tell the truth to suddenly find morality and get it right THIS TIME.

I did not hear about them, I heard them straight from the people in the admin themselves. I cannot help if you rely totally on the media to tell you what people said, but you might try just reading their own words instead.

Just a thought.
just a thought - i don't know too many people in the admin. i never get up to DC much. :)

Oddly enough people in the admin make public statements and publish them to their official website.
link a brother up!
I think the actions of the Trump and his admin lead to the conclusion that it is accurate. Why talk of having the DOJ find out who the insider is if there really is not one?
and where do we hear about this actions of the admin?

from the media?

who is trump at war with?

the media.

it would seem a selective use of a source we know isn't going to tell the truth to suddenly find morality and get it right THIS TIME.

I did not hear about them, I heard them straight from the people in the admin themselves. I cannot help if you rely totally on the media to tell you what people said, but you might try just reading their own words instead.

Just a thought.
just a thought - i don't know too many people in the admin. i never get up to DC much. :)

Oddly enough people in the admin make public statements and publish them to their official website.
link a brother up!

Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) | Twitter
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

It was written by three people, one of whom is John F. Kelly.

bookmark this page and when it comes out, you can ask me how I knew and I might tell you...
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

It was written by three people, one of whom is John F. Kelly.

bookmark this page and when it comes out, you can ask me how I knew and I might tell you...
Hmm, no, you can just tell us now.
and where do we hear about this actions of the admin?

from the media?

who is trump at war with?

the media.

it would seem a selective use of a source we know isn't going to tell the truth to suddenly find morality and get it right THIS TIME.

I did not hear about them, I heard them straight from the people in the admin themselves. I cannot help if you rely totally on the media to tell you what people said, but you might try just reading their own words instead.

Just a thought.
just a thought - i don't know too many people in the admin. i never get up to DC much. :)

Oddly enough people in the admin make public statements and publish them to their official website.
link a brother up!

Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) | Twitter
could you point out the specific tweet where pence dogs on trump and the admin?
The partisans here are engaging in wish fulfillment. Fantasies of a Pence coup that not only have no basis in reality but are actually at odds with reality.

What does Pence think of Trump? And the liberal media?

And to all you Pence supporters be patient. You will get your chance to vote for him in 2024 :)
"...Trump is a Crazy Nazi who throws children into concentration Camps." Really now...who's crazy?

Well, Trump, obviously. We still have a few thousand kids who we haven't gotten back to their parents yet.

Uh-huh... and where’s the proof they’re in concentration camps or did the same press who obsesses over Trump day after day somehow miss this moral catastrophe? I want pictures of these camps and pictures of emaciated/diseased bodies—piles and piles of them. Bonus points if you can find a pyre of bodies and undeniable proof Trump is orchestrating the ethnic cleansing of millions.

Thanks in advance!

Expect a handful of recycled photos from when Obama did the same things.

There were no concentration camps under Obama and therefore they couldn’t supply photos of the horrors that went on there... just like they can’t supply photos of what’s going on at them now BC THEY DON’T EXIST!
The partisans here are engaging in wish fulfillment. Fantasies of a Pence coup that not only have no basis in reality but are actually at odds with reality.

What does Pence think of Trump? And the liberal media?

Sorry, not reliable. Pence would say turds are delicious, if he thought it furthered his own ambitions and what he perceives to be the will of baby jebus. After all, that's why he says nice things about president pussy in the first place.
I did not hear about them, I heard them straight from the people in the admin themselves. I cannot help if you rely totally on the media to tell you what people said, but you might try just reading their own words instead.

Just a thought.
just a thought - i don't know too many people in the admin. i never get up to DC much. :)

Oddly enough people in the admin make public statements and publish them to their official website.
link a brother up!

Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) | Twitter
could you point out the specific tweet where pence dogs on trump and the admin?

Had I ever said that Pence doged on trump and the admin I would have been happy to. What he does is declare his innocence from writing the NY Times Op-Ed...but never disputes what is in it
Hey, I "disappoint" wingers on both ends every day here. I've just found a way to come to terms with the hideous disgrace of it all.

Now if you can come to terms with your pomposity and your lack of reasoning skills, we'd be making progress.+

Oh, yeah, your Islamophobia, too. Because that kind of bigotry is really ugly.
But they know if the basic content is accurate or not. If the piece was total BS and did not match reality, then the logical thing to do is say so, not claim you did not write it.

your devotion to Trump keeps you from using logic
there's more than 1 flow to logic as it is also derived from our own experiences. to pin it to 1 way or you're wrong seems rather convenient.

If you claim you did not write it, then that does not address the content at all.

If you claim it is untrue, that addresses both the content and the fact that you did not write it.

Which is the more logical way to go if the content is untrue?

I think the reason you’re not understanding our POV here is bc you think the author is being completely truthful. You think whoever wrote this would not have possibly written it if any of the content was a lie and that’s not how we see it.

I think the actions of the Trump and his admin lead to the conclusion that it is accurate. Why talk of having the DOJ find out who the insider is if there really is not one?
and where do we hear about this actions of the admin?

from the media?

who is trump at war with?

the media.

it would seem a selective use of a source we know isn't going to tell the truth to suddenly find morality and get it right THIS TIME.
and where do we hear about this actions of the admin?

from the media?

More accurately, media sources from within the admin.

Where else would this information come from?
Hey, I "disappoint" wingers on both ends every day here. I've just found a way to come to terms with the hideous disgrace of it all.

Now if you can come to terms with your pomposity and your lack of reasoning skills, we'd be making progress.+

Oh, yeah, your Islamophobia, too. Because that kind of bigotry is really ugly.

I will extend that ugly bigotry is that of anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically.

Condy Rice is bad, but Maxine Waters is good? Really?
I will extend that ugly bigotry is that of anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically.

Condy Rice is bad, but Maxine Waters is good? Really?

Did Maxine Waters instigate a war that killed 6000 Americans and a half million Iraqis over weapons that didn't exist?

No. She didn't.

Condi Rice totally did that.
I will extend that ugly bigotry is that of anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically.

Condy Rice is bad, but Maxine Waters is good? Really?

Did Maxine Waters instigate a war that killed 6000 Americans and a half million Iraqis over weapons that didn't exist?

No. She didn't.

Condi Rice totally did that.

You are a racist and misogynist for criticizing Condy.

Hillary sees your war that Condy apparently unilaterally started and she raises you the current shit show in Libya.
You are a racist and misogynist for criticizing Condy.

Hillary sees your war that Condy apparently unilaterally started and she raises you the current shit show in Libya.

And I think the War in Libya was wrong, too. But we weren't comparing Hillary and Condi. We were comparing Condi and Maxine.

Nice way to move the goal posts.

Should point out that LIbya was going to happen whether we got involved or not. Saddam would still be in power if we hadn't intervened.
So they want Pence to serve less than 2 years as president before Democrats easily win over a completely fractured Republican Party in 2020? Sure.
Pence is the point man for the evangelicals. Two years is more than enough time for them to tilt this government into a theocracy under their control.
Two more years of this and we might end up under Sharia Law like London is.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

The mainstream media hates Rs and conservatism. It really is that simple. There is no journalism or truth in the mainstream. Its just a continuous conveyor belt of lies against the opposition. They were off on vacation for 8 years when O was committing atrocities. Now, they show up with much consternation and hand wringing? Lol. I dont think so.
We Are Being Played
The op-ed says essentially nothing, other than to tell readers to relax and trust in anonymous administration insiders who are working against the bad guys on behalf of the people (which is interestingly the exact same message of the right-wing 8chan conspiracy phenomenon QAnon, just with the white hats and black hats reversed). Why would any senior official risk everything to publish something so utterly pointless? Why risk getting fired (or risk losing all political currency in the party if NYTAnon is Mike Pence, as has been theorized) just to communicate something to the public that doesn’t change or accomplish anything? Why publicly announce your undercover conspiracy to undermine the president in a major news outlet at all?

What are the results of this viral op-ed everyone’s talking about? So far it’s a bunch of Democratic partisans making a lot of excited whooping noises, and Trump loyalists feeling completely vindicated in the belief that all of their conspiracy theories have been proven correct. Many rank-and-file Trump haters are feeling a little more relaxed and complacent knowing that there are a bunch of McCain-loving “adults in the room” taking care of everything, and many rank-and-file Trump supporters are more convinced than ever that Donald Trump is a brave populist hero leading a covert 4-D chess insurgency against the Deep State. In other words, everyone’s been herded into their respective partisan stables and trusting the narratives that they are being fed there.
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